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The Mullvad Browser

Mullvad VPN and the Tor Project have collaborated to create the Mullvad Browser to counter mass surveillance; Skeptics raise concerns about using Mullvad VPN for bypassing geo-blocking; A Firefox fork called Tor browser with Mullvad VPN support is available; Mullvad is praised for its commitment to open source and seamless pay-per-use model; The Mullvad Browser features technology that combat fingerprinting; the goal is to protect against online tracking and data collection; Mullvad has released the privacy-focused browser for free to fight fingerprinting; Mullvad's VPN can bypass websites that block VPNs; The Mullvad Browser is designed for use with or without the Tor Network. Discussion Service, Article.

Unknown Pleasures, a tiny web experiment with WebGL

'Unknown Pleasures', a WebGL-based web experiment that visualizes audio data, has generated buzz on Hacker News. The project, inspired by Joy Division's album cover, took the creator around 10 days to develop. There is discussion surrounding song choices and the JS ecosystem, and the creator is considering capturing the development process in a video. The Tech Times has reported on a video tutorial on shader-based animation in webGL by IQ, sparking a discussion on webGL learning resources. Users praised the artistry and complexity of the video while discussing difficulties with text alignment in web browsers. Additionally, there are comments about the appropriateness of the title "Unknown Pleasures" for a work laptop. A web developer has created an interactive Javascript demo called "Unknown Pleasures," using WebGL, three.js, and WebGPU, with hopes of easy integration into sophisticated work, despite reports of difficulty opening in some browsers. Discussion Service, Article.

Saying Goodbye to GitHub

A software developer reflects on leaving GitHub over its handling of AI training on code and Copilot monetization, spurring debates on open source enforcement, ethics, compensation, legal reform, and OSS licenses. GitHub's ToS must protect users' IP rights when uploading code, and Copilot mainly uses agreed-upon user code. The situation highlights prevalent copyright issues, especially with transformative use for machines. The generated code by a model falls under GPL, and writing something else later isn't considered copying, nor does it require opening source code. Discussion Service, Article.

Tesla removes parking sensors, the results are predictably terrible

Tesla has replaced the front and rear parking sensors in the Model 3 and Model Y with cameras. Critics argue that relying solely on computer vision without sensor fusion is risky in critical safety systems. Concerns have been raised that Tesla's all-in approach may create more problems than it solves. Hacker News users discuss the usability and features of electric cars, including specific models and potential benefits. Despite cost-cutting measures, Tesla remains the leader in global EV sales due to its superior driving experience and innovative SuperCharger network. Discussion Service, Article.

Midjourney CEO Silencing Satire About Xi Jinping

Midjourney, an AI image generator, is excluding China's president, Xi Jinping, from political satire in its platform, potentially to retain access to users in China, raising concerns over global censorship rule enforcement. Critics accuse Midjourney of acquiescing to China's authoritarian regime in blocking ridiculing prompts and silencing satire about Xi Jinping, despite its "Create anything" tagline. Other comments argue that it's a hard choice to operate within the law of the countries and respecting their regulations, and that AI could exacerbate political disputes and limit free speech. The controversy underscores the need for fully open-source tools that allow creative expression and are not beholden to the demands of governments or corporations. Discussion Service, Article.

Apple halted M2 chip production in January amid 'plummeting' Mac sales

Apple has reportedly halted production of its M2 chip due to plummeting MacBook sales, leading to a decline in global production. Despite a 5% YoY revenue decline in Q1 2023, Apple's CEO believes that the company is well-positioned with Apple silicon. General Motors plans to phase out Apple CarPlay and Android Auto in its vehicles, shifting to a built-in infotainment system co-developed with Google. The discussion on measuring xenophobia leads to debates on diversity, racism, and the effects of migration. Points made include the possibility of raising living standards at the source of migration, which lacks political will, and Biden's policy on addressing the root causes of migration in Central America. Healthcare in the US is compared to other countries, with some noting issues with access and bureaucracy, while others believe that implementing policies like affordable housing, free education, and healthcare could increase birth rates. A user experiences extreme lagginess when launching Docker and running a service on an M2 MacBook Air, prompting them to switch to their own computer. Some users comment on the high cost of MacBooks and criticize Apple's pricing strategy, while others praise the performance and responsiveness of the M1 and M1 ultra-based MacBook Pros, stating that the price is justified for the quality features. Discussion Service, Article.

OutSail (YC W23) – Wingsails to reduce cargo ship fuel consumption

OutSail Shipping is creating sails for cargo ships that reduce fuel consumption by up to 20%, with no interference to cargo operations, while Wind-assisted ship propulsion (WASP) devices can improve a ship's Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) rating without reducing speed or changing the route. Outsail designs a shipping container that converts into a detachable wind power unit for use on ocean-going vessels, which can save up to 30% of fuel costs, and that can be furled and unfurled with ease in rough seas. A Y Combinator startup called B9 Shipping is developing a cargo ship fitted with wings capable of harnessing wind power to increase the vessel's efficiency. Boundless Ocean Sailing Technologies has developed "smart sails" that use sensors and algorithms, allowing ships to detect wind speed and strength and adjust sails accordingly. OutSail is developing a containerized, retractable sail system for cargo ships to reduce emissions, that utilizes tape-spring rollers, and retrofitting is expected to be required to install the system onto existing fleets; They plan to install autonomous sails on container ships, with sails that don't require permanent changes to the ship, and do not require a mast, and further testing is ongoing.

Alibaba breaks itself up in six

Alibaba splits into six independent business units, each able to raise capital separately via IPOs, with e-commerce remaining the largest unit. The move spurs a 14% share price surge and may pre-empt regulators' intervention or signal confidence in the end of the tech crackdown. The article and comments discuss CCP's control over all branches of government and possible reasons for Jack Ma's disappearance. Meanwhile, there are debates about China's government and future tech policies, as recent moves may give investors hope but risk careful vetting. The discussion also touches on monopolistic behavior in the tech industry, both in the US and China, and potential benefits and drawbacks of breaking up big tech companies. Ultimately, the CCP's decision to break up Alibaba may be aimed at enforcing its power to maintain control over rival power bases. Discussion Service, Article.

Who is hiring? (April 2023)

Multiple Respected Companies Hiring for Engineers, Designers, and Developers

In the April 2023 post on Hacker News, several reputable companies across various industries are hiring for both onsite and remote positions, with salaries and benefits competitive and diverse perks to attract experienced professionals, emphasizing the need for particular expertise in programming languages like Python, React, and JavaScript.

Tech Companies Emphasizing AI and Machine Learning Technologies

Notable companies, including Railway, shortwave, and Grit, are making use of AI and machine learning technologies, while other tech companies focus on software engineering, developers, and researchers in specialties ranging from manufacturing supply chain management to digital health tech and autonomous underwater vehicles.

Loop and AbCellera Raise Funds for Streamlining Logistics Payments and Immunotherapy Drug Development

Loop has raised $33m in funds to streamline logistics payments, while AbCellera is exploring the protein space to develop drugs for immunotherapy diseases.

Apple Seeking Experienced Engineers for Security Engineering and Architecture

Apple is among the major tech companies hiring for experienced engineers, specifically for Security Engineering and Architecture.

Pandas 2.0

The Pandas team has released version 2.0.0, with new features, bug fixes, and performance improvements; existing code should be upgraded to Pandas 1.5.3 first. While Polars is faster, Pandas remains valuable for analysts and engineers working on evolving models; Sklearn offers casting of Polars and DuckDB to Pandas with seamless interoperability. Pandas' 2.0 release introduces general support for arrow-specific dtypes; automatic casting and strings as objects and integers turning into floats when NaNs are introduced remain significant frustrations for some users. Pandas offers quality of life improvements, and Copy-on-Write is explicitly enabled. Pandas drew inspiration from R's base data frame but was influenced by plyr and data.table. Python programmers have a new open-source library to use instead of expensive Stata, even for fields such as pharma. Discussion Service, Article.

Safari releases are development hell

Safari 16.4 has caused issues for Construct, breaking all published content, due to problems with the Compression Streams API and Service Workers. Apple's lack of transparency and delay updates in their release process has led to frustrations among developers. Furthermore, Safari adds support for OffscreenCanvas, which causes pre-existing web content to break, as it only supports 2D context. Developers are increasingly looking towards Chrome and Firefox as alternatives. Meanwhile, Chrome's temporary origin trial and implementation of hardware APIs led to objections from Safari and Firefox developers. Apple's lack of transparency regarding bugs and future products, as well as its app store guidelines, have also been criticized. Developing for Safari's buggy and inconsistent performance can be challenging, requiring workarounds and sacrificing compatibility with other browsers. Users may switch to another browser if their workflows do not work on Safari or if multiple sites break at the same time. Discussion Service, Article.

Giving kids no autonomy at all has become a parenting norm

Constant attendance to children in the US has led to helicopter parenting, fueling anxiety and depression in parents and limiting children's autonomy, causing anxiety and depression in parents. This culture of intensive parenting has been accelerated by the pandemic, and misguided reporting to the police creates divisions and increases the need to defund police in non-emergency situations. The fear of risk has led to a rise in nosy culture and individualism, but trust-building and communication are essential for online safety. Some countries have lower crime rates and trust in society, allowing people to leave their belongings without fear of theft, but expectations for children's responsibility have declined, and different safety concerns and reasons can make certain practices not work in the US. Discussion Service, Article.

AI won't steal your job, people leveraging AI will

An expert asserts that AI will transform jobs rather than replacing them, with up to 300 million jobs expected to be affected. Generative AI is projected to have the most considerable impact on white-collar workers, potentially increasing world GDP by 7% over the next decade. The use of AI and automation in wealth distribution and employment is a subject of debate - proponents suggest solutions such as UBI and regulation. AI generated output is also discussed, with experts predicting significant changes in coding and business products, despite the issue of reliance on machine-made results. The strategic implementation of AI and its expected impact on the workforce is of concern, but some maintain that staying ahead of the curve is critical for maintaining competitiveness. AI has potential in augmented creativity, but there are fears of an open job shortage due to increasing capabilities. Discussion Service, Article.

How to do hard things

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy helps with psychological flexibility and staying oriented towards one's goals. This involves defusion, recognizing that negative thoughts are events in awareness, and clarifying values. The article and comments on Hacker News discuss the importance of self-discipline in completing hard tasks and developing habits, but some struggle with ADHD or feeling overwhelmed. Mindfulness and small habit changes can help make large problems more manageable. Different techniques work for different people. Discussion Service, Article.

System76 Open Firmware

System76 released its Open Firmware, an open-source firmware using coreboot, EDK2, and System76 firmware apps to support multiple laptop models, with more in development. Firmware for building is available in the models folder, and customers can request board schematics via email. Open Firmware is compatible with Linux Vendor Firmware Service, simplifying firmware maintenance for SSDs, docking stations, laptops, and mouse dongles. System76's laptops' quality was debated on Hacker News, though it's possible that booting without proprietary blobs may not be feasible. Additionally, System76 offers a 2U server with eight A100 units for purchase. Discussion Service, Article.

Hocus – self-hosted alternative to GitHub Codespaces using Firecracker

Hocus is a self-hosted alternative to Gitpod and GitHub Codespaces, providing auto-provisioned dev environments on personal servers. Hocus prebuilds environments for each commit and integrates with SSH-supported Git providers. It currently only supports single node deployment with known bugs, but aims to provide simplicity, scalability, and bare-metal performance. Hocus users can specify dependencies and tasks to run on environment launch, with the ability to reuse matching environments based on release cadence. The VM-based platform prioritizes ease of deployment and management, with future plans for multi-node support and template extensions. Seat-based licenses are planned for larger teams with no hosted offering in the works. Discussion Service, Article.

Finland Becomes a Member of NATO on Tuesday 4 April

Finland is set to become a member of NATO on April 4th, 2023, signifying a significant event for both the organization and the country. Commenters discuss the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia and the intricacies of the geopolitical landscape. The conversation highlights the importance of understanding the nuances of the situation and building relationships through commerce rather than warfare. Finland's desire to join NATO is attributed to the threat of Russia and its increasing aggression towards Nordic countries. NATO membership raises the threshold for invasion and may make conflicts with Russia less likely. The truth about the Nord Stream bombings remains uncertain, and Sweden's reluctance to cooperate with Germany may be due to their need for the US as an ally. Discussion Service, Article.

Near-lossless image formats using ultra-fast LZ codecs

Richard Geldreich presents the idea of simple ultra-high-speed lossy or near-lossless image codecs, built from new generation fast LZ codecs that minimize visible artifacts by introducing more or longer matches. Lossless framebuffer compression is important for MSAA and SSAA. Computing power increases slower than high-speed bandwidth, and images codecs like PNG do not work well with multi-threading or GPU decoding. Preprocessing images can improve compression with fast LZ codecs without requiring a reversal step. Zstd, which combines fast decoding and high compression, could be an alt to lz4 preprocessing. CO2 emissions caused by gaming downloads versus physical media is still under debate. Improvement ideas include progressive JPEGs and wavelets, but they may come at the cost of compression rates and memory efficiency. Discussion Service, Article.

State-of-the-art open-source chatbot, Vicuna-13B, just released model weights

The recently released model weights for the open-source chatbot, Vicuna-13B, comply with the LLaMA model license as delta weights. Limited model releases could become more restricted in the future due to DMCA takedown requests on llama-dl arguing that NN weights aren't copyrightable. Researchers unaffiliated with Facebook are allowed to possess and use the original Vicuna-13B model weights. The model, which contains a set of tweaks, requires around 60 GB of CPU RAM but can also run on a CPU-only mode with 64GB RAM. The model's massive search operations save time and energy, leading to better results. The accuracy of 4-bit quantized models is less than the original model. The weights of ML models represent what the model has "learned" and are essential to its proper functioning. Discussion Service, Article.

Was there a U.S. nuclear weapons accident at a Dutch air base?

An image appeared from Los Alamos National Laboratory showing EOD personnel inspecting what appears to be a bent B61 nuclear bomb, later confirmed to be from a training exercise. No confirmed incidents of U.S. nuclear weapons at a Dutch airbase but LANL's recent photo indicates that a C-17A could move all the bombs stored at Volkel Air Base. A damaged B61 bomb photo circulates online, with no confirmation of authenticity or containing a physics package. A photo in Texas also circulates, raising questions about the possibility of an accident. All discusses the importance of government enforcing information security protocols. Discussion Service, Article.