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The LLama Effect: Leak Sparked a Series of Open Source Alternatives to ChatGPT

Original. The accidental leak of "Llama," an LLM model, has sparked an open-source alternative movement to models like GPT-4 and Cohere that are only available via APIs. Since the leak, Alpaca, Vicuna, Koala, ColossalChat, and ChatLLama, among other models, have been released, all built on top of Llama. The open-source alternatives to these models have not shown the same performance level until the Llama release. The leak of Llama has turned out to be one of the biggest sparks of innovation in the open-source LLM space, where a war between open-source and API-based distribution is looming. The LLama effect has proven that open source is a viable distribution mechanism for foundational models, and there are some interesting sources of innovation in the LLM space.

Discussion Service. 'The LLama Effect' leak has sparked open-source alternatives to ChatGPT, gaining attention from tech experts. GPT-4 demonstrates more significant intelligence, offering reasoning and generalizing abilities from its predecessor, GPT-3. AI text-only models grasp spatial reasoning and can understand puzzles, but manual fine-tuning is necessary. There is debate around language models' actual level of learning happening, with the hope of an accessible and democratized AI future. LLaMA leak has led to open-source optimization on all platforms; however, experts criticize software piracy and AI companies' regulation. OpenAI may face legal challenges for using models to train commercial outcomes. ChatGPT accuracy is divergent, with some considering it useless, while others claim GPT-4 improves in some aspects. Bing/Sydney and ChatGPT have different personalities. The post does not provide new technology facts but discusses the nature of text compression.

From deep to long learning?

Original. Stanford researchers from Hazy Research lab are improving sequence length in machine learning foundation models, with focus on creating nearly linear time models in sequence length that can lead to context lengths of millions or even billions. The Hyena model has scalability in sequence length up to 2k using a small neural network which parametrizes the convolutional filters implicitly via another small neural network with an implementation time of O(NlogN). Researchers are exploring learning matrices and their connection to language applications. N/A.

Discussion Service. Stanford researchers explore cost reduction for self-attention in long sequences. Optimizing computation for GPUs and co-processors can optimize LLMs. Skepticism around longer-context models, coupling LLMs with other systems may create new solutions. GPT-4 release leads to new research on next-token prediction, potential breakthroughs in associative long-term memory. Understanding K,Q,V representation is crucial while RNNs and transformers have implications for democratizing AI. Longer context lengths may be considered a new form of search.

EY gets banned from new audit business in Germany

Original. EY has been banned for two years from auditing new publicly-listed clients in Germany as APAS, Germany's accounting watchdog, issued a €500,000 fine along with the harshest penalty ever. The decision, which comes after a three-year investigation into EY's role in the Wirecard scandal, has inflicted a significant financial and reputational blow to the beleaguered accounting giant. EY had given wirecard a clean bill of health until the company collapsed in 2020 amid allegations of massive financial fraud. Post-Wirecard scandal, EY has allegedly up-to $2bn over three years to improve audits concerning technology and fraud detections, but no auditor is likely to get things right every time.

Discussion Service. Ernst & Young (EY) has been banned from conducting new audits in Germany due to incorrect auditing decisions and involvement in the Wirecard scandal. Consulting firms subcontract lower-paid staff to minimize risk, but this can backfire. Auditors only provide reasonable assurance and do not guarantee fraud won't occur. Use of automation and AI can help detect fraudulent activity. Auditing should be separated from consulting to prevent conflicts of interest. There is debate over the value of consulting firms and the need for "skin in the game."

Sunset at the South Pole

Original. At the South Pole Station, the sun rotates in a near-perfect counterclockwise circle around the sky, making no difference between "night" and "day". As a result, the sunset is spread out over several weeks, and the temperature drops rapidly when the sun is low in the sky, usually around mid-February. The post includes photographs of sunset views from various directions as well as a video to demonstrate the strange phenomenon. The station also observes "daylight savings time," even though there is no visible difference between times on a given day. The post details that South Pole Station follows New Zealand time and provides other data such as twilight stages and the first star sighting of the season.

Discussion Service. A Hacker News post showcases beautiful photos of sunset before a 6-month polar night. Comments discuss dealing with lack of sunlight, regulating light, & construction of scientific facilities. Solargraphy experiment failed. Facility construction in South Pole is impressive. Discussion on the bizarre phenomena of the sun's circular travel & its effect on living conditions. Antarctica is inhospitable & one must compete for a position to see the sun's rise and set. Commenters also discuss breathing challenges under extreme cold. The article offers an interesting perspective on life and research in Antarctica.

Dutch journalist who writes critically on China targeted in intimidation scheme

Original. Marije Vlaskamp, a Dutch journalist who is critical of China, has been targeted in a bizarre intimidation scheme since last autumn, which included bomb threats and messages demanding that she retract an article. Vlaskamp has previously written critically about the Chinese state, with a focus on the oppression of the Uyghurs and Chinese dissidents in the Netherlands. The Chinese embassy in The Hague has been targeted by a bomb threat which mentioned both Vlaskamp and Wang Jingyu, one of the subjects of her articles. While Vlaskamp's assailants do not attempt to hide the Chinese origin of the threat, the Chinese embassy has denied involvement in emboldening the attackers.

Discussion Service. A Dutch journalist targeted in an intimidation scheme; Discussion Service users discuss Chinese interference and urge governments to do more. Chinese police stations operate in the Netherlands and other countries, and countries may need to investigate so-called "grey actions" themselves. Critics argue that China's actions violate sovereignty, and some politicians have been threatened as a result. Discussion Service users discuss China's role in recent bomb threat incidents against dissident journalists living in the US; debates on China's government and its actions towards western journalists. ASML, a Dutch company, appears in a context where China aims to own electronics of the West.

USPS facility in Utah does nothing but decipher handwriting

Original. The USPS facility in Utah specializes in deciphering messy handwriting on mail. This facility employs over 90 people who sort through the mail and use advanced technology to process it. The technology used can even scan and digitize handwritten addresses. The facility shows how technology is evolving to handle traditional tasks in innovative ways.

Discussion Service. The USPS facility in Utah specializes in deciphering cursive handwriting with a software provided by Eagle and Siemens. Handwriting recognition has been challenging for postal workers, and human intervention is still required. The discussion on Hacker News touches on the evolution of labor and wages, property ownership, government subsidies, and the benefits of writing in books. Salt Lake City's Mormon community is believed to have contributed to the facility's large number of skilled readers. Some suggest the USPS should create a mobile app, while others express concerns about privacy violations with the use of private data.

Apple Continues Efforts to Keep Retail Stores from Unionizing

Original. Apple is trying to prevent its retail stores from unionizing, while also diversifying its product and component production outside of China. The company has recently experienced job cuts and another executive departure. The article also mentions the upcoming release of Apple's mixed-reality headset.

Discussion Service. Apple accused of anti-union tactics, including withholding benefits; criticism of union negotiating tactics. Discussion on complexities of unionization and worker impact. Gallup Poll shows growing interest in unionizing, especially with front-line workers. Some criticize retail jobs' low pay and lack of benefits, while others argue tenure-based promotions and layoffs could negatively affect companies.

PL/Rust 1.0: now a trusted language for Postgres

Original. PL/Rust is a loadable procedural language that allows writing PostgreSQL functions in Rust, providing access to Postgres' Server Programming Interface and safe Rust types over most of Postgres-built-in data types; PL/Rust functions are compiled to native machine code rather than being interpreted, providing the best performance. PL/Rust is now a trusted procedural language for Postgres on x86_64 and aarch64 systems if proper compilation requirements are met, allowing PL/Rust to live in a universe of Safe Rust; PL/Rust uses its own rustc driver to apply custom lints to a user's LANGUAGE plrust function to apply certain code idioms that they know not to have "I-Unsound" issues. By default, PL/Rust will not perform cross compilation, but it must be installed and enabled through configuration.

Discussion Service. PL/Rust 1.0 now trusted in Postgres as an alternative for database functions. Cloud providers RDS and Supabase enable PL/Rust implementation. Has exceptional performance but still vulnerable to issues. Event triggers and DO blocks haven't been incorporated yet. Rust has access to dev ecosystem, efficient types and better performance. May limit optimization for computational triggers.

Twitter Is Blocking Likes and Retweets that Mention Substack

Original. N/A.

Discussion Service. Twitter blocks likes/retweets mentioning Substack, causing Streisand effect. Elon Musk accuses Substack of scraping Twitter database, experts find statement nonsensical. Substack denies improper use of Twitter APIs. Criticisms of Twitter's search results, bans, and API usage policies. Concerns over quality of Substack newsfeed feature. Competing Twitter and Substack evolve, alternative microblogging protocols explored. Resistance against turning issue into spectacle, call for leadership accountability. Debates ongoing regarding API abuse and Substack's alleged scraping of Twitter content. Caution against dismissing plight of laid-off Substack employees.

Z-Library to let users share physical books

Original. Z-Library, the largest repository of pirated books, is expanding its services to include a physical book-sharing market, with millions of users able to pick up paperbacks at dedicated "Z-Points" around the world. It plans to organise "collection and storage points" for books that "will be the link between those who share their books and those who need them," which will require considerable storage space and organisational effort, so fulfillment centres and third-party logistics services are welcome. An announcement posted in the site appears to be serious, with people suggesting Vietnam, Brazil, Portugal, Colombia, Iran, Uzbekistan, Nigeria, Spain, India, Argentina, Egypt, France, Ethiopia, China and Ghana as ideal Z-Point locations, and the site is currently welcoming feedback to improve its service.

Discussion Service. Z-Library will allow users to share physical books, but publishers may sue the library; some suggest scanning books, changing copyright laws, or incentivizing book scanning. Some debate the feasibility and impact on publishing companies of launching a real-world book sharing market. E-book licensing models have unfortunate consequences, leading to piracy as a form of protest. Private membership libraries predate public libraries and often loaned.

Perseus – NextJS alternative in Rust

Original. Perseus is a Rust framework for modern web apps that generates state on-demand and passes it to Sycamore, with Fluent-based I18n added for multilingual functionality, plugins for customization, all in WebAssembly for high performance, and exportable/statically served, easy to install, and user-friendly.

Discussion Service. Users discuss Perseus, a Rust-based alternative to NextJS, with some preferring JS for front-end development due to Rust's tooling. Despite this, Rust's inroads in the lower levels of the JS stack suggest potential in the incorporation of JS/TS in Rust frameworks like Perseus. Discussion arises around Rust's merits compared to Go, with some users seeing Rust as more suitable for low-level programming and others seeing Go as better suited for web development. The value of a programming language depends on where one lives and wants to work. The release of Perseus catches the attention of tech-savvy individuals as a possible faster alternative to Svelte but faces criticism for being tough for real-world usage.

A Baby GPT

Original. N/A.

Discussion Service. An Discussion Service user proposes using binary regular expressions for language relationships, while another argues for meaning and intent. Creator of baby GPT likens to Markov chain. Expert recommends better mathematical tools. Discussion Service user asks about implications for general public. No notable new tech or release.

Two types of software engineers

Original. The article discusses two types of software engineers: Type 1, who assumes a problem is easy if it's not technical, and Type 2, who assumes it's hard because it involves people. Type 1 believes in capital E Engineering, whereas type 2 focuses on people and sees engineering problems as involving people. While Type 1 is more common, Type 2 engineers understand that engineering involves chaos and complexity and aim to build despite these challenges. The article includes some examples to illustrate the differences, but the author has not yet defined or drawn the line between the two types precisely.

Discussion Service. A discussion on two types of software engineers, including Type 3, and the importance of understanding product management. Debate on balancing innovation and stability, and the need for proper documentation. Dichotomy of relying on people versus implementing automated solutions in software engineering. Importance of aligning everyone on common goals and understanding larger business needs. Categorization of software engineers questioned, with emphasis on finding root cause of problems. Post serves as food for thought.

Advanced Linux Programming (2001)

Original. 'Advanced Linux Programming' by CodeSourceryLLC is a book that helps GNU/Linux developers create software with user-friendly features, advanced capabilities such as multi-threading, interprocess communication, and hardware device interaction, and overall program improvement. Additionally, this book teaches developers how to work within the GNU/Linux system environment, including its unique limitations, conventions, and capabilities. This book is available for download under the Open Publication License, Version 1, and comes with access to covered GNU General Public License code samples. Errata and translations of the book are available.

Discussion Service. Hacker News users discuss the relevance of 2001 book, "Advanced Linux Programming" in 2021. Some users suggest updating outdated sections. Despite being a beginner's book, it remains a useful resource for Linux API development. Aria2 download application serves as an alternative to server speed caps.

A CERN for Open Source Large-Scale AI

Original. LAION e.V. has launched a petition for an international, publicly funded, open-source supercomputing research facility for AI, similar to CERN, to democratize AI research and promote safety and security research. Platform openPetition aims to strengthen citizen participation and support petitions for change. The initiative aims to protect democratic principles from being undermined by a select few large corporations. An Discussion Service user noted that 19% of supporters come from, while 64% remain unknown. Citizens are encouraged to donate to support the petition that has gained traction on Hacker News.

Discussion Service. An article highlights Europe's need for a CERN-like open source initiative to promote collaboration amongst AI researchers, academics, and entrepreneurs. Collaboration is needed to perform big data processing with large capital investments. Open source projects are necessary to retain AI researchers and benefit society rather than corporate stockholders. CERN's success makes it an attractive model, though some suggest the market provides adequate incentives. The interdisciplinary nature of AI requires consideration of interconnected issues.

Permafrost engine – An OpenGL RTS game engine written in C

Original. Permafrost Engine is an OpenGL 3.3 Real Time Strategy game engine written in C, made in the image of old classics but incorporating some modern ideas. EVERGLORY is the flagship game developed using Permafrost Engine, featuring the engine's capabilities with first-hand game experience. The engine summary includes a list of OpenGL and Python features, RTS mechanics, and cross-platform capabilities. The license for Permafrost Engine is GPLv3, with a special linking exception. Building instructions are provided for both Linux and Windows. A devlog and email for questions/comments regarding the project or source code are provided for interested users.

Discussion Service. Open-source Permafrost engine gains attention on Discussion Service for a new open-source RTS game. Everglory game's font clarity criticized. Comparison requested with other RTS engines. Developers' testing on handheld screens is important. Hope for RTS genre's revival. Users discuss open-source RTS engines and languages used. Mention of another open-source Frostbite engine implementation.

Closing a stale SSH connection

Original. The post discusses how to close a stale SSH session, stating that while the first solution might be to close the terminal emulator, there is a better way using built-in SSH escape sequences. The post explains how the tilde () prefix followed by a command can trigger multiple hidden commands in SSH clients, including the 'terminate session' command (.). The post notes that attention should be given to the fact that a preceding newline is required, and offers a small note for people using a keyboard with a nordic layout to type the tilde character. The post ends with a discussion of what to do after using the 'terminate session' escape sequence.

Discussion Service. An Discussion Service user gives an SSH tip. Another points out a layout issue but provides a workaround. Configuring EscapeChar is suggested. Discussion on SSH manpage, jumping hosts, and SSH connections. Sticky SSH session is wished for. Autossh recommended for auto-attach, and Mosh for changing port forwarding. Encryption details and additional tips provided. Caution against using Alpine Linux.

Flatcar Container Linux

Original. Flatcar Container Linux is a community Linux distribution that is designed for container workloads with high security and low maintenance. The OS image only includes the tools required to run containers with no package manager or configuration drift. The immutable filesystem and automated atomic updates provide a strong foundation for infrastructure security. Flatcar Container Linux's built-in security features and reduced attack surface simplify OS management. It includes tools to manage large-scale infrastructures and supports global initiatives. Automated, atomic updates ensure that you run the most stable, secure, and up-to-date Flatcar version. It is a drop-in replacement for CoreOS Container Linux.

Discussion Service. Microsoft's Flatcar Container Linux update and continues after acquisition, providing an alternative to CloudInit. The immutable infrastructure approach gains popularity despite Ignition's technical issues. Flatcar Linux developers suggest a friendly update. Discussion Service users discuss adding containers and suggest a UEFI firmware for better performance.

Microsoft / JARVIS: a system to connect LLMs with ML community

Original. Microsoft and Hugging Face have unveiled the Labs project JARVIS, an AI assistant for connecting language and machine-learning models. JARVIS uses a large language model (LLM) to understand and analyse requests, then uses a selection of numerous expert models to execute the required task. It consists of four stages: task planning, model selection, task execution, and response generation. The user can enjoy a lightweight experience with JARVIS without deploying the models locally by activating its CLI mode or the web page, which shows a user-friendly interface that communicates with JARVIS.

Discussion Service. Microsoft launches JARVIS to connect LLMs with ML community using rule-based approaches and machine learning. Some speculate whether autonomous AI agents can commit fraud or scams, though readers are mainly excited. Jarvis generates text and images based on LLM's choice of models, but some raise concerns on trademark issues and eavesdropping.

Spherical tokamak achieves crucial plasma temperatures

Original. Tokamak Energy's spherical tokamak achieved ion temperatures of over 100 million degrees Kelvin - a critical step in developing fusion energy technology. The small size, plasma stability, and magnetic confinement properties of spherical tokamaks make them an appealing choice for commercial fusion power production. Steven McNamara, science director at Tokamak Energy, believes that the company can put fusion energy on-grid within 10 years, complementing other renewable energy sources. The breakthrough uses Thomson scattering to measure temperature and density at multiple points, paving the way for low-cost, deployable commercial fusion power plants. The technology also has potential applications in sustainable aviation and hydrogen fuel production.

Discussion Service. A spherical tokamak achieves crucial plasma temperatures. Some users discuss structural issues, one recommends a fusion energy podcast. The article explains the need for a heat exchanger and reduced costs of the new design. Viability of commercial fusion is debated. Doubling magnet strength in small-scale tests advances progress. Waste and safety advantages of fusion over fission are noted. Spherical tokamaks are a state-of-the-art application. Milestone reached is not yet useful, but progress is made on magnet strength.

The first game 'Easter eggs' were an act of corporate rebellion

Original. The first Easter eggs in video games were a result of designers being denied credit for their work, leading to hidden messages in games. The first Easter egg was found in Atari's 1980 game "Adventure", created by Warren Robinett. The tradition of hidden messages continued in the 1970s arcade games to seek recognition and individuality. Robinett's Easter egg elevated his status, and he went on to develop a successful software business. The Tech Times reports on various cookies used by companies for tracking users' online behavior and personalizing ads, but they have not been classified yet.

Discussion Service. A Hacker News post about corporate rebellion through Easter eggs features anecdotes and current corporate policies. Readers' interest may pique due to the historical relevance and evolution of the Easter egg's role. Current Easter eggs express corporate pride, not insubordination. Code reviews prevent Easter eggs. Former tech companies often fall under newly appointed MBAs. Warren Robinett is praised for Adventure game. U2's member and Atari fan have different names.

Modular Errors in Rust

Original. The article discusses the importance of modular error handling and introduces the principle of error types being near their unit of fallibility, using a hypothetical Rust library as an example. Issues with unhelpful error messages, inextensibility, and difficulty matching errors are outlined, and solutions such as the .source() method and better error type construction are suggested. The example library's error type is split into three distinct types with good backtraces and precise error matching, and I/O errors are explained through a more structured error type design. The article emphasizes the significance of good backtraces, extensibility, inspectability, stability, and modularity in error handling, and suggests that good error handling is worth learning.

Discussion Service. Rust's error messages are popular but varied error types are needed. SNAFU allows for producing unique traces. Distinct errors reduce proliferation and make handling easier but beware of supporting public APIs. Logging and terminating should not be the primary approach for debugging libraries. Granular or opaque errors with descriptions are preferred. Checked exceptions in Java are praised. The fatal flaw of Java is not having algebraic types.

68–95–99.7 Rule

Original. The 68-95-99.7 rule is a statistical approximation estimating the percentage of values within a standard deviation from the mean in normal distribution. The rule states that roughly 68%, 95% and 99.7% fall within one, two, and three standard deviations respectively. This rule has multiple uses in different fields, such as quality control and data analysis. It is a quick way to obtain a rough probability estimate for a population assumed to be normal. The formula can be applied to different distributions, and it can help identify outliers in data analysis.

Discussion Service. Discussion Service comments discuss limitations of the 68-95-99.7 rule in analyzing data. Nassim Nicholas Taleb's work & Chebyshev's Inequality are mentioned. Tangents on financial trading & history of US options market. Expert users claim high IQ scores are unreliable & scale is arbitrary.


Original. The UnicodePlots library is a high-level plotting tool for use in Julia's REPL that includes scatter plots, line plots, and heatmaps. It also supports physical quantities of Unitful.jl and intervals from IntervalSets.jl, allows customization of plot features such as plot height and width and reverse/flip plot axes, and supports saving plots as PNG or TXT.

Discussion Service. Julia-based UnicodePlots shows charts and histograms on the terminal for quick visualizations on remote servers. It responds to a need for quick data visualization in the terminal, without installing a full graphics stack. UnicodePlots is mostly copied in a Ruby port, and a Python version that's compatible with Matplotlib. There is currently a trend towards text user interfaces, creating a split between Electron for end user apps and TUI for portable tools. It has 100% code coverage, supports comparative histograms, and allows users to copy and paste data right into comments or descriptions. Though not an entirely new technology, UnicodePlots is a useful tool for those who need to quickly assess data.

Digital collectibles on Instagram is winding down

Original. Starting April 11, 2023, Instagram will wind down its support for digital collectibles, affecting the creation of new digital collectible posts, the viewability of digital wallets, and the accessibility of blockchain information. The deletion of digital collectible data will be in accordance with Instagram's Privacy Policy and Digital Collectibles Terms of Use, but users can submit a request to download their information before the deadline. The contents of third-party digital wallets will not be affected.

Discussion Service. Instagram's digital collectibles are losing steam, but web3 believers aren't deterred. The NFT space needs to address ownership standards and business adoption. Reddit's avatars sell well, though polygon NFTs are perceived as less valuable. Winter is welcomed for builders to build infrastructure and for traditional businesses to learn about decentralized networks. The success of Pokemon cards and Reddit features is compared to the concept of scarcity. The phrase 'Web3' may be premature and grifters and builders are in different camps. There is skepticism and concerns about NFT hype, investment risks, and mental health. Cult involvement in industries, crypto, and AI risks are discussed. ChatGPT's usefulness is debated, and users focus on fresh insights without political or religious language. The context of advanced technology as it relates to communication and Earth synchronization is discussed, with varying opinions on NFT value and its impact on society.

The Ruling That Threatens the Future of Libraries

Original. A federal court ruling that controlled digital lending (CDL) violates copyright law could have disastrous implications for libraries, including having to choose between purchasing expensive ebook licenses from publishers or expanding their collections; the Internet Archive (IA), a nonprofit organisation that loans out digital copies of the millions of books it has collected and digitised, has been at the centre of a lawsuit by several book publishers who sued it in 2020 alleging copyright infringement; and it was this CDL loaning model the court ruled against last month, which could have "unfair power over the future of books and libraries alike," according to attorney Corynne McSherry of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, which is representing the IA in its appeal over the ruling.

Discussion Service. A court ruling on controlled digital lending and copyright laws has sparked debates, with suggestions to shorten copyright length to prevent loss of knowledge; some suggest publishers' profits should not be the issue in lending CDL material. Libraries have adapted to become public entertainment centers, and public access to resources is critical; librarians use expert opinion to balance circulation popularity, book value, and library's mission when discarding books. Publisher lawsuits against Internet Archive's unlimited royalty-free digital distribution compromise writers' earnings, and controlled digital lending could endanger copyright laws' protection. The intersection of digital and physical ownership remains a topic of debate; discussions offer unique perspectives on the issue at hand.

Do Kwon converted illicit funds from LUNA to Bitcoin

Original. South Korean prosecutors have identified nearly $314.2 million worth of illicit assets linked to Terraform Labs' co-founder, Do Kwon, and his associates, of which Kwon alone is connected to about $69 million. Prosecutors have contacted Binance to halt any withdrawal request associated with Kwon. Kwon reportedly converted most of the illicit funds, which number around 414.5 billion won, into Bitcoin, and none of the assets related to him are recoverable or under the jurisdiction of South Korean authorities. Terra was a crypto ecosystem that collapsed in May 2022, in which former CEO Kwon was accused of siphoning off Bitcoin worth nearly $100 million post-collapse.

Discussion Service. On-chain data shows Terraform Labs' Do Kwon's Bitcoin conversion of fraudulent LUNA funds. Exposes limitations of tracking fraud through traditional banks. Discussion Service users discuss privacy tools and honesty in the crypto space. Debate whether intelligence evolved for competition or cooperation, with some arguing for the latter. Competition and predation drive competition, but overall trend is to continue debating roles in intelligence evolution.

Interview with Andrew Kelley (Zig Creator) (2021)

Original. Andrew Kelley discusses his experiences developing the Zig programming language, the challenges of balancing a full-time job with open-source work, the importance of negotiating ownership of intellectual property, and the moral issues surrounding commercial forking in the open-source community. Zig is a non-profit programming language aimed at improving memory safety and reducing information overload for users. Kelley envisions Zig as the language of choice for operating systems and textbooks, leading to better application performance, memory usage, and stability. Tech Times also reports on various programming-focused video courses available online.

Discussion Service. Corecursive's interview with Zig Creator Andrew Kelley inspires listeners to download all past podcasts on the website, discussing crowd funding projects and personal advice in separate comments. One listener appreciates the friendly atmosphere of the #chicken scheme channel. Another highlights Andrew Kelley's transparency in a forked Zig incident, but a user responds negatively to their interaction with Kelley. Overall, listeners enjoy the interview's coverage of Zig and SQLite's tech history.

Supavisor – a Postgres connection pooler written in Elixir

Original. Supavisor is a Postgres connection pooler that can proxy millions of Postgres end-client connections into a stateful pool of native Postgres database connections via a scalable, cloud-native architecture. This system simplifies Postgres cluster management for database managers by providing easy configuration of highly available Postgres clusters, while being resource-efficient, scalable, multi-tenant, and Cloud-native. There are already benchmarks and Load tests available, which show that it can handle a million Postgres connections on a cluster and it can absorb millions of connections, making it a great choice for developers connecting to Postgres from Serverless environments. Future work includes load balancing, session pooling, Postgres high-availability management, and APIs like Postgres binary, HTTPS, and much more. José Valim and the Dashbit team helped inform the Supavisor design decisions, and it is inspired by products like PgBouncer, Amazon RDS Proxy, Google Cloud SQL Proxy, and more.

Discussion Service. Supabase CEO introduces Supavisor, a Postgres connection pooler built with Elixir, highlighting its similarity to Pgbouncer and designed for multi-tenancy. Supavisor's benchmarks indicate it can handle high throughput while consuming 7.8G RAM and ~50% CPU on a 64vCPU machine. Supabase plans to have Supavisor in front of all its databases, scaling-up computing with zero downtime. Discussion Service users request the addition of prepared statements in transaction pooling mode and suggestion of using Nimble_pool rather than Poolboy, while praising Elixir's concurrency support and fault-tolerant nature. One Discussion Service user shares work experience with Pgbouncer on 4 vCPU machines and another talks about their pool of common Pgbouncers that route to various PostgreSQL instances using Google's Cloud SQL proxy.

New allegations of plagiarism against Roy Lichtenstein

Original. New allegations of plagiarism have been made against Roy Lichtenstein, with a new film claiming that hundreds of his works can be traced to other artists. The documentary alleges that over 30 comic artists were "appropriated" by the founder of the pop art movement, who made millions from selling his work, whilst the original artists who were copied lived austere and even destitute lives. While some defend Lichtenstein's work as "appropriation", critics call it stealing, with "outright plagiarisms" cited alongside "technically and artistically" superior works copied by Lichtenstein.

Discussion Service. New allegations of plagiarism against Roy Lichtenstein spark discussion on ethics, originality, and appropriateness in the art world. Discussion Service users debate whether Lichtenstein's work is transformative or blatant stealing with minimal changes. Copyright and IP concerns arise, as well as issues surrounding the cultural value placed on comic book art vs fine art. The debate includes opinions on the nature of art, creation, and value in the art world. The original comic book artists were often viewed as lowly-paid commodities according to the post.