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We raised a bunch of money

  • The company recently raised a significant amount of money from investors, including A16Z, Intel Capital, and Dell.
  • The primary reasons for announcing this fundraising are to attract customers and to share their vision and progress with users, fans, and detractors.
  • aims to provide a platform and toolchain that allows developers to build apps that run fast globally, not just in one location, through features like edge deployment and spinning up virtual machines on demand.

Industry Reactions

  •, a cloud infrastructure company, has raised $70 million in funding to expand and improve its services.
  • The company distinguishes itself by offering pay-per-minute pricing and a high level of control over app deployment.
  • The comments discuss the impact of venture funding on startups and customers, including concerns about stability, future costs, and potential wealth inequality.

Fast machines, slow machines

  • The author conducted a comparison between an old computer running Windows NT 3.51 and a new computer running Windows 11, showing that the old computer had significantly faster app loading times.
  • The author argues that despite advancements in hardware and technology, modern computer interfaces, including smartphones, have terrible latency and are getting worse.
  • The author suggests that bloat in software, frameworks, layers of abstraction, and the mass adoption of managed and interpreted languages could be contributing factors to the slow UI latency experienced on modern computers.

Industry Reactions

  • The current state of software development practices is criticized for being inefficient and slow.
  • The need for a shift in coding practices and a focus on optimization and efficiency is emphasized.
  • The importance of speed as a crucial feature and the need for faster software is emphasized.

Plastics are poisoning us

  • Plastics are causing serious pollution and health risks due to their widespread use and improper disposal.
  • Microplastics, tiny pieces of plastic, are particularly concerning as they can release toxic chemicals and attract harmful substances.
  • Addressing the plastic pollution crisis requires reducing plastic production and consumption, as well as implementing systemic changes and global cooperation.

Industry Reactions

  • Better labeling of plastic products could help consumers make informed choices and track potential problems.
  • The problem of plastic waste is worsened by the export of plastics and dumping in the ocean.
  • Personal lifestyle choices, such as reducing single-use plastics and supporting sustainable practices, can mitigate the negative effects of plastic pollution.

Type-safe, K-sortable, globally unique identifier inspired by Stripe IDs

  • TypeIDs are a type-safe, K-sortable, globally unique identifier inspired by Stripe IDs.
  • They are an extension of UUIDv7 and include a type prefix and a 128-bit UUIDv7 encoded in base32.
  • TypeIDs have benefits such as type safety, compatibility with UUIDs, K-sortability, and thoughtful encoding.

Industry Reactions

  • There is a new type-safe, K-sortable globally unique identifier called "TypeID" that provides a standardized way to generate and manage unique IDs in software systems.
  • The inclusion of a prefix string helps ensure the correct type of ID is used in different contexts, allows for easy navigation and identification of data within a system, and makes the IDs easily copy-pasteable.
  • TypeID is based on UUIDv7 and offers type safety and more compact string encoding compared to raw UUIDv7, making it a potential solution for sorting and identifying database entries without the need for additional indexes.

Open-source background removal in the browser

  • '@imgly/background-removal' is an open-source npm package that allows developers to remove backgrounds from images directly in the browser, without the need for additional server costs.
  • It ensures data privacy because the background removal process runs entirely in the user's browser, eliminating concerns about data transfers to external servers.
  • The package seamlessly integrates with other powerful tools, like IMG.LY's CE.SDK, making it easier for developers to incorporate background removal capabilities into their projects.

Industry Reactions

  • The article introduces an open-source JavaScript library called @imgly/background-removal that allows for seamless background removal of images directly in the browser.
  • Users praise the library for being on par with other popular background removal tools, but it stands out as the first open-source option that works in the browser.
  • Several non-open-source freemium background removal competitors are mentioned, highlighting the unique and cost-effective solution provided by @imgly/background-removal.

National Geographic lays off its last remaining staff writers

  • National Geographic magazine has laid off all of its remaining staff writers, marking another cutback in a series of layoffs under owner Walt Disney Co. This includes 19 editorial staffers and the elimination of the magazine's small audio department.
  • The magazine will now rely on contracted freelancers and editors to produce content, and it has also curtailed photo contracts that allowed photographers to spend extended periods of time in the field.
  • The decline of print media and the rise of digital news and information have significantly impacted National Geographic's trajectory. Despite being widely read, the magazine's subscriber numbers have dwindled, and it will no longer be sold on newsstands in the United States starting next year.

The most important thing people should know about this post is that National Geographic magazine has laid off all its remaining staff writers, which reflects the challenges faced by traditional print media in the digital age. This post is special because it highlights the impact of technological advancements on established publications and their struggle for survival. It is also noteworthy that National Geographic, known for its iconic visuals, will no longer be sold on newsstands in the US. This decision reflects the changing landscape of media consumption and the shift towards digital platforms.

Industry Reactions

  • National Geographic has laid off its last remaining staff writers, raising concerns about the future of its journalism.
  • The decline of legacy media organizations reflects changing consumer habits and the rise of digital platforms.
  • The magazine is transitioning to using more freelancers, raising concerns about the quality and depth of future content.

Canada plans brain drain of H-1B visa holders, with no-job, no-worries permits

  • Canada is offering tech professionals with H-1B visas in the USA the opportunity to move to Canada without a job waiting for them.
  • The H-1B visa is controversial in the USA and is believed to be widely abused by employers.
  • Canada has created 10,000 places for H-1B visa holders and has implemented various strategies to attract tech talent from around the world.

Industry Reactions

  • Canada is planning to attract H-1B visa holders from the United States by offering no-job, no-worries permits to those who lose their jobs.
  • The program aims to benefit Canada's economy by attracting highly skilled immigrants who can contribute to economic growth and pay taxes.
  • The program could potentially impact wage levels in Canada and lead to a brain drain from the United States.

The damaging results of mandated return to office

  • The mandated return to the office has resulted in higher attrition rates and recruitment struggles for companies.
  • A majority of employees value flexible work policies and are willing to switch jobs if those policies are revoked.
  • Companies that embrace flexible work policies will have a better chance of attracting and retaining talent.

Industry Reactions

  • The post discusses the impact of mandating a return to the office after experiencing the benefits of remote work.
  • Remote work is likened to an upgrade, comparing it to going from a black and white TV to a color one or from dial-up internet to fiber optic.
  • The conversation emphasizes the importance of giving employees a choice and accommodating different preferences.

Apple joins opposition to encrypted message app scanning

  • Apple has joined a growing opposition to powers in the Online Safety Bill that would require encrypted messaging apps like iMessage and WhatsApp to scan messages for child abuse material.
  • The government argues that companies should only implement end-to-end encryption if they can also prevent child abuse on their platforms.
  • Apple and other encrypted messaging platforms argue that weakening encryption would undermine user privacy and put citizens at greater risk.

Industry Reactions

  • Apple has joined the opposition against encrypted message app scanning.
  • The debate revolves around the trade-off between privacy and preventing child sexual abuse, with concerns about the effectiveness and potential negative consequences of proposed solutions.
  • The discussion also touches on the challenges of AI image manipulation, the ethics of possessing CSAM, and the potential implications of government regulations on technology and society.

US Congress doubles down on claims of illegal UFO retrieval programs

  • Senate Intelligence Committee Vice Chairman Marco Rubio has stated that individuals with high clearances and positions in the US government have come forward with first-hand claims of UFO-related activities beyond what the committee has dealt with before.
  • The Senate Intelligence Committee has adopted a provision in an intelligence authorization bill that would halt funding for any secret government efforts to retrieve and reverse-engineer craft of non-earth or exotic origin. The legislation also grants legal immunity to individuals who disclose relevant information within a defined timeframe.
  • This legislation goes further than previous laws and aims to bring illegal UFO-related programs out of the shadows for scientific and industrial analysis, while also enhancing legal protections for whistleblowers.

Industry Reactions

  • The US Congress is investigating claims of illegal UFO retrieval programs, based on mounting evidence for the existence of UFO-related programs.
  • The existence of extraterrestrial life is a possibility, but skepticism is warranted and extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
  • The government may have incentives to keep advanced alien technologies secret, such as maintaining military advantage or avoiding potential chaos and societal upheaval.