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The Cloud Computer

  • Oxide announces the general availability of what they claim as the world's first commercial cloud computer, coupled with $44M in Series A financing.
  • The company's vision involves a purchasable cloud computer rather than the current renting model, advocating for a rack-level paradigm where software and hardware are co-designed.
  • Oxide's cloud computer aims to lessen latency and noise, remove unnecessary cabling, and offer an integrated, open-source solution without separate licensing.


  • is a firm that sells servers coupled with open-source software, positioning itself as a bridge between traditional cloud vendors and standalone server companies. They plan to utilize the next AMD chip series in upcoming products.
  • Despite concerns revolving around using prior-gen servers and the decline of Solaris, Oxide has garnered positive reactions from AMD and demonstrated their proficiency within the market, sparking discussions around potential market disruption.
  • The debate additionally created queries about the advantages of open-source firmware, and owning versus renting hardware. Ultimately, Oxide seeks to present an integrated hardware/software environment as an alternate to expensive cloud services.

The negative impact of mobile-first web design on desktop

  • The article focuses on the drawbacks of mobile-first web design regarding desktop usability, especially due to "content dispersion" where mobile-optimized pages render poorly on larger screens.
  • Findings from usability tests reveal raised cognitive load, interaction costs, and user frustration born from content dispersion.
  • The narrative suggests guidelines to mitigate these issues, highlighting the continued relevance of mobile-first design and minimalist aesthetics amidst increasing mobile web traffic.


  • The discussion tackles various web design aspects, including the drawbacks of mobile-first design affecting desktop users and the idea of the "hinternet," aiming for a superior, inclusive online experience.
  • It addresses user preferences and needs, the market's limitations, and the challenges encountered by frontend engineers, emphasizing the tough task of frontend development.
  • Modern web design criticisms, such as obscured options and functionality, are addressed, reinforcing the importance of user-centric design, usability, accessibility, peer reviews in web design.

I2P: End-to-end encrypted and anonymous internet

  • The GitHub repository "PurpleI2P/i2pd" is dedicated to a C++ implementation of the Invisible Internet Protocol (I2P) client, which enables anonymous and securely encrypted communications.
  • The repository features code, documentation, and resources for developing and utilizing the i2pd client.
  • Licensed under the BSD 3-clause license, the project enjoys active maintenance by a community of contributors.


  • The debate focuses on I2P, an encrypted and anonymous internet project designed to avoid user anonymity control by a single entity. Despite this, I2P hasn't seen significant popularity, often being overlooked for the more generously funded Tor project.
  • Users suggest VPNs remain essential for enhanced connectivity until ISPs invest more in hardware and peering. It also examines a switch from peer-to-peer to a centralized architecture and its possible disadvantages.
  • The comparison of I2P's speed and utility in torrenting versus alternatives like Tor and VPNs is highlighted. The discussion also mentions the potential performance and cross-platform capabilities of Java in the context of other decentralized systems like Freenet, PerfectDark, and Maidsafe.

Interactive intro to shaders

  • The article outlines the writer's process of studying and creating shaders, covering essential principles and possibilities they present.
  • It explains Signed Distance Functions (SDFs) and includes coding samples for shaping and incorporating interaction.
  • The writer commends experimenting with shaders and offers directions for more in-depth understanding and research.


  • The author provides an interactive tutorial on shaders, making it accessible with practical examples, which has been well-received by readers.
  • The author also recommends other resources and artists in the field of generative art, showing their commitment to honest blogging.
  • Some readers point out the limitations of shaders for non-3D graphics, adding a diverse perspective to the discussion around the tutorial.

Cold war satellite images reveal unknown Roman forts

  • Archaeologists have identified 396 previously unknown Roman forts in Syria and Iraq, through declassified spy satellite images from the Cold War era.
  • These forts, earlier believed to be part of a defensive line, are now thought to have supported cross-border trade and communication, challenging the idea of rigid and exclusionary Roman borders.
  • Researchers highlight the value of satellite imagery in documenting archaeological artifacts before they disappear, and look forward to additional discoveries as more images become accessible.


  • Cold War-era satellite images have unveiled unknown Roman forts, some already destroyed, offering important historical context and significance.
  • The discussion highlights the use of historical satellite imagery for archaeological research, the difficulties in preserving historical artifacts, and the potential of leveraging artificial intelligence and data mining.
  • Furthermore, subjects such as camera technology, the Roman Empire, Eastern Mediterranean instability, and the history of slavery are explored.

Exclusive hardwood may be illegally harvested

  • A study by Chalmers University of Technology reveals that over 75% of ipê, a sought-after tropical wood used in decks, may have been unlawfully harvested from Brazil's key producing region.
  • The study discovered a troublesome 16% of the ipê in the market is logged without proper permits, and the amount of wood in circulation exceeds official production statistics.
  • The research highlights the crucial role consumers play in ensuring sustainable timber sourcing, by questioning the wood's origin and asking for documentation prior to purchase.


  • The dialogue explores the employment of wood in contrast to alternative materials in construction and flooring, and assesses the environmental consequences of illegal logging.
  • Discussants also consider the potential of blockchain technology for tracking wood origin, the issues of unauthorized wood harvesting and deforestation, along with the merits and drawbacks regarding various types of flooring.
  • Regulatory enforcement such as CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) is suggested to mitigate illegal wood demand, with solutions like tree planting and establishing provenance documentation being put forward.

U.S. GDP grew at a 4.9% annual pace in the third quarter, better than expected

  • The U.S. economy experienced a higher-than-anticipated growth rate of 4.9% in the third quarter due to multiple factors including strong consumer spending, increased inventories, exports, residential investment, and government expenditure.
  • Economists predict an impending slowdown in growth in the following months.
  • The robust economic report could provide grounds for the Federal Reserve to maintain high interest rates, although, the expectation of an increase in rates at the forthcoming central bank meeting is low among traders.


  • The discussion encompasses a broad spectrum of subjects such as U.S. GDP growth, advantages of living in the U.S., healthcare systems comparison between U.S. and Europe, and immigration policies.
  • Varied perspectives on American society, the U.S. economy, and the effect of policies on individuals and immigrants are emphasized in the conversation.
  • It also mentions comparisons between the U.S. and other developed nations regarding their social safety nets, job opportunities, and economic progress.

Takkyu-bin: Luggage forwarding in Japan

  • The article provides a handy travel tip for those journeying in Japan, introducing "takkyu-bin," a luggage forwarding service available at hotels and convenience stores.
  • The takkyu-bin service offers myriad benefits like easing the burden of heavy luggage transportation and ensures that your luggage arrives at your subsequent destination.
  • In addition to the mentioned service, the article provides a brief mention of the author's forthcoming book and conveys their gratitude for the support garnered.


  • The author recounts a personal incident of utilizing a luggage forwarding service in Japan, known as "takkyu-bin."
  • The main discussion in the comments section revolves around the pros and cons of such services, touching upon their convenience and delivery schedules.
  • Additional topics of discussion include language learning, travel advice, and the importance of carrying passports, specifically in the context of Japan and other nations.

Cities Skylines 2 runs with 20fps on an Nvidia RTX4090

  • Paradox Interactive has launched Cities Skylines 2, a city builder game, that is currently underperforming on PC, even with high-end graphics cards like the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090.
  • Despite not utilizing advanced visual effects such as Ray Tracing or Path Tracing, the game struggles with frame rates, running at around 20fps on 4K/High settings.
  • While the game's developer, Colossal Order, is working on performance optimizations, current workarounds such as lowering the Depth of Field Quality setting only offer slight improvements.


  • The central discussion revolves around performance and optimization issues in the video game Cities Skylines 2, with users expressing frustration over low frame rates and poor optimization.
  • Users debate about hardware capabilities, graphic settings, and the performance impact of the Unity game engine, touching upon the importance of simulation speed and gamers' expectations.
  • There are varied viewpoints among users, with some defending the game's performance and others criticizing the developers over disappointment with the game's visuals. Ideas for potential improvements or fixes are also discussed.

Kidney stone procedure "has the potential to be game changing"

  • UW Medicine is pioneering a revolutionary process known as burst wave lithotripsy for treating kidney stones, eliminating the need for anesthesia.
  • The procedure employs an ultrasound wand and soundwaves to disintegrate kidney stones, offering relief in less than 10 minutes. It could be accessible to patients in an office environment within the next year.
  • This innovation might prove beneficial for astronauts traveling to Mars who possess a higher likelihood of developing kidney stones.


  • Kidney stones, exacerbated by conditions of weightlessness and bone demineralization, represent a significant risk for astronauts, especially for Mars missions.
  • NASA is researching ways to mitigate this issue, with one possibility being artificial gravity.
  • Different treatments for kidney stones are also being examined, including a new technology called burst wave lithotripsy and a new ultrasound technique. Personal experiences and concerns related to these treatments are included in the discussion.

Now add a walrus: Prompt engineering in DALL-E 3

  • The author explores OpenAI's image generation model, DALL-E 3, offering insights into its operation through ChatGPT.
  • Techniques used in prompt engineering to ensure consistency and minimize biases in the created images are also discussed.
  • The experiences shared give a deep understanding of the application of prompt engineering in OpenAI's image generation model.


  • The article talks about the latest features of OpenAI's DALL-E 3, such as its ability to generate consistent characters and the increased control over images using prompts from ChatGPT.
  • There are concerns about data privacy, and disappointment is expressed over the output limitations. DALL-E 3 is available to ChatGPT Pro subscribers.
  • Discussion topics in the comments include issues like output ownership, the quality of GPT-3, and integration of DALL-E into ChatGPT, along with user experiences with these models.

Dagor Engine and Tools source code from Gaijin Games KFT

  • The text discusses the Dagor Engine, an open-source game engine created by Gaijin Entertainment. It's hosted on a repository with the most recent update from the dagor4 repository dated October 22, 3033.
  • The repository contains different files and tools for managing the engine. The primary coding languages used are C++ and C.
  • On GitHub, the engine has gained considerable recognition, with 205 stars, 18 forks, and two releases, demonstrating its growing popularity among developers.


  • Gaijin Games has open-sourced the Dagor Engine's source code, used in the game, War Thunder, potentially enabling other Russian companies to build upon the code without needing licensing agreements.
  • The decision might also be a strategy to reduce reliance on Western game engines and secure government funding.
  • This move sparked debate on the benefits and drawbacks of open-sourcing source code, along with speculations about the requirement for an ITAR license, necessitated by classified information leakage from the game's forums.

EU parliament agreement to remove chat control and safeguard secure encryption

  • The European Parliament has formed a historic agreement on a proposition to combat child sexual abuse, replacing indiscriminate chat control with targeted surveillance of suspected individuals and groups.
  • The proposal preserves the usage of secure encryption, aiming to protect the youth more efficiently and ensuring digital privacy and communication security.
  • The Civil Liberties Committee will confirm this agreement, ensuing broader adoption and negotiations.


  • The EU Parliament has consented to eliminate unchecked chat control and safeguard secure encryption, allowing targeted surveillance for child sexual abuse cases but exempting end-to-end encrypted messengers.
  • This proposal targets to unify legislation and guard young individuals yet concerns about lobbying and potential bypasses persist.
  • Despite being a step against a proposed bill aiming to ban end-to-end encryption, this agreement awaits confirmation from the European Parliament's civil liberties committee and requires further stages before legislating into law.

Bird with GPS flies into typhoon

  • A male seabird survived an unusual 700-mile flight above a typhoon, reaching a height of 15,420 ft and speeds of 106 mph that differs significantly from their ordinary flight patterns.
  • The bird's journey, along with the journeys of 13 other seabirds, were tracked using GPS bio-loggers attached by scientists, highlighting the potential impacts of climate change and extreme weather on seabird populations.
  • More research is essential to understand how pelagic birds are adapting to these climate changes. The findings of this study were published in the journal Ecology.


  • A bird fitted with GPS successfully traveled through a typhoon back to its breeding ground, showcasing the navigational capabilities of birds and potential for GPS technology in animal research.
  • The conversation delves into topics including bird navigation through magnetic fields, bird physiology, cloud formations, behavior in storms, and the implications for future transportation techniques inspired by bird flight.
  • Discussions also touch on the use of cyclones for trash disposal, survival rates of birds in typhoons, effects of climate change on seabird populations, and the contention over whether climate change directly causes hurricanes or merely intensifies their frequency and severity.

Trying to make sense of why Otis exploded en route to Acapulco

  • Hurricane Otis in Mexico underwent an unexpected rapid intensification, attributed to wind shear and warm sea surface temperatures, illustrating the difficulty in accurately predicting hurricane behavior.
  • Hurricane Tammy has transitioned into an extratropical storm, with anticipated flooding in the southern Plains and continued snowfall across the northern US.
  • There is ongoing speculation about a correlation between recent eclipses and the severity of weather events.


  • The article critiques the limitations of current weather forecasting models and emphasizes the need for improved data assimilation to accurately predict climatic events.
  • Highlighted is the failure of models to correctly forecast the strength of Hurricane Otis, exemplifying the challenges posed by climate change in predicting weather phenomena accurately.
  • The article also addresses concerns about digital information access and the fossil fuel industry's obstruction in tackling climate change effectively.