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It's Alarmingly Easy to Impersonate You at Experian: Weak Security Measures Exposed

  • The author's Experian account was hacked, and they were able to recreate it using their personal information and a different email address, revealing inadequate security measures.
  • The authentication process for account creation is weak, with easily answerable security questions based on public records.
  • Experian only sends a notification email for account changes without requiring verification, leading to potential security vulnerabilities.


  • The discussion highlights concerns and frustrations surrounding privacy, identity theft, credit reporting agencies, cybersecurity, and the credit bureau industry.
  • It suggests the need for stronger regulations, accountability, and alternative systems to address these issues.
  • The discussion also touches on topics such as impersonation, credit score impacts, fraud resolution, identity verification, and email address mix-ups. There is an overall call for better privacy protection, security measures, and reforms in the credit industry.

Ancient Underground Water Systems Called Qanats Provide Sustainable Water Management in Arid Regions

  • Qanats, also known as kārīzes, are ancient underground water systems that transport water from underground sources to the surface without the need for pumping.
  • Originating in Iran around 3,000 years ago, qanats are utilized in several countries in North Africa and the Middle East to provide a reliable water supply in arid regions.
  • Qanats have various uses including irrigation, drinking water supply, cooling, and ice storage, and have proven to be sustainable and effective water management systems, preventing desertification and controlling soil salinity.


  • This Hacker News thread explores the ancient Persian technologies of qanats and yakhchals and their historical significance.
  • The conversation delves into the terminology used to refer to the Persian language and cultural identity, specifically the use of "Farsi" and "Persian."
  • Other topics covered include the vulnerability of qanats to intentional damage, comparisons with other water transportation methods, the decline of qanats due to water scarcity, water management in different regions, the etymology of the word "qanat," and potential advancements in the future.

Discover Bilingual Baby Names: A Unique Tool for Multilingual Parents

  • This website assists parents in finding bilingual baby names that work in multiple languages.
  • It supports 58 languages and suggests names that appear in both languages.
  • The tool is for generating ideas, but there are no guarantees on the suitability of the suggested names.


  • Choosing bilingual baby names poses challenges in terms of pronunciation and writing in multiple languages.
  • Participants in the discussion share their experiences and suggest alternative methods for choosing such names.
  • There is skepticism about the effectiveness of name suggestion websites, with an emphasis on considering cultural context, phonetics, and international recognition for accuracy and cultural sensitivity.

Go Open Source Release Celebrates 14 Years with Feature-Filled Updates and Future Improvements

  • The Go open source release is celebrating its fourteenth birthday and has seen success with two feature-filled releases, Go 1.20 and Go 1.21.
  • The focus of these releases was on implementation improvements rather than new language changes, including the addition of profile-guided optimization and improved compatibility.
  • Go 1.21 introduced built-in toolchain management, improved gopls integration, new packages for generics and structured logging, support for WebAssembly System Interface (WASI), and security enhancements.


  • The discussion revolves around the programming language Go and its features, including error handling, stability, maintainability, and future viability.
  • There are debates concerning the use of tagged unions and sum types, as well as concerns about Go's longevity if Google loses interest.
  • The discussion also touches on compatibility and maintenance challenges with other programming languages, the popularity of Go compared to Python, and the handling of panics and exceptions.

The Challenges of Dealing with Unconventional Music: A Closer Look at Weird Album Names, Confusing Covers, and Licensing Issues

  • The article explores the unique challenges in managing music data, including bizarre album names, problematic album covers, and confusing track titles.
  • It highlights the difficulties of internationalization and licensing in the music industry.
  • The article showcases examples of artists with unconventional names and track titles, emphasizing the complexity of organizing music data.


  • The summary addresses various challenging scenarios in the realm of music, including bands with hard-to-find names, confusion caused by identical album names, and issues with search algorithms and long tracks.
  • It also brings up interesting topics like procedurally generated music and embedding advertisements in tracks, shedding light on the complexities of song titles and music metadata.
  • The discussion further delves into the intricacies of music, such as challenges with Unicode characters, album grouping, censorship, and different naming conventions, along with the growing interest in microtonality and non-equal-temperament scales in music theory.

Reviving the Possibility of a Radical Redesign for GIMP Using Dune 3D

  • The article explores the possibility of a significant redesign of the GIMP image editing software.
  • The previous attempt at redesigning GIMP, called Glimpse, was not successful in creating a cleaner user interface.
  • The article introduces a new application called Dune 3D as a potential solution, offering a search bar and menu to simplify the complex functionality of GIMP.
  • Implementing interaction hints, like those in Blender, is suggested to make GIMP more user-friendly.
  • The author seeks opinions on whether a revival of the redesign using the features of Dune 3D would be beneficial.


  • Users discuss the usability and design of software applications like GIMP and Inkscape.
  • Topics include interface design, menu organization, feature discoverability, and the importance of search functionality.
  • Discussions also cover challenges in open-source software development, comparisons between GIMP and other image editing programs, and suggestions for improvements like customizable interfaces and pie menus. The funding and donation practices of GIMP are also mentioned.

Flyscrape: A Powerful and User-Friendly Web Scraping Tool in Go

  • Flyscrape is a web scraper that merges the speed of Go with the versatility of JavaScript, prioritizing data extraction.
  • It offers a range of features including high configurability, standalone execution, scriptability, a simple API, fast iteration, request caching, and zero dependencies.
  • The scraper provides thorough documentation and examples for easy installation and usage.
  • It also includes a query API for manipulating HTML elements and an HTTP API for making requests.
  • Users are encouraged to report issues and suggest improvements for the tool.


  • Flyscrape is a web scraping tool written in Go that is suitable for basic scraping tasks, but may not work well with more complex projects.
  • It has limitations in scraping real-world sites and lacks full feature parity with Colly.
  • However, it is convenient for users familiar with JavaScript and can be used with third-party services like ScrapingBee for browser support.

Unmasking the Illusion of "Anonymous" Data: Why Our Privacy is at Risk

  • Corporations are collecting and using personal data without consent, claiming to de-identify it, but it can often still be re-identified.
  • Location data is especially sensitive and challenging to de-identify.
  • There is pressure to generate more detailed data sets, but prioritizing user privacy and obtaining consent for data collection is crucial.


  • The article explores the challenges and limitations of anonymizing personal data and emphasizes the need for effective anonymization techniques to safeguard user privacy.
  • It criticizes methods that only remove direct identifiers and advocates for more advanced approaches that anonymize indirect identifiers and personal attributes.
  • The comments section raises concerns about the balance between privacy and utility, the difficulties in achieving true anonymization, and the potential risks associated with pseudonymized data. Legal and ethical aspects of data privacy are also discussed, along with the challenges of ensuring true anonymity in data collection.

KDE Plasma 6.0: Enabling Wayland for improved performance and compatibility

  • KDE Plasma 6.0 will have Wayland enabled by default, leading to enhanced performance and compatibility.
  • The update will bring significant improvements to the Breeze app style, printer integration, and support for HDR-capable games.
  • Various other improvements will be included in the update as well.


  • The discussion focuses on various topics such as KDE Plasma, Wayland, Nvidia graphics cards, software compatibility, window managers, desktop environments, and design aesthetics in Linux systems.
  • Users share their experiences and opinions, discussing both positive and negative aspects of these subjects.
  • The discussion highlights the subjective nature of design preferences and the challenges related to software compatibility and performance on different hardware configurations.

Microsoft Outlook Criticized for Sending User Data to Servers: Privacy Concerns and GDPR Violations

  • The latest version of Microsoft Outlook is receiving backlash for sending sensitive user data, including passwords and emails, to Microsoft servers, potentially compromising user privacy.
  • Such data transmission may also be in violation of GDPR regulations for business customers, putting Microsoft at risk of facing legal consequences.
  • German IT portal, Heise Online, strongly advises against using the new Outlook and suggests alternative options like Thunderbird or using webmail to avoid potential privacy risks.
  • The German Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information is also alarmed by this issue and intends to bring it up at the European level to address concerns about user privacy.


  • The latest version of Outlook is transmitting personal data, including passwords and emails, to Microsoft's servers, prompting concerns about the company's data collection practices.
  • Users are frustrated with the inclusion of advertisements within the new mail program and the transition from a traditional email client to a web application.
  • The widespread use of Outlook in workplaces leaves many users with no choice but to use the new version, despite these concerns and frustrations.

Privacy Consultant Challenges Meta and YouTube in Ireland Over Alleged Unlawful Surveillance and Data Collection

  • Meta (formerly Facebook) and YouTube are facing criminal complaints in Ireland for allegedly engaging in unlawful surveillance of EU citizens through tracking scripts.
  • Privacy consultant Alexander Hanff has challenged Meta for collecting data without explicit consent and has filed a similar complaint against YouTube for using scripts to detect ad-blocking extensions.
  • Hanff argues that both companies have processed data for behavioral ad targeting without a legal basis, and the deployment and execution of these scripts are unlawful. He hopes that these complaints will hold corporate officers accountable and make companies reconsider their illegal behavior.


  • A privacy consultant has taken legal action against Meta (formerly Facebook) in Ireland, accusing the company of privacy violations.
  • The consultant has filed a criminal complaint, which can be done by private citizens in Ireland.
  • The case is not being pursued by Irish prosecuting agencies but is a private criminal action by the consultant to draw attention to privacy concerns and potentially trigger an investigation.

The Potential Benefits and Misunderstandings of Nicotine

  • Nicotine, when used in pure form such as gum or patches, has minimal harms compared to other stimulants like modafinil.
  • Some research suggests that nicotine may not be as addictive as previously thought, although caution should still be exercised due to its addictive potential and potential side effects.
  • Nicotine replacement therapy products, such as gum or patches, are considered safe with low rates of addiction among non-smokers.


  • A discussion on Hacker News explores various perspectives on nicotine addiction, including addiction rates, challenges of quitting, and addictive qualities compared to substances like cocaine and coffee.
  • Participants share their personal experiences with nicotine addiction and discuss the potential risks and benefits of using nicotine as a nootropic.
  • The conversation also delves into the importance of caution when using substances that affect brain function, the need for a balanced and healthy lifestyle, and the potential use of nicotine in habit formation and managing conditions like ADHD.

Win-vind: A Vim-like Interface for Windows 11

  • Win-vind is a lightweight hybrid UI system for Windows that lets users navigate the Windows GUI in a Vim-like manner.
  • It provides a user-friendly interface for Vim users, with built-in commands and the ability to configure it using a .vimrc style configuration file.
  • Win-vind is open source and distributed under the MIT License, making it freely available for use and modification.


  • Win-Vind is a Windows software that enables users to navigate and control their computer using Vim-like commands and shortcuts.
  • The discussion on Hacker News explores similar tools for Linux and MacOS, and the keyboard-friendly features of different operating systems.
  • The conversation on Hacker News acknowledges the popularity of Vim-like tools and the potential benefits they offer for efficient computer navigation.