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BoopSnoop: A Homemade Messaging App for Family

  • The author developed a messaging app called BoopSnoop to replace a previous app for their family's use.
  • BoopSnoop enables easy sharing of photos and videos among family members, with messages disappearing after being viewed.
  • The author, a "home cook" programmer, emphasizes the personal and non-commercial nature of their coding projects and values the independence and control they have over their app, as opposed to using corporate messaging apps.


  • Users engage in a conversation that highlights the benefits and challenges of personal app development.
  • Various topics are discussed, including coding practices, integration of services, customization of mobile apps, and managing profiles and certificates.
  • The conversation also delves into the impact of technology on individuals, the role of AI in app development, and the challenges of catering to small user bases.

Repairing Macs On the Go: An Inside Look at Door-to-Door Apple Authorized Service Provider

  • The author shares their firsthand experiences as an Apple Authorized Service Provider, repairing Mac desktops in Chicago.
  • They discuss the lack of oversight from Apple and the tools they used for repairs.
  • The author recounts encounters with strange customers, celebrities, and dangerous situations while on the job.


  • The discussion covers various experiences in Mac repair and encounters with wealthy individuals, providing insights into the challenges faced by tech frontliners.
  • Topics include encounters with bored housewives, involvement with a criminal gang, the relationship between piracy and organized crime, and interactions with famous people.
  • The conversation also explores the importance of online anonymity, fear in American cities, and the precautions needed when carrying valuable electronics in certain neighborhoods.

Boeing Requests Exemption from Safety Rules for MAX 7 Aircraft

  • Boeing is requesting an exemption from safety regulations for its MAX 7 aircraft to speed up its return to service.
  • The request is motivated by concerns regarding the engine anti-ice system.
  • Critics argue that safety should take precedence and a permanent fix should be implemented, while the FAA is currently evaluating Boeing's request.


  • Discussions focus on Boeing's safety record, management decisions, and concerns regarding the 737 MAX aircraft.
  • Criticism is directed towards Boeing for prioritizing profits over safety and mishandling safety issues.
  • Suggestions for addressing safety concerns include retrofitting fixes and improved engineering practices.

Holocam: Zeiss's Transparent Glass Camera Raises Privacy Concerns

  • Zeiss has introduced Holocam, a technology that transforms any glass screen into a camera using holography.
  • The camera is transparent and can be positioned anywhere on the screen, removing the need for cutouts or punch holes.
  • Potential applications for Holocam include in-car functionality, smart doorbells, webcams, parking cameras, and face/gesture recognition. However, privacy concerns arise due to the possibility of hidden cameras with this technology.


  • The text discusses various technologies developed by Zeiss, including the Holocam, invisible layer camera sensor, and multi-lensed glass.
  • Privacy concerns, potential applications, image quality, and the reputation of Zeiss optics are some of the topics explored in the discussions.
  • The text also mentions other technologies like holographic projection and compares phone cameras to DSLRs, providing a balanced perspective on the benefits and limitations of these technologies.

U.S. DOJ nears antitrust case against Apple

  • The U.S. Department of Justice is preparing to file an extensive antitrust case against Apple, focusing on its efforts to maintain the dominance of the iPhone.
  • The investigation is looking into how Apple's control over its hardware and software creates barriers for consumers to switch to other devices and for competitors to compete.
  • Key areas of concern include the integration of the Apple Watch, exclusivity of iMessage, and the iPhone's payments system.


  • The US is considering an antitrust case against Apple due to concerns about the exclusivity of its iMessage service.
  • Compatibility issues between Apple's AirPlay and Google's Google Cast are part of the discussion.
  • The article raises questions about Apple's control over devices, app stores, interoperability between messaging platforms, and the social implications of using different phone operating systems.

Facebook Mistakenly Accuses Personal Blog of Phishing

  • is a social media platform that is part of the decentralized Mastodon network.
  • Users can create an account, login, and perform searches with different options on
  • The platform enables users to follow profiles or hashtags, favorite, share, and reply to posts, as well as interact from their accounts on different servers.


  • Users are frustrated with Facebook's algorithmic decisions, lack of accountability, and the need for more transparency and human intervention in content moderation.
  • There is a discussion about false positives in identifying malicious content and the reputation and pricing of different cloud service providers.
  • The conversation also touches on issues with Netcraft, Cloudflare, and the handling of reported content on social media platforms.

Carta Faces Backlash for Unsolicited Investor Outreach

  • The founder of a startup is disappointed with Carta, a popular platform for managing cap tables, as they are contacting the startup's angel investors to sell shares to potential buyers.
  • The founder is worried about the potential negative effects of this on Carta's reputation as a trusted platform for startups.
  • This situation raises concerns about the future of Carta and its ability to maintain the trust of the startup community.


  • Carta, a B2B software company, is facing allegations of unsolicited tender offer outreach, raising concerns about privacy and their business model.
  • The conversation emphasizes the need for better liquidity options for employees and advises founders to protect their cap table.
  • The author questions Carta's value and suggests Pulley as a competitor, while expressing concerns about the ethics of soliciting secondary sales without approval and the potential risks of unknown buyers in secondary markets.

CentOS Linux to Reach End-of-Life in June 2024, Red Hat Offers Support for Transition

  • Red Hat has announced that CentOS Linux will be discontinued in June 2024, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 will end maintenance.
  • Users can use Red Hat's tools and support for a two-phase process of converting and upgrading to a supported version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
  • It is advised to begin planning and migrating now to ensure a seamless transition before the end-of-life deadline.


  • Red Hat's decision to end support for CentOS Linux and transition to CentOS Stream has sparked controversy and frustration among users.
  • Ubuntu is highlighted as a popular alternative to CentOS, offering advantages for server deployment.
  • The rise of other Linux distributions like Rocky Linux and Alma Linux is mentioned, signaling a decline in popularity for Red Hat.
  • Concerns about the accessibility of source code, compatibility, and stability of different distributions are discussed.
  • Users express disappointment with the end of support for CentOS 8 and suggest extended support options.
  • Differences between package managers like 'apt' and 'dnf'/'yum' are explored.
  • Users share their experiences and concerns regarding migrating to alternative operating systems.
  • The impact of IBM/Red Hat's decisions on user trust and the controversy surrounding the acquisition of a competitor are analyzed.
  • The discussion concludes with the emergence of new alternatives in response to Red Hat's actions.

Modern Computers: The Challenge of Monitoring Performance Without Hard Disk LEDs and Noisy Machines

  • Modern computers no longer have hard disk LEDs or noisy machines, making it harder for developers to identify performance issues.
  • Examples are given of inefficiencies that went unnoticed until they caused problems, emphasizing the importance of using performance monitors.
  • Remote development environments pose a challenge for monitoring, but it's still crucial to stay aware of any abnormalities.


  • The article examines the topic of nostalgia for older technologies and the importance of monitoring computer performance and activity.
  • It discusses different opinions regarding the significance of indicators like visual notifications and audible feedback in assessing system functionality.
  • The article also touches on the challenges of working with embedded systems, the impact of code complexity on computing power, and the preferences of developers. It concludes with recommendations for monitoring system metrics and the importance of focusing on specific performance metrics instead of solely relying on CPU usage.

Amateur's 8.99B LLM Surpasses Original on Leaderboards with Experimental Model

  • The CultriX/MistralTrix-v1 model is a transformer model designed for text generation and trained on the English language.
  • It has been fine-tuned using Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) and performs better than the original model on different benchmarks.
  • The model, with a size of 8.99B parameters, was trained on a single Colab GPU in a short time and is available for download on Google Colab and GitHub. However, it's important to note that the model is still in the experimental stage and the creator acknowledges being a novice in this field.


  • The post provides a tutorial on building a high-ranking language model (LLM) for leaderboards.
  • The author attributes their success to luck and assistance from others.
  • Commenters question the reliability and accuracy of the leaderboards, mentioning concerns about overfitting and cheating.

Þetta Reddast: The Icelandic Mentality of Resilience and Self-Reliance

  • The author reflects on their experiences living in Iceland and explores the Icelandic mentality of "þetta reddast," meaning "everything will be all right."
  • Living in a country prone to volcanoes and natural disasters, the Icelandic people embody a belief that everything will work out, coupled with preparedness and determination.
  • The author contrasts this mentality with their own country, Brazil, which lacks natural disasters but faces challenges, and emphasizes the importance of taking responsibility and not relying on fate.


  • The article covers a range of topics, including Icelandic cultural attitude "þetta reddast," greetings and idioms in different countries, and the importance of preparedness for natural disasters.
  • It also discusses the risks and benefits of taking calculated risks, the landscape and vegetation in Iceland, and the perception and value of the Apollo space program.
  • Other topics include the priorities of the US government in the 1960s, the development of South Korea, space exploration and commercial providers, wealth in Iceland, and personal experiences with risk and danger.

Harlequin: SQL IDE for Terminal with DuckDB and SQLite Support

  • Harlequin is an SQL IDE designed for the terminal that enables users to interact with DuckDB and SQLite databases.
  • Users can conveniently install Harlequin using pipx and benefit from its numerous features and adapters.
  • The Harlequin project is open to contributions, with users encouraged to provide feedback, open issues, and even submit pull requests for code changes.


  • The summary provides an overview of the SQL IDE tool Harlequin, including its limitations and ongoing development.
  • It discusses the use of virtual environments in Python development and alternative tools for managing Python projects, highlighting the benefits of isolating dependencies.
  • The summary also covers the preference for command line interfaces in accessing multiple Python projects' commands and the advantages of using a terminal user interface (TUI) for SQL development. Additionally, it mentions concerns about Harlequin's compatibility with popular databases and users' suggestions for additional features.

Europe Embraces Rail Renaissance as Demand for Cross-Border Travel Soars

  • Europe is witnessing a resurgence of rail travel, with growing demand for cross-border passenger rail traffic.
  • Both governments and private investors are investing in infrastructure and expanding rail connections to meet this demand.
  • Eurostar may face competition on its London-Paris route due to plans by other companies to offer additional services.


  • The discussion focuses on train travel in Europe and the United States, covering topics such as popularity, challenges, infrastructure, security, and comparisons between countries.
  • Participants share their experiences and frustrations with train travel, highlighting both positive and negative aspects.
  • The feasibility of train systems in the US and the potential for new train routes are also explored, considering factors that influence transportation choices.