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Stellarium: Realistic 3D Sky View Software

  • Stellarium is a free planetarium software that offers a realistic 3D view of the sky.
  • It is beginner-friendly and can be installed on your computer.
  • The software is open source and can be built from the source code, supported by contributors, backers, and sponsors.


  • Users are engaging in a discussion about the Stellarium software, highlighting its high-quality code and praising its functionality.
  • Topics being discussed include modifications, the use of a Domain Specific Language (DSL), and the concept of low technical debt.
  • Users are also discussing various use cases of Stellarium, such as generating realistic skies in web games, studying planetary orbits, and identifying satellites. They are sharing their experiences with the Stellarium app on phones and discussing licensing options and alternative software choices.
  • Other discussions include star catalogues, the inclusion of visuals in GitHub readme files, and the importance of providing screenshots and clear information in open-source project documentation.

Feeling Unfulfilled and Lacking Motivation: Who Else is Working on Nothing?

  • The author feels unfulfilled and lacking motivation in both their professional and personal life.
  • They suspect their lack of motivation may be attributed to a sense of their efforts amounting to nothing.
  • The author is currently addressing personal issues but desires a healthier balance and wonders if others on HN are experiencing something similar.


  • The discussion revolves around individuals expressing dissatisfaction with their professional and personal lives and a lack of motivation in the tech industry.
  • There are concerns about the negative impacts of technology and a desire for personal fulfillment and happiness.
  • The importance of personal growth, well-being, self-reflection, and pursuing hobbies is highlighted, along with discussions on burnout and the impact of the pandemic on individuals' lives.

Customizing a Local Voice Assistant for Smart Home Control

  • The author shares their experience in creating a personalized voice assistant for their smart home, focusing on customization and local control.
  • They encountered challenges with existing integrations but were able to overcome them by developing their own assistant.
  • The system has a sarcastic and disdainful tone, with added support for controlling different devices.
  • The author mentions resolving formatting issues and discusses the possibility of celebrating with a cake and the status of office lights.
  • The summary concludes with a reference to self-hosting and NAT Loopback, indicating the technical aspects of the project.


  • The discussion explores the development of a local language model voice assistant for home automation, discussing the challenges and potential benefits associated with using LLMs.
  • Standardized APIs are seen as crucial for seamless integration and compatibility between different systems.
  • Other topics discussed include the use of AI models for logbook history analysis, the need for clearer demonstrations of system output, hardware compatibility, security risks, and the use of different AI models and grammars. OpenAI's API, GPU usage, and concerns about power consumption are also mentioned.

A site that tracks the price of Big Macs across US McDonald's reveals wide price range

  • The price of a Big Mac can differ in different locations, with the cheapest being $3.49 in Stigler, OK and the most expensive being $8.09 in Lee, MA.
  • It is interesting to see such a significant price difference for the same food item across different places.
  • This information highlights how economic factors and regional differences can impact consumer prices.


  • The discussion thread covers a range of topics related to McDonald's, including affordability, pricing, and the use of the McDonald's app in different countries.
  • Users discuss the variability of prices between locations and the impact of franchise ownership on pricing, as well as comparisons to other fast-food chains.
  • Factors that can affect prices, such as taxes, competition, labor costs, and location, are also mentioned in the conversations.

Excessive data usage in LG washing machine raises security concerns

  • An LG washing machine owner observed abnormal data consumption of 3.66GB per day and disconnected it from Wi-Fi.
  • Speculation on social media ranged from hacking and crypto mining to uploading laundry data for product development.
  • An error in the Asus router firmware is believed to be the cause of the misreported data usage, underscoring the importance of security measures in smart appliances and the risks of connected device hacking.


  • The conversation delves into various aspects of internet-connected washing machines, including concerns about excessive data usage, privacy, security, and the potential misuse of data.
  • Users share their experiences with smart appliances, discuss the benefits of connectivity, and explore the challenges and limitations of IoT devices.
  • The conversation also touches on the controversy surrounding data collection practices of other smart devices like Roomba vacuum cleaners with cameras, as well as the implications and potential issues associated with the Internet of Things (IoT).

Math Professor Resigns Over Coerced Diversity Statements

  • Alexander Barvinok, a mathematics professor, resigned from the American Mathematical Society (AMS) over their failure to oppose the requirement for job applicants to submit diversity statements.
  • Barvinok sees coerced statements, regardless of their content, as a form of compelled speech and believes it corrupts everyone involved.
  • Barvinok's opposition to diversity statements is influenced by his experiences growing up in the Soviet Union, emphasizing the importance of academics speaking out against campus orthodoxy and protecting academic freedom.


  • The article examines diversity statements in academia and raises concerns about their implications.
  • Various topics related to diversity and inclusion are explored, including the importance of understanding voting methods, the dangers of extremism, the role of liberalism and conservatism, and the challenges of diversity initiatives.
  • The article highlights the impact on marginalized groups, the perception of equality, the relationship between class and racial diversity, the controversy surrounding diversity statements, enforced ideological conformity, and the need for open dialogue in addressing discrimination and systemic barriers.

AsmBB: A Lightning-Fast, Secure, and Customizable Web Forum Engine in Assembly Language

  • AsmBB is a web forum engine created by JohnFound, written in assembly language.
  • It uses SQLite as its database and is known for its speed and lightweight design.
  • The forum engine is highly secure, customizable, and can handle a large number of visitors without lag.


  • The discussion covers various topics, including the security and vulnerabilities of an assembly language-based web forum engine, the role of engineers in code development, and the advantages and disadvantages of using assembly language.
  • Participants also discuss the importance of adhering to programming rules, the efficiency of certain programming languages and libraries, and the different calling conventions for different architectures.
  • Other topics touched upon in the discussion are the use of emoji sets on websites, I/O and database design, portability in programming languages, and different microcontroller architectures.
  • Starlink successfully tests its global Direct to Cell mobile roaming service, starting with text messaging and planning to add 4G capability.
  • Vodafone UK experiences disruption in its mobile network.
  • BT trials the conversion of street cabinets into electric vehicle chargers.


  • SpaceX's Starlink has successfully tested its space direct to cell mobile service, aimed at providing emergency cell texting coverage worldwide.
  • Comparisons are made between SpaceX's system and Apple's Emergency SOS feature regarding speed and capabilities.
  • Commenters express hopes for more features and coverage, as well as concerns about bandwidth and messaging software.

Misusing Shebang Convention: Cross-platform Packaging with Docker

  • The shebang convention is being utilized in this example to package applications in a cross-platform manner.
  • The example Dockerfile combines a backend, a database, and a UI in a single file, which may not be considered safe or maintainable.
  • While the performance may vary, the specified command can be used to run the application.


  • The discussion centers around the use of Docker for cross-platform development, particularly focusing on Windows containers.
  • Opinions are divided, with some users praising the benefits of Docker for Windows, while others prefer Linux.
  • There is confusion surrounding the availability and support of Windows containers on different Windows versions, as well as discussions about MSIX packaging and alternative container runtime tools.

Simplifying Patterns in Array Programming: Understanding K's Array Support

  • The passage covers the concept of K programming and streamlining patterns in array programming.
  • It includes a case study on matrix multiplication and offers insights on optimizing and condensing the code.
  • Understanding K's array support is essential for efficiently implementing algorithms in K.


  • Array languages are versatile and have high-level connections, offering capabilities and challenges in programming.
  • Topics discussed include tacit programming, type systems, and the passion within the array language community.
  • The benefits and aesthetics of programming languages, as well as the merits of array programming in different contexts, are explored.

Japan ANA flight turns back due to cockpit window crack

  • An All Nippon Airways (ANA) domestic flight in Japan had to return to the departure airport due to a crack found on the cockpit window of their Boeing 737-800 aircraft.
  • No injuries were reported, and the crack did not impact the flight's control or pressurization.
  • This incident is separate from the ongoing issues with Boeing's 737 MAX 9 planes, which remain grounded indefinitely.


  • The discussion centers around various concerns regarding Boeing and the aviation industry, including the 737 MAX aircraft, hidden critical systems, and the need for extensive certification and pilot training.
  • Criticism is directed towards Boeing for not developing new models and past issues with their aircraft.
  • The role of media in selecting and presenting news stories, the need for change within companies like Boeing, and the debate between strict oversight and balancing innovation and safety are also discussed.

GoatCounter Public Notifications Fork reaches funding goal, introduces new features and improvements

  • The goatcounter Public Notifications Fork has reached its funding goal and the developer will begin work on it next week.
  • The latest release of the fork includes various new features and improvements, such as better table efficiency, not storing User-Agent headers, a proxy option for secure connections, an experimental dark mode, displaying pageview differences compared to the previous period on the dashboard, and simplified setup for new installations.
  • Additionally, several bugs have been addressed and fixed in this release.


  • The collection includes discussions on topics like marketing importance, education for developers, ethical obligations for free software, and annoyance with frequent donation requests.
  • There are insights into the creator of GoatCounter and their decision to provide a free alternative to Google Analytics, as well as suggestions for pricing models.
  • The author also mentions their own tracking tool for users with ad blockers and their dislike for frequent donation requests on websites like Wikipedia.

Understanding the Differences: Console, Terminal, TTY, and Shell in Unix Systems

  • The text explores the various definitions and distinctions of terms like console, terminal, TTY, and shell in Unix systems.
  • It provides historical context and explains the functions of these terms.
  • The text also mentions the relevance of terminal emulators, virtual terminals, and consoles in modern computing.


  • The discussion delves into the distinctions between a terminal, shell, TTY, and console often used interchangeably in tech jargon.
  • Frustrations and negative experiences on Stack Overflow are discussed, along with the differences between Stack Overflow and Hacker News.
  • The conversation explores the definitions of terminals, consoles, and shells, as well as the evolving terminology in the tech industry.