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FTC bans TurboTax from 'free' advertising

  • The given texts contain a wide range of data, including CSS code snippets, configuration settings, advertising information, regulatory actions, JavaScript code snippets, and news reports about TurboTax and the Federal Trade Commission.
  • Each piece of information serves a specific purpose and has its own functionality based on its context.
  • The texts provide diverse and relevant information related to TurboTax and the Federal Trade Commission.


  • The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has banned TurboTax from advertising their "free" services, raising concerns about the company's marketing practices.
  • The discussion also explores the challenges people face with fractions in math and the importance of understanding this concept.
  • The topic of budgeting for low-income individuals is addressed, highlighting the financial difficulties faced by many and the need for effective budgeting strategies.
  • Different tax filing options are discussed, including the role of Intuit in the tax filing industry and their lobbying efforts.
  • The debate on the access and influence of corporations in political representation is examined, highlighting the potential implications for democracy.

Modder recreates Game Boy Advance games using crash sounds

  • A modder has found a technique to develop functional Game Boy Advance games by capturing crash sounds from the original games and analyzing the audio waveforms.
  • The modder faced challenges during the process but eventually managed to recreate the game data, resulting in a perfectly accurate ROM.
  • The created ROM can be played on physical Game Boy Advance hardware, providing an exciting way to relive classic gaming experiences.


  • Users are discussing the idea of using audio to recover game state when Game Boy Advance (GBA) games crash.
  • The conversation explores the architecture of the GBA and the possibility of the audio hardware accessing the game's ROM.
  • Various topics are discussed, including clock recovery, coding systems, digital signal processing, GPS technology, median filters for noise removal in photos, the limitations of 8-bit resolution, and the use of emulators to detect errors in reconstructed GBA ROMs.

Instagram Introduces "Notes Prompts" to Encourage User Engagement

  • Instagram has launched a new feature called "Notes Prompts" that enables users to send reminders or prompts to their friends.
  • This feature aims to encourage friends to respond to messages or posts.
  • Users can utilize "Notes Prompts" to ensure that their messages or posts receive attention and engagement from their friends.


  • European Union (EU) regulations are a hot topic, especially surrounding data privacy and technology companies.
  • Users in the EU have the ability to unlink their Facebook, Messenger, and Instagram accounts, which raises challenges and implications.
  • GDPR regulations have had an impact on user privacy, but there are limitations and criticisms of EU regulations.
  • Cookie pop-ups and the potential influence of Big Tech on legislation are also discussed.
  • Starting and growing software businesses in Europe can be difficult.
  • Differing opinions exist on the effectiveness and implementation of regulations, as well as the role of politicians and citizens in shaping them.
  • The discussions also touch on Google's services, the interconnectedness of platforms, and potential bans on YouTube or Gmail.

Hacker News Now Supports IPv6 Connection

  • The user's browser is now connecting to Hacker News over IPv6, as indicated by the presence of both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses belonging to the same ASN (M5 Computer Security).
  • The user is happy about being redirected to Hacker News and hopes that it does not suffer the same fate as Reddit, which was turned off previously.


  • This summary provides an overview of IPv6 implementation, challenges, benefits, and concerns.
  • It covers topics like browser extensions, address allocation, latency issues, gaming performance, network capacity, TLS support, and CGNAT usage.
  • The discussions emphasize the complexities and potential advantages of IPv6 adoption, as well as the hesitations and difficulties encountered by users and ISPs.

Unlocking Free Access: Get Started with Login

  • The phrase "Login Start free" suggests the existence of a free login option.


  • The debate is centered around the implementation and optimization of LoRA in machine learning models, with differing opinions on whether it should be applied to all layers or just the last layer.
  • There is confusion regarding the acronym LoRA, as it can be mistaken for the LoRa radio protocol.
  • The discussion also explores the distinction between engineering and discovery in AI, the lack of theoretical foundations for intelligence, and the challenges of establishing generalizable principles.
  • Various use cases for fine-tuning in machine learning are examined and compared to retrieval-augmented generation.
  • The conversation concludes with a lighthearted comment about potentially naming a project "Lehsun."

Czech Republic Sets June 6, 2032 as End Date for IPv4 Services

  • The Government of the Czech Republic has approved a plan to adopt DNSSEC and IPv6 technologies in the state administration.
  • Starting from June 6, 2032, the country will no longer provide services over IPv4.
  • This transition is necessary due to the increasing number of devices and services, as IPv4 addresses have become insufficient, while IPv6 offers an almost limitless number of addresses.
  • The countdown to the end of IPv4 has been set at 3056 days, 13 hours, 57 minutes, and 16 seconds.


  • The discussion explores the challenges and benefits of transitioning from IPv4 to IPv6.
  • Implications for tracking individuals, use of unique local addresses, limitations, and security concerns of both IPv4 and IPv6 are discussed.
  • The conversation emphasizes the importance of hardware and software support, the need for initiatives to drive adoption, and the complexities of upgrading infrastructure.

Winlator: Run Windows Apps on Android with Wine and Box86/Box64

  • Winlator is an Android app that lets users run Windows applications using Wine and Box86/Box64.
  • The project has been developed with the assistance of ptitSeb and the Wine developers.
  • The latest version of Winlator can be downloaded from the official website, which is copyrighted by BrunoSX.


  • The discussion revolves around running Windows apps on different platforms like Android and Linux, with users sharing their experiences and recommendations.
  • Specific topics include running games, Microsoft Office applications, and music production software.
  • There is a particular emphasis on using Wine, a compatibility layer, to run various programs.

Diversion: A Next-Gen Cloud-Native Alternative to Git

  • Diversion is a cloud-native version control system designed to solve scalability and complexity problems in Git.
  • It aims to maintain Git's branching and merging capabilities while offering real-time collaboration and compatibility with Git repositories.
  • Diversion is currently in open beta and will be released as open source in the future.


  • The discussions revolve around the limitations and complexities of Git, a popular version control system, and the need for alternative solutions.
  • Diversion, a cloud-native alternative to Git, is presented as a potential solution for game developers.
  • Other topics include the use of Abstract Syntax Trees (AST) in version control, scalability challenges with monorepos in Git, and the debate over the complexity and effectiveness of Git as a version control system.

Astronaut's Desperation in Orbit: Threatens to Stay in Space

  • Taylor Wang, the first Chinese-born person to fly into space, encountered a significant setback when his experiment failed to work while on the Space Shuttle.
  • He was initially denied the chance to troubleshoot and repair the experiment, prompting him to threaten not to return to Earth.
  • This incident sheds light on the difficulties faced by non-NASA astronauts and payload specialists conducting scientific experiments in microgravity, and it remains relevant today as commercial spaceflight opens pathways for more individuals to explore space.


  • The conversation revolves around an article about an astronaut's mental health issues and the use of storytelling techniques in reporting.
  • The importance of concise journalism and the ongoing debate over article length and relevance are discussed.
  • Other topics include the justification for human spaceflight, the role of robots in space exploration, and the potential risks and safety measures in space missions.

Machine Learning Engineering Open Book: A Comprehensive Resource for Training Language and Multi-Modal Models

  • The Machine Learning Engineering Open Book is a comprehensive collection of methodologies and resources for training large language models and multi-modal models.
  • It provides technical material, including scripts and commands, specifically aimed at training engineers and operators working with LLM/VLM models.
  • The book shares the author's experiences training open-source models, covering hardware components, performance optimization, operating SLURM, development debugging, and other miscellaneous resources.


  • The ML Engineering Online Book is a beneficial resource for individuals involved in machine learning, offering insights into optimization, performance, and lower-level engineering aspects.
  • The book suggests using profilers and other tools to better understand and enhance model performance.
  • Slurm, a workload manager, is widely utilized in the high-performance computing (HPC) community, primarily in academia and research computing centers. However, outside of academia and HPC contexts, alternatives such as AWS and Snowflake are more commonly employed.

Serendipitous Discoveries: Artificial Sweeteners and the Quest for New Ones

  • The article explores the accidental discoveries of artificial sweeteners and raises questions about the process of creating new ones.
  • It examines the reasons behind our preference for sweet flavors and suggests that low-calorie sweeteners may not exist naturally.
  • The discussion also highlights the potential risks of chemists tasting substances and the limitations of drug discovery methods.


  • The conversation covers a wide range of scientific topics, such as migraines, triggers, and the role of quantum mechanics in chemistry.
  • It includes discussions on mathematical concepts like the square root of 2 being an irrational number.
  • The conversation also touches on topics like compounds and their effects on organisms, scientific advancements, taste and evolution, and accidental discoveries of sweeteners, including a fake sugar.

Nobel Physicist Arno A. Penzias, 90, Confirmed Big Bang Theory

  • Arno A. Penzias, a Nobel Prize-winning physicist, has passed away at the age of 90.
  • He confirmed the Big Bang theory with his discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation in 1964.
  • Penzias' unexpected discovery marked a pivotal moment in cosmology, transitioning it from a philosophical field to one driven by observational research.


  • Arno A. Penzias, a Nobel Prize-winning physicist, has passed away at the age of 90.
  • Penzias and his colleague Robert Wilson discovered the cosmic microwave background radiation, supporting the Big Bang theory.
  • Their significant findings were initially not fully recognized, but they were awarded the Nobel Prize in physics in 1978 for their contribution to cosmology.

Automating Cloud Cost Optimization Saves $150k/year

  • The author emphasizes the significance of cloud cost optimization and presents a solution utilizing Lambda, Step Functions, and EventBridge.
  • The system automates tasks such as shutting down resources when not in use, implementing security policies, and auto-shutdown of resources.
  • The solution claims to have achieved a 70% decrease in non-production costs, with projected savings of $150k USD annually. Future plans include addressing more complex workloads like Kubernetes.


  • The discussion focuses on cost management in cloud infrastructure, software development, and engineering.
  • Participants share their experiences and insights into reducing costs and navigating billing transparency challenges.
  • Recommendations are made for different strategies, tools, and approaches to effectively manage expenses in cloud services.

Allegations of Fraud and Data Manipulation Rock Harvard's Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

  • Allegations of data manipulation and misconduct have surfaced in cancer research at Harvard University's Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.
  • Specific instances of data forgery and fraudulent practices have been identified.
  • The credibility and competence of certain researchers are being questioned, and numerous retractions and corrections have been made as a result of these allegations.


  • The article and comment section discuss allegations of falsified research at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.
  • Topics of conversation include challenges and biases in scientific research, university ranking systems, and declining teaching standards at Harvard.
  • Additional topics touched on in the comments include racial disparities in academic performance, grade inflation, lack of concern for correcting fraudulent papers, body positivity, networking focus at Harvard, value of education institutions, climate science, and supporting social dynamics despite personal religious beliefs.