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Roundup of Latest Stories on Hacker News: EV Industry Woes, New Tube Maps, Breathing Techniques, US Job Growth, and More

  • Summaries of various articles and discussions are provided on multiple topics including the EV industry, new tube maps, breathing techniques, job growth in the US, the rise of the American oligarchy, and the halted certification process for Boeing 737 MAX-7/-10.
  • There is a discussion on questioning teaching parenting skills and a philosophical debate on the topic of sacrificing a child.
  • Other topics covered include increased ad spend for Temu, Joe Rogan's lucrative Spotify deal, the release of the Official Raspberry Pi Handbook for 2024, impunity as a significant issue, and an upcoming talk by Jaron Lanier on the future of virtual reality.


  • The discussion on Hacker News covers various topics including content moderation, flagging, transparency, and the relevance of certain topics.
  • Users express both praise and criticism for moderation efforts, with suggestions for improvements such as updating the flamewar detector algorithm and implementing a reporting system for anti-scientific posts.
  • The conversation also delves into debates about transparency, the use of flagging as a downvote button, and the challenges associated with managing low-quality comments.

Tailwind Color Palette Generator: Easily Name, Manipulate, and Customize Color Palettes

  • The text describes a feature that allows users to name and manipulate color palettes.
  • Users can open a color picker, copy a palette's URL to the clipboard, view API URL, show graphs, and delete specific color palettes.
  • The feature also includes controls to adjust the hue, saturation, lightness, and luminance of the colors in the palette.


  • The importance of accessibility in web design, specifically color contrast for users with disabilities, is discussed.
  • The limitations of the WCAG contrast algorithm are acknowledged, prompting the search for alternative color tools and libraries.
  • Users share their own color tools and discuss different approaches to generating and adjusting colors, emphasizing the need for improved accessibility and aesthetically pleasing solutions for individuals with different color vision.

Understanding the Organization of Binary Executables: A Comprehensive Exploration

  • The article delves into the analysis and organization of binary executables, covering symbols, sections, and segments.
  • It introduces the "readelf" tool as a means to investigate binaries, highlighting examples of symbol identification within a binary.
  • The significance of the "_start" function, various sections within a binary file, and the role of segments in memory organization are also discussed.


  • The discussion thread revolves around the organization and analysis of binary executables, specifically ELF files.
  • Participants share their personal experiences and provide suggestions for manually creating ELF files to gain insight into their structure.
  • They also discuss the challenges posed by complex and poorly-documented ELF loaders, as well as the adaptability of ELF across various CPU platforms.

EPA Proposes Classifying "Forever Chemicals" as Hazardous Substances

  • The EPA is suggesting that nine PFAS chemicals, also known as "forever chemicals," be categorized as hazardous to human health.
  • PFAS have been linked to harmful effects such as cancer and reproductive problems, and they are found in everyday items like nonstick cookware and firefighting foam.
  • These chemicals break down slowly and can build up in the environment and water sources, as shown by a study that found PFAS in nearly half of the tap water in the United States.
  • The EPA's proposal is open for public comment, allowing for input and feedback from the public.


  • The discussion encompasses various topics such as the classification and regulation of "forever chemicals" by the EPA.
  • There is a debate surrounding the usage and disposal of PFAS chemicals, raising concerns about potential health risks.
  • The conversation emphasizes the complexities surrounding the production and use of chemicals and plastics, urging the need for clearer language, further research, and consideration of risks and benefits.

Rocky Star Carl Weathers Passes Away at 76, Fondly Remembered by Co-stars and Fans

  • Actor Carl Weathers, known for his role as Apollo Creed in the Rocky movies, has passed away at the age of 76.
  • He had a successful career in action and comedy films, including Predator and Happy Gilmore, as well as TV shows like Arrested Development and The Mandalorian.
  • Weathers was highly regarded by his co-stars, including Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone, and received an Emmy nomination for his role in The Mandalorian. He was also recognized for his directing work. Adam Sandler and Giancarlo Esposito paid tribute to him on social media.
  • Weathers began his career as an NFL linebacker before transitioning to acting. He is remembered as a beloved family member and friend.


  • Actor Carl Weathers has passed away, sparking discussions on an online forum.
  • Users reminisce about his notable roles in shows like Arrested Development and the film Predator.
  • Many express their sadness and share memories of his talent, versatility, humor, and charisma, stating that they will miss him.

Why isn't theelement fully supported on

  • The author questions why the html element on is not listed as having 100% support.
  • Two deprecated and non-standardized features listed under the html element on the MDN page do not account for the missing 2.66% support.
  • Rounding errors or the handling of older browsers are speculated to be the cause, as suggested by another Mastodon user.


  • The discussion on centers around the lack of 100% support reported for the "html" element, sparking a debate on terminology like "browser" versus "user agents".
  • Other topics in the conversation include recursive acronyms, the Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) rebranding, and the transition from to MDN.
  • Users express varying opinions on the usefulness of MDN, potential bias towards Google Chrome, open-sourcing documentation, and the validity and support of the HTML element.

Pinball Map: The Ultimate Guide to Public Pinball Machines Worldwide

  • Pinball Map is a global map of public pinball machines maintained by users and administrators.
  • The mobile app is available for both Android and iOS users.
  • The project is non-monetized and does not have ads or premium membership, but users can support it through Patreon.


  • The discussions focus on different aspects of owning and playing pinball machines, including finding machines in different cities and the pros and cons of virtual pinball alternatives.
  • Participants share personal experiences, recommend websites and apps for locating machines, and discuss the importance of maintaining them.
  • The conversation also addresses the decline of classic arcade machines and the availability of vintage parts.

Creating a Challenging Twist: Minesweeper on an Irregular Grid

  • The author is developing a game inspired by Minesweeper but with an irregular grid, adding complexity to the gameplay.
  • The irregular grid introduces variations in the number of neighboring cells, making the game more challenging and engaging.
  • The author also intends to create similar variations for other popular games like Checkers/Draughts, Chess, Othello, and Go, potentially expanding the range of challenging gaming experiences.


  • The article and comment threads delve into different topics related to Minesweeper, such as playing on irregular grids, enhancing user controls, adding new features, and resolving bugs and display problems.
  • Users share their personal experiences with various versions of the game and offer suggestions for improving gameplay.
  • The game's creator actively engages with feedback from users and considers implementing suggested changes. Discussions about other games resembling Minesweeper and concerns about data collection and cheating in high scores are also present.

SeaweedFS: Scalable and Efficient Open-Source File System for Distributed Storage

  • SeaweedFS is an open-source distributed file system designed for storing and serving large numbers of files.
  • It supports directories, POSIX attributes, offloading to distributed key-value stores, and can be integrated with cloud storage.
  • SeaweedFS offers fast access speeds, scalable capacity, and features such as data volume management, caching, replication, encryption, customization, and more.


  • SeaweedFS is a fast distributed storage system that combines the features of databases and file systems for efficient data handling and recovery from power outages and data corruption.
  • It is written in Go programming language, which is surprising but appreciated for its performance.
  • The discussion includes topics like error handling in Go, pros and cons of storing one file per object, suggestions for other storage solutions, and references to Microsoft's previous attempts at similar systems.
  • The effectiveness of Seaweed Filer, temporary filer stores like Cassandra and Redis, and a comparison with ZFS are also part of the conversation.
  • Overall, SeaweedFS offers a non-hierarchical distributed key-value store with advantages over traditional storage systems.

Japan to offer 6-month visa for remote working nomads

  • Japan is launching a new visa status for highly skilled workers, including IT engineers, which permits remote work for up to six months while exploring the country.
  • The visa is designed to attract workers and consulting company owners from abroad, as well as YouTubers who earn advertising revenue from international companies.
  • This initiative aims to leverage the appeal of Japan as a tourist destination while encouraging the inflow of specialized talent into the country.


  • The conversation focuses on the challenges and implications of immigration and population issues in Japan, specifically related to digital nomads.
  • Concerns regarding visa durations, housing, cultural preservation, and economic growth are discussed.
  • The conversation also explores the legality and enforcement of working remotely on tourist visas, the impact of digital nomads on local communities and economies, and potential tax consequences of working abroad. The need for clear visa regulations for digital nomads is emphasized, with mentions of the possibility of more digital nomad visas in the future.

Giving Up on a Failing Project: A Cautionary Tale

  • The author recounts their journey of working on a map-based search project for Wikipedia articles, starting with enthusiasm and progress.
  • However, they eventually faced challenges such as lag, inaccurate article sorting, and uninteresting suggestions, leading them to make random feature additions without a clear vision.
  • After realizing that the project was not successful, the author shares their experience as a cautionary tale, highlighting the importance of staying focused and maintaining a clear goal in future projects.


  • The article discusses the importance of working on small, unfinished projects for learning and maintaining passion.
  • The 2/2/2 rule for project development is recommended, along with the value of sharing unfinished work.
  • Various perspectives on project abandonment, motivations behind personal projects, learning from failures, and taking risks are discussed.

AWS Charges for IPv4 Usage Expected to Generate $1B/year, Drive IPv6 Adoption

  • AWS is implementing a new charge of $0.005 per IP per hour for customers with public IPv4 addresses to promote the adoption of IPv6.
  • The new charge is projected to generate up to $1 billion annually for Amazon.
  • This measure is in response to the scarcity and management challenges of IPv4 addresses, with IPv6 being promoted as a solution due to its abundance of addresses.


  • AWS is criticized for charging for IPv4 usage, leading to frustration among users.
  • ISPs are limited in their ability to provide IPv6 support, hindering the adoption of IPv6.
  • Disputes arise over the percentage of IPv4-only traffic, highlighting the ongoing prevalence of IPv4.
  • Participants discuss the implementation of IPv6, including the allocation of IP address subnets and the impact on pricing and adoption.
  • The benefits and drawbacks of IPv6 are debated, along with alternative solutions and the future of IPv4.
  • There is a general call for increased adoption and support for IPv6 to address the challenges and limitations of IPv4.

European Regulators Address Open Source Concerns in Cyber Resilience Act and Product Liability Directive

  • The Open Source Initiative (OSI) and other Open Source communities have been involved in discussions with European regulators regarding the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) and Product Liability Directive (PLD) in 2023.
  • Initial concerns were raised about the potential impact of the CRA on Open Source development, but after extensive engagement, the final text has addressed most of the risks for individual developers and Open Source foundations.
  • There are still challenges that need to be addressed, such as clarifying responsibilities under the CRA and PLD, and OSI recommends that the European Commission seek expert advice from the Open Source communities.
  • There is a call for future legislative engagement that includes the Fourth Sector and a series of workshops will be organized at FOSDEM 2024 for further discussion.


  • The Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) in the EU has raised concerns about compliance and cost for small businesses using open-source software.
  • Some believe that the legislation may discourage the adoption of open-source software and hinder innovation.
  • There is a debate about liability and responsibility for open-source software, as well as the challenges faced by small projects in obtaining certification.
  • The regulations could impact EU companies competing with non-certified apps from non-EU companies.
  • Improvements and guidance from the European Commission are necessary to address these concerns.

Bitcoin Mining in the US Accounts for 2% of Electricity Generation

  • Large-scale cryptocurrency operations in the US are estimated to consume over 2% of the country's electricity, prompting the government to monitor the energy implications of bitcoin mining.
  • Bitcoin mining contributes to the use of fossil fuels as miners set up near underutilized power plants, leading to increased electricity generation.
  • Some mining operations have joined demand-response programs to offset potential energy shortages, and the US Energy Information Agency will be conducting monthly analyses to assess the impact on the electric grid.


  • The environmental impact of Bitcoin mining and its energy consumption is a topic of discussion.
  • Supporters argue that most of the power used comes from renewables or encourages their adoption, while critics claim it promotes wasteful energy consumption.
  • There are discussions on the potential for Bitcoin mining to stabilize the electricity grid and boost renewable energy, as well as the need to incentivize the transition away from carbon in cryptocurrency mining.

New European Court Enforces Secret Decisions and Limited Representation

  • The European Court's decisions will not be accessible to residents of the EU or federal agencies.
  • Plaintiffs cannot personally attend the court and are instead represented by a special advocate chosen by the US attorney general.
  • The commenter suggests that their actions would be more beneficial if they built a room for kittens in their mother's house.


  • A newly established surveillance court is under scrutiny due to concerns about judges with conflicting interests and lack of transparency in its operations.
  • The court's impact on EU residents and its handling of classified information are criticized, raising questions about purpose and accountability.
  • President Biden's executive order creating the court raises concerns about potential lack of representation for complainants and raises discussions on the judiciary, due process, and transatlantic data trade.