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Vesuvius Challenge 2023 Winners Decipher 2000-Year-Old Scroll Using Machine Learning

  • The winners of the Vesuvius Challenge 2023 Grand Prize have been announced, and they have successfully read a 2000-year-old scroll from the Herculaneum Papyri.
  • The scroll discusses topics such as music, food, and pleasure, providing valuable insights for further study.
  • The winning team utilized machine learning models and auto-segmentation tools, but they still need to improve upon them.
  • The research process involved the use of X-ray tomography and machine learning to analyze the papyrus scrolls.
  • The competition promoted cooperation and information sharing.
  • The next challenge, the 2024 Vesuvius Challenge, has been announced, aiming to unlock more texts from buried scrolls to enhance our understanding of classical life and literature.
  • The winners of the challenge will celebrate at the Getty Villa Museum.


  • Scientists have made progress in reading ancient scrolls through digital unwrapping and AI algorithms, leading to potential advancements in archaeology and technology.
  • Challenges in manual segmentation and scanning of more scrolls, as well as the need for funding, are hindering further developments in this field.
  • Excitement surrounds the potential discovery of lost manuscripts and the understanding of Epicurean philosophy in the scrolls, but concerns about accuracy and verification persist.

Adjustable Acceleration: Exploring Relativistic Spaceship at 0.00% Speed of Light

  • The page allows users to interact with a relativistic spaceship and adjust its acceleration.
  • Users can view various measurements such as distance, Doppler factor, ship time, and world time on the page.
  • The page, created by Dmytry Lavrov, has a theme centered around brightness and acceleration.


  • The discussion covers various topics related to space travel and the challenges associated with it, including limitations of accelerating a spaceship to visit the center of the Milky Way and potential damage from interstellar particles.
  • Topics also include the use of fuel as a shield, feasibility of using kinetic energy for propulsion, and density of atoms in space.
  • The conversation explores the concept of space as a weapon, potential destructive power of advanced space drives, concept of time travel, feasibility of interstellar travel, effects of acceleration on the human body, and potential risks and limitations of navigating at high speeds in space.

Atopile: Designing Circuit Boards with Code

  • The creators of atopile have developed an open-source language and toolchain called atopile to describe circuits using code.
  • The goal is to abstract electronics effectively and enable the reuse of designs, inspired by software engineers' workflow in hardware design.
  • The atopile compiler generates netlists and selects components for the circuit, with a current focus on designing PCBs with low to medium complexity.


  • Atopile is a tool that allows circuit board design using code, with a focus on automation, collaboration, and component selection.
  • The article explores the limitations of current electronics design tools and the challenges of converting visual schematics into code.
  • It discusses the potential for a software ecosystem in hardware engineering, including optimization of component selection, the benefits of a code-based approach, and potential growth in the open-source community.

SMS-based Authentication: Companies Blamed for SIM-Swap Attacks

  • Security companies relying on SMS for account logins and password resets should be held responsible for SIM-swap attacks.
  • SIM-swap attacks occur when criminals trick carriers into transferring victim's phone number to their device, granting access to SMS account login details and sensitive information.
  • High-profile companies like Apple, Google, and PayPal have adopted SMS-based authentication despite its known security flaws, and the author argues for the adoption of more secure options such as Authy or Google Authenticator.


  • The conversation explores different methods of account authentication and security measures, such as SMS, Yubikeys, TOTP apps, and email.
  • There is disagreement about the reliability and effectiveness of using SMS for account-related purposes due to concerns about SIM swapping attacks.
  • The discussion emphasizes the limitations and vulnerabilities of various authentication methods, calling for stricter regulations and improved implementation of multi-factor authentication to achieve a balance between security and user convenience.

How many self-employed individuals sustain their own ventures without external funding?

  • The speaker is curious about the number of self-employed individuals and their occupations, particularly those who have started their own ventures without outside financial support.
  • They are interested in understanding how these individuals are able to sustain themselves without external funding.
  • The speaker is seeking insights into the entrepreneurial landscape and the strategies employed by self-employed individuals to maintain their businesses.


  • The conversation covers different aspects of self-employment, such as the profitability of various occupations, tax implications, challenges, and rewards.
  • There is a specific focus on the software industry in Poland and the advantages and risks of freelancing in this field.
  • The conversation highlights the benefits of owning a business, including the potential for financial success and personal fulfillment.

Washington House bill tackles false confessions by banning police from lying in interrogations

  • A proposed bill in Washington aims to ban police officers from lying during interrogations to address concerns of false confessions and promote ethical law enforcement practices.
  • The bill's goal is to enhance accountability and bolster the integrity of the criminal justice system.
  • If passed, this legislation could have significant implications for police interrogation tactics and the reliability of confessions.


  • The conversation delves into various aspects of police misconduct, including deception during interrogations and the challenges faced by public defenders.
  • Concerns are raised regarding false confessions, coercion, and the lack of accountability for police officers.
  • The importance of legal representation and the risks of engaging with the police without legal counsel are emphasized, with discussions also touching on issues of race and trust in law enforcement.

What Have You Built with LLMs? - Exploring LLM Applications and Deployment

  • The person is curious about the projects others have created using LLMs (large language models).
  • They mention developing a Chrome extension to skip sponsored sections in YouTube videos and experimenting with using LLMs to explain function call chains across different programming languages.
  • The person is also interested in learning about the technology stack and deployment methods used by others in their projects.


  • The summary highlights different projects and initiatives that make use of language models like GPT-3 and GPT-4.
  • Projects include chrome extensions, AI for sales training, chatbots, transcription and organization tools, language learning apps, and various automation and AI-powered tools.
  • The discussion mentions challenges, limitations, and improvements in language models, as well as the potential of AI in coding interview preparation, content summarization, service documentation, and financial earnings call analysis.

Weaveworks Shuts Down, Leaving Industry Professionals Disappointed

  • Weaveworks, a cloud native company, is shutting down its operations despite having strong revenue and a growing customer base.
  • The closure was due to a volatile cash position and a failed merger and acquisition deal.
  • Efforts are being made to ensure the continued development and maintenance of Weaveworks' open-source software, particularly CNCF Flux.
  • Industry professionals are disappointed by the news, as Weaveworks has made significant contributions to the cloud native ecosystem.


  • Weaveworks, a startup focused on Kubernetes management tools, has shut down despite significant revenue and funding.
  • The CEO's LinkedIn post suggests they were aiming to appear more attractive for acquisition.
  • This raises questions about decision-making and the "shoot for the moon" mentality prevalent in startups, where growth often takes priority over profitability.

Visit Hacker News on a Random Day

  • The user has developed a website that lets users explore the front page of Hacker News from a random day between today and February 19, 2007.
  • The website was initially created for personal use but has now been made available to the public, as the creator believes it could be of interest to others.
  • Users can experience the headlines, discussions, and activity on Hacker News from various dates in the past through this website.


  • The Hacker News discussion thread in August 2009 covers a range of topics including browsing preferences, frustrations with link behavior, and the value of web history features.
  • Users express dissatisfaction with link rot on the website and discuss the prevalence of news about Erlang.
  • Other discussions include the Stanford start-up school, analyzing the Hacker News archive for data, and the profitability of YouTube. Technical issues with Firefox on Linux and Windows are also reported.

UUID v7: Summary of Home Commitfest 2024-03 Review Process and Attachments

  • The Home Commitfest for 2024-03 is documented in this summary, providing insights into the review process and progress made for various topics.
  • The UUID v7 topic is discussed, including the authors, reviewers, and the current status of the review process.
  • Attachments and comments related to the UUID v7 topic are also included in the summary.


  • The debate centers around the advantages and disadvantages of using UUIDs in PostgreSQL databases.
  • Some argue that UUIDs are unnecessary for most applications, while others believe they enhance scalability and performance.
  • Discussions also cover the implementation, versions, privacy concerns, and security implications of UUIDs, as well as their impact on sorting, partitioning, and database performance.

Scientists Propose Adding Category 6 to Hurricane Scale

  • A recent study proposes the inclusion of a new category, category 6, in the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale.
  • This new category would address the intensifying power and destructive capabilities of tropical cyclones due to climate change.
  • The study utilized data from past storms, analysis of maximum potential intensity, and climate change models to support the need for a category 6.
  • The addition of this category would provide a more accurate representation of the risks associated with climate change and stimulate conversations on communicating hurricane-related risks to the public.


  • Scientists propose the addition of a new hurricane category 6 due to increasing intensity, but skeptics criticize the research methodology and data manipulation.
  • Reliable and consistent data is crucial in scientific research, especially for politically sensitive topics like climate change.
  • The current categorization system based on wind speeds may fail to convey potential damage from storm surges and flooding, highlighting the need for improved rating systems that consider factors like infrastructure, storm surge, and flood risk.