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Comprehensive Guide to SQL for Data Scientists: 100 Queries and Examples

  • The information provided is a comprehensive resource for teaching SQL to instructors, covering topics such as database management, SQL queries, data joining, windowing functions, transactions, triggers, JSON data manipulation, and Python's interaction with databases.
  • The material includes setup instructions, background concepts, and examples of SQL queries with their outputs for different scenarios.
  • It also covers concepts like aggregation functions, constraints, upsert, normalization, and provides code snippets demonstrating SQLite and Python usage, including exception handling, working with dates and times, using SQL in Jupyter notebooks, and utilizing Pandas with SQLite. A list of key terms related to databases and SQL is also included.


  • The summary covers discussions on data science, SQL, and related topics, exploring the definition and expectations of the data scientist role.
  • It highlights confusion around different titles and expectations within the field.
  • The usefulness of tools like ChatGPT for writing SQL queries in plain English is discussed, along with challenges in using Clickhouse for SQL joins and working with timeseries data.
  • Recommendations are provided for SQL tutorials, resources for query optimization, and a suggestion to use DuckDB.

HSBC Bank Leak Exposes Fraudulent Mortgages Fueled by Fake Chinese Income in Toronto Real Estate

  • A whistleblower at HSBC Bank in Canada has uncovered evidence of fraudulent mortgages in Toronto, involving fake Chinese income and estimated at over $500 million.
  • These fraudulent home loans were issued by at least 10 HSBC branches in the Toronto area since 2015, with an increase during the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • Chinese diaspora buyers were obtaining mortgages from HSBC while claiming extravagant salaries from remote-work jobs in China, using fake documents to launder money.


  • HSBC bank in Canada is allegedly implicated in fraudulent mortgage issuance to Chinese diaspora buyers in Toronto, possibly involving employees and a senior manager.
  • The issue may go beyond one branch and be widespread throughout the bank, raising concerns about money laundering, fraud, inflated housing prices, and potential risks to the Canadian banking system.
  • The discussion also focuses on the impact of non-taxed income on the Toronto real estate market, regulations, the role of foreign buyers, and potential consequences for the global economy, considering the decline of the Chinese property market and capital controls.

A Comprehensive Guide on Using PostgreSQL in Various Applications and Scenarios

  • The summary provides a list of tools and resources for using PostgreSQL in various applications and scenarios.
  • It includes links to GitHub repositories for code examples and further information on topics such as background and cron jobs, message queues, GIS/mapping, audit logs, access control, authorization, search functionality, time series data, graph data, foreign data, HTTP interactions, APIs, events/replication/CDC, unit tests, migrations, dashboards/UIs, data visualization, and language servers.
  • Readers are invited to share any additional resources or tools they may be aware of.


  • PostgreSQL is a versatile but challenging database management system often used in software development.
  • The passage highlights the benefits and limitations of using PostgreSQL and recommends leveraging existing technology whenever possible.
  • It provides insights into various patterns and libraries for effective usage, scaling, handling complex application architectures, and understanding the trade-offs between different databases.

Recognizing the World's Problems and Progress: A Path towards a Better Future

  • The article highlights the dual nature of the world, acknowledging that it has both negative aspects and areas of progress.
  • Using child mortality as an example, the author emphasizes the improvements made while acknowledging the existing issues.
  • The article argues that recognizing both the problems and the progress is crucial for believing in the potential of a better world.


  • The discussion delves into various topics such as global state, population and economic growth, resource depletion, climate change, crime rates, and political polarization.
  • Different perspectives, both optimistic and pessimistic, are presented, showcasing a balanced approach.
  • The complexity and challenges surrounding these issues are emphasized, along with the importance of reliable data, being open-minded, and engaging in productive debates.
  • Large language models (LLMs) have been found to be as accurate as or even surpass human legal contract reviewers in determining legal issues.
  • LLMs are significantly faster than humans, capable of completing reviews in seconds compared to hours.
  • The use of LLMs in the legal industry has the potential to revolutionize the field, increasing accessibility and efficiency while reducing costs.


  • AI and language models (LLMs) are being discussed for their impact on the legal profession.
  • There are mixed opinions on their effectiveness and limitations, with integration alongside lawyers being suggested by some while concerns about accuracy and liability issues are raised by others.
  • Job loss in the legal industry and the need for regulations to protect it are also subjects of debate. Privacy, data misuse, and the importance of human input in legal matters are additional concerns.

jQuery 4.0.0 Beta Release: Bug Fixes, Performance Improvements, and Breaking Changes

  • jQuery 4.0.0 beta version has been released, bringing bug fixes, performance improvements, and some breaking changes.
  • Support for IE with children has been removed in this update.
  • The jQuery Foundation offers various resources, including training, events, documentation, support, and forums, to help users learn and contribute to the jQuery community.


  • Participants debate the relevance and significance of jQuery in contemporary web development, particularly its indispensability for WordPress-based websites.
  • Advocates highlight its simplicity and versatility in handling diverse tasks.
  • Conversely, proponents of modern JavaScript frameworks like React argue that jQuery's necessity is subjective when compared to newer technologies.

Improving Command-Line Programs: Modern Updates for UNIX Principles (2021)

  • The text provides guidelines for improving command-line programs based on modern updates to traditional UNIX principles.
  • It emphasizes the importance of designing CLI programs with the user in mind and adhering to good UI design and CLI conventions.
  • The document explores the value and design principles of command line interfaces, including clarity, discoverability, and human-first design.


  • The article explores the current status and benefits of command line interfaces (CLIs).
  • The comments section covers a range of subjects, such as the significance of a "dry run" option in commands, the behavior of commands when piped or redirected, different approaches to launching environments and executing code, the preference for nested CLIs versus displaying all options in one place, and the challenges of making CLIs both human and machine-readable.
  • Opinions differ on the future of the command line and the role of AI, but there is acknowledgment of the ongoing utilization and importance of CLIs.

Bluesky Opens Social Network to Public with New Features

  • Bluesky, an open social network, is now open to anyone without requiring an invite code.
  • The platform has been developing features like moderation tooling and custom feeds.
  • They are experimenting with "federation," which aims to create a more open and customizable network where developers can self-host a server.


  • Bluesky is a decentralized social network that aims to promote open federation.
  • Comparisons are being made between Bluesky's business model and Netscape's impact on web development, although opinions on its significance are mixed.
  • Concerns are raised about the financial sustainability of Bluesky and the challenges of monetization, as well as technical hurdles, account portability, server shutdowns, and the need for regulation in the tech industry.

AdGuard Home: Network-wide ad- and tracker-blocking DNS server

  • AdGuard Home is network-wide software that blocks ads and tracking on all devices in your home by acting as a DNS server and rerouting tracking domains.
  • It offers features such as customizable blocklists, network activity monitoring, and the ability to add custom filtering rules.
  • AdGuard Home is an open-source project that can be installed using various methods and does not collect usage statistics unless configured to do so.


  • User discussions center around the effectiveness of various ad-blocking DNS servers, such as PiHole, NextDNS, and AdGuard Home.
  • Users share their experiences regarding website compatibility, latency, and reliability when using these tools.
  • Privacy concerns, pricing, and customization options are also discussed, with differing opinions on the usefulness and advantages of different ad-blocking solutions.

Ocean Warming Surpasses Paris Agreement Goals, New Study Shows

  • Sponges from the Caribbean have provided historical evidence that shows ocean temperatures started rising from fossil fuel burning in 1860, 80 years earlier than previously believed.
  • Current temperatures are already 1.7°C warmer than preindustrial levels, surpassing the goals set by the Paris Agreement.
  • The study emphasizes the importance of using paleoclimate data to supplement instrumental records and calls for reassessing the preindustrial reference period used by the IPCC.


  • This summary provides an overview of various topics related to climate change, such as ocean warming, lack of democratic support, and industry opposition.
  • It highlights the need for behavior and infrastructure changes, as well as addressing the unequal impacts and costs of climate change.
  • The role of renewable energy, China's emissions, and reducing carbon consumption are also discussed, along with the potential of electric cars as a solution.

Mozilla Monitor Plus: Automatic Data Removal and Privacy Protection

  • Mozilla Monitor, formerly known as Firefox Monitor, has introduced a new paid subscription service called Monitor Plus.
  • Monitor Plus provides users with automatic data removal and ongoing monitoring of personal information that has been compromised in data breaches.
  • The service enables users to take control of their online privacy by allowing them to request changes or deletion of their personal data from data broker sites, receive breach alerts, and have their information removed from over 190 data broker sites.


  • Mozilla has launched a new service called Mozilla Monitor Plus that automatically removes personal information from data brokers.
  • Concerns have been raised about potentially providing data brokers with more information, but Mozilla addresses this issue in their privacy policy.
  • The implementation of a solution using a bloom filter is considered unlikely.
  • The comments discuss the limitations of centralized data protection services and introduce the concept of query name minimization in DNS.
  • Other services like Optery, OneRep, and Incogni are mentioned and compared in terms of features and pricing.
  • Some users express satisfaction with Optery, while others have concerns about affiliate partnerships and third-party scripts.
  • The conversation also includes discussions about Firefox Relay and alternative providers for privacy protection.
  • EU regulations present challenges for offering certain services.
  • Pricing, the effectiveness of data removal, and concerns about privacy and data security are also discussed.
  • Some users express distrust in Mozilla and criticize the company's management decisions.
  • There are also criticisms about charging people to remove their personal information.
  • The overall discussion covers a wide range of topics related to privacy protection and data removal from data brokers.

Go 1.22: New Features, Optimizations, and Platform Updates

  • Go 1.22 is the latest release of the Go programming language, bringing improvements and changes across various aspects such as the toolchain, runtime, and libraries.
  • Updates include enhancements to the trace tool's web UI, improved warnings in the vet tool, optimization in garbage collection, and reduced memory overhead.
  • The release introduces new packages, updates to existing packages, and changes to packages like encoding/json, go/ast, and database/sql. Platform-specific updates are also included, such as position-independent executables on macOS and support for loong64 port and OpenBSD on big-endian 64-bit PowerPC.


  • The conversation revolves around programming languages like Typescript, Go, and Dart, discussing their advantages, challenges, and coding standards.
  • Updates and changes in Go, such as the addition of "sql.Null[T]" feature and improvements in the standard library, are discussed and appreciated by the community.
  • Participants share their experiences and opinions on language design and upgrading to newer versions, adding valuable insights to the conversation.

Millions in Damages as 3M Infected Smart Toothbrushes Carry Out Swiss DDoS Attack

  • Hackers have infected approximately three million smart toothbrushes in Switzerland and used them to launch a DDoS attack on a company's website.
  • The company suffered millions of Euros in damages as a result of the attack.
  • The toothbrushes were vulnerable to the breach due to their Java-based operating system.
  • Cybersecurity experts recommend device owners update their devices, monitor for any suspicious activity, and utilize security software to safeguard against similar attacks.


  • The discussion explores the security risks and concerns surrounding internet-connected toothbrushes and smart devices.
  • Participants question the validity of a news article suggesting smart toothbrushes were utilized in DDoS attacks.
  • Various concerns are raised, including device security, data privacy, potential surveillance, and the importance of better security measures for smart devices.

Prioritizing Server Importance: The Need for Regular Tracking

  • The author's main machine room experienced a major air conditioning failure, forcing them to power off machines.
  • The incident highlighted the need to keep track of which machines are critical and which ones are not, in order to better plan for future cooling or power limitations.
  • While the author acknowledged the importance of documenting this information, they mentioned that it may not be prioritized due to ongoing maintenance work.


  • The passage and comment thread cover topics such as server management, data centers, and IT infrastructure.
  • Key themes include the significance of asset management and criticality ratings and treating servers as cattle, not pets.
  • The discussion delves into challenges in implementing this approach, the use of cloud services, the need for server system redundancy and resilience, as well as limitations, costs, budget constraints in academia, and the importance of documentation and organization.