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Bruno: Next-gen Git-friendly API client

  • Bruno is a rapid and open-source API client challenging tools like Postman and Insomnia.
  • It utilizes a text markup language to store API request data on the filesystem, enabling collaboration through Git and similar systems.
  • The focus is on data privacy, offering an offline-only approach without cloud-sync, with pre-orders open for the discounted Golden Edition.


  • User frustrations center on API clients like Postman mandating a cloud account, while others like Insomnia have limitations.
  • Bruno, an open-source API client, is lauded for speed and Git compatibility, in contrast to monetization pressure from companies.
  • Discussions cover the advantages and disadvantages of API testing tools like Bruno, Postman, and Insomnia, highlighting challenges in collaborating on API documentation.

Monodraw: Mac ASCII Art Editor with Advanced Features

  • Monodraw is an ASCII art editor for Mac, facilitating the creation of various designs with plain text, such as diagrams and banners, offering both a free trial and a purchase option for $9.99.
  • The software provides drawing tools, features like grouping and alignment guides, and a command-line interface, compatible with macOS 11 Big Sur onwards, and ensures user privacy by abstaining from data collection.
  • Users can benefit from an educational discount, and feedback is welcome via email or Twitter, enhancing user engagement and support options.


  • Hacker News users are discussing web-based text to diagram tools, highlighting Monodraw's popularity for its simplicity and functionality in creating ASCII art to improve documentation and explain complex concepts.
  • Conversations cover topics like font rendering, Unicode symbols, and the limitations of ASCII characters in drawings, with some users favoring ASCII for documentation, while others debate the effectiveness of using image files for diagrams.
  • Monodraw developer plans to shift to maintenance mode with limited updates, contemplating open-sourcing the code, sparking debates on tool alternatives like Mermaid and Sigma5, as well as concerns about app abandonment and existing app quality.

Revolutionary 4D Knit Dress: A Fusion of Technology and Fashion

  • The 4D Knit Dress is a collaboration between MIT Self-Assembly Lab and Ministry of Supply, combining heat-activated yarns, computerized knitting, and robotic tech for a customizable garment fitting any body shape or style.
  • This innovative project standardizes 3D shaping in clothing construction, overcoming traditional garment limitations for a more personalized and efficient fit, showcasing the fusion of technology and fashion.
  • The collaboration demonstrates the potential to revolutionize clothing creation and customization through the integration of advanced technology in the fashion industry.


  • A groundbreaking clothing production method utilizes heat-activated yarns for innovative garments like a 4D knit dress and a polyester dress that can be ground down and recycled.
  • Environmental impact, customization, and coal formation are key concerns surrounding this revolutionary process.
  • Industry discussions involve mid-tier brands providing made-to-measure choices, seamless shoulder construction, 3D scanning for on-demand clothing, and potential color perception deception.

Bypassing Safari 17's audio fingerprint protection

  • Apple implemented enhanced fingerprinting protection in Safari 17 to counter audio fingerprinting by incorporating random noise in audio samples for accuracy reduction.
  • The article explores optimizing an audio fingerprinting algorithm, efficiently creating multiple noised samples, and developing a novel algorithm for stability and uniqueness.
  • Safari and Brave approach audio fingerprinting differently, with Safari employing noise and Brave introducing unique noise, while FingerprintJS works on boosting browser fingerprint precision by accentuating differences in audio fingerprints.


  • The focus is on bypassing Safari 17's audio fingerprinting protection using techniques like GPU fingerprinting, raising concerns about privacy, power usage, and effectiveness.
  • Discussions highlight web tracking strategies, privacy breaches, and ethical dilemmas related to fingerprinting, proposing solutions for online tracking problems, fraud prevention, browser safety, and finding a balance between user security and privacy.
  • The dialogue also explores the complexities of web performance enhancement, utilizing distinctive hash codes for tracking, and managing the trade-off between user identification and privacy considerations.

Unlocking the Power of Focus: Insights from Monks

  • The article emphasizes the significance of focus and concentration, drawing from historical examples of monks facing distractions in their routines.
  • It underscores the transformative power of immersive reading, suggesting that interacting with books can influence our thoughts and viewpoints.
  • Reflecting on the advantages of exploring classic and ancient texts, the author urges readers to cherish the enlightenment and personal development gained from such engagements.


  • The article compares the focus and concentration techniques of Christian and Buddhist monks, emphasizing the advantages of immersive reading and mindfulness.
  • It debates the pros and cons of physical books versus audiobooks, stressing the significance of reading and meditation for cognitive growth.
  • Criticizes the biased nature of the debate and underscores the disappointment in expecting higher quality content.

Paving the Way for All-Optical Computing: A General-Purpose CPU and Architecture

  • The paper explores all-optical computing as a solution to energy efficiency issues in electronic processors, utilizing optics for interconnects and computing tasks.
  • Authors suggest an efficient general-purpose CPU and architecture that eliminates the need for electro-optical conversions, showcasing a photonic integrated circuit (PIC) implementing a URISC architecture for all-optical data processing.
  • The research aims to drive progress in the field of all-optical computing, looking to surpass current electronic limitations.


  • The discussion on examines a 2-bit version of SUBLEQ in an all-optical CPU, debating optical computing feasibility, advantages like parallelism and energy efficiency, size restrictions, and wavelength challenges.
  • The conversation delves into storage, logic gates, memory structures, and AI models in optical computing, highlighting concerns over peer review quality and misinformation in academic publications.
  • SUBLEQ is proposed as a basic optical computer with under 100 logic gates, illustrating its application in optical computing systems.

AI Content Contamination Threatens Future Models

  • AI-generated content is saturating the internet, impacting future AI models' training data and potentially causing "model collapse."
  • Researchers have identified "model collapse" in different AI models, raising worries about bias, diversity, and future AI model performance.
  • Engineers are seeking solutions to safeguard training data from AI-generated content to mitigate these concerns.


  • The article explores the risks associated with using AI-generated data to train future AI models, including concerns like model collapse, unintended consequences, and a potential lack of creativity and diversity in generated content.
  • It emphasizes the importance of not solely relying on AI-generated output for training, touching on its impact on model evolution, innovation, cognitive processes, and decision-making.
  • The discussion also highlights challenges in error correction, the significance of diverse perspectives in AI training, and the limitations of internet data in AI development, ultimately emphasizing the critical need to carefully assess data sources for AI model training to maintain integrity and performance.

React Geiger: Identify Performance Issues with Audio Clicks

  • React Geiger is a tool that identifies React performance issues by creating audio cues for frequent component rerenders.
  • It can be easily installed using npm and helps by tracking render times of components when wrapped.
  • Users have the flexibility to customize settings like threshold time and rendering phase to focus on particular performance aspects, but keep in mind React Geiger requires React.Profiler, disabled by default in production builds.


  • React Geiger is a performance profiling tool utilizing sound to detect unnecessary re-renders in code, garnering praise and prompting discussions about similar projects like network activity monitoring.
  • Users have proposed enhancements to the sound design and mentioned the idea of crafting a song around performance profiles.
  • The tool is perceived as both creative and beneficial for developers, offering a new perspective on optimizing code efficiency.

Exploring the Power of Call-by-Push-Value

  • Call-by-Push-Value (CBPV) is a novel evaluation strategy that merges features from both Call-by-Value (CBV) and Call-by-Name/Need (CBN), offering more efficient code generation and expanded programming language capabilities.
  • CBPV differentiates values from computations, enhancing type inference, managing side effects, and optimizing higher-order functions, thereby introducing fresh perspectives for program analysis and language enhancement.
  • The explicit separation of values and computations in CBPV paves the way for improved program comprehension and innovation in language design.


  • The post discusses call-by-push-value (CBPV) in lambda calculus, comparing it to lazy evaluation and its application in languages like Haskell and PureScript.
  • It covers topics such as thunking, function chaining, and function arity, highlighting the advantages and challenges associated with these concepts in programming languages.
  • The exploration provides insights into the implementation of CBPV and its significance in functional programming paradigms.

FDA Grants Breakthrough Status to MM120 for Anxiety Disorder

  • MindMed's MM120 program for Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) received FDA Breakthrough Therapy Designation and reported positive durability data from a Phase 2B study, showcasing sustained clinical improvement over 12 weeks with a 65% response rate and 48% remission rate.
  • Plans include an End-of-Phase 2 meeting with the FDA in the first half of 2024 followed by Phase 3 clinical trials initiation in the second half of the same year.
  • The study results will be presented at the American Psychiatric Association's annual meeting in May 2024, offering potential new treatment options for the millions affected by GAD.


  • The FDA recognizes MM120 (LSD) as a breakthrough therapy for Generalized Anxiety Disorder, despite skepticism about the effectiveness of hallucinogens like ketamine in treating anxiety and depression.
  • Concerns are raised about blinding issues, adverse events, and efficacy regarding ketamine and other substances used for mental health disorders compared to placebos.
  • The article covers the mechanism of action, cost, accessibility, and potential benefits of ketamine as an anesthetic and antidepressant, along with personal anecdotes on psychedelic therapy and advocacy for decriminalization and regulated access to psychedelics.

Amazon S3: More than an Object Store

  • Amazon S3 is not merely an object store but rather a cloud filesystem for file storage, as discussed in the article.
  • Contrasting deep Unix file API with the simple S3 API, the article highlights the limitations of S3, like the inability for partial overwrites and slow file listing operations.
  • The article stresses the complexity of Amazon S3, debunking the simplistic perception created by its name.


  • Amazon S3 is an object storage system, not a traditional file system, posing challenges when used as such in app development.
  • The article delineates disparities in semantics, folder organization, and querying methods between S3 and standard file systems.
  • It mentions tools, services, and workarounds to improve functionality while using S3 for file storage, underscoring the importance of grasping the variances between object storage and traditional file systems in application development.

Schedule iMessage Texts from Text Files Using Python Script

  • The author highlights the absence of a built-in feature to schedule messages on iPhones.
  • They propose a solution using a Python script to schedule iMessage texts from text files on a computer.
  • Readers are encouraged to experiment with the solution and share their feedback.


  • The post explores different methods to schedule and automate messages on iOS devices, such as utilizing a Python script on GitHub, +, AppleScript, and the Data Jar tool.
  • Users exchange their experiences with message scheduling and address workarounds for constraints related to iMessage/SMS relaying.
  • The discussion also mentions biases towards Apple products and favoring Python scripting over AppleScript on macOS, leading to a resolution to enhance the readme for a better understanding and extended conversation.

Unveiling Skiplists in Big Data Systems

  • The paper surveys skiplists and their applications in big data systems, known for their simplicity, ease of implementation, and equivalent complexity to tree-based structures.
  • Various skiplist variants are explored, highlighting their utility in diverse scenarios like multi-dimensional space, network overlaying algorithms, and database indexes.
  • Systems incorporating skiplists and integrating probabilistic skip patterns are discussed, showcasing their practical implementation in real-world designs.


  • Skiplists are praised for their simplicity and efficiency, especially in Java for concurrent navigable maps, amid discussions about their implementation and analysis.
  • The debate surrounding skiplists includes comparisons to related data structures like zip trees and binary search trees, questioning their practicality and performance in different software systems.

Pilots Sleep in Cockpit: A320 Deviates, Lands Safely

  • Both pilots on a Batik Air Airbus A320 flight from Jakarta to Kendari reportedly fell asleep for 28 minutes, taking turns to rest, leading to a deviation from the flight path.
  • Despite the pilots' unintended nap causing the aircraft to veer off course, the plane managed to land safely in Jakarta.


  • Pilots falling asleep in the cockpit underscores the struggle of staying alert during long shifts, leading to suggestions like using autopilot and deadman switches to prevent fatigue-related incidents.
  • The debate examines the drawbacks and risks of entirely autonomous aviation systems, with proponents proposing semi-autonomous functions as a middle ground.
  • Furthermore, discussions encompass the significance of mandatory paternal leave and robust family-friendly policies for pilots, emphasizing their role as backups to autonomous systems.