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Developing GNOME Apps Made Easier with Swift

  • The article explores utilizing Swift for developing GNOME apps, emphasizing the Adwaita for Swift package.
  • Benefits of Swift include cleaner syntax and enhanced code readability when compared to languages like Python.
  • Adwaita for Swift streamlines GNOME app development by facilitating data-centric UI design, supporting cross-platform development, and integrating with Flathub for app distribution.


  • The post delves into the hurdles of developing Gnome apps using Swift, emphasizing a SwiftUI-like wrapper for Gnome features, addressing challenges such as concurrency, data binding, cross-platform support, and long-term project maintenance.
  • Users share their encounters with UI updates and difficulties in handling navigation split views specifically on macOS, shedding light on architecture patterns like MVVM and the significance of establishing guidelines for UI development.
  • Discussions extend to the potential influence of Microsoft's technologies on Linux, exploring various languages and frameworks for GUI development, while outlining the pros and cons of code-centric UI programming.

Uncovering Unheard Machine Learning Breakthroughs

  • Work by Cynthia Rudin on explainable AI is making exciting developments in the machine learning and data science world.
  • Models like GPT, Diffusion, and MultiModal are currently popular, overshadowing other important advancements in the field.
  • Despite the attention on certain models, there are other significant advancements in machine learning and data science deserving of recognition.


  • The post discusses new advancements in machine learning and data science, including 3D scene reconstruction, Gaussian avatars, text-to-speech technology, and explainable AI, amidst the buzz around models like GPT.
  • It highlights progress in neural rendering and deep learning, along with possible industry applications, while also delving into the hurdles faced in adopting and interpreting AI models, mentioning technologies such as NeRFs and NAS.
  • Other areas explored are the integration of AI in material science, chemistry, and 3D animation, offering a broad view of AI's expanding influence across diverse fields.

NotepadNext: Cross-Platform Notepad++ Reimplementation

  • Notepad Next is a cross-platform alternative to Notepad++, compatible with Windows, Linux, and MacOS.
  • Although stable, it is advised against using it for essential tasks due to bugs and unfinished features.
  • Development is active and open for contributions, offering installation packages for all platforms, with extra components for Windows and the option for MacOS users to disable font smoothing.


  • Users discuss text editors like Notepad++, Geany, and Kate, highlighting features, usability, and cross-platform compatibility.
  • Notepad++ is commended for its fast and minimalistic UI, contrasting with concerns about other editors with cluttered interfaces.
  • Opinions vary on the ideal text editor for coding, with Notepad++ standing out for its adaptability and ease of use.

Demystifying Digital Wallet Security Beyond Apple Pay

  • Matt Birchler debunks the myth that only Apple Pay safeguards credit card details, pointing out that Google Pay and Samsung Pay also protect card numbers.
  • He distinguishes between FPAN and DPAN, underscoring the security advantages of DPANs, especially during data breaches.
  • Birchler clarifies that Apple Pay doesn't conceal essential personal information from merchants, stressing that other digital wallets provide comparable security measures.


  • Hacker News discussion delves into Apple Pay and Google Pay, emphasizing their compatibility with physical payment terminals, security measures, and constraints, including the adoption of NFC technology.
  • It outlines challenges banks encounter negotiating with Apple, regulatory concerns about digital wallets, transaction fees, and the legal consequences of antitrust lawsuits against Apple.
  • The dialogue also covers offline transactions, smart card usage, and how EU regulations affect Apple's operations.

Dioxus 0.5: Next-Gen App Development in Rust

  • Dioxus 0.5, launched on March 28, 2024, brought significant enhancements, including a signal rewrite, omitting lifetimes, CSS hot reloading, and other features to streamline app development.
  • The update enhanced component development, memory management, performance, and introduced new functionalities like CSS hot reloading and a cross-platform event system.
  • Future Dioxus updates will focus on stabilizing the asset system, introducing server components, and integrating LiveView, while the team invites community contributions to further enhance the platform.


  • Dioxus 0.5 is a Rust framework for various applications, competing with Leptos and Yew, often combined with Bevy for desktop and mobile projects.
  • Dioxus Labs works on enhancing user experience with potential self-hosted versions and licensing choices, concentrating on enterprise usage and upcoming distinctive features.
  • Discussions entail open-source financialization, VC funding hurdles, and comparisons with frameworks such as Tauri, addressing concerns about unsafe Rust code, rendering methods, and application development disparities between Dioxus and Tauri.

AI Chatbots' Knowledge Retrieval Unveiled by LLMs

  • Large language models, like the ones behind AI chatbots, utilize basic linear functions to access stored data on various topics, enabling researchers to investigate the model and rectify inaccuracies.
  • Identifying these functions allows researchers to correct false information within the model, enhancing the understanding of knowledge storage and potentially boosting the accuracy and dependability of AI chatbots.
  • A group of scientists from MIT, Northeastern University, Harvard University, and the Israeli Institute of Technology conducted the research, which will be showcased at the International Conference on Learning Representations.


  • Participants delve into the challenges, advancements, and limitations of large language models (LLMs) and transformers in AI technology, focusing on knowledge retrieval mechanisms, computational power, and practical implementation costs.
  • There is a debate on whether transformers have peaked or if there is untapped potential for advancement, along with concerns about the lossy nature of LLM compression and the models' ability to grasp concepts fully.
  • Discussions include the complexity of language models, the role of linear functions in AI, the importance of training data, and optimizing functions, as well as knowledge transfer between languages and "immersion" in differential geometry.

Amazon Fined $8 Million in Poland Over Deceptive Design Tactics

  • Amazon has been fined in Poland for deceptive practices related to sales contracts on its online marketplace, with a penalty of nearly $8 million.
  • Deceptive design elements, creating a false sense of urgency, misleading consumers on product availability and delivery dates, were highlighted by the consumer watchdog.
  • The company's practice of canceling orders post-payment, considering the purchase not as the contract conclusion, and using 'dark pattern design' were major issues identified, allowing Amazon the opportunity to appeal the ruling.


  • Amazon has been fined in Poland for employing dark pattern design techniques, although it's not as dominant in the country as local rival Allegro.
  • Users in Poland have raised concerns about Amazon's offerings, search engine, and customer service, prompting some to favor for a wider selection, reliability, and faster shipping.
  • Discussions highlight dark patterns in e-commerce, especially deceptive urgency strategies employed by companies like Amazon, while users also criticize Zoom's interface and design, suggesting the necessity for enhancements.

Intel's $152B Buybacks Raise Questions on $8B Subsidy

  • The Biden administration is in talks to offer more than $10 billion in subsidies to Intel Corp, raising questions about the need for additional funding given the company's history of $152 billion in stock buybacks in the past 35 years.
  • Concerns have emerged regarding the potential misuse of taxpayer grants by Intel for further stock buybacks, casting doubt on the purpose and benefit of the proposed subsidy.


  • Intel has secured an $8 billion subsidy from the US government to establish a factory domestically, sparking debates on government ownership's implications, national security, and shareholder value alignment.
  • Discussions center on stock buybacks' efficiency, impact on stock prices, relationship with dividends, and generating shareholder value, addressing tax bypassing, stock value impact, ethics, and manipulation.
  • The conversation delves into government subsidies, balancing intervention and open markets, challenges of US manufacturing, and Biden administration's initiatives on apprenticeships, combating credentialism, and anti-manipulation regulations, aiming for socially acceptable economic solutions.

Mining OpenAI's Discourse Reveals User Sentiment and Insights

  • OpenAI operates a developer community on Discourse, hosting 20,000 users and over 100,000 posts starting from March 2021.
  • A dataset was generated from the forum posts to study user experiences, sentiments, and extract insights, covering posts, discussions, sentiment analysis, and topic models.
  • The data mostly consists of neutral posts, with certain categories showcasing additional negative or positive sentiments, accessible publicly for in-depth exploration of AI technologies.


  • The post explores utilizing AI for sentiment analysis of community forum posts on OpenAI's platform, highlighting worries about consent and privacy.
  • Users express concerns about data processing, privacy issues, regulatory compliance, and share opinions on OpenAI forums.
  • Criticisms arise from OpenAI's pivot towards a commercial focus, including disapproval of their "open" label, with suggestions to utilize the OpenAI API directly for better control and transparency.

ST-DOS: Advanced Kernel with MS-DOS Compatibility

  • ST-DOS is a kernel compiled with the Open Watcom compiler, offering features like large disk support, dynamic caching, and MS-DOS compatibility.
  • The bootloader looks for KERNEL.BIN in a FAT filesystem to load into memory with specific requirements.
  • Changelog updates are available, and the kernel's source code can be accessed online.


  • "ST-DOS" is a personal MS-DOS clone developed by Sami Tikkanen, combining MS-DOS concepts with unique elements.
  • The discussion involves Atari ST, DR-DOS, and reminiscing about old-school computing with CRT monitors and dial-up aesthetics.
  • It touches on MS-DOS source code and the evolution of DOS operating systems.

Decentralized Social Network Empowers Users with Search Options and Language Filters

  • is a decentralized social network running on Mastodon, providing search functionalities and language filters.
  • Users can engage with posts, follow profiles, and navigate through the platform, with admins managing server stats and features.
  • The platform allows for decentralized interactions and content discovery, offering a user-friendly social networking experience.


  • Google suspended a romance author's account over sexually explicit content, sparking a debate on the risks of depending exclusively on cloud services for data storage.
  • Suggestions included securely backing up data with client-side encryption and managing encryption keys to maintain control over data and balance cloud with physical backups.
  • Concerns highlighted potential account suspensions, censorship, and data loss on platforms like Google, along with debates on societal perceptions of violence and sexuality and tech companies' role in content moderation.

Understanding DNA Repair in Long-Term Memory Formation

  • A study in mice, published in Nature, reveals that long-term memories are established through an inflammatory response aiding in DNA damage repair.
  • The research indicates that during memory formation, intense electrical activity causes DNA breaks in brain cells, leading to an immune response for repair, potentially influencing neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer's.
  • This study underscores the significance of comprehending the mechanisms behind memory creation and maintenance within cells.


  • Memories are stored in various parts of the brain and include epigenetic changes in neurons, with DNA near synapses being modified to enhance neural connections.
  • The focus is on the significance of DNA in memory creation, exploring mechanisms beyond natural selection, and examining how substances and mental states influence memory.
  • The discussions emphasize the intricate nature of biological development, hinting at potential undiscovered mechanisms and complexities within the process.

AI21 Labs Unveils Jamba: Cutting-Edge AI Model Based on Mamba Architecture

  • AI21 Labs has introduced Jamba, the first AI model built on the Mamba architecture for production use.
  • Jamba merges Mamba's Structured State Space model with the Transformer architecture, enhancing performance and efficiency.
  • The model includes MoE layers for extended context windows and faster throughput, displaying impressive benchmark results and accessible under the Apache 2.0 license for research, with plans for a more commercially suitable version soon.


  • Jamba is a production-grade AI model derived from Mamba, developed by AI21, blending transformer and Mamba layers for enhanced efficiency and performance.
  • The model boasts a broad context window and employs a mix of experts, utilizing approximately 12 billion parameters during inference, but some users encountered challenges running it on Linux with specific GPUs.
  • Discussions emphasize the tradeoffs between transformer and state space model layers, and the potentials and constraints of extensive context windows. Jamba is accessible under the Apache 2.0 license.

Endlessh-go: Golang SSH Tarpit for Trapping Bots and Visualizing Metrics

  • Endlessh-go is a Golang version of Endlessh, offering Prometheus metrics and displaying them on a Grafana dashboard while trapping SSH attackers and presenting geolocation data.
  • It can be set up by building it from the source code or by utilizing a Docker image, allowing customization through different CLI arguments.
  • The exported metrics cover client connections, data transmission, and time utilized on Endlessh, while the Grafana dashboard necessitates version 8.2 and can be integrated using a specific ID, with support available via GitHub for inquiries or problems.


  • The debate revolves around employing non-standard SSH ports, firewall configurations, and extra security measures to thwart bots and scanners.
  • Strategies encompass leveraging tools such as Endlessh, implementing firewall rules in iptables, and tactics like CAPTCHAs and port hiding to discourage automated attacks.
  • Users discuss their encounters with re-implementing tools like Endlessh in Golang to enhance efficiency and effectiveness.