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Tao Te Ching translated by Ursula Le Guin (1997)

  • The "Tao Te Ching" by Lao Tzu, translated by Ursula K. Le Guin, explores profound philosophical concepts about the nature of existence, leadership, and wisdom.
  • Key themes include the importance of simplicity, humility, and acting without effort, emphasizing that true power and wisdom come from aligning with the natural way (Tao).
  • The text is divided into 81 chapters, each offering insights on how to live harmoniously, lead effectively, and understand the deeper truths of life through paradoxes and metaphors.


  • Ursula Le Guin's version of the Tao Te Ching is not a direct translation but a rendition based on existing translations and transliterations, as she did not know Chinese.
  • The text's inherent ambiguity in Classical Chinese allows for multiple interpretations, making it challenging to capture its full meaning in any single translation.
  • The discussion highlights the importance of understanding the philosophical nature of the Tao Te Ching and the limitations of translating such texts without knowledge of the original language.

Radio Garden

  • Radio Garden allows users to explore live radio stations globally by rotating a virtual globe, offering a unique and interactive experience.
  • The platform features customizable settings, including font sizes, colors, and themes, and supports various screen sizes and devices for an optimized user experience.
  • It ensures compatibility with older browsers and includes user-friendly design elements like easy-to-use play buttons and loading animations.


  • Radio Garden enables users to listen to global radio stations, but a user-created WinAmp playlist faced issues with many streams going offline.
  • provides a JSON file with approximately 50,000 stations, serving as an alternative for those seeking a comprehensive list of public streams.
  • Users have shared other alternatives like WebSDR and, though UK users may encounter restrictions due to copyright issues.

DuckDB Community Extensions

  • DuckDB has introduced a Community Extensions repository, simplifying the installation and maintenance of extensions and reducing developer burdens.
  • Since version 0.3.2, extensions can be installed and loaded with simple commands, supporting various OS and processor architectures, with around six million downloads weekly.
  • The repository allows developers to publish extensions without handling compilation and distribution complexities, enhancing the developer experience and encouraging community contributions.


  • DuckDB Community Extensions have introduced support for WebAssembly (WASM), enhancing its functionality and performance in web environments.
  • The shellfs extension allows the use of shell commands for input/output, improving DuckDB's utility as a command-line tool.
  • There are concerns about supply chain security due to DuckDB downloading extension binaries, although these downloads are validated using signature checks.

Copy and Paste context menu entries sometimes disabled when they should not be

  • Bug 1863246 involves the Copy and Paste context menu entries being disabled in Firefox 97 on Windows 10, particularly after bookmarking a page and navigating back and forth.
  • The issue is a regression found in Firefox 129, and the team is currently working on a fix to address the race condition between processes updating the active browsing context.
  • Temporary workarounds include clicking the address bar or switching tabs to re-enable the context menu entries.


  • Firefox users are experiencing a bug where the Copy and Paste context menu entries are sometimes disabled, affecting both Windows and Linux platforms.
  • The issue is hard to reproduce consistently and involves complex interactions between different browser components, leading to frustration among users.
  • Proposed fixes are in the works, and a future release is expected to address the problem, highlighting the ongoing challenges in maintaining browser functionality.

Build and train GPT-2 from scratch using PyTorch

  • The post provides a step-by-step guide on building and training a GPT-2 language model from scratch using PyTorch, aimed at all levels of Python or machine learning expertise.
  • It includes practical examples, such as training the model on Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran songs, with resources like datasets and source codes available on GitHub.
  • Key components covered are building a custom tokenizer, creating a data loader, and implementing a simple language model, making it a comprehensive introduction to language model training.


  • A blog post discusses building and training GPT-2, a generative pre-trained transformer model, from scratch using PyTorch, a popular machine learning library.
  • The post has sparked a debate on the effectiveness of learning through text versus video, with some users recommending Andrej Karpathy's instructional videos for their accessibility and practical insights.
  • Some users suggest using more established architectures like LLaMA for practical applications, indicating a preference for leveraging existing robust solutions over starting from scratch.

Apple okays Epic Games marketplace app in Europe


  • Apple has approved Epic Games' marketplace app in Europe, igniting debate over Apple's control of third-party app stores and its app review process.
  • Critics highlight concerns about Apple's revenue reliance on predatory free-to-play games and the requirement for app design changes.
  • The approval occurs during heightened scrutiny and potential regulatory actions in the EU.

Properly testing concurrent data structures

  • The article introduces a Rust library called loom, designed for testing lock-free data structures, and explores its concepts through a toy example.
  • It highlights the challenges of testing concurrent data structures, demonstrating a broken concurrent counter and various testing methods, including property-based testing (PBT) and managed threads.
  • The post is significant for its detailed explanation of creating a controlled testing environment for concurrent operations, providing valuable insights for developers working with multithreading and atomic operations in Rust.


  • Testing concurrent data structures in Rust involves detailed modeling of the memory model and tracking thread writes, with libraries like Temper and Loom aiding this process.
  • Shuttle offers a randomized testing approach, providing probabilistic guarantees for bug detection, while other tools like JetBrains’ Lincheck and Relacy Race Detector are used for Kotlin/Java and C++ respectively.
  • The discussion emphasizes the importance of reproducible tests and the challenges of ensuring thread safety and synchronization in concurrent programming.

Research into homeopathy: data falsification, fabrication and manipulation

  • Edzard Ernst, Emeritus Professor of Complementary Medicine, highlights issues of data falsification and manipulation in homeopathy research.
  • A 2020 study by Michael Frass, claiming homeopathy benefits for cancer patients, was found to have falsified data, confirmed by the Austrian Agency for Scientific Integrity.
  • Despite recommendations for retraction, the journal has only issued an 'Expression of Concern,' leaving the flawed study accessible, prompting calls for stricter measures against researchers producing dubious results.


  • Recent research into homeopathy has uncovered instances of data falsification, fabrication, and manipulation, raising significant concerns about the integrity of studies in this field.
  • The discussion highlights the deep-seated belief in homeopathy among some individuals, comparing it to flat-earth theories and noting the difficulty in changing such beliefs due to distrust in mainstream medicine and pharmaceutical companies.
  • The allure of homeopathy and similar pseudosciences is often rooted in the perception of discovering hidden truths ignored by the mainstream, making it challenging to dissuade believers with scientific evidence.

VPN ban is strangling communication in Myanmar


  • A VPN ban in Myanmar is significantly hindering communication, with users facing challenges due to Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) blocking VPNs.
  • Users are sharing methods to bypass censorship, such as using protocols that disguise traffic, and discussing alternative tools like wstunnel.
  • The article underscores the importance of ethical journalism when reporting on sensitive regions like Myanmar.

Teaching general problem-solving skills is not a substitute for teaching math [pdf]


  • Teaching general problem-solving skills should complement, not replace, the memorization of basic facts and strategies in subjects like math and software engineering.
  • Modern education often underestimates the importance of memorization, assuming technology can fill this gap, but quick recall of information is essential for efficiency in exams and real-world tasks.
  • Effective education should balance understanding with memorization to develop both expertise and practical skills.

How to implement a hash table in C (2021)

  • The article provides a comprehensive guide on implementing a simple hash table in C, starting with linear and binary search concepts.
  • It details the use of the FNV-1a hash function and linear probing for collision handling, with an emphasis on resizing the table to maintain efficiency.
  • The implementation includes an API for creating, destroying, getting, setting, and iterating over items, and a demo program to count word frequencies, highlighting its educational purpose rather than production readiness.


  • Discussion on implementing a hash table in C, with various opinions on using off-the-shelf solutions versus custom implementations.
  • Key points include the importance of multi-threading behavior, API preferences, and limitations of POSIX hsearch tables.
  • Notable mentions of reentrant versions, resizing challenges, and memory management issues in hash table implementations.

Anxious Generation – How Safetyism and Social Media Are Damaging the Kids

  • "Anxious Generation" by Jonathan Haidt attributes rising mental illness rates among youth to social media and helicopter parenting, distinguishing social media's harmful effects from general internet use.
  • Haidt criticizes overprotective parenting and modern safety measures for limiting children's independence and resilience, proposing a "Ladder from Childhood to Adulthood" with age-appropriate responsibilities and delayed social media use until age 16.
  • The book also addresses the negative impact of not exposing children to diverse viewpoints, contributing to a lack of free speech in academia, and advocates for societal changes to counter these trends.


  • The article on discusses how "safetyism" and social media are negatively impacting children's social development by limiting outdoor play and increasing screen time.
  • It highlights that parents' overprotectiveness, driven by fear of legal repercussions, prevents kids from playing outside unsupervised until they are older.
  • The article also examines how modern infrastructure and societal changes contribute to this issue, with various comments reflecting on personal experiences and broader societal implications.

First anode-free sodium solid-state battery

  • UChicago Prof. Shirley Meng’s lab has developed the world’s first anode-free sodium solid-state battery, a significant advancement for electric vehicles and grid storage.
  • This innovation, a collaboration between UChicago and UC San Diego, uses abundant sodium instead of lithium, making it more affordable and environmentally friendly.
  • The new battery architecture, detailed in Nature Energy, features a current collector made of aluminum powder, ensuring efficient cycling, and could greatly support the transition to renewable energy.


  • The first anode-free sodium solid-state battery has been developed, utilizing chromium, which is five times more abundant than lithium.
  • Chromium's geochemistry makes it easier to mine, more thermodynamically stable, and less diffusive compared to lithium.
  • Despite the promising development, the new battery's energy density, volume, and recharge cycle details are still experimental, and the competitive market poses challenges for commercialization.

7-Eleven is reinventing its food business to be more Japanese [video]

  • 7/11 in Japan offers a diverse range of fresh foods and collaborations with famous restaurants, unlike its US counterpart known for Slurpees and hot dogs.
  • The world's largest convenience store chain is shifting focus to food as tobacco and gas sales decline, leveraging data-driven inventory and sophisticated distribution systems.
  • American 7/11s are now partnering with Warabeya to offer more localized food options and expanding delivery services, aiming to replicate the excitement of Japanese convenience stores in the US market.


  • 7-Eleven is revamping its US food business to mirror its successful Japanese model, which includes offering fresh food and various services.
  • The Japanese franchise's success led it to acquire the American parent company, highlighting the stark contrast between the two markets.
  • The initiative aims to address inefficiencies in US stores, such as slow-moving inventory, to enhance customer experience and boost regular patronage.

Preserving a floppy disk with a logic analyzer and a serial cable

  • The article discusses preserving 3.5-inch floppy disks using a Saleae Logic 8 logic analyzer and a USB serial cable, as an alternative to specialized devices like Kryoflux or SuperCard Pro.
  • It explains the process of connecting the logic analyzer to the floppy drive, capturing data, and using a Python script to automate the process and export data in the Supercard Pro (.scp) file format.
  • The method is tested with an unimportant disk, and the captured data is verified using HxCFloppyEmulator software, with the Python script available on GitHub for further improvements.


  • The article discusses preserving data from floppy disks using a logic analyzer and a serial cable, highlighting the physical aspects of floppy disk interfaces.
  • Open-source alternatives like GreaseWeazle and FluxEngine are mentioned as cost-effective and efficient solutions for reading floppy disks.
  • The discussion includes various tools and methods for handling floppy disks, emphasizing the importance of using high-fidelity methods to avoid media wear.