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My daughter (7 years old) used HTML to make a website


  • A 7-year-old created a website using basic HTML, sparking nostalgia among users for the early days of web development.
  • The simplicity and enjoyment of creating basic HTML pages were highlighted, contrasting with the complexity of modern web development tools and techniques.
  • The discussion emphasized the importance of encouraging children to explore technology from a young age.

Mistral NeMo

  • Mistral AI has released Mistral NeMo, a 12B model developed with NVIDIA, featuring a 128k token context window and excelling in reasoning, world knowledge, and coding accuracy.
  • Mistral NeMo supports FP8 inference without performance loss, outperforms models like Gemma 2 9B and Llama 3 8B, and is designed for multilingual applications.
  • The model uses a new tokenizer, Tekken, and underwent advanced fine-tuning for better instruction-following, reasoning, multi-turn conversations, and code generation; weights are available on HuggingFace.


  • Mistral NeMo, a 12B model developed with NVIDIA, features a 128k token context window and excels in reasoning, world knowledge, and coding accuracy.
  • The model is a drop-in replacement for Mistral 7B, supports FP8 inference without performance loss, and is available under the Apache 2.0 license.
  • It uses a new tokenizer, Tekken, trained on over 100 languages, and is designed to fit on GPUs like the NVIDIA RTX 4090, with VRAM requirements ranging from 8-40GB depending on quantization.

Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing is a dystopian nightmare

  • The author describes a frustrating experience with Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), where their eBook was blocked for "misleading customer experience" despite no evidence of a similar book.
  • Appeals to Amazon resulted in automated and vague responses, ultimately leading to the termination of the author's account without clear justification.
  • Even contacting Amazon's Executive Customer Relations did not resolve the issue, highlighting potential flaws in Amazon's automated review and appeal processes.


  • An author reported their eBook being blocked and their Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) account terminated due to alleged misleading metadata, despite providing evidence to the contrary.
  • The appeals process was frustrating, involving automated responses and vague reasons for denial, highlighting issues with automated systems and lack of human oversight in large tech companies.
  • This situation has led many authors to seek alternative publishing platforms and underscores the need for better regulation and transparency in digital marketplaces.

What's Prolog like in 2024?

  • A computer science student has discovered Prolog and logic programming, learning the basics and working on a basic agent communication system using SICStus Prolog.
  • The student is interested in specializing in Prolog and ontologies, seeking insights into the current state and applications of Prolog in 2024.
  • The inquiry highlights a desire to understand the potential and contemporary uses of Prolog in the tech industry.


  • In 2024, Prolog continues to be a niche language with a divided community of enthusiasts and skeptics, facing challenges in mainstream adoption.
  • Prolog excels in specific areas such as logic programming and ontologies but struggles with issues like the lack of a modern module system and performance concerns.
  • New developments, including Scryer Prolog and integrations with languages like Python, indicate potential for specialized applications rather than widespread use.

SAPwned: SAP AI vulnerabilities expose customers' cloud environments and privat

  • The Wiz Research Team discovered tenant isolation vulnerabilities in AI service providers, posing significant risks as AI infrastructure becomes essential for businesses.
  • Their research on SAP’s AI offering, "SAP AI Core," revealed vulnerabilities that allowed unauthorized access to customer data and cloud credentials, which have since been fixed by SAP.
  • Key findings include bypassing network restrictions, exposing AWS tokens, unauthenticated access to AWS EFS shares, and full cluster takeover, highlighting the need for improved isolation and sandboxing standards in AI services.


  • SAP AI vulnerabilities have exposed customers' cloud environments and private data due to poor Kubernetes (k8s) configuration, not the AI product itself.
  • Critics point out SAP's failure in basic cloud security, highlighting the risk of attackers running malicious AI models on weak infrastructure.
  • Security researchers stress the need for improved alert systems and strict adherence to regulations, emphasizing the importance of robust security practices in cloud environments.

A RP2040 based DECstation 3000 emulator that can run DECWindows

  • The DECstation 2040 is an emulator for the DECstation 3000, built on the RP2040 microcontroller, capable of running DECWindows.
  • Key hardware features include a 1.8v/300 MHz RP2040, 32 MB PSRAM, 8 MB SPI flash, and Ethernet RMII PHY support.
  • The project began on March 23, 2023, inspired by Dmitry's LinuxCard, and involved learning to use RP2040 PIO engines and the DMA subsystem.


  • A new RP2040-based DECstation 3000 emulator can run DECWindows, showcasing the RP2040 microcontroller's capabilities in memory management and VGA display.
  • The project has sparked discussions about the evolution of computing, with users reminiscing about using DECstations in academic settings and the benefits of centralized home directories and X11.
  • Some users are interested in running NetBSD on the emulator, highlighting both the advancements in computing power and the nostalgia for older systems.

The Objects of Our Life (1983)

  • In 1983, Steve Jobs spoke at the International Design Conference in Aspen, emphasizing the future impact of computers on society and the importance of good design in consumer electronics.
  • Jobs introduced the Lisa computer, featuring a mouse and graphical user interface, and predicted that by 1986, PC sales would surpass car sales, urging designers to create well-designed products.
  • He highlighted the integration of liberal arts into technology and the civic responsibility of making useful, beautiful products, ending his talk with a Q&A session on making computers intuitive and accessible.


  • Steve Jobs was renowned for his simple and powerful communication style, effectively engaging audiences by rephrasing complex ideas humorously.
  • Jobs' visionary nature led to predictions of tech advancements, such as software trials and more affordable computers, emphasizing user-friendly products.
  • His influential presentations, including the iconic iPhone launch, and his minimalist lifestyle, highlighted in a famous photo, prompt reflection on design and lasting value.

Collection of Dark Patterns and Unethical Design

  • The catalog provides a comprehensive collection of dark patterns, which are deceptive design practices used in user interfaces.
  • These examples are systematically organized by category, making it easier for users to understand and identify different types of manipulative designs.
  • The resource aims to educate and raise awareness about unethical design tactics, helping users recognize and avoid them.


  • The post highlights various "dark patterns" and unethical design practices used by companies to manipulate users into making decisions that benefit the company, often at the user's expense.
  • Examples include Zoom misleading users into thinking they need to install an app, creating false urgency about property availability, and GoDaddy using deceptive renewal practices.
  • The discussion emphasizes the need for awareness and potential regulation to combat these manipulative tactics, suggesting that public shaming and legal action might be necessary to enforce ethical standards.

Product Hunt for Music

  • TrackList is a platform for discovering and sharing new music, featuring daily updates on new tracks.
  • Today's featured tracks include "Keep Your Cool" by Off Trakk and "Erasing" by Raf Duran.
  • The platform also highlights tracks from previous days, providing a continuous stream of new music for users to explore.


  • Small artists in niche genres, like didgeridoo music, find platforms like Bandcamp or YouTube more beneficial for discovery compared to Spotify.
  • Music discovery platforms are exploring alternatives to algorithm-based recommendations, with some focusing on community sharing and manual curation.
  • There is a demand for more specific sub-genres and better music recommendation systems that do not rely solely on popularity metrics.

Americans' confidence in higher education has taken a nosedive

  • A new Gallup poll reveals a significant decline in Americans' confidence in higher education, with one-third expressing "little or no confidence," compared to 57% in 2015.
  • Factors contributing to this decline include political agendas, perceived irrelevance of skills taught, high costs, and concerns about liberal "indoctrination," particularly among conservatives.
  • Despite the overall decline, confidence in community colleges and two-year programs is increasing, indicating a shift in perception towards more affordable and practical education options.


  • Americans' confidence in higher education has notably declined, with a 36% drop among Republicans and a 12% drop among Democrats since 2015, according to a recent Gallup poll.
  • 68% of respondents believe higher education is "headed in the wrong direction," citing concerns like ideological capture and reduced economic utility.
  • Critics argue the poll's methodology is unclear and simplistic, suggesting the decline in confidence may reflect broader societal and political trends rather than specific issues within higher education.

GPT-4o mini: advancing cost-efficient intelligence


  • GPT-4o Mini features a 16k output token limit, beneficial for tasks like summarizing complex documents.
  • Smaller models are trained with synthetic and live data, enabling scalable data generation and specialized "Narrow AI" models.
  • GPT-4o Mini is more cost-efficient than Claude Haiku, but the sustainability of its low prices is uncertain.

SQLite Transaction Benchmarking Tool

  • The evaluation focuses on comparing SQLite's experimental BEGIN CONCURRENT branch with the standard DEFERRED and IMMEDIATE transaction behaviors.
  • The goal is to assess performance differences on a server environment, providing insights into potential improvements or trade-offs.
  • For detailed explanations and results, refer to the blog post linked in the original text.


  • A new SQLite Transaction Benchmarking Tool has been released to evaluate SQLite performance, specifically comparing the BEGIN CONCURRENT branch with DEFERRED and IMMEDIATE behaviors.
  • The discussion highlights the challenges and strategies for achieving concurrency in SQLite, including the use of multiple connections, connection pooling, and managing file I/O congestion.
  • The tool and blog post have sparked interest due to their practical insights into optimizing SQLite performance, especially in scenarios involving high concurrency and asynchronous operations.

Polychromatic Pixels

  • MicroLEDs with tunable wavelengths are poised to revolutionize display technology, offering superior efficiency and resolution compared to current liquid crystal and organic LED displays.
  • Q-Pixel Inc. has developed a method to grow tunable-wavelength LEDs on a single wafer, eliminating the need for separate red, green, and blue sub-pixels, thus simplifying manufacturing and reducing costs.
  • This innovation has achieved record-breaking pixel densities, which is particularly beneficial for applications in virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), indicating a potential shift towards more cost-effective and high-resolution microLED displays.


  • Polychromatic pixels can only produce one wavelength at a time, requiring at least two to reproduce any visible color, unlike traditional displays that use three subpixels (RGB) to cover the color space.
  • The technology promises a significant boost in pixel density and manufacturing efficiency, but it faces challenges like color consistency, brightness control, and the inability to produce certain colors like white and magenta without additional techniques like dithering.
  • This development is particularly exciting for applications requiring high pixel density, such as VR headsets, but it may not yet be suitable for general-purpose displays due to its current limitations.

Closed form arc length parametrization is impossible for quadratic Bézier curves

  • Bézier curves are fundamental in vector graphics, defined using control points in the Bernstein basis.
  • Quadratic Bézier curves use three control points, and their arc length can be computed exactly, but the parametrization lacks a closed form solution, assuming Schanuel's conjecture.
  • Cubic Bézier curves use four control points, and their arc length must be computed numerically as it lacks a closed form.


  • Closed form arc length parametrization is not feasible for quadratic Bézier curves; numerical solutions are preferred for their stability and accuracy.
  • Although closed form solutions can be faster, they tend to become unstable, particularly for curves near a straight line.
  • Numerical methods are generally superior and more practical for most applications, despite the existence of Pythagorean-Hodograph curves and Euler spirals.

Sparrows may be 'canary in the coal mine' for lead poisoning in children: study

  • A study published in Environmental Sciences & Technology found that house sparrows can accurately predict lead levels in children, particularly in the Australian mining towns of Broken Hill and Mount Isa.
  • Sparrows could serve as a cost-effective tool for identifying lead contamination hotspots, offering a practical alternative to direct human testing, which is often costly and complex.
  • The research highlights the ongoing issue of lead exposure in Australia and suggests that sparrows might also indicate exposure to other heavy metals and "forever chemicals."


  • A study suggests that sparrows can indicate lead poisoning in children, particularly in Australian mining towns like Broken Hill and Mount Isa.
  • Lead contamination from mining activities poses significant health risks, but town mayors often deny the evidence to protect the mining industry.
  • The issue underscores the broader impact of environmental toxins on both human and wildlife health, with public health data collection being essential yet often resisted due to political and economic interests.