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Node.js adds experimental support for TypeScript

  • Node.js has introduced a new feature to execute TypeScript files using the --experimental-strip-types flag, which transpiles TypeScript to JavaScript without type checking.
  • This feature leverages @swc/wasm-typescript for efficient and simple transpilation, aiming to reduce the need for external dependencies when running TypeScript files.
  • The feature is experimental and available in the nightly version, with ongoing discussions about additional enhancements like supporting extensionless imports.


  • Node.js has introduced experimental support for running TypeScript files directly, eliminating the need for prior compilation to JavaScript.
  • This feature, akin to what Deno offers, aims to streamline the development process for TypeScript users.
  • Considerations include maintaining compatibility between Node.js and TypeScript versions and assessing the potential impact on the NPM ecosystem.

Every company should be owned by its employees

  • Central States Manufacturing exemplifies employee ownership, with 47 millionaires among its blue-collar workers due to stock ownership.
  • Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs) are expanding in the U.S., with 6,533 companies and 14.7 million employees benefiting from this model.
  • ESOPs provide tax advantages, enhance company performance, and improve employee retention by fostering a sense of ownership.


  • Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs) offer a way for employees to own part of the company through stock options, but they can be demotivating during tough times.
  • Employee ownership is risky, especially if the company fails, and while common in tech, it's not prevalent in all industries.
  • Optimizing for worker happiness over profit could be beneficial but may impact competitiveness in the global market.

Investigating corrupt Winamp skins

  • While exploring the Winamp Skin Museum collection, the author discovered corrupted skins and decided to investigate, leading to surprising findings.
  • The investigation revealed various hidden items, including encrypted files, personal letters, email passwords, a secret biography of Chet Baker, cryptic audio files, and a game executable named worm.exe.
  • The author found 127 skins within other skins, with 54 being new additions to the museum, showcasing a fascinating and strange adventure driven by a love for Winamp and found items.


  • Jordan Eldredge has created significant WinAmp projects, such as WebAmp and a WASM (WebAssembly) engine for music visualization, which can be found on his website.
  • Users are reminiscing about their experiences with WinAmp, discussing software customization, and expressing nostalgia for early 2000s software.
  • The conversation highlights a sentiment of loss regarding user customization in modern software and a preference for the more community-driven internet of the past.

AI solves International Math Olympiad problems at silver medal level

  • Research AI systems AlphaProof and AlphaGeometry 2 achieved a silver-medal standard by solving four out of six problems in the 2024 International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO).
  • AlphaProof, using reinforcement learning and formal language Lean, solved two algebra problems and one number theory problem, including the hardest problem in the competition.
  • AlphaGeometry 2, a neuro-symbolic hybrid system, solved a geometry problem in 19 seconds, contributing to the combined AI system's score of 28 out of 42 points.


  • DeepMind's AI has achieved solving International Math Olympiad (IMO) problems at a silver medal level, showcasing significant advancements in AI's problem-solving capabilities.
  • The AI system, named AlphaProof, combines pre-trained language models with reinforcement learning algorithms, leveraging formal mathematical languages like Lean to generate and verify solutions.
  • This development highlights the potential of AI in tackling complex mathematical problems, which traditionally require significant human intuition and expertise, marking a notable milestone in AI research and application.

Apple Maps on the web launches in beta

  • Apple Maps is now available in public beta on the web, enabling users to access Maps from their browsers globally.
  • Features include driving and walking directions, place photos, hours, ratings, reviews, food ordering, and curated Guides, with Look Around coming soon.
  • Currently supports Safari and Chrome on Mac and iPad, and Chrome and Edge on Windows PCs, with more languages, browsers, and platforms to be added over time.


  • Apple Maps has introduced a beta web version, but it is currently only compatible with Safari and Chrome on macOS and Windows.
  • Users are frustrated by the lack of support for Firefox and Linux, as well as issues with data accuracy and usability compared to Google Maps.
  • Despite these challenges, there is optimism that Apple Maps will improve and potentially become a strong competitor to Google Maps.

Dungeons and Dragons taught me how to write alt text

  • Playing Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) helped the author develop valuable skills, including writing effective alt text for images.
  • The "theater of the mind" method in D&D, which relies on verbal storytelling, taught the author to prioritize clear and engaging descriptions.
  • Writing alt text, similar to D&D narration, requires emphasizing important details first and adding context and emotion, with resources like the Web Accessibility Initiative and BBC GEL aiding in skill improvement.


  • The post discusses how playing Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) helped the author learn to write effective alt text, which is text used to describe images for screen readers.
  • The key takeaway is the importance of describing things in order of importance, similar to the inverted pyramid structure in journalism, to make content accessible and useful for screen reader users.
  • The discussion highlights how D&D's narrative techniques can be applied to professional communication, emphasizing clarity and prioritization of information.

CrowdStrike will be liable for damages in France, based on the OVH precedent

  • CrowdStrike may face liability for damages in France, drawing parallels to the OVH precedent where a fire led to successful lawsuits against OVH.
  • A recent update from CrowdStrike disabled 8.5 million computers, causing over $5.4 billion in damages and disrupting critical industries.
  • The incident underscores negligence due to the lack of staged rollouts and testing, despite customer requests, potentially leading to numerous damage claims and contract terminations.


  • CrowdStrike may face liability for damages in France, drawing parallels to the OVH incident, which involved significant data loss and business impacts.
  • Recent issues, including a major outage, have raised concerns about CrowdStrike's liability, particularly in critical sectors like healthcare.
  • Broader discussions are emerging about software liability and the responsibilities of tech companies across different jurisdictions.

EU parliament member hit by Israeli Candiru spyware

  • European Parliament member Daniel Freund, known for his criticism of Hungary, was targeted in a spyware attack, likely involving the Israeli company Candiru.
  • Hungary, along with Poland, Greece, Cyprus, and Spain, has a history of illegally spying on its citizens, raising concerns about privacy and surveillance in these countries.


  • An EU parliament member was targeted by Israeli Candiru spyware through a spear-phishing attempt, where merely opening a link could compromise the phone.
  • The incident raises significant concerns about the security of high-profile individuals and the implications of state-sponsored cyber-espionage.
  • The broader issue of spyware being used by various countries for political gain and the ethical considerations of such technologies is highlighted.

A multimodal dataset with one trillion tokens

  • MINT-1T is an open-source dataset featuring one trillion text tokens and 3.4 billion images, representing a ~10x increase from existing datasets.
  • The dataset includes new sources such as PDFs and ArXiv papers, and all subsets are released, including HTML and PDF data from various CommonCrawl snapshots.
  • The MINT-1T dataset was officially open-sourced on July 24, 2024, with a technical report released on June 17, 2024.


  • A new multimodal dataset containing one trillion tokens has been released, which includes text and images.
  • The dataset is licensed under CC-BY-4.0, meaning users must ensure legal use in commercial settings.
  • Salesforce is behind this release, showcasing their growing involvement in AI research beyond their core CRM products.

Reverse Engineering for Everyone

  • The post introduces a comprehensive set of reverse engineering courses covering x86, x64, ARM-32, and ARM-64 architectures, aimed at beginners.
  • The courses include detailed modules on assembly language, debugging, hacking, and fundamental computer architecture concepts.
  • The tutorial set is available for download in PDF or MOBI format, making it accessible for offline study.


  • Reverse engineering can be performed without direct access to the target, as demonstrated by Andrew Tridgell's work on Microsoft's SMB protocol and BitKeeper, which eventually led to the creation of Git.
  • Practical experience and curiosity are crucial for learning reverse engineering, with tools like Cheat Engine, IDA, and radare2 being essential for analyzing and modifying software.
  • A high-level overview and more in-depth resources for beginners are available, such as the tutorial on GitHub by mytechnotalent and blog series by boricj.

X redesigns water pistol emoji back to a firearm

  • X (formerly Twitter) has redesigned its 🔫 Water Pistol emoji to display as a firearm, reversing the 2016-2018 shift to a water pistol.
  • This update began rolling out on July 18th, 2024, and is currently available through X's web client, with plans to update mobile rendering soon.
  • The change marks the first update to X's Twemoji set since July last year, diverging from the cross-vendor design shift initially led by Apple in 2016.


  • X (formerly Twitter) has reverted the water pistol emoji back to a firearm, sparking debates about the political implications of emoji design changes.
  • The initial change from a gun to a water pistol was seen as a political move, and reverting it is also viewed as politically charged, causing confusion and debate among users.
  • The inconsistency in emoji representation across platforms can lead to misunderstandings, highlighting the challenges of standardizing visual symbols in digital communication.

My Favorite Algorithm: Linear Time Median Finding (2018)

  • The post discusses the median-of-medians algorithm, which finds the median in deterministic linear time, making it theoretically efficient.
  • It contrasts this with Quickselect, an algorithm that usually finds the median in average linear time but can be less reliable in worst-case scenarios.
  • The median-of-medians algorithm ensures a good pivot selection for Quickselect, enhancing its efficiency, though it is often slower in practice compared to simpler methods like random pivot selection.


  • The post discusses various methods for finding the median in large datasets, focusing on linear time algorithms and their practical applications.
  • A notable example includes using MapReduce and bucket sort to efficiently find the median in a single pass, highlighting the importance of data precision and range.
  • The conversation also touches on different algorithms like Quickselect, Median-of-Medians, and streaming algorithms, comparing their efficiency and suitability for different scenarios.

OpenAI Announces SearchGPT

  • SearchGPT is a prototype of new search features using AI models to provide fast answers with clear sources.
  • The service offers real-time information from relevant sources, visual results, and allows for natural, conversational follow-up questions.
  • Users can sign up for the waitlist to try SearchGPT, with feedback being used to integrate the best features into ChatGPT.


  • OpenAI has announced SearchGPT, a new AI-powered search tool, which has sparked significant discussion and interest in the tech community.
  • SearchGPT aims to provide direct answers without redirecting traffic to websites, raising concerns about its impact on web traffic and site monetization.
  • The announcement has led to debates on the future of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and how AI search tools might change the landscape of online information retrieval and advertising.

Generating sudokus for fun and no profit

  • Tom Nick developed a free, open-source Sudoku app,, initially for his grandmother, which led to exploring Sudoku generation and difficulty rating.
  • Various algorithms, including Brute Force, Minimum Remaining Value, and Arc Consistency (AC3), are used to solve and generate Sudokus, with difficulty measured by solver iteration counts.
  • The app generates Sudokus of specific difficulty levels by filling grids with random numbers, adjusting filled cells, and restarting if the desired difficulty isn't achieved, ensuring a fun and challenging user experience.


  • A blog post by TN1ck discusses generating Sudoku puzzles for fun and no profit, featuring interactive examples and a user-friendly website.
  • The post has garnered positive feedback from the community, with users sharing their own experiences and tools for solving and generating Sudoku puzzles.
  • TN1ck's website is open source, built with Next.js and React, and has recently been made public on GitHub for further collaboration and improvement.

Google Search: Roboto Mono

  • Roboto Mono is a monospaced font from the Roboto type family, optimized for screen readability and available for free download.
  • The font family offers a range of weights from 100 to 700, including italic variants, and can be self-hosted via NPM.
  • Roboto Mono is widely accessible through platforms like Google Fonts, Adobe Fonts, and various free font repositories.


  • Google has introduced a new Easter egg related to font searches, specifically for "Comic Sans" and other fonts.
  • Users are sharing various fun and hidden features they discovered, such as searching for "do a barrel roll" or "minecraft" on Google.
  • The community appreciates these Easter eggs, though some express concerns about the resources spent on maintaining them.