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Microsoft technical breakdown of CrowdStrike incident

  • Windows offers flexible security options, including integrated features and third-party tools, to enhance security and reliability for businesses.
  • A recent CrowdStrike outage was traced to a memory safety issue in the CSagent driver, highlighting the importance of robust kernel driver management.
  • Microsoft collaborates with third-party vendors through the Microsoft Virus Initiative (MVI) to ensure the quality and reliability of security products, emphasizing reduced kernel dependency and enhanced user-mode protections.


  • Microsoft's analysis of the CrowdStrike incident emphasizes the need to modernize security approaches and reduce reliance on kernel drivers for accessing critical security data.
  • The incident has led to debates about CrowdStrike's quality assurance practices and whether Microsoft should limit kernel access for third-party vendors, a move previously blocked by the EU for fair competition.
  • This situation highlights the potential benefits of shifting more security functions to user mode, aiming for improved rollout practices and reliability.

tolower() with AVX-512

  • The article discusses using SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) instructions for efficient string processing, specifically focusing on the tolower() function in Rust.
  • The author experimented with AVX-512-BW on an AMD Zen 4 processor, achieving high performance for both long and short strings using masked loads and stores.
  • The results showed that AVX-512-BW is particularly effective for handling short strings, providing smooth and fast performance without the issues seen in autovectorized code.


  • The "unsafe read beyond of death" trick in Rust and LLVM is considered undefined behavior, leading to potential compiler optimizations that assume it doesn't occur, causing unexpected results.
  • Inline assembly is currently the only workaround, with alternatives like masked aligned load intrinsics and freezing loads being suggested.
  • The debate on handling out-of-bounds reads continues, with some advocating for implementation-defined behavior, and AVX-512's masked operations are noted for their performance benefits despite limited adoption due to Intel's market segmentation.

ps aux written in bash without forking

  • An interview question for a bash/Linux position might involve handling a situation where all Process IDs (PIDs) are taken, preventing new processes from being spawned.
  • A tool is mentioned that can mimic a working ps aux command in such scenarios, humorously claiming universal compatibility.


  • The discussion on GitHub revolves around the challenge of aligning columns in programming, with a focus on using Python's f-strings and padding for this purpose.
  • Users suggest alternative tools and formats, such as YAML for simpler data handling, and mention utilities like Octopus Deploy and Docker CLI for JSON output.
  • The thread also addresses handling PID (Process ID) exhaustion in bash, with recommendations like using the /proc/[pid]/ directory and exec Python for better process management.

A football/soccer pass visualizer made with Three.js

  • A football pass visualizer has been developed using StatsBomb's open data, which is a rich dataset for football analytics.
  • The tool allows users to analyze and visualize passing patterns, with filters for pass distance, team, and individual players.
  • This development highlights the growing trend of leveraging open data for advanced sports analytics and visualization.


  • A football pass visualizer using Three.js leverages open data from StatsBomb to analyze and visualize passing patterns, allowing users to filter by pass distance, team, and players.
  • Community feedback includes suggestions for higher-level visualization tools like or, and features such as time-based animations and heatmaps for better analysis.
  • Users have reported issues like CORS errors and difficulties with file loading, indicating areas for potential improvement in user experience and error handling.

Movable tree CRDTs and Loro's implementation

  • The article discusses the challenges of implementing Movable Tree CRDTs (Conflict-free Replicated Data Types) in collaborative environments and how Loro addresses these issues, including sorting child nodes.
  • Loro's implementation uses the algorithm from "A highly-available move operation for replicated trees" and integrates the Fractional Index algorithm for sorting, handling conflicts with unique PeerIDs and jitter.
  • Loro's approach supports real-time collaboration and historical version checkouts, showing high performance in various scenarios, making it suitable for production use in collaborative applications.


  • Movable tree CRDTs (Conflict-free Replicated Data Types) and Loro's implementation are gaining attention for their ability to handle complex tree operations in collaborative environments.
  • Developers are discussing practical applications, such as React Table Library for managing large hierarchical data structures and Thymer's multiplayer editor for tasks and notes.
  • The conversation highlights the challenges and solutions in using CRDTs for various data types, including text, images, and 3D models, emphasizing the importance of efficient synchronization and conflict resolution.

LeanDojo: Theorem Proving in Lean Using LLMs

  • LeanDojo introduces Lean Copilot, enabling Language Models (LLMs) to assist in Lean proof automation by suggesting tactics and searching for proofs.
  • The ReProver model, using an encoder-decoder Transformer, retrieves premises from the math library and generates the next tactic, outperforming Lean's built-in proof automation.
  • LeanDojo's dataset includes extensive benchmarks and fine-grained annotations, ensuring models can generalize to theorems with novel premises and discover new proofs.


  • LeanDojo is a new initiative that integrates Lean, a proof assistant, with Large Language Models (LLMs) to enhance theorem proving capabilities.
  • The project aims to bridge the gap between un-executable mathematical notation and executable code, potentially aiding in complex mathematical problems like stochastic differential equations.
  • This development is significant as it could improve the reliability and efficiency of formal verification in critical applications, such as high-security systems and automated theorem proving.

Is Cloudflare overcharging us for their images service?

  • Cloudflare Images' mixed billing model, combining prepaid storage and post-paid delivery, led to unexpectedly high and confusing invoices for EphemeraSearch, sometimes exceeding $400 instead of the expected $110.
  • Despite multiple contacts with Cloudflare support over eight months, no resolution was provided, prompting a switch to more cost-effective solutions like S3 or dedicated servers.
  • This experience underscores the importance of efficient spending for indie projects with low revenue, highlighting that while Cloudflare Images offers quality service, its billing model may not be suitable for all users.


  • Concerns have been raised about Cloudflare potentially overcharging for their Images service, with users reporting discrepancies in expected versus actual costs.
  • Comparisons are being made to other services like Amazon S3, Bunny CDN, and Cloudflare R2, which are perceived as more cost-effective alternatives.
  • Cloudflare's billing practices and customer support have come under scrutiny, with some users experiencing complicated billing cycles and unexpected charges.

Understanding the design of the the Super Nintendo video system

  • Fabien Sanglard's exploration of the Super Nintendo (SNES) video system highlights the design decisions made by Nintendo engineers in 1989 to ensure compatibility with CRT TVs and NTSC standards.
  • The SNES used a master clock of 21.47727MHz, divided to achieve a dot clock of 5.3693175MHz, resulting in 341 dots per line and a 60.098Hz refresh rate, with horizontal and vertical blanking periods to avoid artifacts.
  • The SNES supported both NTSC and PAL standards, providing composite and S-Video outputs, and could double vertical and horizontal resolutions for specific applications, despite challenges like flickering.


  • The post discusses the design and architecture of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES), highlighting its technical specifications and historical context.
  • Key points include the SNES's resolution options, the impact of different TV standards (NTSC vs. PAL) on gameplay, and the use of CRTs (Cathode Ray Tubes) in arcade games and home consoles.
  • The discussion also touches on the use of SCART connectors in European TVs and the challenges of emulating the SNES's video output accurately.

Don't blindly prefer emplace_back to push_back (2021)

  • Tools like clang-tidy and PVS-Studio may flag push_back as "bad style" and suggest emplace_back, but this change is not always beneficial.
  • emplace_back should be used to avoid creating temporary objects, but it is not related to move semantics and can still result in copies if not used correctly.
  • Prefer push_back for simplicity and faster compile times, using emplace_back only when necessary for non-movable types or to avoid temporary objects.


  • The discussion revolves around the use of emplace_back versus push_back in C++ for adding elements to containers like vectors.
  • emplace_back constructs an object in place, potentially avoiding unnecessary copies, while push_back adds an already constructed object to the container.
  • The conversation highlights that while emplace_back can be more efficient, it is also more complex, and push_back might be preferable for day-to-day use unless the specific benefits of emplace_back are needed.

Higher-kinded bounded polymorphism in OCaml (2021)

  • Higher-kinded polymorphism, which abstracts over type constructors, is crucial for generic operations over collections and embedding typed Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs).
  • OCaml doesn't natively support higher-kinded polymorphism due to type aliasing issues, but it can be simulated using functors, defunctionalization, and initial algebras.
  • Various methods, including functor abstraction and reducing to ordinary polymorphism, allow achieving higher-kinded polymorphism in OCaml, though sometimes it may not be necessary.


  • Discussion on higher-kinded bounded polymorphism in OCaml, focusing on type aliases and type equality problems, which lead to higher-order unification issues.
  • Practical tractability of these issues is highlighted, with references to the Idris language and András Kovács' "Elaboration Zoo" tutorial for further learning.
  • Clarification on OCaml’s GADT (Generalized Abstract Data Types) syntax, with comparisons to F# which currently lacks GADT support.

Children should be allowed to get bored, expert says (2013)

  • Dr. Teresa Belton, an education expert, asserts that allowing children to experience boredom is crucial for fostering creativity, as constant activity can hinder imagination.
  • Interviews with creatives like author Meera Syal and artist Grayson Perry reveal that boredom played a significant role in their creative development, with Perry describing it as a "creative state."
  • Dr. Belton emphasizes that society's expectation of constant stimulation prevents children from developing internal creativity, advocating for "stand-and-stare" time away from screens to stimulate imagination.


  • An expert suggests that children should be allowed to experience boredom, as it can foster creativity and self-reliance.
  • Reflecting on past childhood experiences, users recall engaging in risky but socially enriching activities, contrasting with modern children's screen-based overstimulation.
  • The discussion emphasizes balancing boredom with safety, advocating for supervised environments where children can explore and develop.

Yark: YouTube Archiver with Offline UI

  • Yark simplifies YouTube archiving with easy installation and management commands, requiring Python 3.9+ and optionally FFmpeg.
  • Users can create, refresh, and view archives, which are stored in a directory-based structure with metadata, videos, and thumbnails.
  • The tool supports offline viewing with light and dark modes and allows feature suggestions via the repository's issues tab.


  • Yark is a YouTube archiver with an offline user interface, designed to help users save YouTube content locally.
  • Users discuss similar tools for Twitch, highlighting challenges like streaming large MP4 files and handling HTTP server requests for files with special characters.
  • The conversation includes technical details about streaming, such as the importance of servers supporting range requests to avoid buffering issues, with recommendations for using VLC or Nginx for practical use.

MeTube: Self-hosted YouTube downloader

  • New Node versions no longer support 32-bit ARM builds; users must migrate to a 64-bit OS for updates.
  • A web GUI for youtube-dl (yt-dlp fork) is now available, supporting playlist downloads from YouTube and other sites, and can be run using Docker or docker-compose.
  • Configuration options include environment variables for user ID, group ID, download directories, and more, with defaults provided for ease of setup.


  • MeTube is a self-hosted YouTube downloader that uses yt-dlp, a popular command-line tool for downloading videos from YouTube.
  • The project provides a user interface (UI) for yt-dlp, making it accessible for users who prefer a graphical front end over command-line operations.
  • The discussion highlights various alternatives and related tools, such as Celluloid, Parabolic, and Tube Archivist, which offer similar functionalities for different platforms and use cases.

The Tech of Planetary Annihilation: ChronoCam (2013)

  • Planetary Annihilation, a real-time strategy game by Uber Entertainment, has entered beta and features innovative technologies like procedural planet generation and 40-player games.
  • The game introduces ChronoCam, a unique replay system that allows players to jump back in time, play in slow/fast motion, and view the game world from different points in time, even during live games.
  • Utilizing a client-server architecture, ChronoCam minimizes bandwidth usage by representing game data as curves and supports robust replay features, enhancing anti-cheat measures and online community engagement.


  • Planetary Annihilation, a real-time strategy (RTS) game, featured a unique time-scrubbing mechanic called ChronoCam, allowing players to review and interact with past game states.
  • The game was initially funded through a highly successful Kickstarter campaign, raising $2.2 million, but faced challenges due to its ambitious design, including multiple spherical battlefields.
  • Despite initial criticisms, the game's follow-up, Planetary Annihilation: Titans, received positive reviews on Steam, highlighting the developers' technical achievements and innovative engine design.

SDcard wear leveling and translation layers (2014)

  • SD Cards use NAND MLC (Multi-Level Cell) or SLC (Single-Level Cell) flash memory, abstracting complexities like block erases and wear leveling.
  • The card detects whether to use SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) or SD bus upon voltage supply and initiates the appropriate software stack, completing the boot process when the software enters the transfer state.
  • A translation layer maps virtual to physical addresses, optimizing write performance with contiguous writes and managing overhead for random writes across Allocation Units (AUs), typically 4MB in size.


  • At a conference, an anecdote about dismantling broken SD cards highlighted a wear leveling bug that caused firmware to be partially overwritten, sparking discussions on SD card reliability.
  • Users shared experiences of SD card failures and data recovery, noting that denser memory cards are more prone to issues, while industrial-grade cards, though smaller, are more durable.
  • Suggestions for improving SD card reliability included better software for write aggregation and wear leveling, and self-partition-resizing SD cards to manage worn-out blocks.