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Susan Wojcicki has died


  • Susan Wojcicki, a prominent figure in the tech industry, has passed away, as confirmed by Sundar Pichai on Twitter.
  • Wojcicki was instrumental in YouTube's success, transforming it into a multifaceted platform worth an estimated $400 billion, surpassing the combined value of Disney and Comcast.
  • The discussion highlights YouTube's evolution, from pioneering creator monetization to becoming a significant player in music and podcasting, despite criticisms of stagnation and delayed feature rollouts compared to competitors like Twitch and Patreon.

Defcon stiffs badge HW vendor, drags FW author offstage during talk

  • Defcon allegedly failed to pay the hardware company responsible for this year's badges.
  • The software developer who included a mention of this issue in an easter egg was reportedly expelled from the event.


  • Defcon removed firmware author Dmitry Grinberg from the stage for including an Easter egg crediting unpaid hardware vendor Entropic Engineering.
  • Controversy arose as Defcon removed Entropic's logo and did not pay them, leading to backlash and criticism of Defcon's actions.
  • Dmitry conducted an unofficial talk outside after his removal, highlighting potential legal issues with distributing unlicensed firmware.

A wonderful coincidence or an expected connection: why π² ≈ g

  • π² (approximately 9.87) and the acceleration due to gravity, g (9.81 m/s²), are intriguingly close in value, but not exactly equal.
  • The discrepancy arises from historical changes in the definition of the meter, which has evolved from human-based measurements to a precise scientific standard based on the speed of light.
  • The near-equality of π² and g is not a mere coincidence but a result of historical and scientific developments in measurement standards.


  • The discussion explores the relationship between π² (pi squared) and g (gravitational constant), questioning if it's coincidental or expected.
  • Historical context is provided, noting that the meter was originally defined based on a pendulum's length, inherently linking it to gravity and π.
  • Opinions vary, with some suggesting the relationship is coincidental due to unit changes, while others argue it's a deliberate connection due to the meter's definition.

Urchin Software Corp: The unlikely origin story of Google Analytics (2016)

  • Urchin Software Corporation, founded in 1995, evolved from building websites to developing web analytics software, leading to its acquisition by Google in 2005 and the creation of Google Analytics.
  • Key milestones include the development of the first log analyzer, rebranding in 2001, and achieving cashflow positivity by 2003 despite financial struggles.
  • Google Analytics, launched in November 2005, quickly became a dominant web analytics tool, with the Urchin team integrating into Google and continuing to enhance the product.


  • Urchin Software Corp, the precursor to Google Analytics, introduced the UTM (Urchin Traffic Monitor) for tracking unique visitors, a method still used today in link tracking parameters.
  • Urchin was highly influential in web analytics, offering features like detailed visitor tracking and heat maps, which were later dropped by Google Analytics, leading to some user dissatisfaction.
  • The acquisition of Urchin by Google marked a significant shift in web analytics, with Google Analytics becoming a dominant tool, though some users miss the original features and simplicity of Urchin.

Building a highly-available web service without a database

  • The article proposes a novel architecture for building web services without traditional databases, leveraging advancements in RAM, disk storage, and the Raft Consensus algorithm.
  • For startups, using RAM as a database simplifies architecture, speeds up data retrieval, and eases debugging, with periodic snapshots and transaction logs for crash recovery.
  • High availability and scalability are achieved through the Raft Consensus Protocol for replication and sharding for clustering, as demonstrated by Screenshotbot's use of Common Lisp, BKNR Datastore, and EFS.


  • A blog post discusses building a highly-available web service without using a traditional database, sparking debate among tech enthusiasts.
  • Critics argue that the approach essentially recreates existing database functionalities, such as transaction logs and replication, but with added complexity and potential reliability issues.
  • The post has garnered attention due to its unconventional approach, prompting discussions on the practicality and efficiency of custom-built solutions versus established database systems like SQLite, MySQL, and Postgres.

DARPA wants to bypass the thermal middleman in nuclear power systems

  • DARPA is investigating direct energy conversion from nuclear power, bypassing traditional steam turbines, to convert radiation directly into electricity.
  • This initiative could transform nuclear power systems, from small batteries to large grid-scale plants, driven by advancements in radiation-tolerant materials and small nuclear technologies.
  • DARPA aims to develop efficient, durable radiovoltaics for diverse applications, including space missions, with responses to their request for information due by August 30.


  • DARPA is working to remove the thermal intermediary in nuclear power systems, aiming to improve efficiency.
  • Betavolt's innovation uses a diamond semiconductor and nickel-63 to produce 100 microwatts, suitable for low-power devices like AirTags but not for high-power needs like smartphones.
  • Significant challenges include scaling up production, ensuring safety to prevent radioactive contamination, and navigating stringent regulatory frameworks due to historical safety concerns and international treaties like the NPT (Non-Proliferation Treaty).

Ladybird browser to start using Swift language this fall

  • The Ladybird Browser team is considering Swift as a potential successor to C++ for their project.
  • Andreas Kling has been testing various languages by having contributors rewrite parts of the project in different languages over the past few months.
  • Swift has emerged as the most suitable option among the evaluated languages.


  • Ladybird browser will adopt the Swift programming language this fall, prompting debates about its suitability beyond the Apple ecosystem.
  • Proponents cite Swift's recent enhancements, including improved C++ interoperability and memory safety, as advantages for cross-platform development.
  • Concerns include the challenges of switching languages mid-project and the potential impact of funding on the decision.

OpenSnitch is a GNU/Linux interactive application firewall

  • OpenSnitch is a GNU/Linux application firewall offering features like interactive outbound connections filtering, system-wide ad/tracker/malware blocking, and GUI-based system firewall configuration.
  • It supports managing multiple nodes and Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) integration, making it a robust tool for network security.
  • The project has gained attention from notable publications such as PenTest Magazine, It's Foss, and Linux Format, highlighting its relevance and utility in the tech community.


  • OpenSnitch is an interactive firewall for GNU/Linux, with discussions focusing on its pros and cons, such as the difficulty of whitelisting tools like curl or wget without compromising security.
  • Users suggest solutions like subdomain wildcards, expiring rules, and user-specific configurations to manage permissions effectively.
  • Comparisons are made with other firewalls like UFW, and alternatives for Android and MacOS, such as AFWall+, NetGuard, and Lulu, are mentioned, along with tips on managing firewall rules and interest in packages for various Linux distributions.

Susan Wojcicki has died

  • Dennis Troper announced the passing of his wife, Susan Wojcicki, after a 2-year battle with non-small cell lung cancer.
  • Susan Wojcicki, married to Dennis for 26 years and mother of five, was remembered as a brilliant mind and loving mother.
  • The family is heartbroken but thankful for the time they had with her, with friends and family offering condolences and support.


  • Susan Wojcicki, a pivotal figure in Google's history and former CEO of YouTube, has passed away after a two-year battle with cancer.
  • Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google, posted a heartfelt tribute highlighting her significant contributions to Google and YouTube, and her lasting impact on the world.
  • Susan's legacy includes transforming YouTube into a major information resource, and her personal connections include her sister Anne, cofounder of 23andMe and former spouse of Google cofounder Sergey Brin.

Rivian reduced electrical wiring by 1.6 miles and 44 pounds

  • Rivian has introduced its second-generation R1T pickup and R1S SUV, featuring a new zonal electrical architecture that reduces wiring by 1.6 miles and weight by 44 pounds.
  • The new system, developed in-house, simplifies software and hardware, cuts material costs by 20%, and reduces the carbon footprint by 15%.
  • The switch from domain-based to zonal architecture consolidates functions into fewer, more powerful ECUs, enhancing scalability and reducing complexity, positioning Rivian for growth, including a joint venture with Volkswagen.


  • Rivian has reduced electrical wiring in its vehicles by 1.6 miles and 44 pounds through the consolidation of Electronic Control Units (ECUs), simplifying the vehicle's architecture.
  • The discussion covers the benefits, such as reduced complexity, and challenges, including potential failure modes and impacts on vehicle reliability.
  • Comparisons are made to other automakers like Tesla, highlighting broader implications for innovation and the trade-offs involved in adopting new technologies.

Deep Live Cam: Real-time face swapping and one-click video deepfake tool

  • Deep Live Cam is an advanced AI tool for real-time face swapping and video deepfakes, requiring only a single image for high-quality results.
  • It supports multiple platforms, including CPU, NVIDIA CUDA, and Apple Silicon, and features ethical safeguards to prevent misuse.
  • The tool is open-source, offers instant previews, and is optimized for faster processing, making it accessible for both personal and commercial use.


  • Deep Live Cam is a real-time face-swapping and video deepfake tool, raising ethical concerns about its use, especially in impersonating famous individuals.
  • The tool claims to have built-in ethical safeguards to prevent processing inappropriate content, but the definition of 'ethical' use remains ambiguous.
  • The technology is built on existing projects like GFPGAN and FaceSwap Extension, making advanced deepfake capabilities more accessible to the general public.

Caltech Develops First Noninvasive Method to Continually Measure Blood Pressure

  • A Caltech team has developed a noninvasive method called resonance sonomanometry to continually measure true blood pressure using sound waves and ultrasound imaging.
  • The device, tested in a small clinical study, produced results comparable to standard blood pressure cuffs and can be used in various settings, including hospitals and remote locations.
  • The new device, developed by Esperto Medical, is small, inexpensive, and offers continuous monitoring, potentially replacing traditional blood pressure cuffs and improving medication dosing precision.


  • Caltech has developed the first noninvasive method for continuous blood pressure measurement, addressing common inaccuracies in traditional methods.
  • This new method aims to provide more consistent and accurate readings, overcoming challenges faced by previous continuous monitoring devices due to movement and other variables.
  • The innovation could benefit both home users and clinical settings, improving diagnosis and monitoring by offering reliable blood pressure data.

Grace Hopper, Nvidia's Halfway APU

  • Nvidia and AMD are leading the high-performance GPU market, with AMD leveraging its CPU capabilities to compete effectively.
  • Nvidia's new Grace Hopper (GH200) combines a server-level CPU with its top-tier H100 datacenter GPU, featuring 72 Neoverse V2 cores, 480 GB of LPDDR5X memory, and 96 GB of HBM3 memory.
  • GH200 aims to compete with AMD’s MI300A, showcasing Nvidia's strong entry into the CPU/GPU integration space, despite some performance issues and system instability during testing.


  • Nvidia's Grace Hopper APU (Accelerated Processing Unit) is a hybrid chip combining CPU and GPU capabilities, aimed at specific workloads like AI and data centers.
  • The discussion highlights a potential shift in AI computing from cloud-based to self-hosted solutions, where AMD's APUs might have an edge due to their interconnect technology.
  • The article raises questions about Nvidia's strategy and performance, particularly in terms of memory latency and the practical use cases for the Grace Hopper APU.

Hal Hickel on Creating Tarkin for Rogue One

  • Hal Hickel, Animation Supervisor for "Rogue One," detailed the creation process of the digital character Grand Moff Tarkin, clarifying misconceptions about its CGI.
  • The process involved filming an actor, Guy Henry, in costume and replacing his head with a CG Tarkin head, using facial performance capture and a life cast of Peter Cushing’s face.
  • This explanation highlights the intricate work of many artists and technicians at ILM (Industrial Light & Magic) to achieve a realistic digital human character, which many viewers did not realize was CGI.


  • Hal Hickel discusses the creation of the CGI character Tarkin for "Rogue One," highlighting the challenges and techniques used in the process.
  • The inclusion of Tarkin, despite some viewers finding it uncanny, was a significant technical achievement and sparked discussions about the use of CGI and deepfake technology in films.
  • The post also touches on the broader reception of "Rogue One" as a well-received, self-contained story within the Star Wars universe, appreciated for its unique narrative and connection to the original trilogy.

Larry Wall's Very Own Home Page

  • Larry Wall, the creator of the Perl programming language, has a personal website under construction, sharing his interests and personal updates.
  • Wall's site includes links to his notable talks, such as the "State of the Onion" addresses at Perl Conferences and his views on Perl as a postmodern computer language.
  • He provides updates on his personal life, including a diary about his cornea transplant, and offers resources and recommendations related to Perl and other software tools.


  • Larry Wall's personal website, known for its link to Perl, now results in a 404 error, causing disappointment among long-time followers.
  • The discussion highlights nostalgia for the early internet days, with comments on the simplicity and speed of old websites and the use of tilde (~) in URLs.
  • The conversation also touches on the evolution of web hosting, from ISP-provided space to platforms like Geocities and Neocities, reflecting changes in how people create and consume web content.