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Building LLMs from the Ground Up: A 3-Hour Coding Workshop

  • A 3-hour coding workshop on building Large Language Models (LLMs) from scratch is being presented by Sebastian Raschka, PhD.
  • The workshop includes topics such as LLM introduction, input data understanding, coding architecture, pretraining, loading pretrained weights, instruction finetuning, and performance evaluation.
  • Participants will have access to related resources like the "Build an LLM from Scratch" book and GitHub repositories.


  • Sebastian Raschka is offering a 3-hour coding workshop on building Large Language Models (LLMs) from the ground up, which has garnered significant interest in the tech community.
  • The workshop is compared to Andrej Karpathy's series, with both being praised for their educational value, though they cover different aspects of LLMs.
  • The discussion highlights the importance of understanding foundational concepts in machine learning, with some users debating the depth and approach of "from scratch" tutorials.

Founder Mode

  • Brian Chesky, co-founder of Airbnb, challenged conventional management wisdom at a YC event, arguing that traditional advice like "hire good people and give them room" was detrimental to Airbnb.
  • Chesky's study of Steve Jobs' methods led to a new approach, termed "founder mode," which involves more direct engagement and less delegation, improving Airbnb's performance.
  • The concept of "founder mode" could revolutionize how startups scale, as many founders at the event shared similar experiences of traditional advice being ineffective.


  • Reed Hastings, co-founder and CEO of Netflix, introduced a management style focused on employee freedom and responsibility, which has been pivotal for Netflix's innovation and growth.
  • Critics argue that many professional software managers are risk-averse, resulting in less effective company cultures, while Paul Graham advocates for founders to engage directly and delegate based on trust.
  • The ongoing debate highlights that different management styles, such as those of Netflix and Apple, can both lead to success, depending on the company's context and leadership.

Anarchy in Sudan has spawned the world’s worst famine in 40 years

  • Sudan is experiencing the world's worst famine in 40 years, with millions at risk of dying, as declared by the UN at the Zamzam refugee camp near El-Fasher.
  • Médecins Sans Frontières reported in April that a child was dying every two hours from starvation or disease, and the situation has deteriorated further.
  • The crisis, exacerbated by Sudan's war, is impacting three continents and underscores increasing global impunity and disorder.


  • Anarchy in Sudan has resulted in the worst famine in 40 years, with the UN declaring a full-blown famine due to the absence of a functioning government.
  • The famine is severely impacting a refugee camp with about 500,000 people, while the UN lacks data on other regions of the country.
  • The crisis, worsened by civil and proxy wars, has ignited discussions on the effectiveness of international aid and the role of external interventions.

Honey, I shrunk {fmt}: bringing binary size to 14k and ditching the C++ runtime

  • The {fmt} formatting library is known for its minimal binary footprint, often producing smaller code than alternatives like IOStreams or Boost Format.
  • Through various optimizations, including disabling locale support and floating-point formatting, the binary size of {fmt} has been reduced to just 14kB, eliminating the need for the C++ runtime.
  • These optimizations make {fmt} highly suitable for memory-constrained devices and retro computing environments.


  • The {fmt} library has been optimized to reduce its binary size to 14k and eliminate the dependency on the C++ runtime.
  • This optimization is significant for applications where binary size is critical, such as embedded systems and microcontrollers.
  • The discussion highlights the challenges and solutions in reducing code size, including the use of alternative algorithms and the impact of floating-point formatting on binary size.

Playstation 2 GS emulation – the final frontier of Vulkan compute emulation

  • paraLLEl-GS is a new Vulkan compute-based emulator for the PlayStation 2 Graphics Synthesizer (GS), inspired by the success of paraLLEl-RDP for the N64.
  • Unlike previous attempts, paraLLEl-GS focuses on high performance and avoiding obvious graphical issues, though it does not aim for bit-accuracy.
  • The project addresses the unique challenges of PS2 GS emulation, such as high fill-rate, quirky pixel pipeline features, and complex texturing and framebuffer operations.


  • PlayStation 2 GS (Graphics Synthesizer) emulation is challenging due to its high bandwidth and complex features, such as programmable blending and texture shaders.
  • Emulation efforts have evolved from using embedded PS2 hardware in the PS3 to software-based solutions, highlighting the technical difficulties involved.
  • The discussion includes historical context on game development and the evolution of GPU technology, noting Nvidia's coining of the term "GPU" in 1997.

WatchYourLAN: Lightweight Network IP Scanner

  • WatchYourLAN is a lightweight network IP scanner with a web GUI, offering features like notifications for new hosts and monitoring hosts' online/offline history.
  • It can maintain a list of all network hosts and send data to InfluxDB2 for Grafana dashboards.
  • Note that Version 2.0 is not compatible with v1.0, and the v2.0 docker images are currently under the v2 tag but will be tagged as latest soon.


  • WatchYourLAN is a lightweight network IP scanner, discussed for its user experiences and technical insights.
  • Users shared experiences with Wake on LAN (WoL), highlighting its reliance on special Ethernet frames and modern standby features.
  • Technical discussions included MAC address handling, with suggestions for using IEEE's OUI lists and concerns about devices frequently changing MAC addresses.

How a leading chain of psychiatric hospitals traps patients

  • A New York Times investigation revealed that Acadia Healthcare, a major chain of psychiatric hospitals, has been detaining patients against their will to maximize insurance payouts.
  • Authorities in at least 12 of the 19 states where Acadia operates have been alerted to these illegal detentions, with judges sometimes intervening to release patients.
  • Reports indicate that patients were often held without valid medical reasons, with employees pressured to exaggerate symptoms and extend stays, leading to severe ethical and legal concerns.


  • A leading chain of psychiatric hospitals is accused of detaining patients for profit, exploiting their vulnerability and lack of support.
  • Patients face significant challenges in seeking justice, as juries often side with doctors, and they are threatened with severe consequences if they attempt to leave or stop medication.
  • The systemic issue is driven by financial incentives and a lack of regulation, making it difficult for specialized law firms to address these unethical practices effectively.

Linkpreview, see how your sites looks in social media and chat apps


  • Linkpreview allows users to see how their site appears on social media and chat apps, with discussions comparing it to tools like and
  • Users suggest enhancements such as auto-adding "https://" and better meta tag handling, while some prefer other tools for their accuracy and additional features.
  • The creator intends to implement improvements based on user feedback, indicating ongoing development and responsiveness to user needs.

AirTags key to discovery of Houston's plastic recycling deception

  • A Houston resident used AirTags to track her plastic recycling and found it was being sent to an unapproved facility with failed fire inspections.
  • The city's Director of Solid Waste Management admitted that 250 tons of plastic collected since late 2022 have not been recycled, pending a new sorting facility.
  • California Attorney General is investigating the claims of Cyclix and ExxonMobil regarding their plastic recycling processes.


  • AirTags were instrumental in uncovering a plastic recycling scam in Houston, revealing deceptive practices in the recycling industry.
  • The discovery highlights ongoing issues with plastic recycling, including the difficulty of recycling plastic more than once and the environmental impact of microplastics.
  • The case has sparked discussions about the effectiveness of plastic recycling and the need for alternative materials or better waste management practices.

The Threat to OpenAI


  • The debate on OpenAI's future emphasizes the potential of AI wrappers (specialized applications) over generalist models like LLMs (Large Language Models).
  • Concerns are raised about OpenAI's high valuations and whether they can sustain their lead through innovation and ecosystem advantages, especially with competitors like Anthropic and Claude.
  • OpenAI's free ChatGPT is seen as a tool for data acquisition to enhance models, and their infrequent releases suggest they may be working on significant advancements.

E Ink faces growing competition in the "paper-like" display space


  • E Ink is facing increased competition in the "paper-like" display market, with new products emerging that use recycled CPUs from old bitcoin miners, such as the EBAZ4205 board.
  • Users are discussing the need for better outdoor-readable devices, comparing current options like the Dasung Paperlike HD-FT e-ink monitor, Onyx Boox tablets, PineNote, and Daylight Computer, each with its own pros and cons.
  • The main advantages of e-ink displays are their low power consumption and readability in sunlight, though they often lack the hardware power and software integration of other devices.

Taming the beast that is the Django ORM – An introduction

  • The blog post provides an introduction to Django's ORM (Object Relational Mapper), highlighting its pros and cons, and offering practical examples and tips.
  • Key advantages of using Django ORM include abstraction over SQL, portability, direct mapping from database to models, automatic schema generation, and enhanced security against SQL injection.
  • Challenges with Django ORM include hidden underlying SQL, potential for N+1 queries, a steeper learning curve for new developers, and possibly slower generated SQL compared to handcrafted SQL.


  • The post discusses the advantages and pitfalls of using Django's Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) system, highlighting its efficiency and ease of use for app and schema definition.
  • Key features of Django ORM include migrations, troubleshooting, and reporting, but it also has challenges like managing N+1 queries and model inheritance.
  • The discussion includes various opinions on the use of ORMs versus raw SQL, with some advocating for the simplicity of SQL for complex queries and others emphasizing the benefits of ORM abstractions.

Apple and Nvidia in talks to invest in ChatGPT

  • Apple and Nvidia are in discussions to invest in OpenAI, potentially valuing the company at over $100 billion.
  • This follows Thrive Capital's plan to invest around $1 billion, with Apple possibly gaining an observer role on OpenAI’s board.
  • OpenAI's valuation has surged due to intense competition in the AI sector, especially after the launch of ChatGPT in late 2022.


  • Apple and Nvidia are reportedly in talks to invest in ChatGPT, an advanced AI language model.
  • This potential investment highlights the growing interest of major tech companies in AI and machine learning technologies.
  • The involvement of industry giants like Apple and Nvidia could significantly boost the development and capabilities of ChatGPT.

Einstein's Other Theory of Everything

  • The article discusses Einstein's lesser-known efforts to develop a unified field theory, which aimed to explain matter, energy, and spacetime as deformations of spacetime.
  • Despite being overshadowed by modern theories like string theory and loop quantum gravity, Einstein's original ideas remain intriguing and worth revisiting.
  • The piece is authored by Sabine Hossenfelder, a theoretical physicist, adding credibility and depth to the discussion on Einstein's scientific pursuits.


  • The discussion revolves around Einstein's contributions beyond General Relativity, particularly the EPR paradox, which challenges the notion that he didn't produce significant work afterward.
  • Various users debate alternative models to the "ball on a rubber sheet" analogy for gravity, suggesting different visualizations like twisting silly putty or using a sponge with dense lumps.
  • The conversation includes technical clarifications on relativistic effects, such as the behavior of electrons and protons, and the limitations of classical mechanics in explaining these phenomena.

A brief history of barbed wire fence telephone networks

  • Lori Emerson's book, "Other Networks: A Radical Technology Sourcebook," highlights the largely undocumented history of barbed wire fence telephone networks, which were crucial in rural U.S. and Canada during the early- to mid-20th century.
  • Barbed wire, initially patented for fencing livestock, was repurposed by farmers for informal telephone networks, especially after the end of Alexander Graham Bell's patent monopoly in 1893-94, allowing rural communities to communicate without central exchanges or monthly bills.
  • Despite weather-related issues, these networks thrived and were used into the 1970s, providing essential communication for emergencies, weather updates, and social interaction in cooperative farming areas.


  • Barbed wire can be used to carry gigabit Ethernet with the right setup, showcasing its versatility beyond traditional uses.
  • Historical anecdotes reveal that during WWII, both Allied and German forces used earth return phone lines for RF-free communication in North Africa.
  • Pressurization of telephone lines, both above-ground and underground, is a common practice to prevent water leaks and ensure system integrity, with sensors and compressors playing crucial roles.