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Exploring the Physics & Design of Bicycles

The article explores the physics and design of bicycles, focusing on factors such as weight, efficiency, and stability. Commenters discuss counterintuitive turns on bikes and other vehicles, as well as experimental designs and the significance of understanding different types of bike efficiency. Chains on bicycles wear down over time rather than stretching, and early iterations of bikes had pedals on the front wheel or were push-based balance bikes. The article delves into the principles of force and motion and how they apply to cycling, explaining the balanced forces acting on a coasting bicycle and rider, and the forces needed for acceleration and braking. The self-stabilizing behavior of bicycles is discussed, including the role of friction, gyroscopic effect, and trail effect, as well as the influences on bicycle stability such as geometry and tire size. The design of bicycle frames is also explored, including the different forces exerted on the frame and the importance of optimizing the design to counter these forces. Various resources for understanding bike physics, including interactive explainer animations and modeling of bike dynamics, are recommended by commenters. Overall, the article and ensuing discussion emphasize the complexity of bicycle mechanics and the significance of understanding the underlying physics for designing safe and efficient bikes. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Paypal's "Alep" Key Restriction Raises Security Concerns

PayPal restricted an account for invoicing a key with the sequence "ALEP", causing concerns about their verification methods. The company's verification method uses questions from public databases dating back 20 years, raising concerns about the potential for security breaches. Users have reported difficulties verifying their identities and shipping addresses during the checkout process. PayPal's mandatory funds-holding policy has drawn criticism from sellers who argue it puts their funds at risk indefinitely. PayPal's system of automatically flagging and restricting accounts for certain words in transaction descriptions has led to conflicts and account freezes. Some customers suggest alternatives like virtual credit cards offered by challenger banks or Amazon Payments. Generating random alphanum license keys may be a solution to producing secure and unblockable license keys. Users who get life-banned from PayPal have their account cancelled and their Zelle account banned for life, with no recourse against automated bans. A discussion about spam emails suggests frustration with the prevalence of spam in email inboxes and the challenges of navigating financial services like PayPal. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Apple Launches Classical Music Streaming Service

Apple has launched a classical music streaming service, Apple Music Classical, with improved metadata management and a tailored user experience for classical music listeners. Some users have concerns about the impact of streaming services on the struggling classical music industry, while others believe they can offer a better experience and promote discoverability. AI-generated music may lack the emotion and interpretation that human composers bring to their work, and some worry that it trivializes the creative process and diminishes the value of art. There is a debate on the role of automation and AI in manufacturing and creative fields, with some believing that humans will lose all commercial value once AI becomes proficient at creating commercially viable products. Apple Music Classical features a powerful search function that allows users to find recordings of classical works by composer, opus number, or key; it offers a high audio quality and over five million tracks. The app is available worldwide, excluding certain countries, and is included at no extra cost with all Apple Music subscriptions except for the Apple Music Voice Plan. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Cerebras Open-Sources Compute-Efficient Language Models for NLP

AI accelerator company Cerebras has open-sourced compute-efficient language models for natural language processing, trained on its wafer-scale system CS-2 using the Chinchilla formula. The release includes three large LLMs comprising 46 billion parameters, boasting state-of-the-art performance on the SuperGLUE benchmark, and seven GPT models with seven to 13 billion parameters. The latter uses a new scaling law and achieves optimal loss per unit of compute across all model sizes. The technology allows independent scaling for model size and cluster size, and inference can be done on GPUs, but training requires dedicated hardware such as the CS-2. The open source models will be available on Hugging Face for pre-training and fine-tuning purposes Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Criticism of Eu's Proposed Chat Control Bill over Privacy Infringement

The EU Commission's proposed Chat Control Bill is facing criticism for potential privacy and freedom of expression infringements. The draft proposal includes requirements for messaging providers to automatically monitor and analyze users' conversations for illegal content and report suspicious behavior. Critics argue that the bill is not effective in preventing illegal actions and that the EU Commission has not taken the time to understand what it's proposing. Some comments touch on broader political and social issues, such as the nature of peaceful protests and the limitations of free speech. Legal language can be complex and intentionally difficult to interpret, making it harder for average individuals to bypass the law. The EU's discussion of proposals for the removal of end-to-end encryption has been met with criticism from technical experts, as secure communication is key for privacy. The EU's proposed Chat Control Bill aimed at preventing and combating child sexual abuse has been criticized for its potential misuse and invasion of privacy. Ylva Johansson, head of the scrutiny group on Europol, emphasized the need to monitor encrypted communication to protect children from child sexual abuse, but also acknowledges the challenges of ensuring compliance with privacy standards and limitations of available technology. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Amazon Flags Frequently Returned Products to Protect Customers

Amazon flagging frequently returned products to protect customers and encourage retailers to improve product quality and descriptions. Concerns about fraudulent behavior by sellers on Amazon, including rewriting old product entries to game ranking algorithms and buying items to leave negative reviews. Suggestions to address the issue include marking previous versions of listings and using heuristics or AI to detect significant changes. Amazon's struggle with product fraud is slowly damaging its reputation, but suggestions for resolution have been put forward, including charging for listing changes or using AI and natural language processing to identify fraudulent changes. The problem with product reviews on Amazon is that sellers can change product listings, resulting in reviews being associated with the wrong item. Commenters on Hacker News discuss challenges with buying products on Amazon, including concerns around counterfeit products, unresolved issues with returns, and unreliable supply chains. Amazon is stepping up efforts to crack down on fraudulent listings by warning customers of suspected counterfeit items and introducing a warning label to flag frequently returned products. Amazon is testing a new warning tag on its product listings to identify items that are frequently returned by customers, which could lead to higher storage and disposal costs. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Debates Surrounding US Healthcare Transparency & Access

Hacker News users question accuracy of health insurance "transparency data" intended to show hospital charges and insurer payments. Frustration expressed with opacity of healthcare costs and perceived inability for consumers to negotiate prices. Varying emergency room wait times reported, with some individuals waiting for hours without care, and high healthcare costs discussed. Discussion on inefficiencies of US healthcare system and potential benefits of a single-payer system in article comments. Lack of public transparency and complex billing systems make it difficult for patients to determine cost of care. MRFs containing insurance rates for medical procedures are seriously flawed, making data unusable for transparency. DoltHub offering data bounty and compiling hospital standard charge data into a relational database for public access. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Open-Source Chatbot Trained on 800k GPT-3 Generations

Open-source chatbot Gpt4all trained on over 800k GPT-3 generations with LLaMa. Creates better generative models with higher quality data set. Can be used to generate English descriptions of code to produce insights on a codebase. Releases of open-source language models like GPT-4 and Alpaca benefit the open-source community. LoRA language model available on GitHub for generating text with prompt control, but may have slower download speeds and disproportionate topics. Controversy around ownership and copyright violations with LLaMA model. ChatGPT open-source conversational AI model by Nomic AI trained with LLaMa 7B dataset. Provides exercise and CSS code, movie plot idea, and iambic pentameter poem with a Caesar salad reference. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Iceland Offers Remote Work Visa for High Earners

Iceland is introducing a remote work visa for high earners, with an income requirement of at least ISK1.3m ($10,000) per month. The visa aims to attract self-sufficient individuals to stimulate the economy and diversify beyond tourism. Commenters debate whether the income requirement is fair, given tax differences and the high cost of living in Iceland. The visa is open to nationals of around 50 countries, excluding developing countries, and does not provide a pathway to permanent residency. Applications must be submitted in paper form with appropriate supporting documents and fees. Some commenters express reservations about Iceland's climate and isolation. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Microsoft Software Frustrates Users with Lack of Control & Performance

Windows users frustrated with lack of control over updates, poor performance, bugs in Visual Studio. Some users recommend trying Windows 10 LTSB, while others suggest using alternative tools like JetBrains' CLion or Rider for C++ and C# development. Debate over perceived biases of GNU/Linux on Hacker News, with some rejecting non-free software and others finding it convenient. Comments on Microsoft software vary from positive to negative, with some criticizing loss of control over devices and others praising productivity. Discussion on maintaining open-source software forks, ethical implications of non-free software, and comparing support experiences between Windows and Linux. Debate on Microsoft's business tactics in the 90s, anti-competitive practices, and Excel's success as a program. Some commenters criticize Microsoft for prioritizing security over freedom and argue for switching to Linux or other alternatives to avoid proprietary software problems. Free Software Foundation warns of Microsoft's surveillance and control of user activities through its products and services, including data collection and restrictions on software and functionality. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Federal Reserve Facing Operating Losses & Concerns

The Federal Reserve has reported operating losses of $42 billion since September 2022, with monthly losses averaging $7 billion. Some believe that the announcement of these losses could be a way to manipulate public opinion and influence the Fed's decision-making processes. The recent rate hikes by the Federal Reserve in response to rising inflation have been controversial, particularly among those who argue they disproportionately harm low-wage workers. The Fed's actions are complex, and it is not productive to view them as just "dumb villains.". The current losses are causing concern about the Fed's long-term financial stability, but Chairman Jerome Powell has reassured the public that the bank has enough tools to manage any issues. The Fed is incurring losses due to its policies during the pandemic, weakening its ability to efficiently manage the economy. The debate about the government's role in providing public services and programs has arisen, with some arguing for more fiscal responsibility and accountability. Different perspectives are presented regarding the impact of economic policies on society, including deficits, ROI, and widening inequality. The comments showcase a range of perspectives on the role of taxation, government control, and currency stability. Money must be stable, accepted by institutions needed for business, and a medium of exchange, unit of account, and store of value to be effective. The USD's tie to oil sales and the threat of military force by the government gives it its uniqueness. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

AI Regex Tool Raises Concerns over Reliability & Verification

AI-powered regex tools like Regex.ai, ChatGPT, and Copilot are designed to aid software developers in writing code more accurately and quickly.

However, concerns have been raised about the potential for errors and the need for verification when using AI-generated code.

Some developers find it more difficult to verify the output of AI-generated regex than to write regex themselves.

Users have recommended tools like Debuggex.com, Compose-regexp.js, and grex for creating regular expressions.

Despite demand for AI-generated regex, there still exists the possibility of errors and the need for adversarial testing to verify results.

Regex.ai has faced criticism over its lack of thoroughness and reliability, as well as the possibility of inexperienced users pasting sensitive information into the generator's input box.

Despite these criticisms, Regex.ai has plans to roll out version 1.1 with improved performance and descriptions. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Buying Cheaper Flight Tickets through Pos Discrimination & Travel Hacks

Dynamic pricing for flight tickets can lead to different prices based on multiple factors, but there are no predictable rules. Travel hacks include traveling with carry-on luggage, flying economy, booking with a credit card that provides travel insurance and rewards, and adjusting travel dates. Discussions on carbon emissions and flights touch on individual actions, regulations, innovations in battery technology, and the cost of synthetic fuels. The impact of having children on climate change is debated, with arguments for and against. Personal actions to reduce CO2 emissions may not lead to reduced jet fuel usage, and more drastic measures may be needed. Travelers on a budget can save by booking flights originating outside their home countries or using certain tactics such as adding a weekend stay. Airlines use price discrimination to offer different fares based on the Point of Sale (POS) or the country in which the ticket is purchased. Choosing the country for the POS when booking is important and travel agents may find cheaper deals by looking at sales in different countries. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Chinese App Exploits Millions of Android Devices with Zero-Day Vulnerability

Chinese app exploits millions of Android devices with zero-day vulnerability. An Android app from China is alleged to have used a zero-day exploit on millions of devices, according to reports on Hacker News. Chinese apps frequently have behaviors, including hiding the app icon and installing apps without consent, that are like malware. Users are concerned about the lack of third-party app checks for Android while Android vs. Apple's freedom of choice is debated; there are criticisms of China's Great Firewall and arguments about the benefits of having an App Store. Pinduoduo, a popular shopping app in China has been identified as a risk to Androids due to the zero-day vulnerability it included, which allowed hackers to take control of millions of devices and install malicious apps. The vulnerability has been fixed and the app has been removed from the global Google Play store Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Automate Repetitive Tasks on Browser with Taxyai's GPT-4 Extension

TaxyAI is an open-source browser extension that automates tasks in a browser using GPT-4. Users input a task, and Taxy pulls the DOM and sends the remaining information alongside user instructions to GPT-4 to perform the appropriate action. Developers say Taxy can automate web-based workflows and learn from previous user interactions to adapt workflows. The extension extracts structured data from web pages, and uses LLM to suggest and enact custom workflows for that data. Taxy currently supports ad-hoc instructions, but future updates will include saved and scheduled workflows. Taxy simplifies HTML to include only interactive or semantically important elements, assigns an ID to each interactive element, and uses methods click(id) and setValue(id, text) to interact with webpages. Taxy executes actions using chrome.debugger API and updates action history before repeating the cycle. Taxy is open source and has a waitlist before it's available on the Chrome Web Store. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Debating the Usefulness of Push Notifications in Browsers

Push notifications are now available on browsers but have mixed opinions on their usefulness and intrusiveness. Users criticize longer startup times, the reliability of notifications, and the presence of browser extensions. Browser vendors hope push notifications will improve engagement, but users have concerns about the volume and clutter. Mixed reactions to push notifications with some finding them useful for staying updated, while others see them as overbearing and intrusive. Some users disabled notifications altogether, while others see potential in technical applications and chat apps. Push notifications could have useful applications if better segmentation and filtering were implemented. Push notifications were standardized in 2016 and supported by major browsers, including Safari for iOS and iPadOS for Home Screen Web Apps. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Windows 11 Adds Invasive Start Menu Ads, Frustrates Users

Latest Windows 11 update adds invasive full-screen ads to the Start menu. Users complain about lack of respect for their time and invasive privacy-settings. Microsoft criticized for customer-hostile ads that drive users away. Some users are switching to Linux or Mac due to frustration with Windows. Microsoft's focus on advertising leads to negative impact financially. Debate over whether it's reasonable to expect ads in an operating system. Windows 11 reportedly will no longer work on Intel machines launched earlier than 8th Gen. Some users have not experienced the ads, leading to speculation they may only be appearing for certain users. Optional non-security preview update for Windows 11 brings a new colour scheme and notifications for Microsoft accounts, but also marks the debut of Start menu promotions for Microsoft products. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Language AI Model Outperforms Humans in Tasks

The language model, ChatGPT, outperforms human annotators and Mechanical Turks for text-annotation tasks, according to a recent paper. ChatGPT was found to be 20 times cheaper than human MTurkers in performing certain tasks, scoring 75% accuracy on a task where MTurkers scored around 20%. Stanford University researchers used OpenAI's GPT-3 model to train a sentiment analysis tool that outperformed human annotators on a set of standard benchmark tests and was significantly more efficient and scalable than human labor. The capabilities of AI are growing more rapidly than previously believed, with AI predicted to take on physical tasks in the near future. Safety concerns around AI have not been taken seriously, and control of toxic language seems to be a priority. An ensemble of GPT-style language models was used to classify short text and improve agreement while reducing the number of incorrect predictions. Language models have limitations in their ability to comprehend and interact with the world around them, and the need for continued research into improving these models has been highlighted. ChatGPT outperforms crowd-workers for annotation tasks such as relevance, stance, topics, and frames detection, and is around 20 times cheaper than using a platform like MTurk. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Ctrl-Alt-Test Unveils Procedural Mesh Generator for Windows Intros

French Demoscene group Ctrl-Alt-Test releases procedural mesh generator for Windows intros. Generator allows for creation of various shapes without 3D modeling constraints. Group also uses traditional polygons for creating custom textures with smaller memory footprint. Technical constraints lead to innovation and new ideas for the group. Workshop on procedural mesh generation will be held at Revision 2023 in June. Procedural mesh generation can be simplified by combining basic elements creatively. Mesh generation can be improved with signed-distance fields and marching cube algorithms. Low poly models can be refined with subdivision, lighting, and cinematographic techniques. Mesh generation can offer quick iteration on designs, implemented through C++ and JSON formats. Balancing modeling work and expressiveness allows for wide range of possibilities in 64kB intros. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Alibaba to Split into Six Independent Companies for Governance

Alibaba to split into six groups, each focusing on a different sector, for better corporate governance and transparency; e-commerce, fintech and logistics operations will be separated and operate independently. The restructuring comes amid increased regulatory scrutiny and a recent antitrust investigation. Company will settle antitrust investigation by paying $2.8 billion and divesting media assets. New groups include Cloud, Chinese e-commerce, Global e-commerce, Digital mapping and food delivery, Logistics, and Media and entertainment. Discussions on Hacker News revolve around China's crackdown on tech giants and the possibility of similar actions taken against American tech companies. Speculation that Alibaba's restructuring is driven by fear of regulatory crackdowns Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Stateless Programming for Simulations & Animations in Games

Game art for background animations avoids state and instead uses time-based noise functions. Delta-t is preferred over stateful operations for frame rate independent animations. Stateless programming minimizes variable use and relies on current time as a parameter for functions. Hybrid approach of minimizing state but using it where it makes sense is suggested. Closed-form solutions can eliminate stored state and create more deterministic and testable functions. Eliminating state can simplify code and make it more efficient and independent of frame rate. State is necessary in certain cases, such as user interfaces. Spending time at the whiteboard and considering alternatives to state can lead to simpler and better code. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Emulate Mac Os in Browser with Infinite Mac

Infinite Mac is a web-based emulator that can run almost every version of Mac OS from 1984's System 1.0 to 2000's Mac OS 9.0.4. The project is hosted on Infinitemac.org and is gaining popularity on social media sites like Hacker News. The community built around the project shares memories of early computing and the classic Mac OS desktop metaphor. The project aims to provide a curated environment for users to experience early versions of the Mac OS. The website features 36 bootable images, with options to choose which hardware to run the OS on, a permalink for each release, and the ability to open new windows. The author is accepting donations to cover the infrastructure costs of the project and plans to add more obscure pre-release OS versions and enhance software persistence support. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Red Hat Celebrates 30 Years of Open-Source Contributions

Red Hat celebrated its 30th anniversary, with many praising the company's contributions to open-source technology such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux, OpenStack, and Kubernetes. Some expressed criticisms regarding systemd, pulseaudio, and freedesktop standards. Discussions on Hacker News discussed the benefits and drawbacks of using systemd, centering around choice and flexibility in service management within the Linux ecosystem. Commenters praised Red Hat for its Linux distribution and certifications but had concerns regarding IBM's acquisition and possible changes to its direction and company culture. Red Hat employees were divided in their opinions regarding IBM's acquisition of the company, with some noting increased oversight and interference. Red Hat's contributions to the FOSS world have been significant, pioneering FOSS as a business model, setting standards in the industry, and embracing the contributions of its employees. The article discussed the evolution of the network edge, with edge computing becoming more prevalent due to the growth of IoT and the need for faster processing times and better security. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Openflamingo: Open Framework for Multimodal Llm Training

OpenFlamingo, an open-source framework for training multimodal LLMs has been released. The Python based framework is developed to enable training and evaluation of Flamingo-style LMMs with in-context few-shot learning capabilities. OpenFlamingo currently supports visual question-answering, captioning, and image classification tasks. The framework is built over frozen LLaMA and CLIP models, thereby inheriting their potential harms. The framework was developed by the LAION team and is released under an open-source license Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Learning Resources for Llms & Gpts

Hacker News post shares learning materials for LLMs and GPTs. Various resources include YouTube lessons, articles, and research paper lists. YouTube videos cover multi-head attention, masked attention, and transformer architecture. Additional resources include "The Annotated Transformer" and "PyTorch Language Modeling with nn.Transformer and TorchText". Research paper lists include "Improving Language Understanding by Generative Pre-Training" and "Scaling Laws for Neural Language Models". Some comments debate reliability of LLMs, but post remains a great resource for learners. GitHub footer includes information about terms, privacy, security, pricing, blog, and contact. Footer asks users to refresh session by signing out and signing in again. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Tech's Unsustainable Upgrade Cycle & Obsolete Devices

Tech industry's unsustainable upgrade cycle creates e-waste and harms the environment. App updates and new features push users to upgrade, but developers have little incentive to support old devices. Some users suggest open-source alternatives or downgrading, but these options are not always feasible or supported. Planned obsolescence and restrictive policies from companies like Apple contribute to the problem. Users and developers call for greater control over devices and software, as well as longer-lasting products and legislations to prevent forced upgrades. High cost and environmental impact of device upgrades are increasing concerns for users and the industry as a whole. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Apple Launches "Buy Now, Pay Later" Service in Us

Apple has launched a new service called "Apple Pay Later" in the US, which offers interest-free payments over several months for purchases made on credit. Critics raised concerns about the potential suspension of iCloud accounts should payments not be made. The service offers financing options for both Apple Pay users and Apple Card holders, although it may not be the best option for those who want to earn cashback on all purchases. Goldman Sachs reportedly faced losses of $1.2bn for launching the Apple Card. Commentators have suggested that the move could pose a threat to alternative financing providers such as Klarna and Afterpay Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Clearview AI Used 1m Times by Us Law Enforcement Agencies

Clearview AI used by US law enforcement agencies almost 1 million times. Critics raise concerns about privacy and accuracy. Clearview has faced controversy over methods of building its face database. Miami Police used Clearview for investigating crimes, from homicide to shoplifting. Clearview used to acquit a man charged with vehicular homicide. Critics argue that facial recognition technology is a danger to civil liberties and human rights. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Minimalistic Forth Computer with Discrete CPU: My4th

My4TH is a minimalistic FORTH computer with a discrete CPU. The computer can be scaled up or down and implemented with discrete components or made into an FPGA or ASIC. The EPROM is 32 kilobytes and core rope memory could be used. The board is made of packaged general purpose electronic components and does not require air conditioning. The advantages of My4TH over other options such as picorv32 are unclear. Similar projects to My4TH exist on the internet. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Debate on Necessity of Tiktok Ban for National Security

Debate on necessity of TikTok ban for national security. Some argue that Chinese censorship and data-sharing poses a significant risk to US national security, while others see it as a betrayal of the open internet. Critics argue that transparency rules should be enforced for all social media companies, not just TikTok. Ban on TikTok may have negative effects on US-China relations and lead to retaliatory measures against US companies operating in China. Conversation highlights the need for reform in privacy laws and concern over data collection and selective censorship by China. Some argue that psychological manipulation should be banned altogether, while others claim that banning TikTok alone does not solve the problem. Proposed Restrict Act bans TikTok in US as part of a larger bill targeting countries that censor American companies. Debate includes concerns over censorship, double standards, and the positioning of the US on the world stage. Move towards banning TikTok is likely a PR move that redirects attention from issues such as data selling and police surveillance. Best solution would be to pass real privacy, security, transparency, and accountability rules rather than ban a foreign competitor while giving American counterparts a pass for similar offenses. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Higher Order Virtual Machine: Gc-Free, Parallel, Faster Computation

The Higher Order Virtual Machine (HVM) is a computational model that touts exponential speed, avoidance of global garbage collection, and scalability. The HVM's core model of computation is the Interaction Net, which supersedes the Turing Machine and Lambda Calculus. HVM's optimal beta feature can make it exponentially faster than other alternatives for higher-order computations. HVM has automatic parallelism and immutability for free and is currently being used for blockchain VMs to improve Cardano's throughput. HVM is memory-efficient and automatically parallelizes input and is ideal for large datasets and high-performance computing applications. HVM currently does not have memory-efficient features like references, loops, and local mutability, but it is still in development and expected to become production-ready by Q1 2024. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Tiktok Ban Sparks Surveillance & Free Speech Debate in Us

The ban of TikTok in the US has sparked a debate on surveillance and free speech. Critics of the ban argue that it is a retaliatory act for China's previously imposed social media bans, while others raise concerns about national security and data privacy. The RESTRICT/DATA acts have also raised concerns over government surveillance and censorship, with critics arguing that they grant sweeping powers to the Secretary of Commerce. The REACH Act aims to prevent foreign adversaries from gaining control over American companies and technologies, but there are checks on this authority. The debate centers on national security concerns and the potential for a foreign country to have access to sensitive data, but there are also concerns about the potential impact on academic research and freedom of expression. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Starbucks Violated Labor Laws, Withheld Tips & Raises from Unionized Workers

Starbucks has been found guilty of violating labor laws by the NLRB for withholding tips and raises from unionized workers. The NLRB ruled that Starbucks illegally ended access to electronic tip jars and digital pay stubs, and illegally implemented a minimum-wage increase while preventing unionized staff from combining it with tips. Starbucks has been ordered to provide affected employees with back pay and information on their rights to organize and unionize. Starbucks is planning to appeal the decision. Starbucks has been accused of violating regulations after introducing a virtual tipping system that some unionized employees claim is unfairly restricted. The company had denied unionized employees the right to virtual tips and pay increases given to non-union locations. Starbucks is facing fines for violating labor laws at three New York City locations, including retaliating against employees for unionizing and prohibiting them from wearing pro-union pins. In December 2022, the company illegally granted larger pay increases to non-unionized staff. Starbucks' CEO, Howard Schultz, is due to testify before the Senate HELP committee. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Metal Launches Embeddings Platform for AI Developers

Metal, a startup launched by former employees of top tech companies, has introduced an "embeddings as a service" platform for AI developers. Embeddings are vector representations of real-world data that facilitate comparison with other vectors. Metal's platform provides an end-to-end service for developers to efficiently build AI applications without having to build infrastructure and storage themselves. Metal's platform simplifies the use of embeddings and allows businesses to index, search, and cluster raw, unstructured data. Metal offers a free tier on its site while the developer tier costs $20 per month. Langchain is another startup that provides a vector database with infrastructure and high-level APIs to run operations on top of the vector DB to provide smarter features to users. Langchain supports multiple use cases like clustering, fine-tuning, and classification features. Langchain has faced criticism for choosing a potentially trademark-infringing name, "Metal."

Wavelength: A Private, AI-Driven Group Chat App

Wavelength is a new messaging app currently only available on iOS, designed for group chats, private messages, and AI reminders/updates/polls. The app prioritizes design and privacy, but lacks interoperability with other platforms and faces potential privacy breaches. Creator John Gruber's acceptance of equity has raised impartiality concerns, which the team has addressed. Wavelength offers a unique threading model for organized group discussions and a real-name policy with enforced civility. The app plans to monetize through pro subscriptions and a version for organizations. Users express skepticism towards the need for yet another messaging app and Wavelength's use of OpenAI's GPT language model. However, some appreciate its threaded end-to-end encrypted group chats as an alternative to traditional messaging apps. The app plans to add more AI features, an Android app is in the works, and is focused on privacy and threading, catering to groups of various sizes Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

GitHub India Engineers Laid off in AI-Driven Restructuring

GitHub reportedly reduced its engineering team in India as part of Microsoft's restructuring efforts. The move was said to be driven by increased use of AI for coding, with GitHub expecting to achieve a 40% productivity boost in development using their AI solutions. Some commenters criticized the move, arguing that the use of AI for coding does not necessarily translate to a reduction in the need for human developers. GitHub has not officially commented on the alleged job cuts, and CEO Nat Friedman said the changes were designed to "protect the health of our business in the short term and grant us the capacity to invest in long-term strategic initiatives". IBM is also reportedly cutting jobs worldwide as part of a restructuring effort, with concerns raised about lay-offs of engineers based in India. Speculation centred on the impact of AI tools like GPT-3 and Copilot on the software development industry, with some suggesting machine learning models could minimize off-shore outsourcing and others arguing that such tools are not yet sophisticated enough to replace human developers. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Meat Industry Blocks Climate Change Diet Recommendation

The meat industry blocked IPCC's recommendation of a plant-based diet for reducing carbon emissions. The conversation turned political, with some defending capitalism, while others called for systemic change. The discussion highlights the tension between environmental concerns and corporate interests, and the need for systemic solutions for sustainable development. Arguments over the efficacy of vegan diets, political bias, and censorship of IPCC reports occurred. Evidence supports the health benefits of a plant-based diet, but there are also other effective diets. Animal foods have a larger environmental impact than plant-based foods, and subsidies should be given to plant-based alternatives. Lobbying by the meat industry prevented the release of a report on the impact of meat production on climate change. The global meat industry prevented recommendations for a plant-based diet in the IPCC report. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Neon: Fast Serverless Postgres Platform

Neon is a serverless platform that connects Postgres databases in serverless environments. Serverless environments lack connection pooling, and Neon is optimized to overcome this hurdle. Neon uses WebSockets and Cloudflare Workers to keep database connection pools running efficiently. Neon's serverless driver optimizes database connections for serverless platforms by reducing round-trips. Neon has developed a new pipeline strategy to optimize the speed of authentication checks and decrease response times. Neon aims to reduce the time to authenticate a connection to as little as two round-trips. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Managing Apple's .Ds_store File for Metadata Storage & Version Control

The .DS_Store file is created by Apple's operating system in all directories to store meta information about the contents, including layouts and sorting options. The file is not part of HFS+ or APFS, but rather a kludge to give Finder a place to store its own metadata. The file can be deleted without negative consequences, but it is invisible for users of Finder, making it the best solution. There are different opinions on how to ignore .DS_Store files in version control, with some suggesting a centralised exclusion file, while others argue for putting it in the project's .gitignore. Reading through several resources can provide a rough understanding of the .DS_Store file format before attempting to parse it in Go or Python. The .DS_Store file contains important metadata about a folder's tree and its blocks, including sensitive information that can be inadvertently uploaded to webservers. The author warns about the potential risk of .DS_Store files and recommends denying access to them or ensuring they won't be uploaded or committed. The text includes a copyright notice and credits for the website theme and publishing platform. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Uk Uses Fake Booter Sites to Tackle Cybercrime

The UK's National Crime Agency has created fake booter sites to target cybercrime. The fake sites appear legitimate and warn users about engaging in cybercrime. Users based in the UK may be contacted by police. Experts have praised the initiative while some are sceptical about its potential success. Over 4,000 individuals who tried to purchase booter services through webstresser.org have been warned by the NCA. The authorities are investigating suspected users and their names are now on an NCA database. The NCA's fake sites gather information on users and aim to generate apprehension for potential customers of the DDoS black-market. The initiative aims to reduce cybercrime rates and uncertainty for potential customers of these sites. This initiative is similar to the US Department of Justice's Operation Power Off. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Lightning-AI Releases Apache 2.0-Licensed Lit-LLaMA Language Model

Lightning AI releases Apache 2.0-licensed Lit-LLaMA language model, solving the issue of limited academic and commercial use of LLaMA under the GPL license. Lit-LLaMA is a GPT-style language model that has applications in natural language processing, speech recognition, and chatbots.

Lit-LLaMA is the first instance of LLaMA being licensed to be compatible with other Apache 2.0-licensed work.

Researchers have developed powerful language models that generate lifelike images and raise the question of whether AI-generated content is copyrightable.

The lit-llama platform offers a solution to the trade secret protections and non-commercial licenses that make it difficult for businesses to use large language models.

Lit-LLaMA is open source and numerically equivalent to the original model, optimized to run on consumer hardware or at scale, with no strings attached Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

China Reports Third Human Case of H3n8 Bird Flu

China reports third human case of H3N8 bird flu. Case identified in middle-aged individual exposed to poultry. H3N8 primarily affects birds but can occasionally infect humans. No evidence of human-to-human transmission at this stage. Concerns about potential for virus to mutate and become more transmissible. Reports of bird flu outbreak in Hunan province raise global concern. Experts warn against unnecessary panic until more is known. H3N8 bird flu previously caused 1889 pandemic. Guangdong officials classify case as "sporadic" with low risk of transmission. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Issues with Normalization in Apfs for Git Repositories & Windows

APFS has issues with normalization in Git repositories and Windows, leading to different bytes but the same appearance of file names. APFS has some limitations, such as slow Time Machine backups and lack of advanced features. A Hacker News post discusses various opinions and experiences on the use and implementation of APFS, including its lack of data checksums and potential solutions. APFS faced major compatibility issues during its initial release and continues to undergo changes and vulnerabilities. Howard Oakley's blog post discusses the evolution of APFS, common misconceptions, and advice on using it in mixed systems. A comment thread on an article discusses APFS version numbers, FileVault2 encryption, data recovery on APFS volumes, and technical questions on various aspects of APFS and encryption on Mac. The Eclectic Light Company offers subscribers the option to customize and manage their subscription to the blog. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Senate Proposes Tiktok Ban over National Security Concerns

US Senate proposes bill to ban TikTok due to national security concerns over data collection. Critics argue that real reasons may be related to competition or spreading uncensored messages. Others suggest passing more comprehensive privacy and security regulations for all social media platforms. Debate sparked on censorship and political values, with some questioning rationale for ban and US stance on free speech and privacy rights. Lawmakers seek significant powers to investigate and potentially ban large tech businesses owned by US adversaries. TikTok denies accusations and says it is "not the enemy". Critics argue for comprehensive data privacy laws instead of blanket ban and raise concerns about censorship and government control of social media. Discussion board users questioned need for bill and potential violation of First Amendment, while others highlighted concerns about corruption and competition with the app. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

AI Experts Call for Pause on Superintelligent Systems Development

AI experts call for a pause on superintelligent systems development to allow for more research into alignment and avoid unpredictable behaviors that could be damaging to humanity. International coordination is necessary to avoid a "race to the bottom" in regulations. Some argue that it's too late to pause research as the genie is already out of the bottle. The impact of AI and automated technologies on the job market is a concern for many, with some predicting economic calamity..

Debate around the OpenAI's GPT-3 language model continues to be divisive, with some seeing it as a civilization-ending development and others downplaying its potential impact. A group of over 1,000 AI researchers calls for a global moratorium on the creation of more powerful AI models while the technology risks and benefits are evaluated. OpenAI recently stated that "At some point, it may be important to get independent review before starting to train future systems." AI development should focus on making state-of-the-art systems more accurate, safe, interpretive, and transparent, and work with policymakers to build robust AI governance systems. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Eu Votes to End Sales of Co2-Emitting Cars by 2035

EU countries vote to phase out sale of new CO2-emitting cars by 2035. Plan is part of EU's goal to cut emissions by 55% by 2030 and achieve net zero carbon by 2050. Electric cars already popular, but can still be expensive for many buyers. EU wants every new car sold in Europe to be zero-emission from 2035. UK already committed to similar target, California plans to stop sales of new gas-powered cars by 2035. Challenges include need for charging infrastructure, improvements in battery technology, and impact on automotive industry jobs. Concerns raised about capacity of electric grids to cope with increased EVs. EU draft law establishes targets for 2030 and 2035 and penalties for non-compliant producers. Germany seeks exemption for sales of cars powered by e-fuels beyond 2035. Space for charging infrastructure and investment in public transport are crucial for transition to EVs. EU energy ministers approve extension of voluntary target for curbing gas consumption in preparation for potential Russian gas shortages during next winter. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Babylon 5: A Pioneer of Serial Narratives & Character Development.

Babylon 5 TV show from the 1990s predicted military fascism and featured a unique narrative structure with a single arc running throughout the series. Multi-season character arcs allowed for believable overhauls based on small events, and the show had a strong online fandom during its original run. Comments compare Babylon 5 to Star Trek: The Next Generation, discussing differences in initial seasons, acting, special effects, and episodic vs. serialized formats. Some find Babylon 5 superior in storytelling and character development, while others prefer Deep Space Nine's acting and special effects. Babylon 5 pioneered the concept of a serialized narrative in science-fiction television with deeper character development, intricate political intrigue, and morally ambiguous POV characters. Showrunner J. Michael Straczynski wrote most of the show's episodes and interacted firsthand with fans via the internet. The show's influence extends beyond other sci-fi shows and may have been a predecessor to prestige television like The Sopranos and The Wire. TechRadar offers technology tutorials, reviews, and articles on various topics for a subscription fee, including tips on streaming movies and fixing tech bugs. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Choosing the Right Language for Efficient Problem Solving & Large Codebases.

There is no perfect language, and it's important to have a "pretty ok" language for efficient problem solving. Different languages have different strengths and weaknesses, and choosing the right one depends on the context and project goals. Rust, C#, and Python are versatile languages that can be used in different domains. Strong type systems are important for maintaining large codebases. TypeScript is recommended as a front-end solution over alternatives like updating Rails or Sorbet. Rust is viewed as a superior language with excellent tooling and deployment, but its move and borrowing semantics may be overkill for web projects. Rust's ability to operate as a safer language at a lower level makes it a viable choice for certain tasks. Rust eliminates bugs with its C-like macros and consistent language, but the combination of destructors and unwinding can lead to bugs in unsafe code. The use of Tokio is recommended for HTTP servers in Rust, with Axum, actix-web, and Rocket as popular frameworks. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Trigonometric Functions Added to CSS for UI Styling.

Trigonometric functions, such as sin(), cos(), and tan(), have been added to CSS for UI styling. Other functions include "arc" or "inverse" counterparts to sin(), cos(), and tan() and atan2(). These functions allow for circular movement and rotation of elements in UI design. The feature is available in all three browser engines. CSS is a declarative UI layout and styling language that has undergone thoughtful consideration for each new addition, despite some criticism. The use of sin() and cos() in CSS can go beyond simple translations and can be a useful tool for web development. CodepenCommunity offers examples of using these functions to manipulate CSS in creative ways. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Perils of Legacy Fortran Code & Modernization.

Perils of old Fortran code discussed on Hacker News and Fortran Discourse. Legacy code requires attention to detail to avoid issues. SLATEC library, a large and high-quality Fortran library, poses challenges due to outdated features and bugs. SLATEC author undertakes project to modernize code, but notes difficulties in debugging due to complexity. Some suggest extracting useful components from outdated libraries and creating more focused modern libraries. Discussion includes topics such as Fortran compiler bugs and proper placement of test clauses in do while loops according to the Fortran standard. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Challenges in Transition to Electric Vehicles.

Transition to EVs harder than expected due to scaling battery manufacturing and sourcing raw materials, as well as strict regulations that could increase costs and delays. Debates arise about quality, features, cost, and maintenance of EVs versus traditional cars, with some praising benefits like one-pedal driving and regenerative braking while others worry about range anxiety and initial cost. Transition will be messy, expensive, and take longer than anticipated, and requires reinventing supply chains and retraining or laying off workers with outdated skills. EVs are important for achieving climate goals, but require a political and systems thinking approach to address uncertainties and fragilities in the transition. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Sourcegraph Open-Sources AI Coding Assistant: Cody.

Sourcegraph open-sources Cody, its AI-enabled editor assistant, under the Apache 2.0 license. Cody can connect to chat-based language learning models to generate development responses via the tool's AI capabilities. Enterprise-licensed code resides in "enterprise" directories, but Cody is free to use and available as a local app or via sourcegraph.com cloud service with optional features. Sourcegraph is exploring open source models to broaden the number of LLMs Cody can use and plans to roll Cody into notebooks UI with new features to learn more about code. Cody is an AI coding assistant that uses Large Language Models (LLMs) to fetch context from a codebase and generate code that mimics the patterns of the codebase. Cody is entirely open source, allowing users to customize and automate their tools for better efficiency. Cody uses Sourcegraph's code graph and LLMs for its intelligence. Open-sourcing Cody is good for both its users' and its own self-interest. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Social4git: Decentralized Social Protocol Using Git Repositories.

Social4git is a non-federated, decentralized social protocol based on Git. Users store their own application state in their own Git repositories, eliminating the need for additional infrastructure. The platform has a command-line client and hopes to release mobile clients in the future. Developed by Protocol Labs, Microsoft Research, and RadxChange, aimed at creating tools for digital democracy. Currently has about 90 stars on GitHub and seeking open-source contributions to build mobile clients for iOS and Android. Unclear how it solves the federated/decentralized problem as Git has one designated "origin" remote per repository. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Firearm Deaths Exceed Car Deaths among Us Youth.

Firearm deaths have surpassed car deaths among children and adolescents in the US. The statistics show an increase in firearm deaths and a decrease in traffic fatalities due to pandemic restrictions. Gun violence prevention advocates call for better safety measures, including improved background checks and access to mental health resources. The pandemic may have contributed to the rise in firearm deaths, with more people purchasing guns for protection and substance abuse increasing as mental health has waned. The comments on a Hacker News thread discuss the reasons for the decline in road fatalities, including improved car safety technology and regulations and the work of car safety advocate Ralph Nader. They also debate the impact of banning guns in cities. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Klavier AI: Q&a Tool Extracts Answers from Web Pages & Pdfs

Klavier AI developed a tool to extract answers from web pages, documents, and textbooks. The tool uses a version of ChatGPT and is available in beta form for free. The accuracy of the tool inherits some problems from GPT-3, returning contradictory and inaccurate information. The system can handle queries on several file types, but limits documents to 2,000 pages in length. The CEO plans to expand website integration options and considers adding a retention of question history or offering it as an option. Users testing the tool praised its potential and suggested adding features such as handling complex documents, searching terms, and mathematical expressions. There were some reported issues, including difficulty reading data from React/SPA websites and questioning the ability to handle large input files. Developers promise a more advanced version with added memory to the algorithm and the ability to handle more complex queries. Other similar tools were discussed, including Microsoft Bing's "creative tone" mode and a self-hosted binary. A tech issue and a billing problem were resolved. Applications for YC Summer 2023 are open. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Tech Giants Prioritize Monetization over User Experience, Ruining Internet.

Large tech companies prioritize monetization over user experience, causing quality decline of core products. Copycat behavior and data-driven decision making lead to uncreative product designs and loss of innovation. Small, disrupting startups and larger companies that can survive hard times will benefit from this trend. Obsession with growth at all costs incentivizes a rot economy that favors the illusion of growth over actual development, leading to layoffs and degradation of user experience. Emphasis on generating interest over maintaining existing products results in limited innovation and degradation of user experience. Focus on growth over sustainability leads to prioritizing profit over user experience, limiting quality options for consumers. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Nuenv: Faster Nix Package Building with Nushell Scripts.

Nuenv is a new experimental Nushell builder targeting Nix packages. Nushell offers built-in support for various formats and a range of commands. Nuenv enables rapid experimental iteration, with fixes being made quickly and builds rolled back with minimal risk. Nuenv provides a clean separation of environment and custom commands with typed inputs and auto-generated help output. Using Nushell as a builder could greatly improve the developer experience and make Nix more user-friendly. While still at an early stage, Nuenv has many user-facing benefits over the Nixpkgs standard environment. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Brics Overtakes G7 in Global Gdp amid Credibility Debate.

The BRICS has overtaken the G7 in global GDP, sparking debate on its credibility and political alignment. Supporters highlight the growing economic ties between BRICS countries and the use of homegrown solutions to address challenges, decreasing dependence on the West. Discussions on an online forum suggest that BRICS is not necessarily an anti-Western bloc but a symbol of diffusing economic power, with Russia keen to prove its successes in exporting goods. Despite differing views on the country's future, most agree that South Africa is facing significant challenges and needs to address issues such as poverty and inequality to move forward. There are debates on the GDP of BRICS versus G7 and the potential expansion of the BRICS organization to include the United States or other territories. The shift towards a multipolar global base is expected to lead to proposed reforms in global bodies such as the United Nations and the World Bank and IMF. China's Belt and Road Initiative member countries saw exports increase by 28% over the past three years, and Dezan Shira & Associates is offering businesses assistance to establish and expand their operations in Asia. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

GitHub India Fires Entire Engineering Team in Restructuring.

GitHub India has fired their entire engineering team in a restructuring move. Offshoring difficulties such as time, language, and cultural differences may have played a role in the decision. The negative experience of doing business in India may prompt other companies to reexamine their outsourcing strategies. GitHub's action seems aimed at cutting costs, but the difficulty in carrying out layoffs in India may have also influenced the decision. Some observers criticize the layoff, believing the team was established to serve Indian entrepreneurs rather than only as an outsourcing option for US-centric firms. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Namecheap Accused of Front-Running Domain Searches.

Customers accuse Namecheap of front-running, or holding onto domains searched for but not purchased, and then offering them at inflated prices. Namecheap denies allegations and invites anyone to prove otherwise with a $50,000 reward. Front-running is a concern in the domain name registration industry, with some companies exploiting data on users' domain searches. Users suggest using ICANN to search for domain availability and avoiding registrar searches until ready to purchase to avoid shady practices like domain tasting and front-running. Some users recommend alternative registrars like INWX, namesilo.com, Gandi, AWS Route53, and Netcup. Some former employees allege that Namecheap may engage in questionable practices, but the company denies these claims. One user shares an experience of forgetting to renew a domain and paying a large fee during the grace period, while another avoids purchasing multiple domains at once to avoid unavailability. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Efficient Programming with Interaction Nets & Combinators.

The post explores Interaction Nets, Combinators, and Calculus in the context of HVM, a functional runtime with parallel programming potential. Interaction Nets are coded via an undirected graph and have deterministic, Turing complete, and parallel-friendly programming capabilities that don't require a garbage collector for evaluation. Interaction Combinators, formed by Interaction Nets, have three nodes and annihilation and duplication rules that allow for any computation despite their simplicity. Interaction Calculus is a lambda calculus-inspired language that uses interaction combinators to symbolize lambda and lambda applications while incrementally cloning lambda expressions to eliminate the need for a garbage collector and optimize performance. This method allows for optimal reductions and simplicity, but may not always match the behavior of normal lambda calculus. The author is excited about this concept and plans to experiment with implementing it in a runtime that out-performs runtimes like Python and Javascript. The post concludes with an invitation for discussion and acknowledges the author's limited understanding, having only investigated this topic for four days. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Debating Hype & Reality of Recent Tech Advancements on Discussion Service.

Recent tech advancements are questioned for being overhyped and underdelivering. Machine translation and speech recognition have improved significantly but still have limitations. AI and ChatGPT opinions vary depending on individual experiences and expectations. Author on Hacker News is impressed with GPT-4's potential for detailed feedback but receives mixed opinions. Tech industry prone to scammy marketing in the past and present, but hype itself is not necessarily scammy. Past tech hype cycles mentioned and criticism towards Big Tech's monopolistic practices. Discussion on NLP advancements and potential risks of superhuman AI. Encouragement to choose what to work on carefully and avoid chasing maximum profit at the expense of other purposes.

Rising Ivy League Tuition Costs & Value Proposition Debated

Ivy League universities in the US have raised tuition fees to around $90k per year, with increased financial aid to attract high-income families and selective admissions. Some commenters argue that elite schools aim to maintain high costs to filter out applicants who cannot afford tuition, although tuition-free options are available for low-income students. Discussions on the value of attending prestigious universities for career success and opportunities, with some suggesting it's more about networking and social value than education. State schools offer cheaper rates to in-state students. The cost of obtaining a college degree is increasing rapidly, but a bachelor's degree tends to pay off in terms of earnings power. AI cannot replace the value of learning the material, articulating ideas, and persistence that universities teach. Financial aid in the form of grants, scholarships, loans, and work-study programs are cited as a way to help close the financial gap for those seeking higher education. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Benefits & Drawbacks of Fuzz Testing Software Systems

The article discusses benefits and drawbacks of fuzz testing software systems. Fuzzing can be a cost-effective way to find bugs, but it can also be time-consuming and generate false positives. Defining allowable input data values and checking generative fuzzing for interesting scenarios is necessary. The author suggests leveraging existing infrastructure for manual test specification and reproducibility. A developer named matklad suggests using AFL to generate structured inputs for minimizing the test case and serialize actual generated data for test reproducibility. Keyframe predicates can help in interactive randomized tests, and FPRNG is useful for simulation. Matklad concludes that randomized and fuzz tests are still great Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Private Language Model Training for Accurate Answers with Q&a Engine

Private ChatGPT language models can be trained with corporate data to ensure accurate Q&A engine answers. Separating the language model from the knowledge base is important to prevent inaccuracies in fine-tuning. Technical requirements include creating a semantic search index and writing concise prompts. Existing tools such as Azure Cognitive Search and OpenAI accelerator can be used, along with libraries like LangChain and Semantic Kernel. Recent research highlights the advances in language modeling and AI, including OpenAI's GPT-4, Microsoft's Toolformer, and interest in augmented language models. These advances have implications for various industries and applications, such as chatbots, data analysis, and text-to-speech technology. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Kaspersky recommends using the web interface for Zoom instead of downloading the app for better security. Web version of Zoom is built with security measures of modern web browsers, reducing harm caused by security issues with the app. Criminals can exploit vulnerabilities in the app, increasing risk for users. Users should be cautious of fake Zoom apps containing malware. Consider using alternatives like Signal, FaceTime, or Jitsi for improved security on video conferencing. Hosts should use Waiting Rooms, create strong passwords, and avoid sharing meeting links. Cybersecurity expert advises two-factor authentication and not reusing passwords. While Zoom is making improvements, following security best practices is still important. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Airwalker: Developer Tooling for Reliable Airtable API Integrations

Airwalker is a developer toolkit created to improve the reliability of processes using the Airtable API and helps to correct issues quickly and with minimal effort. It offers features including base schema timeline, request/response logging, edit & replay, and custom automatically maintained TypeScript types. Airwalker is free to use right now, and the developer welcomes any feedback or suggestions. The developer created Airwalker to solve the challenges of working with the Airtable API. Airwalker is attractive to some because it is priced for corporate use, although it requires a purchase order to use. The developer plans to expand the API in the future to enable novel features and deliver the best possible experience for Airtable API integrations. Airtable is great for end users and internal tooling, although there are some pain points associated with it, such as pagination and joining data between tables that is slow. Airwalker has been well-received by some who have experienced pain points working with the Airtable API. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

AI Language Models & Their Impact on Software Development Jobs

Hacker News user shares experience of losing motivation for personal development in tech after seeing GPT-4 in action. GPT-4 can perform programming tasks with greater efficiency than humans, raising concerns about future job status of computer science students. AI powers can be leveraged to take care of tedious programming tasks, freeing developers to focus on higher-level tasks. Concerns raised about AI-powered programming leading to shortage of good developer talent and potentially disrupting industry in unforeseeable ways. Automation through AI in software engineering won't replace human engineers but requires them to adapt and sharpen skills in domain knowledge, problem-solving, and design. Software development is not just about writing code but also deciphering customer needs, selecting appropriate algorithms, and completing integration. Some AI researchers warn that while Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning models have made impressive strides, we may not see major breakthroughs. Large language models like GPT-3 have sparked concerns about job displacement, though others see it as an opportunity to innovate rapidly and cater to niche markets. AI language models may replace some human skills, such as problem-solving and creativity, but cannot replace human intuition and judgement, leaving room for experts. True expertise, characterized by the ability to apply knowledge to find effective solutions, is highlighted as an asset that is unlikely to be replaced by AI in the near future.

Debating C++: Challenges & Opinions

A debate on Hacker News discusses the difficulty of working with C++ and the differences of opinion on the value of understanding its intricacies. Some programmers complain about the many library functions in C++, while others argue that it's well-organized and user-friendly. C++ is better for developing libraries, while assembly language is preferable for low-level programming according to some programmers. The complexity of C++ may harm it in the long run as beginner programmers find it hard to learn and comprehend the language's nuances. There are varying perspectives on C++ initialization, from finding it easy to being complicated, with suggestions for specific forms of initialization and appreciation for niche books on the topic. Comments on a Reddit post about a book on C++ highlight the book's content, structure, and style, with some recommending proper initialization methods and others criticizing the length of the book. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Hacker News Raises Concerns on AI Responsibility & Safety

Hacker News discussions on AI raise concerns on potential dangers and responsibility of corporations for any harm caused by the technology. Some argue for intentional efforts to make AI safer and need for accountability and regulation. Debate on the ability of AI to cause harm even without agency and potential exacerbation of societal issues. Creating AI with consciousness is complicated and requires self-awareness. Consciousness is a spectrum and the vocabulary used to describe it can be debated. Discussions should be based on AI's ability to complete tasks efficiently rather than agency or consciousness. Debate on the minimum requirements for a company to have fiduciary duties and the definition of AGI. GPT-4 can perform various tasks but is not considered conscious or super-intelligent and does not have agency. Super-intelligent AGI would have to contribute meaningfully to human knowledge and create new things, while consciousness and agency are unknown aspects. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

GitHub Announces Employee Layoffs

GitHub, the famous software development platform owned by Microsoft, has announced that it will be laying off about 13% of its workforce. The company cited a need to lower costs amid the COVID-19 pandemic. However, GitHub clarified that it would still continue to hire new talent in key areas like engineering, product and sales. In a statement, GitHub CEO Nat Friedman mentioned that affected employees will receive support, such as severance pay,outplacement services and extended healthcare. GitHub currently has 2,800 employees in its workforce Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Magnesium Supplements Improve Muscle Soreness & Cramps for Athletes

Magnesium supplements alleviate muscle soreness and cramps, according to an author's personal experience. Some users suggest magnesium supplements only work if someone is deficient or due to placebo effect, but others argue they have an immediate effect and different forms of magnesium have different effects on the body. Research supplement types and dosage before experimentation, and ensure necessary minerals and vitamins are included in one's diet. Discussion on Hacker News highlights the benefits of magnesium supplements for muscle cramps and recovery, as well as other vitamins and minerals like choline, methylated forms of vitamin B, and creatine. Potential risks associated with certain supplements should be considered, and blood tests to assess nutrient levels before starting supplement regimens are recommended. Other nutrients important for optimal health include glycine, zinc, potassium, and B vitamins, with collagen and coconut water being safe sources. Caution against relying on multivitamins and focus on dosage research instead of just following Recommended Daily Allowances (RDAs).

Tech Layoffs & Bay Area Housing: Empathy & Debate

Tech layoffs have left many workers struggling to make ends meet in the Bay Area. Some commenters empathize with these tech workers, while others question their financial habits. High living costs in the Bay Area, including housing, healthcare, and taxes, make it difficult for workers to save effectively. Some argue that government regulations limiting housing construction are to blame for high housing costs, while others point out the limitations of land resources and opposition from NIMBY neighbors. Tech layoffs have spared techies so far, but sectors like industrial goods, carmakers, and health insurers are competing for talented tech workers. Some laid-off techies are starting new startups in the field of generative AI. Adidas's new CEO must incorporate flexible working to catch up to Nike's success. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Smart Urinals Malfunction at German Gas Station

Smart urinals at a gas station in Germany have malfunctioned, with several photos online showing messages such as "reboot required" and "stuck on boot." Some speculate that the screens on the urinals are for displaying ads or playing games while using the bathroom. Despite the potential novelty factor, these smart urinals have been met with skepticism over their necessity and potential privacy concerns Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Secure Openpgp Key with Nitrokey Start Device

Simon Josefsson secured his OpenPGP master key with a Nitrokey Start device. He avoids compromising his key by using hardware-backed OpenPGP keys. Josefsson generates offline keys and stores private keys in Nitrokey Start. He uses WKD to share his public key certificate. Josefsson finds Nitrokey Start compatible with free software. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Founder Earns $3k on Mentiontools' Lifetime Deals

AlexBelogubov earned $3k from MentionTools' lifetime deals in 16 attempts, after struggling to find clients for monthly and annual subscriptions. No subscriptions have been sold yet. Commenters suggest alternatives to lifetime access, such as free trials, influencer collaborations, yearly discounts, or grandfathering. Others recommend asking customers why they didn't buy a subscription. AlexBelogubov focuses on marketing agencies but also engages single startups. He posts updates on Twitter and builds his product publicly. He admits his non-competitive niche attempts have failed. MentionTools will shift from lifetime deals to subscriptions. A user praises the platform's simplicity and asks how they will market to SMEs and luxury brands. AlexBelogubov suggests connecting with potential clients on LinkedIn. AlexBelogubov uses official APIs and web scraping where possible. He also offers discounts for fellow indie hackers experiencing web scraping issues. The article features indie hacker trends, providing market insights and connecting indie hackers. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Floutwork: All-In-One Minimalist Productivity App for Deep Work

Floutwork is an all-in-one productivity app for deep work and atomic habits. It has calendaring, task tracking, and note-taking features to minimize distractions. Users can focus on work with its minimalist approach and non-subscription based feature. The app combines an in-app browser, tasks app, notes app, and email app with window management and productivity tracking. The company is improving the app and providing affordable options for all users. A user recommends Floutwork to stay focused, gamify productivity, and build atomic habits for better results, faster. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Mesolithic Shaman Burial Site Reveals Spiritual Insights.

A burial site in Germany was initially interpreted as belonging to a Neolithic farmer, but recent re-examination by researchers revealed it belonged to a shaman. The shaman was likely chosen in early life to perform other-worldly rituals and help her community. The filed down bones suggest a pain ritual was required as part of her appointment. Her nystagmus, or abnormal eye movement, would have added to her credibility as an intermediary with the spirit world. DNA analysis showed that the shaman and baby buried with her were distantly related on the mother's side, rather than mother and child. The baby's bones showed signs of vitamin deficiency, suggesting his parents may have sought the shaman's assistance in vain. The shaman's grave contained offerings including bones of animals denoting their transcendent nature. The shaman was connected to a wider Stone Age society, as evidenced by the variety of flints from over 10 different rock sources, some over 50 miles away. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Food Theft Surges in Europe amid Inflation Crisis.

Food theft is surging in supermarkets across Europe due to inflation. Rising prices and automatic checkout machines have led to a rise in shoplifting. Retail stores are reinforcing their security measures in response. Basic product prices such as rice, whole milk, eggs, pasta, and bread have skyrocketed. Food spending has fallen in countries such as Germany and Spain. Inflation shock caused by energy prices has spread to every type of food product. Discount retailers have increased their hold on food retail market in Germany. Majority of the population is either cutting down or changing their spending habits due to loss in purchasing power caused by inflation. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Myers-Briggs Personality Test Deceptive, Flawed: Vox Report

According to Vox, the Myers-Briggs Personality Test is a flawed and deceptive test that fails to deliver reliable, accurate results. It has little to no predictive power regarding various aspects of life and is only useful for entertainment purposes. Despite being debunked by professional psychologists, many private companies and about 200 federal agencies, including the State Department, CIA, and military, continue to use it to categorize employees and potential hires into "types" and assign them appropriate training programs and responsibilities. Around a quarter of the EPA's employees have also taken the test. It is time to adopt more valid and up-to-date testing methods Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Huggingface & Open Source AI Meetup in Sfo: March 31st.

HuggingFace and Open Source AI Meetup to be held in SFO on March 31st. Some discussion among commenters about the use of "SFO" to refer to the city of San Francisco. People are excited to attend and meet others working on OSS AI. Some comments about the name "HuggingFace" being unusual or bad for SEO. No significant news or announcements related to AI or technology in the post. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

AI Tools Threaten Student Writing & Thinking Skills: Study

AI writing tools, like ChatGPT, threaten student writing and thinking skills, according to a survey conducted by linguist Naomi Baron. While such tools can offer assistance with spelling and word completion, they can also lead to lazy or formulaic writing, diminish personal expression, and discourage the writing process as a form of mental activity. Furthermore, the possibility of using AI-generated language to cheat raises concerns for educators as well. However, some educators also see the potential for AI to kick-start thinking or to collaborate in the writing process. Ultimately, writing assignments should be seen as a journey, not just a destination Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Japan Ignores Affordable, Eco-Friendly Geothermal Energy

Unfortunately, the provided text is not related to the given topic of "Japan Ignores Affordable, Eco-Friendly Geothermal Energy". It seems to be an instruction or requirement to access a specific website. As an AI language model, I cannot access external websites to provide an alternative text. Please provide the correct text for me to summarize Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Steam to End Support for Windows 7 & 8 by 2024

Steam will no longer support Windows 7, 8, or 8.1 starting January 1, 2024. Steam's latest features use an embedded version of Google's Chrome browser, which dropped support for those operating systems in Feb 2023. Incoming versions of Steam for Windows will require OS updates that are only available in Windows 10 and newer releases. 1.9% of Steam's audience is still using the relevant Windows versions. This may leave some users with no choice but to upgrade their OS or buy a PC with a supported platform. The end of support could be troublesome for those who need an older version of Windows for work or a retro gaming system. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.

Mckinsey Cuts 1,400 Jobs in Restructuring Plan

McKinsey will be cutting approximately 1,400 jobs in a restructuring plan. The consulting giant is restructuring how it organizes its support teams. The job cuts will amount to about 3% of McKinsey's headcount, which has rapidly grown in the past ten years. The firm aims for attrition or voluntary exits for further reductions in staff. This is one of the biggest rounds of cuts at McKinsey in recent years. Discuss on Discussion Service or Read Original Text.