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Writing Python like it's Rust

  • Programming in Rust has taught a software engineer to create more robust APIs and avoid common bugs while writing Python code.
  • Adopting concepts from Rust, such as type hints and dataclasses, has resulted in more maintainable and understandable code, while also increasing productivity.
  • Explicitly defining types in Python can lead to benefits such as autocompletion and catching errors that may otherwise be missed.

Industry Reactions

  • Python's versatility and optional typing can hinder industrialization but provide flexibility for experimentation and rapid design iteration.
  • Python's readability distinguishes it from other languages and its typing system is a weak point, but can still be made to work with the language.
  • The discussion raises questions about the trade-offs between simplicity and versatility in programming languages.
  • LWN.net has shifted from QuickBooks to GnuCash for accounting, which offers a graphic interface, adaptable features, and meets all the necessary requirements.
  • Learning only Java in computer science courses may limit graduates' potential opportunities, and exploring alternatives such as Rust, Haskell, Lisp, and Prolog can be beneficial.
  • Experts discuss the use of text-format accounting, the relevance of cheques in different countries and their risks, and the goal of banks to minimize fraud and other risks.

Industry Reactions

  • QuickBooks online users voice concerns over Intuit's forced migration away from desktop version, leading to higher rates and poor experiences.
  • Users discuss other accounting software options and express frustration with lack of customization and ease of use in existing options.
  • Some users mention custom scripts and benefits of plaintext accounting and using open-source software.

GPT detectors are biased against non-native English writers

  • GPT detectors are language models designed to identify plagiarism and gauge originality.
  • These language models follow a biased approach when it comes to non-native English writers, which leads to the flagging of unique content as plagiarized.
  • This issue needs to be addressed to ensure fair treatment of non-native English writers in academia and the industry.

Industry Reactions

  • GPT detectors are biased against non-native English writers, with false positives serving to disadvantage those who are least likely to be able to defend themselves.
  • Cheating by using AI is becoming a growing problem in education as the cost of AI services approaches zero.
  • The study suggests that GPT detectors may penalize writers with constrained linguistic expressions.

Rodney Brooks on GPT-4

  • Rodney Brooks, a former faculty member at MIT, Carnegie Mellon, and Stanford University, urges people to stop conflating the performance of AI models like GPT-4 with their competence.
  • Brooks confirms that GPT-3.5's response to the question of who he is as an AI skeptic is accurate.
  • Brooks is a serial entrepreneur on his third robotics startup, and his expertise and experience provide context on the discussion of AI and its limitations.

Industry Reactions

  • Experts discuss the abilities of LLMs, including their limitations in working with text and struggles with ambiguity.
  • Users report limitations in using ChatGPT for logical reasoning on technical topics.
  • The discussion focuses on the limits of reasoning in AI language models, the debate between determinism and free will, and potential risks of AI.

Suspicious iOS KeePass Client

  • A suspicious KeePass client called iOSKeePass was discovered to have been sending clipboard contents to a third-party server and was removed from the App Store.
  • Any credentials stored in the app are now compromised and should be changed.
  • This serves as a reminder to vet all apps, especially ones storing sensitive information, and to regularly update passwords.

Industry Reactions

  • A Reddit user recommends using self-hosted password managers like KeepassXC and NordPass while cautioning against 1Password due to its reliance on cloud storage and unverified modules
  • Users discuss issues with developing and distributing open-source software for iOS through Apple's App Store and suggest a need for more reliable verifications for non-technical users
  • Users warn against using KeePassMini and advise using alternative clients or paid apps like Strongbox that are fully offline to avoid potential security issues and urge caution when using password managers

Potentially millions of Android TVs and phones come with malware preinstalled

  • Multiple lines of Android devices, including TVs and phones, come with preinstalled malware that cannot be removed without users taking heroic measures, according to two reports.
  • One security firm found as many as 8.9 million phones, comprising as many as 50 different brands, to be infected with malware, while TechCrunch reported on Android-based TV boxes sold through Amazon that are laced with malware.
  • Buyers of budget Android devices should be wary of such problems, and instead opt for known brands, such as Samsung, Asus, and OnePlus.

Industry Reactions

  • Millions of Android devices might have malware preinstalled including adware and trojans, which can lead to poor performance and unusable batteries.
  • The iPhone SE is a more user-friendly option for less tech-savvy consumers.
  • Trend Micro discovered that Android-based TVs sold through Amazon and other vendors have been infected with malware.

Beej's Guide to Network Programming

  • Beej's Guide to Network Programming is a how-to guide for network programming using Internet sockets, available on various platforms, including Unix, Linux, and Windows
  • The guide is aimed at individuals who know some C or C++, as it provides tips to make the API easier to digest
  • The guide offers resources for readers and translators and can be bought as a perfect-bound book.

Industry Reactions

  • Beej's Guide to Network Programming is a popular and highly recommended resource for learning network programming and concepts through C code examples.
  • The guide is praised by many for its clear and concise explanations that are helpful for newbies in network programming.
  • The guide's author, Beej, is an inspirational hacker who has made a significant contribution to the programming community with his guides and books.

Feynman Lectures on Physics (1964)

  • Caltech and The Feynman Lectures Website are offering an online edition of Richard Feynman's lectures on physics, which can be accessed by anyone with internet and a web browser.
  • The lectures have been designed for easy reading on any device, and include volumes on mechanics, electromagnetism, matter, and quantum mechanics.
  • The edition also includes Feynman's notes, problem-solving supplements, lecture recordings, lecture photos, and original course handouts.

Industry Reactions

  • Feynman Lectures on Physics are available online for free reading and listening since 2013, but are still highly recommended for modern students.
  • Volume III of the lectures introduced more elegant and simpler discrete systems, but missed certain advancements like EPR and Bell's theorem.
  • Despite their criticism for effective pedagogy, the lectures' elegance, subtlety, and practicality make them a valuable resource for refreshing concepts, which experts acknowledge.

Trogon – An automatic TUI for command line apps

  • Trogon is an automatic TUI (Terminal User Interface) that generates user-friendly interfaces for command-line apps.
  • It inspects the command-line app and builds a textual UI that allows the user to edit and run the command.
  • The project is in an early stage of development, but it already supports the Click library for Python and has plans to support other libraries and languages in the future.

Industry Reactions

  • Trogon is a new project for generating TUIs for command-line apps
  • It aims to make arguments, options, and switches more user-friendly
  • Trogon currently only works with Python and the Click library

Dolphin Emulator: Progress Report February, March, and April 2023

  • The Dolphin Emulator project has made significant progress in improving the Android input handling and implementing document provider support for easier access to app directories.
  • Fixes have been made for Wii Remote disconnection and new post-processing shaders, and progress has been made in emulating figurine portals for Disney Infinity and Skylanders: Trap Team.
  • The Kill Renderer update will lay the foundation for future improvements to frame pacing, and users can report issues with the new "bounding box reads" feature.

Industry Reactions

  • Dolphin Emulator released a Progress Report detailing changes made between February and April 2023.
  • Users reported successful dumping of Wii and GameCube libraries and connecting original Wiimotes via Bluetooth.
  • MAME and MESS are archival projects designed for perfect reproduction of works, not efficient emulation, while Dolphin prioritizes performance through optimization efforts.