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Data Compression Pioneer Jacob Ziv Passes Away, Leaving Lasting Impact

  • Computer scientist Jacob Ziv, co-inventor of the LZ family of lossless data compression algorithms, has passed away.
  • Ziv's work laid the foundation for modern data compression techniques and contributed to signal processing, earning him many awards.
  • Some Hacker News commenters reflect on the relationship between technological progress, creator death, and the industry's adoption of technology.
  • While guidance and support are important, some comments suggest forcing children into a particular subject can be detrimental to their learning experience.
  • The ability to make efficient use of resources, such as compression and compiler writing, will be increasingly important as technology reaches its physical limits.
  • As the end of Moore's Law approaches, programmers will need to consider efficiency, speed and performance.
  • Ziv's work allowed for more efficient data storage and transmission and was used in popular compression schemes such as ZIP, PNG, GIF and Zstandard.
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Capturing War's Impact on Ukraine with Street View

  • The Undeniable Street View project uses Google Street View technology to capture images of the destruction caused by the war in Ukraine, revealing the impact on civilians and infrastructure.
  • Propaganda has influenced public opinion about the war, with some people attributing the destruction to the Ukrainian military rather than Russian aggression. Critical thinking and accurate information are needed to combat misinformation and promote understanding of the war's complexities.
  • Discussion about the conflict in Ukraine involves debates about who is to blame, concerns about propaganda, and the challenges in understanding the truth amid multiple sources of information.
  • The conflict in Ukraine is complex and has resulted in cognitive dissonance among participants in the discussion, making it difficult to determine what is real and what is propaganda-driven.
  • The Budapest Memorandum and Minsk II agreement were both broken during the conflict, with Russia engaging in imperialism and annexing Crimea. Joining the western world has allowed neighboring countries to become democracies with healthy economies, while remaining under Russia's influence has led to a lack of liberty and corruption.
  • The ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia will continue until certain conditions are met, but speculation about the conflict's end is not clear.
  • The recent explosion in Luhansk, Ukraine, was likely caused by rockets, but there is no conclusive evidence of who is responsible for the attack.
  • Discussion about the conflict also involves debates about the quality of Chinese steel and the impact of the conflict on Ukrainian cities and regions.
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Extract Apple Notes as Json Using Liberator

  • Apple Notes Liberator is a new tool that allows users to extract data from Apple Notes and save it as JSON.
  • The tool helps researchers who use Apple Notes as their primary note-taking application to capture unstructured memos.
  • Users highlighted the evolution of Apple Notes from a simple note-taking app to its current database structure with CRDT-like algorithms for shared notes and multiple concurrent edits.
  • The tool addresses an issue in Apple Notes that makes it difficult to export notes en masse or extract them into a format that can be used outside of the Notes ecosystem.
  • The program saves extracted information in a notes.json file that contains an array of objects representing Apple Notes, with support planned for further data types and output formats like CSV and HTML in the future.
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Control Blender with Natural Language Commands Using Blendergpt

  • BlenderGPT is an AI tool that allows users to control Blender using natural language commands generated by OpenAI's GPT-4, but the generated code may not always be correct and requires iteration.
  • This tool is useful for non-programmers to create simple designs and animations but may not be sufficient for more complex and precise tasks, requiring knowledge of Blender's APIs.
  • Developments in AI and automation may lead to the automation of software development, with unskilled workers potentially being replaced by machines, raising questions about the future of work and the skills necessary to succeed in the software industry.
  • Some argue that the automation of certain tasks may free up time for more complex and creative work, benefiting the industry and the economy as a whole.
  • Discussion about the potential of natural language interfaces for programming revolves around the lack of required specificity and precision, but some suggest an explicit symbolic approach or the use of LLMs to stitch together larger business logic blocks "sanctioned" by a framework maker.
  • OpenAI's GPT can now generate Blender commands from natural language queries with the help of ChatGPT, potentially revolutionizing the UI for designing in 3D modeling software and other use cases.
  • The BlenderGPT repository on GitHub hosts an extension that enables natural language commands to control Blender with OpenAI's GPT-4, but users may need to run code again and require a valid OpenAI API key.
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Nvidia: Cryptocurrencies Useless for Society

  • Nvidia's chief technology officer, Michael Kagan, believes cryptocurrencies do not add anything useful to society and that chatbots are a more worthwhile use of processing power.
  • Nvidia constrained the use of its graphics cards for mining Ethereum cryptocurrency in 2021 to prioritize supply for AI researchers and gamers.
  • Kagan compared crypto to high-frequency trading, which did not benefit humanity.
  • Nvidia's products became instrumental in the AI boom due to their ability to significantly speed up the process of training a new AI system.
  • The company has sold tens of thousands of AI-focused processors to Microsoft, Amazon, and Oracle and rents access to the chips directly through its DGX cloud service starting at just under $37,000 a month for a cluster of eight H100s.
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Ai's Potential Impact on Productivity & Industry: A Discussion

  • AI is being utilized for productivity and marketing purposes, such as generating content quickly and easily.
  • Language Models (LLMs) have the potential to automate certain aspects of businesses, but opinions on their usefulness vary.
  • There are concerns about the quality and potential overuse of AI-generated content in marketing and product reviews.
  • Questions of the legality of using copyrighted images to train AI models and potential lawsuits are being raised.
  • There is debate on the potential impact of AI language models on the software development industry.
  • ChatGPT is being discussed for its potential to impact various industries, including concerns of job displacement and productivity increase.
  • AI has the potential to significantly impact productivity, but proper management and consideration are required.
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Chatgpt & Interpreters Transform Software Development

  • ChatGPT and code interpreters have the potential to transform software development but have some limitations
  • Skilled individuals will be needed to prompt language models for desired outputs and programming requires more than just code generation
  • Language models can shift part of the workload from human developers to AI-powered assistants, but caution is necessary as they cannot replace human developers
  • OpenAI's GPT-4 plugin system can run programs, create applications, and answer questions with different levels of complexity
  • Developers discuss ChatGPT as a machine learning model for code interpretation and implementation as a programming language interpreter
  • OpenAI is developing plugins for ChatGPT to allow code and third-party plugins to be run on the platform, which has already shown impressive potential for various tasks.
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Guide: Openai's Chatgpt Plugins with Llama

  • OpenAI has released support for plugins to ChatGPT, allowing the language model to interact with the outside world using APIs.
  • This guide demonstrates a proof of concept using OpenAI's chatgpt-retrieval-plugin with Meta's LLaMA language model.
  • The limitations of this approach include differences in the models and difficulties in generalizing to other plugins.
  • The step-by-step guide includes setting up the data store, uploading files, setting up LLaMA, using LLaMA to query custom data, and experimenting with different settings.
  • The lastmile ai team is exploring the need for a Foundation Model Plugin Protocol standard to standardize interactions between foundation models and plugins/extensions.
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Gpt-4 Passes Reverse Turing Test: But Intelligence Is More than Mimicking Humans

  • GPT-4 passes reverse Turing test, but intelligence is more than mimicking humans.
  • Author suggests a proper Turing test with more restrictions on human testers.
  • Article includes exact prompt used for ChatGPT to answer reverse Turing test questions.
  • Three draft statements capture key points on valuing present moment and making positive impact.
  • Different perspectives on topics such as dream of flying, AI potential, and meaning of life.
  • Language models like GPT-4 and Bard have potential but also limitations and biases.
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Using Sqlite for Partial File Deduplication with Blake3

  • A user shared their unconventional use of SQLite for partial file deduplication, which sparked discussion on alternative deduplication methods and challenges in handling file updates for games.
  • Possible solutions included cluster-replicated SQLite and content-defined chunking, and an analysis of deduplication was shared for comparison to whole-file based storage.
  • Interest was expressed in possible use cases for developers updating content, and technical details were discussed such as block-level versus whole-file deduplication and alignment considerations for Steamworks developers.
  • The author's approach involved using BLAKE3 hash function and a complex query to match similar files, proving more space-saving than a simpler alternative.
  • Other commenters shared their own unconventional use cases for SQLite, including file deduplication when datasets exceed memory and storing system administration data.
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