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I worked at Google for -10 days

Original. The article describes the author's experience of being laid off from Google ten days before starting their SRE position in London due to a wave of layoffs, which was a difficult process as they had already quit their previous job and prepared for the move. The author described the complex and lengthy hiring process they went through and their disappointment at not getting the opportunity to work at Google after all. Some Discussion Service users left supportive comments, while others were less empathetic.

Discussion Service. A Hacker News post about the risks and pitfalls of resigning from a job has sparked conversation. Users discuss controversial policies on quitting at other companies, such as immediate termination, and vacation policies during notice periods. The ethics of working a new job while still collecting a paycheck from an old employer are also discussed, as are experiences with background checks and drug screens during the hiring process. Some users suggest asking for relocation protection in job contracts and hedging bets by not giving notice until one to two weeks into a new job. One user suggests that clear laws should be imposed around job offer rescinding, while another proposes automating hiring and firing processes.

Substack Notes Launched

Original. Substack has launched 'Notes' to all users, a new space where writers and creators can publish short-form posts and share ideas, and it will help work travel through the Substack network for new readers to discover. Notes, which is a long-term project, will also help drive subscriptions as worthy posts get shared widely, and this will help posts find a valuable audience of writers and readers who are already invested in the Substack ecosystem and are just one click away from a subscription. However, a Notes post does not get sent to subscribers by email.

Discussion Service. Substack has launched a new "Notes" feature, leading to discussions about whether it will compete with Twitter. Users have expressed varying opinions over Twitter's continued importance and the rise of Mastodon as an alternative. Crowdsourcing fundraising and new features, such as Substack's Notes, have become ways for startups to pivot to new business models. Monetizing social media, through methods such as Twitter's new subscription service "Twitter Blue," has raised concerns for some users. Additionally, Substack's Notes feature may cannibalize its own long-form content audience.

We're building a browser when it's supposed to be impossible

Original. Andreas Kling discusses the process of building the Ladybird browser, which has made significant progress despite being considered an impossible task. The team's success is attributed to factors such as stronger web specifications, focusing on vertical slices, deferring on performance work, having a strong team culture, and being guided by an experienced leader.

Discussion Service. Discussion Service users discuss the challenges of creating a browser using the "vertical slice" approach, which focuses on creating essential features for practical use cases instead of the entire API. While some express concern over its efficacy, others mention the success of similar methods in game development. There is also debate over the accuracy of the article's claim regarding the number of W3C specs and the complex interactions between different parts of code, rendering engines, and supporting broken websites when building a web browser.

SQL Maxis: Why We Ditched RabbitMQ and Replaced It with a Postgres Queue

Original. Prequel introduced a new queue built on top of Postgres database, replacing RabbitMQ, which improved system reliability and resiliency, and centralizing the application state. Prequel provides a large-scale data pipeline that syncs data for its B2B SaaS customers, where each transfer can be modeled as a job, put into a queue, and processed by workers. The change took half a day to implement + test, and the new queue is simpler, easier to monitor, tweak if needed, and debug.

Discussion Service. SQL Maxis replaced RabbitMQ with a Postgres queue due to a broken consumer library, and suggested using different queues based on job duration and adding a dead letter queue; some users questioned the use of RabbitMQ for long-running jobs. The discussion on Hacker News highlighted the use of Postgres as a queue, with some pointing out potential concerns about queue size and disk throughput, but highlighting the benefits of transactional semantics; users also discussed the use of other queue management solutions, such as SQLite and in-memory databases, cautioning against benchmarking traffic by daily volumes.

Anthropic's $5B, 4-year plan to take on OpenAI

Original. Sorry, the text provided does not contain any information relevant to the task given. Can you please provide the correct text?

Discussion Service. Anthropic plans to spend $5 billion over four years to take on OpenAI in developing impactful technology. Discussions on Hacker News focus on the feasibility of locally running language models, with doubts expressed about common use cases. Apple is releasing libraries to use its Neural Engine in CoreML, but trust and privacy concerns remain. Other digressions include discussions on the cryptocurrency market, payments and regulations, and the potential profitability of foundational models in AI.

Original. 'Thanks.dev' is an open source funding platform.

Discussion Service. Thanks.dev is a platform for sponsoring open source projects, but some users are dissatisfied with the 5% minimum fee, while others suggest alternative funding methods. Despite concerns, users appreciate the platform's impact on motivating maintainers and helping to streamline funding. Some Discussion Service users discuss the need for greater recognition and funding to incentivize contributions and maintenance for open-source software.

The end of a myth: Distributed transactions can scale

Original. A new paper presented at VLDB'17 introduces NAM-DB, a scalable distributed database system that uses remote direct memory access (RDMA) and a timestamp oracle for snapshot isolation (SI) transactions, achieving linear scale-out for throughput and low latency. However, the global stall caused by memory server failures in event of recovery is problematic for production use. Additionally, a recent state-of-the-union report on database research indicates strength and growth due to cloud computing and machine learning, and Amazon Aurora's design using MySQL or PostgreSQL and multi-tenant scale-out storage service is noteworthy.

Discussion Service. The article discusses the global stall problem in distributed transactions and potential solutions using redundancy/quorums, but challenges for consistency exist. Slow adoption of distributed database designs and atomic clocks for achieving global consistency are mentioned. An Discussion Service user points out MySQL Cluster and a shared-nothing architecture. Other comments mention multiversion concurrency control and synchronization of timestamps in a distributed system.

Supabase Edge Runtime: Self-Hosted Deno Functions

Original. Supabase has released the Edge Runtime, a self-hosted solution for Deno Edge Functions that improves local development experience, enforces memory/duration limits, and serves all functions. The web server written in Rust uses a customizable Deno runtime and can serve TypeScript, JavaScript, and WASM functions, and it is licensed under MIT. Supabase plans to integrate Edge Runtime as an API gateway to other Supabase services in the future.

Discussion Service. Supabase has released Edge Runtime for self-hosted Deno functions, aiming to reduce tech stack and provide better ways to profile functions in the future; Supabase also supports React Native and mobile auth, yet regular servers may be preferred in some cases. The new release, Edge Functions, runs serverless functions on the edge for speed and security, with several Hacker News commenters discussing cost-benefit of VPS versus PaaS and the merits of different serverless providers and technologies, while one user reports that Supabase's tooling is not yet mature and can limit scalability.

People with severe mental illness have been failed by a dysfunctional system

Original. Jonathan Rosen's article in The Atlantic tells the story of his childhood friend, Michael, and highlights the flaws of America's mental health care system, calling for reform that provides adequate care and support to those in need, emphasizing early intervention and cultural change. The article touches on community care versus institutionalization, the failures of community mental-health centers, and the need to support those with mental illness. The author argues for assisted outpatient treatment and acknowledges the controversial nature of involuntary commitment to hospitals, calling for change and a focus on real problems.

Discussion Service. A broken mental health system leaves patients with severe mental illnesses uncared for, as necessary support efforts fail due to the dominant ideologies and lack of proper funding. The discussion in the comments section covers a range of topics, including homelessness, mental illness, public health, and the difficulty of finding effective solutions without addressing systemic issues. Additionally, concerns over the potential abuse of policies and the difficulty in accessing mental health care in the US arise.

It happened to me today: $80/hr writer replaced with ChatGPT

Original. An $80/hr freelance writer lost their job to ChatGPT, an AI language model, highlighting the impact of automation on the writing industry. While AI can produce faster and cheaper content, some believe that human writers can provide unique qualities such as creativity and personality. The discussion touches on the potential for AI to replace jobs and the importance of upskilling to add value to clients in a changing market.

Discussion Service. AI-powered content creation with tools like ChatGPT has led to the loss of jobs, but some see it as a positive development to eliminate "bullshit jobs," while others express concerns about social unrest resulting from job loss. Expert discussions center around the quality vs. quantity of AI-generated content, its use in various industries, and potential impact on job security and inequality. Debate highlights the need for society to adapt to a rapidly changing technological landscape.


Original. The 'Deck.of.cards' post is about an HTML5 Deck of Cards. It is not clear what exactly the post is about other than that.

Discussion Service. Deck.of.cards is a well-polished virtual card deck with a feature that allows players to simulate dealing cards by flicking them onto the table. Users suggest that the deck of cards website would benefit from a couple of new features, such as multi-card selection and the ability to align the cards. Some users also compare the website with other virtual card games or card games that they throw with their own hands.

Rules for developers to design beautiful UIs without a designer

Original. Full-stack developer Adam Wathan and designer Steve Schoger have developed Refactoring UI, a comprehensive design package including a 218-page book, video tutorials, a gallery of 200+ component styles, color palettes, fonts, and SVG icons. The Essential version costs $99, while the Complete Package is priced at $149. Team pricing options are available, and there is a 60-day money-back guarantee. Tailwind Labs Inc. is offering layout ideas and a component gallery, emphasizing unique designs.

Discussion Service. The debate between form and function continues as Hacker News users discuss the importance of design principles in UI/UX, including the balance between aesthetic design and usability, avoiding overreliance on trends, and prioritizing feedback and functionality. A book on UI design advertised on Discussion Service receives positive reviews, although the $100 price tag sparks controversy among users.

Distributed Machine Learning Notebooks with Elixir and Livebook

Original. The Livebook Launch Week's second day introduces Livebook v0.9's new machine learning capabilities, including distributed machine learning with Nx that can be GPU-accelerated and distributed to multiple machines with minimal code adjustments. The release also includes new neural network tasks such as speech-to-text, language detection, and punctuation, making it easier for users to use modern machine learning models with just a few clicks.

Discussion Service. Livebook and Nx allow for distributed machine learning with Elixir, utilizing the capabilities of the Erlang VM in conjunction with Google XLA and PyTorch's LibTorch. Nx aims to compete with big tech models in machine learning, and contributors to Livebook and Nx have been thanked for their work by Discussion Service users.

Maximizing the Potential of LLMs: A Guide to Prompt Engineering

Original. The article explores Language Models (LLMs), including their strengths, weaknesses, and prompt engineering strategies for specific tasks such as text summarization, question answering, code generation, and reasoning. Despite some limitations, prompt engineering allows users to maximize LLMs' potential, and with more strategies being developed, the possibilities for LLMs in the future are exciting.

Discussion Service. Users on Hacker News are discussing the role of prompt engineering in maximizing the potential of language models such as GPT3/4. Debate centers around the nature of engineering and the necessity of precise prompts for optimal results in natural language processing. Concerns are raised about the security vulnerabilities of concatenating trusted and untrusted text, and the difficulty of mitigating risks due to the stochastic nature of language models.

The Best Pens for 2023: Gel, Ballpoint, Rollerball, and Fountain Pens

Original. JetPens has released a comprehensive guide named "The 42 Best Pens for 2023," consisting of various categories of pens. The guide includes samplers, refills, accessories, and art supplies, along with curated collections of pens, trends, comparisons, and top picks for users' convenience. Additionally, JetPens offers free shipping on orders over $35 and an extensive range of stationery, making it a one-stop-shop for all stationery needs.

Discussion Service. Jetpens is considered a reliable source for stationery products, praised for its organization and lack of commingling goods. The comments discuss recommendations on writing tools, including fountain pens that decrease hand pain and improve writing quality, as well as suggestions for left-handed writers. The post highlights the importance of aesthetic and tactile experiences for writing tools and lists the top pens for 2023, including options for both right and left-handed writers.

Htmx 1.9.0 has been released

Original. Htmx has released version 1.9.0, featuring support for view transitions and generalized inline event handling. The update also includes bug fixes and improvements, including a migration to zola, reducing the number of development dependencies. Htmx is a hypertext-driven application for modern web development.

Discussion Service. Htmx 1.9.0 has been released with View Transitions support, an experimental browser feature available in Chrome 111+. This feature will make vanilla HTML a lot smoother but comes with a noticeable delay. Users see htmx as a solution for adding some UX flair to mostly CRUD based apps, and the hope is that the browser developers will notice htmx and decide to fold its functionality into HTML itself, which is where most of this stuff belongs.

The Coming of Local LLMs

Original. Despite advances in large language models (LLMs) trained on larger GPU clusters, there is still a need for running smaller models on devices with memory and processing power constraints. Local LLMs enable applications that are more sensitive to user privacy and latency considerations, as well as ensure it always works without server outages or changes in upstream provider policies or APIs. Advances in open source communities for running LLMs locally means consumer electronics companies are likely to incorporate the technology into their products, but Apple may be late to the game as they are not actively hiring for any LLM projects in their ML job listings.

Discussion Service. Hacker News users discuss the accessibility and potential productivity improvements of Local LLMs, as well as concerns and risks associated with their use. There is also discussion around ChatGPT, open-source models, hardware requirements, and Apple's potential entry into the NLP space, as well as debates around the limitations and feasibility of current LLM models.

FreeBSD 13.2

Original. FreeBSD 13.2-RELEASE notes detail updates to the FreeBSD kernel and userland, including security advisories and changes on the 13-STABLE development line. Both binary and source-based upgrades are supported.

Discussion Service. FreeBSD 13.2 has been released, and users praise its modular design and ability to run a GUI if necessary, as well as features such as ZFS built into the base system, making it stand out as a server OS. However, users note that running it as a desktop OS may have issues with drivers and compatibility with software ecosystems, but appreciate its stable packages, excellent documentation, and useful features. Some users prefer FreeBSD over Linux on desktops due to better documentation, simpler configuration, lack of systemd, and solid support, although it may not have full support for proprietary software used in machine learning.

YouTube suspends a YouTuber's Patreon-exclusive account for self-impersonation

Original. YouTube has suspended a YouTuber's Patreon-exclusive account after accusing the creator of self-impersonation. The creator, known as YaBoiAction, states that he was using the account as a way to share exclusive content with his Patreon supporters and that YouTube's decision was unjustified. His supporters and followers have been left confused about the platform's actions and are questioning YouTube's policies.

Discussion Service. YouTube suspended a YouTuber's Patreon-exclusive account for self-impersonation. Some criticize YouTube's poor treatment of paying customers and its harsh treatment of content creators. Others discuss concerns about Amazon's unreliable decision-making over returned items and suggest better solutions such as AI integration, while some point out the need for better customer support and appeal processes in large tech companies.

KDE Plasma Widget for external monitor brightness adjustment

Original. The article explains how to set up a KDE Plasma Widget for external monitor brightness adjustment using the ddcutil command-line utility. The setup involves loading the i2c-dev kernel module, installing and configuring ddcutil, installing the backend and the widget itself. The article also provides information on the history of the widget, including release notes.

Discussion Service. A new KDE Plasma widget enables an external monitor's brightness adjustment on Linux, garnering over 50 discussion points on Hacker News. Users share their own methods and recommended Linux-compatible monitor control software, but DDC's lack of standardization presents limitations and tedious controls on compatible displays.

GPT-4 gets a B on my quantum computing final exam

Original. Scott Aaronson's GPT-4 AI scored a B on an undergrad quantum computing exam, with strengths in true/false and conceptual questions, according to a blog post by Aaronson. Practical constraints make it difficult to improve quantum computing's performance despite its theoretical possibility, and Discussion Service users discuss related limitations and factors. A user provides a quantum solution to factorize $N=105$ into $3\cdot 5 \cdot 7$.

Discussion Service. GPT-4 gets a B on a quantum computing final exam, but discussions in the comments revolve around the limitations of AI and the need for human oversight. Users debate the use of AI in medicine, autonomous vehicles, and machine translations. While some express skepticism, others recognize the potential benefits and risks of increased use of AI. ChatGPT's performance prompts deeper consideration of the trajectory and potential impact of AI, highlighting progress in AI capabilities and the implications for human-computer interaction.

Skip the SSO Tax, access your user data with OSS

Original. OpenOwl is an open-source tool that enables one to download user lists and additional user data from various SaaS applications without the need for a public API. The tool is intended for IT Ops, InfoSec, and Compliance teams and supports various applications, with users able to contribute to the project by setting up additional vendor integrations. Users may choose to run OpenOwl with Docker or install the required Node, Elixir, and Erlang version manually.

Discussion Service. Former Insurtech and Fintech CTO has developed OpenOwl, an open-source tool allowing users to download user data from SaaS tools to avoid SSO pricing limitations; while currently only covering 7 SaaS vendors, OpenOwl allows users to add new integrations. Resmo is another tool aimed at reducing the high cost of SSO, integrating with over 80 popular tools and centralizing user management, with an affordable option for small and large businesses; the cost of SSO is often unfairly high due to enterprise plans with added features, but SSO implementation enforces better security practices.

Make Something Wonderful – Steve Jobs in his own words

Original. Make Something Wonderful is a book from the Steve Jobs Archive that includes a collection of his speeches, interviews, and correspondence. The book features an introduction by Laurene Powell Jobs and is edited by Leslie Berlin. It aims to inspire readers to create something innovative that will impact the world.

Discussion Service. An Discussion Service user shares emotional reactions to Steve Jobs' impact on people's lives beyond technology, while acknowledging his ability to form effective teams. Discussion Service users discuss Steve Jobs' complex impact on technology, debating his skills in healthcare and acknowledging his leadership and marketing skills. Some Discussion Service users praise UI design as essential for good user experience, and others credit Jobs' attention to detail for his amazing products. Jobs' creative genius, marketing skills, and team-building abilities are noted as important factors in his impact on the industry, along with his prioritization of user-friendly design.

Colorado passes agricultural Right to Repair

Original. Colorado has passed the first-ever agricultural Right to Repair bill, allowing farmers to access the necessary tools, diagnostics, and documentation to repair their tractors and other agricultural equipment. The bill now awaits signature from Governor Polis and is expected to go into effect on January 1, 2025, providing farmers with more timely and productive repair options. The passing of the bill is a win for farmers and is hoped to be the start of aligning the agricultural industry with other technology-enabled products.

Discussion Service. Colorado's agricultural right to repair has been passed, with optimism for approval from Governor Polis, but uncertain success. Farmers claim the technology corporations such as John Deere company actively hold hostile monopolistic business practices, deterring from repair and conflicting with the needs of farmers who cannot wait for parts or new equipment during harvest season. Some suggest that a company like Massey, Fendt or similar could have an opportunity to differentiate themselves by supporting repairs, filling the need for explicit signals of available online manuals and software to support repairs.

The EU proposed CRA law may have unintended consequence for the Python ecosystem

Original. The Python Software Foundation is concerned about the EU's proposed Cyber Resilience Act and Product Liability Act, stating that it may put the open-source software community at risk. The PSF highlights issues with the policies that may make open-source authors liable for how their software is used in commercial products and suggests that liability should be assigned to entities with agreements with consumers. The PSF urges policymakers to consider the impact on open-source software development when drafting the policies.

Discussion Service. The proposed Cyber Resilience Act in the EU has implications for the Python ecosystem, causing division among online communities. Open-source developers who do not monetize their software are likely to be exempt, but there are concerns that selling support for open-source software may be considered a commercial activity, leading to unintended consequences for developers. The EU is expected to release a new draft of the regulation in April, based on feedback from open-source foundations.

Elizabeth Holmes loses bid to stay out of prison

Original. Elizabeth Holmes, the disgraced CEO of Theranos, has lost her bid to remain out of federal prison while she appeals her conviction for fraud. She will have to surrender on April 27 and serve more than 11 years in prison, following a four-month trial which found her guilty on four counts of fraud and conspiracy. Holmes has still not ruled out filing another appeal.

Discussion Service. Elizabeth Holmes, founder of Theranos, has failed to avoid a 20-year prison sentence for fraud. Contrasting opinions and criticisms of Tesla's Full Self-Driving technology and self-driving in general are discussed, including the need for independent audits and regulations. The discussion revolved around the appropriateness and effectiveness of prison sentences for non-violent crimes, highlighting alternatives such as ankle monitoring systems, equity ownership bans, and more creative punishments.

Is the job market brutal? or is it just me?

The Ask Discussion Service post asks whether the tech job market is brutal or if it's just the poster's failure. Responses indicate it could be a combination of both, with factors such as lack of experience and competition playing a role in difficulty finding a job. One user suggests networking and building up a portfolio to increase chances of success.

Discussion Service. Experienced tech professionals are struggling to find work despite qualifications, with specialized skills viewed as career suicide. Location is irrelevant for most knowledge work. The job search process for senior roles is more challenging, and recruiting has slowed down. Many suggest customizing resumes and cover letters for specific positions rather than sending out generic applications.

Open source and the future of nuclear physics

Original. I'm sorry, but there is no text given for me to summarize. Please provide me with the text so I can complete the task.

Discussion Service. The Discussion Service community believes that open-source software is vital for the future of scientific and technological development, particularly in academic research fields such as nuclear physics. However, others argue that open-source alternatives hinder coordinated, large-scale technological advancement, and concentrated investments by public entities or corporations lead to more significant progress. One user notes that CERN pumps significant capital into KiCAD, a project not mentioned in the article. Some Discussion Service users share anecdotal stories about nuclear tests requiring open-source software, proving that open-source software has been fueling the future of technical endeavors for over 30 years.

Rust, RR, Neovim: A perfect debug combination

Original. The post introduces rrust.nvim, a Rust helper tool that records and replays Rust test execution using termdebug. It requires Neovim, nvim-treesitter, rr, jq, and a Linux operating system. The tool includes convenience bindings for debugging and can be installed using vimPlug.

Discussion Service. Developers discuss useful tools for debugging in (neo)vim, with many recommending investing in a good debugging tool like Totalview, VSCode or CLion to improve productivity. Some express concern over obstacles in using rr for debugging large applications with lots of RAM access, while others praise the new nvim-dap plugin for Neovim users who use Rust to utilize the debugging tool RR directly within Neovim. There is some debate around the benefits of specific debuggers for different languages, such as the popularity of Intellij products and VS Code. Users are interested in alternative debugging tools for the programming language Rust, but the Rust Foundation's recent trademark policy changes have sparked controversy and concern among some in the community, who express skepticism over how much feedback has been taken into account.

The Free Software Foundation is dying

Original. The Free Software Foundation (FSF), one of the longest-running missions in the free software movement, is failing to disseminate free software philosophy, promote copyleft licenses, and oversee the health of the free software movement, despite its accomplishments in establishing and advancing software freedom. The FSF's problematic messaging and management, failure to understand its place in the world, and exclusionary environment under leadership like Richard Stallman are leaving us vulnerable to exploitation from commercial attacks on the free and open-source software brand. Reform is necessary to fulfill its mission and keep the community united, including leadership, the message, decoupling it from GNU, developing new copyleft licenses, and reforming its view of the ecosystem.

Discussion Service. The Free Software Foundation (FSF) faces criticism over its relevance, toxic work environment, and Richard Stallman's leadership. Some call for his resignation, while his supporters argue against that. The FSF needs change and innovation to achieve its goals. Diversity is a topic of discussion, with opposing views regarding its importance. The focus should be on promoting free software and finding a balance between advocacy and business interests. The FSF needs to make FOSS more accessible to end-users, and new copyleft licenses should be developed. The importance of fair treatment and equal opportunities in tech industry is emphasized. Gender, sexuality, race, and qualifications are debated as priorities for the FSF board's appointments.