In a Twitter thread, Oculus VR CTO John Carmack advised a person concerned about the future availability of coding jobs due to AI.
Carmack suggested that if the person focused on building "product skills" and used the best tools for the job, including AI-guided coding, they would likely be fine.
However, he added that software is just a tool to accomplish something for people, and it's essential to keep the delivered value in mind rather than over-focusing on the specifics of the devices.
The person thanked Carmack for the advice, noting that they had never looked at things from that perspective.
Ken Thompson gave a keynote speech at the SCALE 20x conference, where he spoke about his passion for player pianos and his 75-year project to build the ultimate player piano system.
He shared how he started collecting MIDI files in the 1980s and grew to over 13,000 files, primarily duplicates, due to the MIDI community's tendency to steal and hoard files.
He selected a few individual files from the collection and incorporated them into his player piano system, which he demonstrated at the conference.
During the Q&A session, he answered questions on various topics, including his preference for Apple and his recent transition to Linux, his work on video and chess games, the use of velocity information in MIDI, his collection of Raspberry Pi computers, and his involvement in music metadata.
He also received a SCALE jersey as a welcome gift from the conference organizers.
A security researcher has found that if an attacker can access the encrypted vault data stored locally on a device and the user configures a Bitwarden PIN, the attacker can brute-force the PIN and gain access to the vault's master key.
Bitwarden clients do not warn users about this risk.
The issue arises when the user enables the PIN to unlock and configures Bitwarden not to require the master password on restart.
The user's email and PIN encrypt the master vault key.
Bitwarden allows only five PIN unlock attempts, but this limit is enforced only within the client's logicAs a result, an attacker can directly attack the encrypted data, trying different PINs until the data successfully decrypt.
Mitigation and remediation options include better information about the risk, relying on a third party to enforce an unlock attempt limit, or relying on hardware security measures.
Bitwarden has updated its documentation to warn about the risks of using the PIN feature, but it does not appear to have changed the client.