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Glutamate causes cognitive fatigue with sleep as a natural remedy

Thinking hard makes the brain tired. A recent study reveals glutamate as the cause of cognitive fatigue, which weakens cognitive control and leads to a decline in performance. Sleep is cited as a natural way to boost brain power as there are no known ways to reduce glutamate levels. The article emphasizes the importance of self-care and community support, citing the author's struggle with burnout and homelessness. The story serves as a reminder to prioritize well-being and take breaks when necessary, even for those in the tech industry. Discussion Service, Article.

Seminal Japanese Composer Ryuichi Sakamoto Passes Away at 71

Ryuichi Sakamoto has died. Seminal Japanese composer Ryuichi Sakamoto has passed away at the age of 71 after a battle with cancer, leaving behind a singular catalogue of music that influenced and challenged the world. Known for his work in electronic pop music, film composition, and anime, Sakamoto played his final show at the end of 2022, and kept fans informed of his health. While he was influenced by emerging electronic instruments and helped pioneer City Pop with Yellow Magic Orchestra, he later went on to earn acclaim through his film scores like 'The Last Emperor' and 'The Revenant'. His most recent album '12' was also well-received earlier this year. Fans of his work have paid tribute to his unique blend of experimental piano with haunting electronic sounds and glitches, as well as his earlier synth-y works. Sakamoto was also known for his sharp wit, deep sense of justice, and compassion. Discussion Service, Article.

Firefox improves UI performance by removing XUL layout

XUL Layout is gone. Firefox improves UI performance by removing XUL layout, replacing it with regular web technology to render the browser UI resulting in better performance, and various bugs that affect Firefox UI and the web affect each other. XUL had many issues, including a lack of support for basic CSS features and being proprietary and poorly documented. Mozilla deprecated XULRunner in 2015, choosing to discontinue it to focus on Firefox's core functionality. Discussion Service, Article.

HP notorious for region-locking printers & cartridges, causing frustration & wasted money

How to change the region on an HP OfficeJet printer in 57 easy steps. HP is known for region-locking its printers and cartridges, leading to frustration and wasted money for customers. Printer manufacturers find various tactics to extract more money from customers, including blocking third-party ink cartridges, preventing cartridge refills, and remotely bricking printers if ink subscriptions are canceled. The author shares their experience of resetting the region lock on their HP printer, which took months of calls with customer support and a key generation utility to finally achieve. Commenters suggest using open-source software and free printers at libraries. Consumer laws protect returning incompatible cartridges and refilling originals, while off-brand ink may bypass region locks. The EU should investigate limiting consumers to forced-expiring, half-empty consumables with DRMs or other anti-consumer rules. Non-DRM ink in refillable reservoirs saves users money. Discussion Service, Article.

US Poverty Programs Fail Despite Trillions Spent: Financial Times

'America does so much more to subsidise affluence than alleviate poverty'. US poverty programs have failed to reduce poverty despite the government spending nearly $1tn annually to fund 126 different programs to combat poverty; this amounts to a total allocation of $16tn over the last 50 years; one reason for their inefficiency is that many programs focus on spending money rather than giving cash handouts directly to poor people; roughly 15% of Americans still live in poverty, and nearly 22% of children live in poverty today. Discussion Service, Article.

Renewable Energy Surpasses Coal Generation in the US, but Faster Progress is

For the first time, renewable energy generation beat out coal in the US. Renewable energy generation surpassed coal for the first time in the US last year, growing from 12% of power production in 2021 to 14% in 2022, overshadowing coal's contribution at 20%.However, slow progress in the sector and dependence on natural gas still dominates the country's energy mix. Renewable energy's growth is largely driven by a surge in added wind and solar capacity with Texas being the top wind-generating state in the US. Despite its growth, Discussion Service, Article.

Windows Decline & Lack of Child Suitability Spark Alternative Discussions

The Day Windows Died. The decline of Windows is discussed due to pre-installed apps and lack of control; author shares a bad experience with their child. Windows isn't ideal for children, suggesting other options. Comments discuss longevity and opine Apple's products offer better value; one suggests Linux for kids. Valve's proton is suggested for handling anything, author agrees modern Windows is a cesspool, and recommends single board computers or Apple machines. Another commentator suggests steering kids towards Linux, while discussing the Windows modding scene. The issue is with PC industry's broken social contract of ads and surveillance marketing rather than just Windows. Discussion Service, Article.

Creating a Safe & Durable Online Presence

Own your work. The article suggests that individuals should create a safe online presence by owning their online platform using a domain they own and technology they can maintain for a long time, especially since external platforms may eventually disappear. It further recommends using external platforms to expand audiences but maintaining original content on the individual's website. Although some comments suggest having interoperability between services for easy backup and transfer, majority of comments agree to own one's online presence while using other established platforms for redistribution. Discussion Service, Article.

Experts Concerned Over £55K Salary for Key UK Cybersecurity Head

UK Treasury trying to find a Head of Cyber Security for £55k. The £55k salary for the UK Cybersecurity Head is drawing concern from experts as the basic cost of living is not taken into account, especially in London. Job offers in LinkedIn and Glassdoor show dev salaries rapidly decreasing in the UK, with many skilled workers looking to leave the country. There's a fixed class struggle and the pay structure needs a revamp; insiders suggest that nepotism and class discrimination are creeping in. The job titles can be misleading, and in this cybersecurity job case, headline contradicts the job listing. The UK Treasury doesn't seem to understand the relative weakness of wage growth over the last ten years, and is risking being fleeced with this low salary cybersecurity job. Discussion Service, Article.

ISRO conducts successful landing experiment of reusable launch vehicle

ISRO successfully conducts landing experiment of the Reusable Launch Vehicle. The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) successfully conducted the landing experiment of the Reusable Launch Vehicle-Technology Demonstration (RLV-TD) programme at the Aeronautical Test Range in Chitradurga. ISRO released the RLV, which it had carried to an altitude of 4.5 km by helicopter and released for carrying an autonomous landing on a runway. With the goal of achieving low-cost access to space, one of the key objectives of mastering the RLV technology, India looks to become the first country to launch a reusable two-stage orbital launch vehicle. Discussion Service, Article.

Compostable food containers may release toxic chemicals into the air

Compostable fast-food packaging can emit volatile PFAS. A new study found that compostable fast-food containers may release toxic chemicals known as PFAS into the air. Some compostable packaging may not be environmentally-friendly and release methane in landfills. However, some manufacturers are phasing out PFAS in compostable bowls by replacing them with plant-based coatings. Reusable packaging is the best solution for going green. Food packaging toxicity is receiving increasing attention, and using biodegradable packaging like paper and glass may be safer. Researchers suggest a ban on all PFAS in food packaging. Total PFAS levels drop up to 85% after two years of storage due to volatilization of fluorotelomer alcohols and other PFAS. Discussion Service, Article.

Italy considers fines for using foreign words in official communications

Italian government seeks to penalize the use of English words. Italy's Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni's party proposes new legislation that will impose fines of up to €100,000 ($108,705) on anyone who uses foreign languages in official communications Discussion Service, Article.

Canada experiences rise in remote work despite employer pressures

Work-from-home is the new normal in Canada. Despite employer pressure to return to the office, Canada has seen a rise in remote work that continues to gain popularity, according to a new study. While the shift has provided benefits for those who can work from home, there are potential issues for those in industries where remote work is not feasible. Governments and businesses should accept this change as the new norm. Comments on the National Post article reflect on the challenges and benefits of remote work, with discussions on its impact on lower-income workers, public transit, and housing affordability. The argument that productivity and innovation suffer from remote work is challenged, with some commenters pointing out its advantages in terms of flexibility, avoiding commutes, and cheaper housing. The prevalence of contractors and socialized medicine in Canada and Europe may contribute to the popularity of remote work. Discussion Service, Article.

Microsoft introduces Windows Sandbox for safe app testing on Windows

Windows Sandbox. Microsoft has introduced Windows Sandbox, a secure and efficient desktop environment for safe app testing on Windows. The sandbox is pristine, disposable, and uses hardware-based virtualization for kernel isolation. It is part of Windows, and everything required for this feature is included in Windows 10 Pro and Enterprise. Windows Sandbox, together with WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux), enables users to run Windows in the sandbox without using VirtualBox/VMware Workstation. However, it is not supported on Windows Home edition, and its network connection needs to be disabled using the Windows Sandbox configuration file. Discussion Service, Article.

Neurosurgeon promotes autonomous healthcare & importance of accepting death

'Preparing to die has a lot to do with having had a good life'. Neurosurgeon Henry Marsh discusses importance of accepting death, the right to euthanasia, and knowing when to stop expensive treatments. Marsh stresses the need for autonomous healthcare providers in decision-making and the importance of empathy in healthcare. He also discusses false positives, over-diagnosis, and the need for a balance between patient freedom and medical organization. Marsh supports palliative care in Ukraine and emphasizes the importance of living in the present. A father's death discussion with his son and Seneca's quote on living enough highlight the necessity of end-of-life care. Discussion Service, Article.

Andreesen Horowitz pursues investment from Saudi Arabia amid tensions

Andreessen Horowitz is now openly courting capital from Saudi Arabia. Andreesen Horowitz seeks investment from Saudi Arabia despite tensions. The VC firm has been mocked in recent years for major investments in 'web3' startups with no returns, and seeking Saudi investment is seen as a sign of desperation. The Saudis are known for aggressive investment in passive vehicles. However, the move has been criticized by some who question the firm's ethics, given Saudi Arabia's poor human rights record, with one Twitter user likening the situation to the Russ Hanneman storyline in the TV show Silicon Valley. Discussion Service, Article.

PizzaGPT replaces ChatGPT API access in Italy without data registration

PizzaGPT – ChatGPT clone accessible from Italy. OpenAI has blocked access to ChatGPT in Italy due to privacy concerns, leading to the creation of PizzaGPT. PizzaGPT uses the same API as ChatGPT but does not collect user data. The creator is an Italian who believes that AI should be accessible to everyone. The website was quickly coded, using Nuxt 3, Tailwind, and DaisyUI. PizzaGPT is a wrapper of OpenAI completions API, similar to the free version of ChatGPT. Users can donate a pizza to support the website. Some users have reported snappy responses, while others found results to be worse than ChatGPT. The model used by PizzaGPT remains uncertain. The post has generated attention for providing access to revolutionary technology. Alternative tools in the EU, such as TextCortex, are also available. Discussion Service, Article.

Optimizing hash tables for efficient real-world use cases

Optimizing Open Addressing. The article emphasizes the superiority of open-addressed hash tables for real-world use cases, exploring collision resolution methods to optimize insertion, erasure, and lookup operations. Robin Hood probing with backshift deletion is a recommended choice for hash tables, reducing the maximum probe length for consistent query performance. SIMD-accelerated lookups can significantly improve performance, especially for two-way chaining using AVX2 256-bit operations. Fixed-size chaining and two-way chaining provide memory-efficient solutions for different data structures. Overall, the article provides valuable insights into practical considerations for efficient hash table implementations with a focus on memory amplification, benchmark setup, and hash function choices. Discussion Service, Article.

77% of young Americans too unfit or ill for military service

Study: 77% of young Americans too fat, mentally ill, on drugs to join military. A Pentagon study has shown that 77% of young Americans do not qualify for military service due to being overweight, taking drugs, having mental or physical challenges, or a combination of these. Overweight hurdles, drugs and alcohol abuse, medical or physical health, and mental health are the top four reasons for disqualifications, where 44% of ineligible individuals are disqualified due to multiple reasons. The proportion of youth eligible and not enrolled in college is 12%. The declining veteran population and the shrinking military footprint contribute to an overreliance on military stereotypes resulting in recruitment challenges, according to the Major Charlie Dietz, a Department of Defense spokesman. There are concerns about the COVID-19 vaccine mandate that ended for the U.S. military, and some lawmakers are pushing to eliminate some of the disqualifying conditions. Discussion Service, Article.

Twitter algorithm down-ranks tweets about Ukraine after new owner Elon Musk takes over: Analysis code reveals

Analysis of Twitter algorithm reveals Twitter down-ranks tweets about Ukraine. Twitter algorithm code analysis reveals that tweets related to Ukraine were down-ranked after Elon Musk took over the platform, as discovered by users who inspected the recently open-sourced code. Musk's stance on Ukraine has been ambiguous, despite providing Starlink internet terminals to the country. The move towards transparency with the open-sourcing of the algorithm code has been welcomed by many users, but concerns were raised about the potential for gaming the algorithm or the possibility of botnets exploiting it. The down-ranking of Ukraine-related tweets by the algorithm has affected users who frequently post about Ukraine topics. There is speculation on whether the down-ranking is due to malice, incompetence, or low engagement levels. The Twitter code is for Twitter Spaces, rather than home timeline ranking, and a significant criticism is the ability to manipulate visibility for users by remotely throttling engagement to filter or censor content on the user's end. Discussion Service, Article.