The Internet Archive has made significant advancements in its flash emulation, thanks to the efforts of volunteers Nosamu and bai0.
The recent improvements include the ability to mute/unmute and resize the screen based on the animation's information, as well as the capability to handle multi-swf flash.
As a result, a large number of previously "broken" flash files will be added to the Internet Archive's collection this week.
The text provided does not contain any meaningful content, as it appears to be an error message or captcha verification. Therefore, there are no key points to summarize.
The incidents involving Cruise and Waymo driverless taxis are receiving increased attention, with debate around the use of the term "skyrocketing" to describe the incidents.
There are concerns about the safety and readiness of autonomous vehicles for widespread use, as well as the impact on traffic, transit, and emergency responders.
The controversy surrounding autonomous vehicles highlights the tension between technological advancements and concerns about safety and disruption.