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Choose Postgres queue technology

  • The article challenges the common view that other queue technologies are more scalable compared to Postgres and suggests considering Postgres as a viable option for queues.
  • It highlights the importance of considering team familiarity and composition when choosing technology, advocating for the suitable use of Postgres queue technology.
  • The piece also underscores the significance of escape hatches and abstraction when constructing queue systems, hinting at the versatile feature set of Postgres.


  • The conversation centres on the difficulties and considerations in selecting suitable queue technology for a project, exploring options including PostgreSQL, Redis, SQS, and Google PubSub.
  • PostgreSQL gains attention for its transactional consistency and dependability, and users share advice for creating effective queues with it.
  • The limitations and advantages of different queue technologies are discussed, highlighting the importance of choosing a solution based on the project's specific needs and the trade-offs of each tool.

Two photographers captured the same millisecond in time (2018)

  • Nikon and Canon have announced new camera models, the Zf and EOS R50 respectively, and FujiFilm introduced the GFX 100 II and Tough TG-7 cameras, among other products.
  • Adobe has increased the prices for its Creative Cloud and has launched the new Firefly suite, which is a collection of AI tools.
  • Details about the camera features of iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Pro have been revealed and Sony is planning updates for its Camera Remote SDK, which are attracting interest in the industry.


  • A situation where two photographers capture the same moment sparked a conversation about human bias and perception of beauty.
  • The dialogue covered technical aspects such as the use of burst mode, flash effects, synchronization with longer exposure times, and differences in timing and exposure between photos.
  • Topics of copyright, camera clocks, and potential friendship between photographers were also part of the discussion.

Gene-Engineered Mouth Bacteria

  • A genetically modified mouth bacteria, Streptococcus mutans, could potentially cure cavities by producing ethanol instead of lactic acid, thus preventing tooth decay.
  • This bacteria, created in 1985, can be applied to teeth through simple brushing and has exhibited no adverse effects.
  • However, patents and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations have hindered the development and global distribution of this potential cure.


  • The Hacker News discussion debates a claim by Lantern BioWorks about gene-engineered oral bacteria, with users demanding scientific evidence and proper citations.
  • Topics range from concerns over the company's pricing and lack of clinical trial data, to the effect of various dental practices on dental health, potential benefits, and drawbacks of genetically modified bacteria in preventing tooth decay.
  • The conversation also explores skepticism towards disruptive dental industry treatments, financial incentives, corruption, alternative solutions, and the challenges a biotech startup may face financially and in gaining FDA approval.

There's a new map style on OpenStreetMap.org

  • en.osm.town is a segment of a decentralized social network, Mastodon, catered to an independent community utilizing OpenStreetMap, funded by the OpenStreetMap Foundation.
  • The OpenStreetMap Twitter account introduced a fresh map style, Tracestrack Topo, enhancing osm-carto and OpenTopoMap with amplified tag support and improved internationalization.
  • User feedback on the new map style is overwhelmingly positive.


  • OpenStreetMap.org has introduced a new map style named osm.town, enabling users to view satellite imagery and various styles without downloading big map files.
  • There are mixed user opinions regarding the naming of layers and labeling of islands and states, with some users encountering issues with loading specific layers.
  • Current discussions revolve around color schemes in mapping applications, the functionality of social media sites in web browsers, and the potential of a non-JavaScript version.

Full Resolution Photo Archive

  • The author has made high-resolution photographs freely available for download.
  • There is reference to a Patreon page for individuals interested in financially supporting the author's work.
  • The text suggests recent photography projects focused on landscapes and astrophotography.


  • The Full Resolution Photo Archive is an online repository of high-quality pictures, available for free, that is experiencing some limitations particularly with high-resolution image access due to high traffic.
  • Topics of discussion include the originality of images, monetization concerns of stock photography, role of AI in photography, and the impact of legal agreements made under psychedelic influence.
  • There is an ongoing debate around the balance of artistic expression and technology in photography, with suggestions put forward to release RAW files and provide pictures in full resolution at no cost, demonstrating the importance of verifiable human provenance in photography.

Workers who cut countertops are dying of silicosis

  • Workers crafting engineered stone countertops in California are suffering from silicosis, a non-curable lung disease resulting from inhalation of silica particles.
  • Actions are being taken to enhance workplace safety and raise awareness, which even include thoughts on banning high-silica engineered stone; this consideration is particularly strong in Los Angeles County.
  • However, fabricators and manufacturers advocate for stronger enforcement of existing safety regulations rather than outright bans. Current rules in California are frequently overlooked and homeowners often are not educated about the risks tied to engineered stone.


  • The discussions cover a broad range of topics, including workplace hazards like silica dust, delays in implementing safety regulations, and the effectiveness of safety equipment like respirator masks.
  • It draws attention to discrepancies in healthcare billing, the impact of widespread screening programs, and implications of public healthcare on taxes.
  • The summary emphasizes the need for robust regulations, enhanced working conditions, and an improved healthcare system to safeguard worker health and safety.

Texas death row inmate at mercy of supreme court, and junk science

  • Robert Roberson, a death row inmate in Texas, is seeking a retrial after new findings challenge his conviction for his daughter's murder.
  • This new evidence points to severe health issues in his daughter, bringing into question the validity of the 'shaken baby syndrome' diagnosis previously used in the case.
  • Despite state courts denying the appeal, Roberson remains optimistic for a just decision, and groups such as the Innocence Project are pushing for a reevaluation of shaken baby syndrome as a reliable forensic tool.


  • This article addresses the significant concern surrounding the use of questionable scientific evidence, mainly Shaken Baby Syndrome as a diagnosis, in death penalty cases.
  • There is a pivotal discussion about the use of hypnosis-induced testimony, precedent-setting emphasis on expert testimony, forensic tools and their limitations within the legal structure.
  • The article also explores differing views on shaken baby syndrome, character evidence, and the specific Texas legal system. The debate extends to include the gravity of the crime, scientific consensus, child abuse, conservatism, and the harmony between Christianity and capitalism.

μMon: Stupid simple monitoring (2022)

  • μMon is a lightweight host monitoring solution that uses a variety of tools such as RRDtool, SNMP, shell scripting, and a small FastCGI server written in C++.
  • Designed to simplify monitoring, it eliminates the need for resource-intensive solutions like Prometheus and Grafana, offering features like constant-space storage, independent nodes, lightweight data collection, and easy setup.
  • Despite requiring knowledge of RRDtool and POSIX shell, it can be extended and adapted according to user needs. It underscores the advantages of using Unix systems and RRDtool.


  • The article debates the balance between simplicity and functionality in monitoring systems, highlighting μMon as a simpler alternative to monitoring tools like Netdata, Nachos, Zabbix, and Grafana.
  • An emphasis is placed on the cruciality of tracing for effective monitoring.
  • The existence and usage of dtrace and x-trace for the past two decades is briefly noted.

Get your entire ChatGPT history in Markdown files

  • A new Python script has been developed to transform ChatGPT conversations into well-structured Markdown files.
  • The script comes with added features such as YAML metadata headers and a code interpreter for advanced data analysis.
  • The script has been made available on GitHub, allowing others to contribute and refine it further. This solution was created as a quicker and more efficient alternative to chrome extensions.


  • The post details a newly devised Python script that transforms the chat history from ChatGPT into well-structured Markdown documents with YAML metadata headers and code interpreter input/output code.
  • The author invites contributions for the project's development, and brings up the potential to develop an Obsidian extension.
  • Other participants show enthusiasm about the script, proposing to employ code analysis to examine and visualize the chat history.

PID Control Challenges

  • The provided code calculates the necessary horizontal force to halt a block at a designated position, specifically at x=0.
  • The task involves pushing the block until it comes to a stop at this specific location.
  • For each level of the task, the code is locally stored in the browser.


  • This article delves into the application and challenges of PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) control in different engineering sectors, notably in video games for creating natural movements and animations.
  • The article underscores the critical decision between using fixed-point and floating-point controllers, which can significantly impact real-life situations in various fields.
  • It also references certain tools and simulations used in PID control application, and discussion on source code and solving puzzles associated with it.

LARPing and Violent Extremism


  • The main focus of the discussion is the use of Live Action Role Playing (LARPing) as a legal defense, especially in cases linked with possible violent extremism.
  • Significant debates revolve around distinguishing genuine LARPing from extremism, potential false accusations against innocent LARPers, and the role of law enforcement agencies such as the FBI along with potential misuse in investigation processes.
  • Topics including questioning of truth within the legal system, the relevance of LARPing and using rhetoric as weapons, privacy issues, and online surveillance also get highlighted. There's a brief mention of Virtual Entities, secession, and the potential misuse of LARPing as a cover.

Unpacking Elixir: Resilience

  • The article outlines how Elixir and Erlang incorporate reliability and resilience in software design, through the use of features like supervisors and supervision trees to manage errors.
  • It discusses the role of native implemented functions (NIFs), alongside Erlang's scheduling and pre-empting features, in enhancing the stability of software applications.
  • The piece stresses the significance of designing for resilience and provides insights on how to build robust applications, including proper management of BEAM code for safety.


  • The article emphasizes the strengths of Erlang/Elixir programming language, such as its fault-tolerance and concurrency features, contributing to its high performance.
  • Users voice concerns about sustaining the ecosystem, issues with version mismatches in a clustered context, and the prospect of introducing typing with Elixir.
  • Despite concerns, Elixir receives overall positive feedback for its productivity and powerful OTP (Open Telecom Platform) platform.

NASA’s Osiris-Rex capsule lands in Utah with Bennu asteroid sample

  • NASA's Osiris-Rex mission successfully landed a sample capsule in Utah, which carries samples from the asteroid Bennu.
  • These samples will be analyzed in a secure facility to improve our knowledge of Bennu's composition.
  • This successful mission kickstarts a decade-long initiative to return samples from space expeditions.


  • NASA's Osiris-Rex capsule has successfully landed in Utah, bringing with it a sample from the Bennu asteroid.
  • The mission has been extended, sparking speculation about the spacecraft's next destination.
  • Applications are now open for YC Winter 2024, presumably a different space-related event or program.

PiWrite – Kindle Paperwhite to Write

  • PiWrite is an open-source project enabling Kindle Paperwhite owners to use their device as a writing tool with a vim-like editor.
  • The project, inspired by SolarWriter, requires setting up a Raspberry Pi Zero W with a Bluetooth keyboard, running a web server, and accessing it via the Kindle's web browser.
  • Direct installation from the repository is available, welcoming contributions from others, and step-by-step setup instructions are provided.


  • The post delves into using a Kindle Paperwhite combined with PiWrite for composing and editing documents.
  • It underscores the demand for a portable, large-screened device with a keyboard for easy writing, yet points out potential issues, such as battery longevity and typing comfort.
  • It also mentions alternative projects for Pocketbook readers and web server configurations for the Kindle Paperwhite.

TCP's congestion control saved the internet

  • The article explores the major role TCP's congestion control has played in the success and scalability of the internet amid competition from other networking technologies.
  • TCP/IP's emergence as the dominant networking technology is attributed to its efficient congestion control enabling the global scaling of the internet.
  • It also delves into the evolution of congestion control algorithms and the challenges in managing network congestion, underlining the vitality of congestion control in the development and sustainability of the internet.


  • The discussion primarily centers on the history and challenges of TCP/IP, specifically highlighting issues with its congestion control method and bufferbloat.
  • Potential solutions like Google's BBR algorithm, high-resolution retransmit timers, and Forward Queue Congestion Notification are mentioned as possible improvements to these challenges.
  • Mentioned are also the use of ATM, MPLS, fair queuing, and the complexity of HTTP/3, the need for a reliable UDP layer, and the problem of malicious RST packets.

Type 2 diabetes rates in US youth rose 62% after Covid pandemic began

  • A study reveals that rates of new-onset type 2 diabetes amongst US youth increased by 62% following the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, with type 1 diabetes rates also rising by 17%.
  • The impact was markedly higher on Black and Hispanic children, suggesting racial disparities in the disease's prevalence.
  • The study points to factors such as reduced physical activity, increased sedentary behavior, disturbed sleep patterns, and more consumption of processed foods during the pandemic as potential contributors to the surge in diabetes cases.


  • During the COVID-19 pandemic, type 2 diabetes in US youth has surged by 62%, possibly due to restrained physical activity, sedentary behavior, sleep disturbances, and augmented processed food intake.
  • The uptick varies amid varying groups and further research is essential to understand and confirm a causal relationship. Type 1 diabetes also exhibits a lesser increase, indicating a need for more exploration.
  • The complex relationship between COVID-19 restrictions, lifestyle changes, and diabetes is being studied, with a focus on the virus's potential impact on pancreatic cells, autoimmunity, and comorbidities. The safety and possible long-term effects of COVID-19 vaccines, especially in children, are also being scrutinized.

What it takes to pass a file path to a Windows API in C++

  • Mastodon.gamedev.place is a decentralized social network catering mainly to discussions about game development, and currently has roughly 8.5k active users.
  • An active discussion involves challenges in passing file paths to Windows APIs in C++ due to character encoding and path length limitations, with users sharing experiences and solutions.
  • The conversation also explores the limitations and compatibility of various programming languages (including Rust) and APIs with file paths, highlighting that while most software uses UTF-16, there are exceptions like some languages using UTF-8 for in-memory unicode strings.


  • The article describes difficulties and required considerations in Windows development related to file paths management and Unicode encoding.
  • It delves into the utilization of UTF-16, UTF-8, and other encodings, and addresses issues associated with memory usage, compatibility, and file system APIs.
  • The discourse further examines file path length constraints, encoding options in programming languages, and differences between Windows and other operating systems.

The myth of the myth of learning styles

  • The author disputes the theory of learning styles, proposing instead that learners should find their personal path and select materials that best support their learning process.
  • They address the debate on using videos as a learning tool, underlining the vital role of active engagement in learning.
  • The need for educators to exercise autonomy in their teaching methods is stressed, concurrently advocating for learners' empowerment to choose their own learning styles.


  • The article dismisses the concept of distinct learning styles and stresses personal learning preferences, cautioning against pigeonholing learners into specific categories.
  • The comments section extends the discussion by reflecting on the constraints of educational research, the efficacy of varied instructional tactics, and the significance of individual studying strategies.
  • The post concludes that successful learning combines diverse methods, sound conceptual grasp, and regular practice.

Minecraft Wiki has decided to leave Fandom

  • The Minecraft Wiki has exited Fandom and initiated a new independent website.
  • This transition provides benefits such as reduced advertisements and quicker website load times.
  • Additional information can be found on the new website.


  • The Minecraft Wiki and other gaming communities are transitioning away from the Fandom platform due to criticisms of slow loading times, excessive advertising, and subpar user experience.
  • These wikis are shifting to self-hosted platforms to improve usability and assert more control over their content.
  • Concerns also arise from dissatisfaction with Fandom's ad practices, dominion of content by large internet providers, and criticism of Minecraft and Mojang's policies for account deletion.

Netflix prepares to send its final red envelope

  • Netflix is discontinuing its once prominent DVD subscription service, signaling the end of a significant business era.
  • The company is devoting its resources exclusively to streaming, thereby phasing out physical media.
  • At the time of announcement, only six staff were managing DVD processing, indicative of the service's downward shift over recent years.


  • Netflix has decided to terminate its DVD distribution, citing diminishing revenue and the necessity to focus on other areas.
  • There are debates over the environmental impact of streaming services versus physical DVDs and considerations regarding ownership and rights in the streaming industry.
  • The discourse also addresses ad-blockers, the prospect of selling Netflix's disc-renting unit, and includes criticisms of Netflix's engineering approaches and financial strategies in content production.