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MouthPad – In-Mouth Bluetooth Mouse Uses Tongue Sensitive Trackpad


  • MouthPad^ is a tongue-driven touchpad that can control computers, smartphones, and tablets via Bluetooth.
  • The touchpad is pressure-sensitive and sits at the roof of the mouth, detecting every movement and gesture of the tongue in real-time.
  • There is no need to install any extra software, and the device can connect straight out of the box with most standard operating systems.
  • The MouthPad^ is fully wireless and automatically recharges when placed in its charging case.
  • The device is made from trusted and carefully sourced dental materials, leveraging advancements in 3D printing, electronic encapsulation, and dental materials.

Industry Reactions

  • MouthPad is an in-mouth Bluetooth mouse that uses a tongue sensitive trackpad for hands-free accessibility for people with disabilities and reduced abilities, and also for gaming and mobile computing.
  • Other companies like Apple and Google have similar input features for their devices, but some suggest exploring trackball-style movement as an alternative.
  • Accessibility tech developments should focus on innovative solutions for ignored problems at affordable costs while balancing the market carefully.

Statement on EU-US Cooperation on Turning Public Opinion Against Encryption


  • The Global Encryption Coalition's Steering Committee has issued a statement on the recent collaboration between the US and EU against encryption, which aims to shape public opinion to justify law enforcement access to encrypted communications.
  • The statement calls for a rejection of ideas like client-side scanning and the undermining of encryption, highlighting the widespread benefits of encryption in protecting private information in various use cases.
  • Encryption cannot be weakened for some use cases without putting anyone using that encryption at risk of harm, including the public at large.
  • Governments should instead focus on leveraging existing powers of law enforcement agencies rather than undermining encryption.
  • The Global Encryption Coalition, with over 330 members in 99 countries, is dedicated to protecting and promoting the use of encryption.

Industry Reactions

  • The statement has led to commentary on how to increase compliance with regulator schemes, with some calling it "manufacturing consent."
  • The role of the government in shaping people's interests has led to skepticism towards media and institutions.
  • Nudge theory is seen by some as "shady behavioral psychology tactics" that undermine the social contract, while others argue it can be useful in moving towards better collective equilibrium.

Apple wins antitrust court battle with Epic Games, appeals court rules


  • Apple has won its antitrust-focused appeals court battle with Epic Games over its App Store policies.
  • The court largely upheld the district court's earlier ruling related to Epic Games' antitrust claims in favor of Apple, but it also upheld the lower court's judgment in favor of Epic under California's Unfair Competition Law.
  • Apple has issued a statement reaffirming its victory in the case and stating that the App Store continues to promote competition, drive innovation, and expand opportunities for users and developers.
  • Epic Games and other developers hoped the ruling could set precedent for further antitrust claims and require Apple to open iOS devices to third-party app stores and payment systems.
  • The appeals court panel affirmed the district court's denial of antitrust liability but also noted errors in defining the relevant antitrust market and holding that Apple's Developer Program Licensing Agreement fell outside the scope of the Sherman Act.

Industry Reactions

  • The appeals court ruled in favor of Apple, defining the market as "digital mobile gaming transactions" and finding that Apple's share was not enough to have monopoly power.
  • Discussions on antitrust laws, monopolies, and the need for regulation.
  • Apple's grip on its platforms stifles innovation and negatively impacts competition, but some argue that the closed ecosystem offers a better user experience.

Google Authenticator now supports Google Account synchronization


  • Google Authenticator has updated its app on both iOS and Android to support safe backup of one-time codes (OTP) to users' Google account.
  • With this update, users no longer lose their ability to sign in to services on which they have set up two-factor authentication (2FA) using Authenticator.
  • This new feature increases both convenience and security and protects users from lockout.
  • Google Password Manager and Sign in with Google are examples of other secure authentication tools available to users.
  • Google has been working with partners and the FIDO Alliance to provide more convenient and secure authentication options, such as passkeys.

Industry Reactions

  • Google Authenticator now supports Google Account synchronization, enabling account recovery on multiple devices
  • Users express frustration with default 2FA on YouTube app, issues with recovery codes, and debate optimal methods of secure authentication
  • Users discuss the effectiveness of home safes for storing backup codes, and some express concerns over using Google Authenticator for security risks and lack of recovery options

DuckDuckGo removed the ability to filter search results


  • DuckDuckGo has a search syntax to fine-tune search queries with the use of search operators.
  • Search operators include keywords, quotes, filetypes, and exclusion terms.
  • The recent change in DuckDuckGo's syntax help page had led users to believe that the search filters were removed. However, the filters are still available on DuckDuckGo Private Search.
  • DuckDuckGo has added functionality to make site exclusion work better.
  • The CEO of DuckDuckGo has clarified that the search syntax filters were never removed and hopes to provide an update soon.

Industry Reactions

  • DuckDuckGo has removed search result filters, prompting users to consider alternative search engines like Kagi or Brave Search for better results
  • Users value paid search engines like Kagi for prioritizing user needs over advertising, but some have concerns over pricing and trustworthiness
  • Users discuss the importance of customizable search results and privacy features, while noting the challenges of creating a search engine without advertising or data collection incentives.

Bullet Train – Rails-based SaaS framework


  • Bullet Train is a SaaS framework built on top of Rails, which allows developers to create web applications easily and quickly.
  • It offers a variety of features, including user authentication using Devise, teams and invitations, security and permissions management through CanCanCan, and a Tailwind CSS theme.
  • Bullet Train also has a full theme engine, a simple reactivity system, REST API, webhook notifications, mobile-responsiveness, internationalization support, and CI/CD integration.
  • It has a variety of third-party integration options, customizable onboarding workflows, system tests in-browser, deployment support to platforms such as Heroku and Render, and a remote team updating it regularly.
  • The Pro version has additional features such as subscriptions and billing, real-time conversations, in-app audit logs, Kanban boards, and task management.

Industry Reactions

  • Bullet Train is a popular Rails-based SaaS framework for building starter kits with a modeled teams feature.
  • Some users had concerns about the framework's use of Tailwind CSS, which has both critics and supporters in the industry.
  • Bullet Train organizes a Rails and SaaS conference in Athens, Greece in June 2023, offering opportunities for developers to learn and network in the community.

I don't want to sign up for your newsletter (2018)


  • Exit-intent overlays, triggered by mouse-out alerts, are commonly used by websites to convert users.
  • However, these pop-ups often obstruct users' access to content and may work against their goals.
  • They may also come across as aggressive and pushy, leading to negative perceptions of the brand.
  • While mouse-out trackers have potential for positive user experiences, conversions cannot be gained through shortcuts and must allow users to engage with content on their own terms.
  • Responsible use of technology can result in aligned goals achieved by both users and companies.

Industry Reactions

  • Pop-ups for newsletter subscriptions are effective but often annoying to users
  • Some users prioritize user experience over conversions, while others prioritize business goals
  • Newsletters are important for businesses to own their traffic, but some users prefer to read anonymously or through RSS feeds

UK Threatens End-to-End Encryption


  • UK's Online Safety Bill poses a threat to end-to-end encryption used by messaging apps like Signal and WhatsApp
  • The Bill lacks explicit protection for encryption and could allow for general and indiscriminate surveillance of personal messages
  • Implementing the Bill as written could compromise the privacy and security of all UK citizens and those with whom they communicate globally
  • Signal and WhatsApp have announced that they will cease services in the UK instead of compromising the security of their users worldwide
  • The Bill's implementation might encourage other countries to draft similar laws, compromising the privacy and security of users globally.

Industry Reactions

  • The UK is threatening to ban end-to-end encryption, which raises concerns about cybersecurity and privacy.
  • There is a debate about the bias in the BBC's reporting, though it remains a significant news source.
  • Some suggest that every "democratic" superpower seeks to criminalize or prohibit end-to-end encryption, which may indicate some collaboration between states.

Ways to shoot yourself in the foot with PostgreSQL


  • Ways to avoid production issues when scaling PostgreSQL databases
  • Issues to be aware of when it comes to default settings and functions in Postgres
  • Use of tools like triggers and NOTIFY can be problematic when scaling
  • The importance of running EXPLAIN ANALYZE on real data to catch performance issues
  • The benefits of using common table expressions (CTEs) instead of subqueries for improved scalability.

Industry Reactions

  • Lack of knowledge and inattention to detail can cause mishaps on PostgreSQL databases, including overloading string indices and adding too much data to arrays or json.
  • Experts advise using Explain to debug performance in PostgreSQL and reading up on common pitfalls like not having the right type or too many indices.
  • Other tips and tricks include being careful when altering tables, avoiding OR conditions in complex queries, and tuning configuration settings. Smaller companies can handle multi-TB databases without special requirements using Postgres.

QEMU 8.0


  • QEMU 8.0 has been released, containing 2800+ commits from 238 authors
  • Emulation support for ARMv8-R Cortex-A55 and Cortex-R52 and new Olimex STM32 H405 machine type
  • Additional ISA and Extension support for RISC-V with updated machine support for OpenTitan, PolarFire, and OpenSBIRISC-V
  • Improved zPCI passthrough device handling for s390x and support for asynchronous teardown of memory of secure KVM guests during reboot
  • Experimental migration support updated to v2 VFIO migration protocol, and improved qemu-nbd efficient over TCP and when using TLS.

Industry Reactions

  • QEMU 8.0 has been released, featuring support for running Xen guests under KVM with Linux v5.12+.
  • Users are interested in the plans for vfio-user, a new feature for migrating a VM with GPU workload from host to host without interrupting it.
  • Despite suggestions that Xen is dead, users defend Xen's advantages and longevity as a hypervisor.