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Show HN: San Francisco Compute – 512 H100s at < $2/hr for research and startups

  • Alex and Evan are building a 512 H100 compute cluster for training large generative models.
  • The cluster is designed for bursty training runs and is priced competitively.
  • Their aim is to provide a cost-effective option for AI startups to conduct big training runs.
  • They want to be the go-to choice for startups in need of such services.


  • The conversation covers various topics related to achieving success, including the significance of optimism and realism.
  • Frustrations with the TPU Research Cloud program are discussed, with a call for improvements.
  • Users share both positive and negative experiences with the program.
  • Cloud providers and the need for projects like Lambda and Fluidstack are discussed.
  • The challenges of accessing GPU resources for AI training are highlighted.
  • An affordable shared GPU infrastructure called SFC Compute is introduced.
  • Various topics related to AI, funding, sustainability, and chatbots are also touched upon.

Show HN: Khoj – Chat offline with your second brain using Llama 2

  • Khoj is a desktop application developed by Debanjum and Saba.
  • It provides incremental search and chat features for personal notes, documents, and images.
  • Khoj supports different content types and can be accessed through Emacs, Obsidian, or a web browser.
  • The chat feature enables users to extract answers from their knowledge base.
  • The search feature utilizes natural language.
  • Khoj is an open-source application that works offline.
  • Desktop apps are available for beta testing.
  • The creators encourage user feedback.


  • Khoj is a desktop application that allows users to search and chat with their personal notes, documents, and images.
  • The application supports various content types and uses chat models for conversational interactions.
  • Users on Hacker News are providing feedback and suggestions for improvement.
  • Developers are actively working towards addressing these suggestions.
  • Discussions on Hacker News include ideas for using technology to record and transcribe daily activities for personal organization.
  • Users also discuss memory problems and the need for better tools to retrieve and organize personal data.
  • Some users express concerns about high RAM usage.
  • The developers mention plans for improvement and integration with offline assistance.

Linux Air Combat: free, lightweight and open-source combat flight simulator

  • Linux Air Combat is a free and open-source combat flight simulator designed for the Linux community.
  • It specializes in World War II combat flight simulation and offers multiplayer missions with voice communication.
  • The simulator is optimized for speed and can run on different computers, including Raspberry Pi.
  • It features realistic flight models, a range of aircraft options, and advanced systems like radar and IFF.
  • Efforts are being made to integrate Linux Air Combat into mainstream Linux distributions and repositories.
  • The simulator also supports online multiplayer missions and strategic conflicts.
  • It is available through repositories, precompiled binary images, or as source code for compiling.


  • Users are discussing their preferences for combat flight simulators with arcade controls and realistic physics.
  • Nostalgia for classic flight simulators and low-poly graphics is expressed in the discussions.
  • Different flight simulators for Linux are recommended and shared experiences are discussed.
  • A flight simulator programming book is mentioned and sparks nostalgia among users.
  • Comparisons between flight simulators and AAA games are made in the discussion.
  • FOSS games on Linux and the challenges in finding motivated professionals for game projects are also mentioned.

One week of empathy training (2019)

  • The first text describes the author's personal experiences during empathy training, specifically pretending to have disabilities.
  • The second text addresses the challenges that individuals with disabilities face and shares the author's personal experience with empathy training.
  • Both texts emphasize the importance of empathy and encourage others to engage in empathy-building exercises.
  • The third text provides statistics on the number of blog posts published each month since 1987, highlighting variations in frequency and some months with no posts.
  • Additionally, the total number of posts for each year is mentioned in the third text.


  • The discussions focus on accessibility for individuals with disabilities.
  • They explore challenges faced by wheelchair users and those with mobility issues.
  • Lack of accessibility in public spaces and transportation systems is highlighted.
  • The importance of making necessary accommodations is emphasized.
  • The impact of disabilities on technology, customer service, and social interactions is discussed.
  • Inclusive design and systemic changes are advocated for a more accessible and inclusive society.

What's up, Python? The GIL removed, a new compiler, optparse deprecated

  • In July 2023, several updates and developments were announced for Python.
  • The Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) in Python has been removed, which can improve performance and allow for better utilization of multiple cores.
  • Python now has a new compiler called LPython.
  • Pydantic 2 has been released with improvements in speed and stability.
  • The getopt and optparse modules have been soft deprecated.
  • Cython 3.0 now has better support for pure Python.
  • A new proposal called PEP 722 has been made for specifying dependencies in single-file scripts.
  • Python VSCode support has been improved for faster performance.
  • A new terminal-based paint application called textual-paint has been introduced.


  • The discussion is centered around optimizing Python code for multi-threaded performance and the possible removal of the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) in Python.
  • Various perspectives are shared, including suggestions for using tools like gunicorn and gevent for multiprocessing and multithreading.
  • Alternatives such as using languages like C++ or Rust for better performance are considered.
  • Suggestions for optimization are provided, such as utilizing caching or shared memory with Redis or memcached.
  • Concerns about issues like deadlocks and resource usage are raised, along with suggestions for alternative languages or technologies.
  • The performance drawbacks of Python and potential solutions like using other languages or leveraging JIT compilers are discussed.
  • The compatibility of different programming languages, transition challenges, and complexities of programming language design and usage are mentioned.
  • The potential benefits and drawbacks of removing the GIL in Python are debated, with varying opinions on performance improvements and potential concurrency issues.

Conduit: Simple, fast and reliable chat server powered by Matrix

  • Conduit is a chat server powered by the Matrix open network.
  • It enables secure and decentralized communication between users on different servers.
  • Conduit is lightweight, reliable and easy to set up.
  • It has low system requirements and can be faster than other server implementations.
  • Although still in beta, Conduit is usable, albeit with some missing features.
  • The project is hosted on the Conduit website and GitLab.
  • Server hosting is provided by the Matrix.org Foundation.
  • Conduit was sponsored by the German BMBF for six months in 2021.


  • Users are comparing messaging protocols like Matrix, XMPP, Zulip, Mattermost, and Git.
  • Installation, usage, compatibility, and features are among the factors being discussed.
  • Concerns about data storage, encryption, privacy, and resource efficiency are also raised.
  • Some users are confused about the purpose and implementation of Conduit.

Is anyone using PyPy for real work?

  • The release manager for PyPy is seeking feedback from users on their experience using the alternative Python interpreter with a JIT compiler.
  • Efforts have been made to make PyPy accessible through various methods.
  • Compatibility with the scientific Python data stack has been enhanced.
  • Users are encouraged to provide feedback to help guide future improvements.
  • Listed methods for providing feedback are available.


  • PyPy is an alternative Python interpreter with a Just-in-Time compiler that can improve performance in Python programs.
  • Users have shared their experiences and opinions on the benefits of using PyPy, such as analyzing DNS events, parsing log files, and reducing server load.
  • Compatibility issues with CPython extensions, outdated documentation, and limited support for certain libraries are raised as concerns.
  • Users also discuss alternative options to PyPy and the challenges of deploying it.
  • Overall, while PyPy can enhance performance, it may not be suitable for all use cases due to its drawbacks.

LK-99: The Live Online Race for a Room-Temperature Superconductor

  • Two papers were recently published on arxiv.org claiming to have created the world's first room-temperature superconductor.
  • The first paper was short and hastily written, while the second paper provided more detailed information.
  • The superconductor called LK-99 was created using Lanarkite and Copper Phosphide.
  • The online reaction to the papers has been a mixture of skepticism and curiosity.
  • Many institutions and individuals are trying to replicate the results.
  • There is still ongoing debate about the legitimacy of the claims.
  • If the claims are true, the discovery of a room-temperature superconductor could have significant implications for various industries.


  • The discussions cover a wide range of topics, such as room-temperature superconductors, free markets, government regulation, prediction markets, copyright law, and nuclear fusion.
  • The conversations explore the pros and cons of these subjects and highlight different perspectives and debates.
  • Topics include the properties and potential applications of superconductors, the difficulty of synthesizing materials, skepticism surrounding nuclear fusion breakthroughs, and the credibility of a fictional Twitter account.
  • The discussions provide insights into the role of markets and government regulation, the efficacy of prediction markets, and the wisdom of the crowd.
  • Overall, the conversations contribute to a deeper understanding of these subjects and encourage critical thinking.

The Reluctant Sysadmin's Guide to Securing a Linux Server

  • "The Reluctant Sysadmin's Guide to Securing a Linux Server" is a step-by-step guide for securing a Linux server.
  • It is geared towards individuals who are not experienced sysadmins.
  • The guide covers essential topics like updating software, creating user accounts, and disabling root logins.
  • It also provides instructions on configuring SSH keys, using WireGuard for VPN, and setting up a firewall.
  • The article emphasizes the importance of automation for maintaining system security.
  • It offers suggestions for simplifying the initialization process.


  • The discussions focus on securing a Linux server from various perspectives.
  • Topics discussed include server configuration, VPN and SSH access, cloud platform security, disaster recovery plans, choice of operating system, and implementation of security tools.
  • Suggestions are given for hardening the server and using specific tools for security.
  • The importance of strong server security measures is emphasized, as well as the role of sysadmins in managing and securing the server.

Free Public WiFi

  • The article discusses the phenomenon of "Free Public WiFi" that was popular in the mid-2000s.
  • It explains the complexities of WiFi protocols and emphasizes the advantages of Windows' built-in wireless configuration utility.
  • The author also examines the inclusion of proprietary software utilities by PC vendors and the impact of Microsoft's WiFi configuration API.
  • The article delves into the behavior of Wireless Zero network connections and how the "Free Public WiFi" issue was eventually resolved.
  • It analyzes the prevalence of this network from 2006 to 2018 and raises awareness about potential security risks.
  • The article concludes by providing the author's contact information.


  • The discussion thread covers various topics related to WiFi, such as availability, quality, pricing, and security.
  • Upscale hotels are often criticized for high costs and poor user experiences with WiFi.
  • Personal routers are recommended for increasing security while using public WiFi.
  • Strategies for maintaining security and privacy while using WiFi are discussed.
  • The thread provides diverse perspectives on WiFi experiences and technologies.
  • In Germany, individuals can be held liable for copyright violations committed through their internet connection unless they can identify the perpetrator.
  • However, it is not illegal in Germany to share your WiFi with someone else.