Nhảy tới nội dung


Zoom terms now allow training AI on user content with no opt out

  • The passage is a terms of service agreement between Zoom Video Communications and its users.
  • It covers various aspects such as user's rights, ownership of services and software, payment obligations, tax requirements, dispute resolution, and other legal policies and guidelines.
  • Users are required to comply with these terms once they accept the agreement.


  • Zoom's updated terms and conditions allow the company to use user content for AI training without an opt-out option, sparking concerns about privacy and trustworthiness.
  • Users compare Zoom's terms to Jitsi Meet, a video conferencing alternative, and debates arise regarding Jitsi Meet's capability to handle large conference calls, as well as privacy and reliability concerns with Zoom.
  • Discussions also touch on performance and battery drain issues with video chatting services, potential privacy issues associated with using Zoom for telehealth services, and the implications of Zoom using customer data for developing AI models. Mixed opinions emerge on the significance of Zoom's updated terms.


  • The content is interactive and takes advantage of the device's motion capabilities.
  • Users can choose from different intensity levels, including low, medium, high, and super.
  • The interactive nature and intensity options provide a customizable and engaging user experience.


  • The Hacker News thread explores a website featuring a 3D water simulation that receives positive feedback for its impressive features and smooth performance.
  • Users propose adding new elements and discuss various potential applications for the simulation.
  • The thread also includes discussions around the accuracy of the simulation, impressive projects created using it, and user feedback. One user shares a personal anecdote about simulating fuel slosh and the possibility of disposing of related schematics.

Postgres Language Server

  • This language server is designed for PostgreSQL and adds features like auto-complete and go-to-definition to code editors.
  • It uses the actual PostgreSQL parser via libg_query, providing developers with more confidence and the ability to keep up with the rapid development of PostgreSQL.
  • It is in early development but is open for contributions from the community, with credit given to pganalyze and psteinroe for their work on libpg_query and the language server.


  • The Postgres Language Server is a new tool that improves code editors by adding features like auto-complete and documentation for Postgres using the actual Postgres parser.
  • It aims to enhance SQL and database tooling, which is often lacking in existing tools.
  • Users express interest in additional features and discuss limitations of current tools.
  • Another project called "pg_langserver" aims to provide similar language server features for PostgreSQL and is open to contributions.
  • Collaboration with other teams in the Postgres space has been helpful for the development of the Postgres Language Server.
  • The team is time-limited and currently unable to address compatibility issues with Windows.
  • They are open to assistance and suggest using alternative options like Remote ssh or accepting that Windows is a second-class citizen.

I went to 50 different dentists: almost all gave a different diagnosis (2022)

  • The website rd.com is employing Cloudflare as a security service to safeguard against online attacks.
  • The user has been restricted from accessing the website and is advised to enable cookies and reach out to the site owner for a resolution.
  • No additional context or information is provided.


  • The summary covers various discussions on healthcare, including conflicting diagnoses, skepticism towards medical professions, and challenges of integrating AI into medicine.
  • It also discusses comparisons of healthcare systems in different countries and difficulties in accessing healthcare.
  • The discussions emphasize the need for improvement in the healthcare system and the importance of advocating for oneself to receive quality care.

Replace peer review with “peer replication” (2021)

  • The author criticizes the current peer review process in scientific publishing as flawed and proposes a new approach called "peer replication."
  • The proposed system would involve sending preprints to other labs for replication before acceptance and publication.
  • The author suggests that this approach would encourage replication and enhance scientific integrity but acknowledges challenges such as increased time and judgment calls when replications fail. They suggest starting with a trial conducted by an organization like Review Commons.


  • The discussion on Hacker News focuses on the challenges and potential solutions of replicating scientific research.
  • Some argue for the importance of replication to ensure the validity of findings, while others highlight practical and financial limitations.
  • Skepticism exists regarding the effectiveness of peer review in ensuring research validity, and concerns are raised about the credibility of scientific publishing, including the prevalence of fraud.
  • There is a recognition of the need for increased accountability in academia and improvements in the current system of scientific research and publishing.

We are all animals at night

  • The author shares their experiences working night shifts at a massage parlour and reflects on the waiting and diverse clientele they encounter.
  • They contrast the demands of their job with the stillness of the night, highlighting the power dynamics and inequalities in the sex trade and corporate sector.
  • The author emphasizes the value of night shift and low-skilled jobs, refuting notions of superiority, and discusses the potential dangers and negative effects of long-term night shift work.


  • The article explores various themes such as the author's perspective as a sex worker, entitlement in relationships, societal expectations for men, and the value of different types of work.
  • There is a focus on the importance of details in conveying a message and power dynamics between men and women.
  • The comments reflect a range of opinions, with some praising the writing style and others criticizing it as pseudo-intellectual.
  • The discussion also delves into potential solutions for problems like violence towards service industry workers and lack of job opportunities.

Electron band structure in germanium, my ass (2000)

  • The author criticizes the existing understanding of electron band structure in germanium and challenges the expected exponential relationship between resistivity and temperature.
  • The experimental results obtained by the author do not align with the predicted behavior, leading to frustration and questioning the pursuit of physics.
  • The difficulties encountered during the experiment contribute to the author's conclusion that their decision to study physics was a mistake.


  • The article on Hacker News explores a post from 2000 that addresses the difficulties and frustrations of conducting an electron band structure experiment in germanium.
  • Users on the site discuss their own experiences with lab work and provide insights into the significance of experimental physics education.
  • The discussion highlights the value of troubleshooting skills, hands-on experience, and the unpredictable nature of experiments while also delving into negative experiences with physics and potential alternative career paths.

‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Prepared for 100k Concurrent Players, They’ve Gotten 700K

  • Baldur's Gate 3, a single-player RPG game, has achieved a milestone by reaching 500,000 concurrent players on Steam, making it the third most played game on the platform.
  • The game has defied industry trends by capturing the interest of the general public, despite being a turn-based RPG.
  • Baldur's Gate 3 has also entered the top 10 peak playercounts in Steam history, positioning itself as a strong contender for Game of the Year.


  • "Baldur's Gate 3" has exceeded expectations with 700,000 players, compared to the anticipated 100,000 concurrent players, thanks to factors such as the popularity of its predecessor and the brand power of Dungeons & Dragons.
  • The game's Early Access release was highly popular, and it has been praised for its turn-based combat, writing, and immersive music.
  • Comments in the conversation reflect various perspectives on the game, including discussions about its difficulty level, availability of walkthroughs and character build videos, absence of microtransactions, and concerns about development and server capacity.
  • Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, is blocking news links and sharing on its platforms in Canada due to Bill C-18, resulting in media sector losses.
  • Supporters of the bill disregarded Meta's warnings, leading to criticism of the government.
  • The article explores the potential development of content filtering capabilities by search and social media companies, comparing the approaches of Australia and Canada in negotiating deals with these companies.


  • Facebook's decision to block news links in Canada has sparked debate regarding the role of the platform as a news source.
  • Some argue that Facebook should prioritize connecting people rather than serving as a news platform.
  • Other points of discussion include the impact of social media on society, concerns about fake news, age-related technology preferences, and the influence of Canadian media outlets.

The antitrust trial against Google is starting in September

  • Google is currently facing an antitrust trial where the government argues that it holds a monopoly on general search and search advertising with a market share of 90-95%.
  • The outcome of this trial could have significant implications for competition in the tech industry.
  • Google claims that its monopoly is legal as consumers prefer its search engine, but critics argue that the quality of its search engine has declined.
  • The trial is expected to last for two months and Google is also facing other antitrust cases related to its app store monopoly and monopolization of online advertising software.
  • The article highlights the relevance of past actions by YouTube and the influence of AT&T in the rise of new providers and start-ups.


  • The antitrust trial against Google is being discussed, with different opinions on whether Google's behavior is anti-competitive and if there is sufficient evidence to prove monopolization.
  • The dominance of large technology companies such as Apple and Microsoft is also mentioned, raising concerns about search engine optimization, algorithm automation, and the lack of interoperability between Apple and Google.
  • Debates surround the need for regulations, the effects on innovation and competition, and the potential consequences of breaking up large companies. Data privacy and advertising practices are also brought up in the discussion.