Nhảy tới nội dung


LK-99 isn’t a superconductor

  • LK-99, once believed to be a room-temperature superconductor, has been found to be an insulator due to impurities in the material, such as copper sulfide.
  • The discovery emphasizes the significance of using single crystals for precise examination of material properties.
  • The debunking of LK-99 as a superconductor is considered a rapid and conclusive outcome.


  • Recent claims of room temperature superconductors have been met with disappointment and skepticism.
  • Participants in discussions express concerns about the limitations and challenges of superconductor technology.
  • The importance of replication, peer review, and careful evaluation is emphasized in evaluating scientific claims.

Htmx is part of the GitHub Accelerator

  • htmx has been selected for the inaugural class of the GitHub Open Source Accelerator.
  • This program offers htmx developers the chance to collaborate with and learn from successful open source developers.
  • With the goal of making working on htmx a full-time job, htmx plans to work on htmx 2.0 and encourages exploring other open source projects from the accelerator.


  • The conversation explores the popularity and benefits of HTMX, a web development library, including its simplicity and performance on mobile devices.
  • Participants discuss the integration of HTMX with other technologies and its potential impact on web development paradigms, including its use as a domain-specific language (DSL) for front-end development.
  • The conversation also touches on the challenges of using React for complex applications, the role of web development frameworks, the importance of simplicity in web frameworks, and the relationship between HTMX and HATEOAS (Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State).

Naomi Wu and the Silence That Speaks Volumes

  • Chinese tech influencer Naomi Wu, known as "Sexy Cyborg," has been silenced, raising concerns about state repression and Western perception of Chinese activists.
  • The article highlights Wu's technical expertise and relatability, as well as the unfavorable treatment she has received from Western media and lack of coverage on her situation.
  • The closure of the Beijing LGBT Center and increased oppression faced by the LGBTQ community in China are discussed, along with accusations of colluding with foreign forces and cybersecurity vulnerabilities. This raises concerns about the consequences for individuals speaking out and China's surveillance and censorship tactics.


  • Prominent hacker and COVID-19 advocate Naomi Wu is experiencing harassment and surveillance from the Chinese government, leading her to limit her social media activity.
  • Speculation suggests that Wu's criticism of Chinese keyboard apps may be connected to the government's actions against her.
  • This incident highlights the challenges faced by individuals who speak against the Chinese government, bringing up topics such as DNS name resolution, censorship, and limitations on free speech in China.

Brand-new Linux release, which I'm calling the Debian Linux Release (1993)

  • Ian A. Murdock is announcing the upcoming release of Debian Linux, developed from scratch.
  • Murdock is seeking suggestions and feedback from the Linux community for specific packages and features.
  • The Debian Linux Release aims to be sleeker, up-to-date, easier to install and maintain, with a menu system, extensive documentation, and options for non-Internet users to receive upgrade packages and access additional packages.


  • The discussions cover a range of topics, including the release and impact of Debian Linux and the unfortunate death of its founder Ian Murdock.
  • The advantages and limitations of using Debian compared to other Linux distributions are discussed, along with performance issues of certain graphics cards and the installation of Ubuntu on a home server.
  • There are also recommendations for using Debian due to its stability and discussions on benzodiazepine medications, their effects, and the use of GABA as a supplement. Additionally, haloperidol is mentioned as a treatment option for alcohol withdrawal.

How They Tried to Kill Me

  • Russian journalist Elena Kostyuchenko was poisoned in Munich and fled Ukraine after reporting on the kidnapping and torture of individuals by Russian soldiers.
  • Her reporting was taken down, and she received threats, leading her to move to Berlin for safety.
  • Kostyuchenko falls ill with long COVID and suspects she may have been poisoned, although the police investigation is closed due to lack of evidence.


  • The article focuses on the risks that journalists face, especially in authoritarian regimes.
  • It discusses the surveillance conducted by Russian security services and the challenges faced by journalists in countries such as Turkey and the United Arab Emirates.
  • The article also addresses civil unrest, laws protecting individuals, political witch hunts, and misinformation in the context of journalists' safety.

How do we save water: Stop growing alfalfa in Imperial County

  • The cultivation of alfalfa in California is leading to significant water waste and exacerbating the state's water supply crisis.
  • The practice primarily benefits large agribusiness corporations and allows water to be sold at a low price.
  • The author questions the sustainability of growing alfalfa in the desert and suggests reducing cultivation to alleviate the water supply issue.


  • The discussion focuses on the issue of water mispricing and its effects on agriculture, primarily in California.
  • Topics explored include the pricing and usage of water for agricultural purposes, the difficulties of using desert water, discrepancies in water rights, water resource management, and the potential outcomes of water pricing reforms.
  • Proposed solutions include providing compensation for farmers, altering water rights, and promoting more sustainable agricultural practices. The debate also addresses concerns regarding water scarcity, inefficient water usage, and the environmental impact of agriculture.

Today I learned you can pause the Windows Task Manager moving apps around

  • Holding down the CTRL key allows users to pause the Windows Task Manager, preventing apps from moving around.
  • This shortcut can be used on Windows 10, Windows 11, and potentially older versions of the operating system.
  • While Microsoft is developing a force quit option for Windows 11, the CTRL key shortcut will still be valuable for users who haven't upgraded yet.


  • Users are expressing frustration with the design and user interface of the Windows Task Manager and other Windows operating systems.
  • Lack of clear instructions and discoverability of features are major points of dissatisfaction.
  • Users compare Windows to other operating systems and suggest alternative task manager options, with some even switching to Linux due to frustrations with Windows.

Windows feature that resets system clocks based on random data is wreaking havoc

  • Windows' Secure Time Seeding feature is causing significant disruptions by resetting clocks to incorrect times, impacting critical systems like routing tables for cell phone numbers.
  • The feature, intended to maintain accurate system clocks, has been identified as the root cause of the time resets that have been reported since 2016.
  • Engineers and administrators have been frustrated by the issues caused by this little-known feature, leading to inconvenience and unavailability of services.


  • Windows' time synchronization is being scrutinized for its potential security vulnerabilities and risks of exploitation and impersonation.
  • Users are expressing frustration with the system's functionality and are urging for improvements, such as using trusted servers, fixed signatures, and alternative timekeeping mechanisms.
  • Some users have chosen to switch to Linux due to concerns over the accuracy, reliability, and security of time synchronization on Windows.

Nintendo is trying to patent some broad Tears of the Kingdom mechanics

  • Nintendo is attempting to patent several components and mechanics from The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom game, such as loading screen maps and character movement physics.
  • The patents are considered broad and unreasonable, which may impede the innovation of other developers.
  • One particularly unique patent pertains to the physics of a character riding on a moving vehicle and their corresponding reactions.


  • Nintendo's patent filings for game mechanics in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild have raised concerns about stifling innovation and potential litigation in the gaming industry.
  • The impact of patents on rhythm games and loading screen mini-games is also discussed, along with different viewpoints on the purpose and flaws of patents.
  • Criticism is directed towards Nintendo's repetitive game practices, and there are debates about the advantages and disadvantages of patents in the gaming industry. A controversy involving Genshin Impact and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is also mentioned.

Ts_zip: Text Compression Using Large Language Models

  • The ts_zip utility, part of the ts_server software, enables text compression using Large Language Models, offering higher compression ratios than other tools.
  • Text files of various sizes have different compression ratios, along with details on compression speed and memory requirements for specific models.
  • Smaller RWKV models are recommended for text compression due to their RNN structure and faster performance.


  • Ts_zip is a text compression method that utilizes large language models (LLMs) and has the potential to surpass traditional compression methods.
  • The effectiveness of LLM-based compression algorithms is discussed, highlighting the need for unbiased testing on new data.
  • Challenges in including the LLM in the compressed size and the impracticality of widespread use are explored.