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AI real-time human full-body photo generator

  • Human Generator is an API tool that utilizes advanced AI algorithms to generate hyperrealistic full-body photos of people in real-time.
  • The tool offers maximum diversity in terms of ethnicity, age, and body type, and supports different poses and clothing options.
  • It is free for non-commercial use and provides additional features such as generating variations and animations.
  • Human Generator is part of a suite of products that includes Face Generator, Face Gallery, Anonymizer, and Datasets.
  • Users can contact the company to address any questions or concerns regarding the usage, safety, and storage of the generated content.


  • The article explores the use of generative adversarial networks (GANs) for creating realistic human body images and the comparison of diffusion models and GANs in terms of scalability and image quality.
  • Ethical concerns surrounding deepfake technology and the potential for misuse are discussed, along with concerns about websites using AI to generate human-like images for nefarious purposes.
  • The legal implications of copyright for AI-generated art, users' experiences with AI image generation tools, and potential issues, biases, and concerns related to AI-generated data are also covered.

Common mistakes in salary negotiation

  • The article offers advice on salary negotiation, highlighting the significance of withholding excessive information during the early stages of the job search.
  • It emphasizes the importance of proper preparation and control in negotiations, and warns against sharing salary details too early.
  • The article suggests using email as a communication tool for negotiating, as it allows for more thoughtful and strategic responses.


  • The article discusses common mistakes and strategies in salary negotiation.
  • Key points include the importance of being prepared to walk away from a job offer and leveraging new opportunities while employed.
  • The discussion also covers topics such as annual pay increases, managing multiple job offers, and the value of interviewing for market information.

An excruciatingly detailed guide to SSH (but only the things I find useful)

  • This blog post offers a thorough guide to SSH, explaining different aspects like port forwarding, agent forwarding, and proxying.
  • It explores SSH features like TTY command allocation and the SSH config file, while also discussing security risks.
  • The guide includes practical examples, commands, and suggestions for setting up SSH tunnels and accessing servers, along with additional references for further information.


  • This article is a comprehensive guide to using SSH, covering topics such as a missing directive in the SSH configuration file and organizing host configurations.
  • It discusses different encryption algorithms and explores the secure storage of SSH keys.
  • The article also touches on complications related to the overlapping use of the .local domain by Microsoft and Apple, as well as the preference for dark mode among younger generations and the debate surrounding its impact on readability.

Cash payments above €3000 to be outlawed in Netherlands

  • There is currently no maximum limit for cash payments in the Netherlands.
  • Sellers must conduct a client investigation for cash purchases above €10,000.
  • The government is working on a proposal to prohibit cash payments above €3,000 to prevent money laundering and terrorism financing.


  • The recent Dutch law bans cash payments above €3000 to combat money laundering and terrorist financing.
  • Challenges arise for individuals without stable addresses due to varying requirements for proof of address in different countries.
  • The advantages and disadvantages of cash and digital payments are debated, along with potential risks and implications of large cash transactions.

Nvidia announces financial results for second quarter fiscal 2024

  • NVIDIA has achieved record-breaking revenue in the second quarter of fiscal 2024, with a 101% increase from the previous year.
  • The company's Data Center revenue also soared by 171%.
  • NVIDIA's CEO highlighted the shift towards accelerated computing and generative AI and announced plans for share repurchases and a cash dividend.


  • Nvidia has reported strong financial growth in Q2 of fiscal year 2024, despite challenges such as a pay cut and competition from Intel.
  • Users are discussing various topics including computer benchmarks, CPU performance, and comparisons between AMD and Intel processors.
  • There is debate surrounding Nvidia's dominance in the AI market, competition from other players like AMD, and the potential for a natural monopoly in the tech industry.

Bun v0.8

  • Bun v0.8.0 brings new features, bug fixes, and improvements to compatibility and stability.
  • Bun 1.0 is set for release on September 7th, promising additional enhancements and bug fixes.
  • For more detailed information on the updates, refer to the provided link.


  • The article discusses the differences and user preferences between the Bun and Deno runtimes for TypeScript.
  • Topics include security vulnerabilities, performance benefits, and potential future developments of the Bun project.
  • Additional points include code readability and optimization, integration of LSP in the Bun framework, use of edge servers, Windows support, server components, compatibility with other languages, and plans for future versions of Bun.

A group of Motherboard folks just spun up their own new independent outlet

  • 404 Media is a new digital media company founded by former journalists from VICE's Motherboard.
  • The company focuses on producing technology journalism that has a significant societal impact and operates as a sustainable, reader-supported business.
  • They plan to report on unique stories, expose wrongdoing, and provide serious and irreverent content.
  • The site will initially offer free access to articles, but a paywall for certain content will be introduced in the future.
  • Subscribers will receive benefits such as exclusive articles, commenting privileges, and bonus podcast episodes.
  • The company's long-term goals include expanding into other media formats like books, documentaries, and films.
  • They prioritize transparency, ground-up reporting, and investigative journalism, with a focus on topics such as hacking, cybersecurity, sex, AI, consumer rights, surveillance, and privacy.
  • The founders aim to create a profitable media company by prioritizing quality journalism, making cost-effective decisions, and seeking support from their audience.


  • Motherboard employees have launched 404 Media, an independent outlet to support journalism and avoid the flawed business model of new media companies.
  • 404 Media aims to pay journalists and focus on short insightful articles and longer investigations, potentially using Mastodon as a platform.
  • There are discussions about subscription pricing, the challenges of running a content site, and concerns about trustworthiness and biases. Meanwhile, Motherboard is also launching a subscription service to provide accountability journalism and cover unconventional topics. The company is confident in the success of its subscription service and aims to become a significant publication in tech journalism.

A half-hour to learn Rust (2020)

  • This article offers a comprehensive introduction to the Rust programming language, covering syntax, concepts, features, and code examples.
  • It explores important topics like pattern matching, variable bindings and references, generics, lifetimes, borrowing, and error handling.
  • The article emphasizes the usefulness of the Rust compiler and provides additional resources for further learning.


  • A resource claiming to teach Rust in 30 minutes is discussed, with users sharing their experiences with Rust's borrowing and ownership system.
  • The complexity of Rust is debated, with arguments for simplification and acknowledging the need for complexity in expressive languages.
  • The possibility of a simpler language with compile-time memory safety is mentioned, along with the suggestion of using Bare Metal Rust for those not tied to an existing codebase.

So Long, Twitter and Reddit

  • Software developer Andrew Kelley has left Twitter and Reddit due to the negative impact on his mental well-being.
  • Kelley believes that Twitter promotes angry and extreme content, contributing to a negative worldview.
  • He also criticizes Reddit for its profit-driven approach and quality decline, closing the /r/zig subreddit and suggesting the Ziggit alternative.


  • Discord has limitations and drawbacks as a social media or forum platform, including design issues and unsuitability for non-gaming purposes.
  • There are ongoing debates about spam and trolls on Discord, with users suggesting solutions and expressing concerns.
  • Participants in the discussion mention other online platforms like Lemmy, forums, Twitter, and Reddit, discussing their preferences and concerns. Some participants discuss using social media to promote a blog, while others advocate for deleting all social media accounts. RSS feeds and a troll taking over a subreddit are also mentioned.

Coffee grounds make concrete 30% stronger

  • Engineers in Australia have discovered a method to enhance the strength of concrete by incorporating roasted used-coffee grounds.
  • This technique involves turning waste coffee grounds into biochar, resulting in concrete that is 30% stronger.
  • By utilizing this approach, not only does the performance of concrete improve, but it also reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills.
  • The team intends to partner with different industries and conduct field trials to implement their findings.
  • This innovation has the potential to greatly enhance the recycling of organic waste and help preserve valuable resources such as sand.


  • Adding coffee grounds to concrete can increase its strength by 30%, according to scientists at RMIT University in Australia.
  • This discovery has implications for carbon sequestration and the potential to reduce carbon emissions in the construction industry.
  • However, there are concerns about the unintended consequences and perverse incentives of implementing a tax on missing carbon.
  • The discussion also explores the use of high fees as a deterrent instead of outright bans and the advantages and disadvantages of such an approach.
  • There is a debate about implementing a carbon tax or tax on pollution to address climate change, with different perspectives on its impact.
  • The potential benefits of coffee grounds in concrete production and their use as a composting agent are also discussed.
  • The logistics, energy requirements, and potential environmental impact of using coffee grounds in concrete are topics of consideration.
  • Alternatives to traditional concrete and waste management challenges are mentioned in the conversation.