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Code Llama, a state-of-the-art large language model for coding

  • Code Llama is a new large language model (LLM) specifically designed for coding tasks.
  • It is capable of generating code and natural language about code from code or natural language prompts.
  • Code Llama is available in three models: Code Llama, Codel Llama - Python, and Code Llama - Instruct.
  • It has outperformed other publicly available LLMs on coding tasks.
  • The models are built on top of Llama 2 and are free for research and commercial use.
  • Code Llama has the potential to improve developer workflows and make coding more accessible.
  • It supports popular programming languages and can be used for code completion and debugging.
  • Safe and responsible use of Code Llama is emphasized, and the models have undergone safety evaluations.
  • The release of Code Llama encourages innovation and collaboration in the AI community.


  • Code Llama is a highly advanced language model for coding that can generate optimized code, sparking discussions about its potential applications and implications for code optimization and generating pull requests.
  • The importance of understanding prime numbers in software engineering jobs is debated, while speculation arises about the training methods and context size of Code Llama.
  • Discussions cover using GPUs for running Code Llama locally, hardware requirements, tools, and models for optimizing and improving code. There is also a debate between using open-source models versus accessing state-of-the-art models through a REST API.
  • The performance and licensing of a model called "Unnatural Code Llama" are debated, alongside the potential impacts of AI advancements, such as job security and human control.
  • Participants express excitement about language models revolutionizing the industry but acknowledge limitations, including concerns about potentially inflating performance through training data.

Code Llama, a state-of-the-art large language model for coding

  • Code Llama is a cutting-edge large language model (LLM) specifically designed for coding tasks.
  • It can generate code and natural language about code based on prompts.
  • Code Llama has three models: Code Llama (the foundational code model), Code Llama - Python (specialized for Python), and Code Llama - Instruct (fine-tuned for natural language instructions).
  • In benchmark testing, Code Llama outperformed other publicly available LLMs on code tasks.
  • It supports popular programming languages and can be used for code completion and debugging.
  • Code Llama has different model sizes to cater to specific latency requirements.
  • It has the potential to improve coding workflows and make coding more accessible for beginners.
  • Code Llama is released under a community license, and users must adhere to the acceptable use policy.
  • The model has undergone safety evaluations and precautions have been taken to mitigate risks.
  • Developers are encouraged to evaluate the model using code-specific evaluation benchmarks and perform safety studies.
  • The goal is to continue developing generative AI for coding by leveraging Llama 2 and inspiring others to create innovative tools.


  • Code Llama is a leading language model for coding, renowned for its advanced capabilities.
  • The Hacker News forum is currently discussing the deletion of duplicate posts.
  • More details about the context of the duplicate posts and their deletion are not available.

Hacker News Guidelines

  • The Hacker News guidelines specify the topics that would interest hackers, excluding politics, crime, sports, and celebrities.
  • Titles should not be altered, and the original source should be submitted without self-promotion.
  • In the comments section, users are expected to be polite, avoid snarkiness, and respond to arguments instead of resorting to name-calling. Using uppercase for emphasis and making astroturfing insinuations should be avoided. Complaints about inappropriate submissions should be flagged rather than discussed in comments.


  • Hacker News (HN) is a platform that discusses various topics, including commenting guidelines, empty comments on Reddit and HN, moderation practices, and community behavior.
  • Users express frustration with flagging and rate limiting on HN, as well as the ethics of rate limiting and shadowbanning.
  • Other discussions on HN involve the role of humor, potential updates to link submission guidelines, moderation of political stories, and the decline of "business news" stories.

Hugging Face raises $235M from investors including Salesforce and Nvidia

  • Hugging Face, an AI startup, has secured $235 million in Series D funding, with notable investors like Salesforce and Nvidia participating.
  • The funding round has doubled Hugging Face's valuation to $4.5 billion since May 2022.
  • Hugging Face offers data science hosting and development tools, including an AI code repository hub, models, and datasets, as well as web apps for AI-powered applications.
  • The company provides libraries and paid functionalities such as AutoTrain, Inference API, and Infinity.
  • The funds raised will be used by Hugging Face to expand its support in research, enterprise, and startups.


  • Hugging Face, an AI model hosting platform, has recently raised $235 million in funding from investors including Salesforce and Nvidia.
  • The company's future plans include monetizing its services, which has sparked concerns about risks to the AI ecosystem and the need to reduce dependency on Hugging Face.
  • Discussions are underway regarding potential monetization strategies, comparisons to other platforms, and the sustainability of free resources.
  • There are debates surrounding the business model of selling AI/ML and confusion about the offerings provided by Hugging Face.
  • The company intends to use the funding to expand its team and further develop its platform.

Bypassing Bitlocker using a cheap logic analyzer on a Lenovo laptop

  • The author presents a method for bypassing the BitLocker encryption on a Lenovo laptop using a low-cost logic analyzer.
  • The architecture of BitLocker and the storage of the encryption key in the TPM are explained.
  • The process of capturing and decoding the TPM exchange to retrieve the encryption key is detailed, along with limitations of the method and recommendations for improved security.


  • The discussion focuses on the vulnerabilities and limitations of Microsoft's Bitlocker encryption on Lenovo laptops.
  • Users express concerns about the security of TPMs and the potential for attacks.
  • Topics also include the default settings of Bitlocker, the importance of backup recovery keys, and the feasibility of intercepting encryption keys.
  • Other encryption systems like fTPM and LUKS are mentioned.
  • Discussions touch on signal processing and decoding methods, as well as the limitations of using a discrete TPM.
  • The conversation also covers SSD firmware-based encryption, hardware certifications, and TPM requirements in operating systems like Windows 11.

The human Y chromosome has been completely sequenced

  • The Telomere-to-Telomere consortium has successfully sequenced and assembled the complete sequence of a human Y chromosome, adding new sequence and correcting errors.
  • This achievement provides a comprehensive reference sequence for all 24 human chromosomes, aiding in genomic research and insights into human genetic variation and evolution.
  • The study highlights the importance of accurate representation of the sex chromosome complement in reference genomes and reveals genomic differences and variations between individuals, contributing to our understanding of the human Y chromosome and genetic diversity.


  • Scientists have achieved the milestone of sequencing the human Y chromosome, advancing our understanding of human genetics and opening doors for future research.
  • The sequencing of all 24 chromosomes, including the Y chromosome, will help in studying genetic variations, diseases, and their relationship with traits.
  • Despite this achievement, comprehending human genetics remains complex due to multiple factors influencing traits and the challenges associated with mapping genetic differences to specific traits using machine learning.

Open-source obsidian.md sync server

  • A high school graduate has developed a sync service for Obsidian.md, providing an alternative to the official paid service.
  • While the service is still in development and lacks some features, it offers basic sync functionality.
  • The creator is aware of potential violations of the terms of service and is willing to remove the repository if necessary. The service is not aimed at competing with the official offering.


  • Users express satisfaction and support for Obsidian, a note-taking app, discussing various aspects such as sync service, pricing, user interface, and alternative options.
  • The CEO of Obsidian responds to user feedback and announces upcoming improvements to the app.
  • Some users suggest open-sourcing Obsidian and mention alternative syncing options, while others have varying opinions on different aspects of the app's features.

FreeBSD on Firecracker

  • The author recounts their experience of successfully porting FreeBSD to run on the Firecracker Virtual Machine Monitor.
  • Despite facing challenges, they managed to overcome them and make significant progress in optimizing FreeBSD to improve its boot time on Firecracker.
  • The author also mentions future plans, including separating Xen support and potentially porting Firecracker to run on FreeBSD.


  • FreeBSD performs efficiently and quickly on the Firecracker micro-VM platform.
  • Firecracker offers the advantages of a complete machine and an efficient development environment.
  • The article explores the use of gvisor and hypervisors, optimizing the Linux kernel for short-lived VM lifecycles, and the benefits of technologies like Lambda and Firecracker compared to traditional methods.

Jacobin: A more than minimal JVM written in Go

  • Jacobin is a Go-based JVM implementation that can execute Java 17 classes, offering a more comprehensive JVM implementation with clear and cohesive code.
  • Unlike other JVM implementations, Jacobin leverages Go's built-in memory management and does not include garbage collection code.
  • The project is extensively tested, and the development team aims to run OpenJDK test suites in the future.


  • Jacobin is a JVM written in Go that aims to have the same functionality as the Hotspot JVM.
  • It currently has a performance of 15-25% compared to Hotspot with interpreted code.
  • The developers plan to conduct further benchmarks once they achieve feature parity.

Proof-of-Work Defense for Onion Services

  • Tor has implemented a proof-of-work (PoW) defense for onion services to prevent denial of service (DoS) attacks.
  • Incoming client connections are required to solve a puzzle, proving their authenticity and discouraging attackers.
  • The PoW mechanism prioritizes genuine traffic and makes large-scale attacks impractical, enhancing the security and reliability of the Tor network.


  • The debate focuses on the use of Proof of Work (PoW) in the Tor network to safeguard onion services from attacks.
  • Environmental concerns, anonymity, and potential solutions like CPU identity-linked proofs of work are being discussed.
  • Exploring the possibility of using Tor as a content delivery network and leveraging PoW algorithms to protect websites.