Nhảy tới nội dung


CT scans of coffee-making equipment

  • The article details the history and evolution of the Moka Express and AeroPress coffee brewing methods, utilizing CT scans for in-depth construction analysis.
  • It includes useful tips for efficiently employing these brewing methods and features a brief mention of gooseneck kettles and Porlex burr grinders.
  • The importance of these accessories is emphasized in creating a superior coffee brewing experience.


  • Discussion topics on Hacker News include the declining quality of Bialetti coffee makers, differences in power ratings between European and UK kettles, and thoughts about the AeroPress coffee maker.
  • The safety concerns associated with using plastic coffee makers and the use of CT scans and X-rays for testing were also raised.
  • Other topics include irritation with unconventional website scrolling features and experiences with liquid confiscation at airports.

When your coworker does great work, tell their manager (2020)

  • The author emphasizes the necessity of acknowledging and supporting colleagues from underrepresented groups at work, contributing towards a more inclusive office environment.
  • The method for this support includes telling managers about the excellent work these colleagues are doing, potentially aiding in their promotion. It also includes providing constructive feedback and public recognition.
  • The author, however, cautions about the significance of seeking permission before complimenting a colleague's work to their managers, respecting personal comfort levels and boundaries. They also provide additional resources for further reading and learning.


  • The discussion revolves around varying styles and strategies for providing feedback and praise in the professional setting, encompassing both direct, honest feedback and a more diplomatic, accommodating approach.
  • Cultural differences, individual preferences, and the significance of clear, respectful dialogues are underscored as crucial factors influencing workplace communication styles, with managers playing a key role in supporting team members.
  • Emphasis is also placed on the effect of communication methods on social skills and the potential drawbacks of offering praise, stressing the importance of self-reflection and considering different viewpoints when offering feedback.

Ghostfolio: Open-source wealth management software

  • Ghostfolio is a privacy-oriented, open-source personal finance dashboard that assists users in tracking and managing their investments in stocks, ETFs, and cryptocurrencies across multiple platforms.
  • It provides insights into portfolio composition and puts a strong emphasis on privacy and data ownership, receiving positive feedback for its user-friendly interface and useful features.
  • Ghostfolio operates on a subscription model, offering premium services to its users, and is backed by a robust community of contributors.


  • The main topic is Ghostfolio, an open-source software enabling users to self-host and track their net worth and assets, thus reducing data sharing with third parties.
  • Alternatives like Gnucash, Ledger, as well as manual wealth management through spreadsheets, are also emphasised on, along with other software like Tiller and Lunchmoney.app.
  • The conversation extends beyond Ghostfolio, debating the role of financial advisors, the challenges in offering financial advice, and the correlation of wealth with social class.

RFC 3339 vs. ISO 8601

  • The text elucidates on varied date and time formats and their compliance with different standards, illustrating with examples for enhanced understanding.
  • It delves into timestamps, the length of time or duration values, and ranges in disparate formats, broadening the scope of time-related concepts.
  • The existence of a validation service and a timezone switcher is mentioned, along with a comprehensive list of timezones across different regions.


  • The discourse focuses on the challenges of accurately representing time zones, scheduling across different zones, and limitations of existing standards like ISO 8601 and RFC 3339.
  • Suggestions include the need for standardized and comprehensive formats, the use of GPS coordinates, historical data, and acknowledging the difficulties in predicting and accommodating time zone changes.
  • Criticisms target the redundant formats and clarity-lacking existing standards, urging a call for a more user-friendly and universally-adopted standard; moreover, the limitations of ISO 8601, handling less common date situations, and representing durations are also pointed out.

Teaching with AI

  • OpenAI has published a guide directed at educators for utilizing their AI language model, ChatGPT, in classrooms.
  • The guide offers suggested conversation triggers, explains the workings and limitations of ChatGPT, as well as information on AI detectors and bias.
  • There are teacher testimonials detailing use case scenarios ranging from role-playing difficult discussions, making quizzes and lesson agendas, supporting non-English speakers, to teaching critical reasoning. The guide also contains sample prompts for educator usage.


  • The discourse focuses on the impact of AI language models like ChatGPT on various aspects of education, such as learning, writing skills, language learning, and mathematics.
  • There are highlighted concerns about excessive reliance on AI by students, leading to a lack of understanding of the material, issues with plagiarism, and loss of originality in work.
  • Broader discussions involve the evolving role of education, the technological shift in teaching, alongside potential impacts of AI on job prospects and the future of schooling with respect to artificial general intelligence.

Animated Knots

  • "Animated Knots by Grog" is a comprehensive online resource providing detailed instructions and animated demonstrations for various types of knot tying, applicable to numerous activities such as boating, fishing, climbing, and household tasks.
  • The website offers in-depth sections on knot terminology, safety information, and rope properties, underlining the significance of knot tying knowledge for safety purposes.
  • It offers mobile applications oriented towards specific activities such as climbing, boating, fishing, and scouting, featuring a "Knot of the Day" and blog, and even details on knot tying for specific works such as arborist and horse farming.


  • The discussion centers on the importance and application of different types of knots, with users sharing personal experiences and recommendations from a website called Animated Knots.
  • Significant praise is dedicated to knots like the bowline knot and midshipman's hitch because of their adaptability. Various learning resources like apps and videos were also suggested.
  • A brief mention is made of how knot theory could be applied in mathematics and physics, suggesting a broader use beyond practical physical applications.

USENET rises again?

  • USENET, the first text-only social network composed of newsgroups distributed across multiple servers, is revitalizing with its management committee reconvening.
  • The committee has undertaken the task to refine the list of newsgroups, renovate the website, and incorporate new features for its diverse range of client apps and operating systems.
  • Despite issues with piracy, USENET continues to maintain its popularity as a discussion platform with a dedicated user base.


  • The discussion centres on the decline and possible revival of Usenet, an original internet discussion system, which deteriorated due to issues like piracy and poor user experience.
  • Participants propose solutions like better moderation and encryption. They also discuss the merits of Usenet against contemporary web-based platforms and social media, with some favouring Usenet's diversity and discourse quality, whilst others prefer current platforms like Reddit for features and usability.
  • Topics of accessibility, censorship, and alternative platforms also arise in the conversation.

Ask Microsoft: Are you using our personal data to train AI?

  • Mozilla Foundation is demanding clarifications from Microsoft about its intentions to use personal data, such as audio, video, chat, and attachments, for AI model training.
  • The specificity of Microsoft's usage of these personal data types remains uncertain, despite input from privacy experts and lawyers.
  • Mozilla has expressed concern over the privacy implications and urged Microsoft to elucidate its plan surrounding the use of personal data in AI training.


  • The article discusses concerns around Microsoft's use of personal data for AI training, with the company accused by Mozilla of using vague language in its terms of service.
  • Emphasis is laid on the need for increased clarity and stricter measures to safeguard user data in the wake of these concerns, underlining the ongoing relevance of regulations like GDPR.
  • The conversation encompasses broader concerns over big tech companies, including the debate over Samsung's collection and use of user data, indicating a need for better transparency in these companies' data practices.

Shell abandons its plan to offset CO2 emissions

  • Shell Plc has scrapped its plans to execute carbon offset projects in its bid to lower its carbon footprint.
  • The company's CEO, Wael Sawan, did not mention this pledge at a recent investor event in June, indicating a strategic change.
  • This new direction points towards cost reduction and a refocus on oil and gas development.


  • This conversation is about multiple dimensions of climate change, ranging from the responsibilities of oil companies and individuals to the shift towards renewable energy and electric vehicles.
  • Discussions also include the future of the oil industry, corporate accountability, anticipated effects of climate change, and the difficulties of transitioning to sustainable practices.
  • There's a collective agreement for the need of collective action and government regulation to address climate change effectively.

Modern genetic data suggests pre-humans were a group of only 1,280 individuals

  • A recent genetic study proposes that human ancestors nearly faced extinction around 900,000 years ago when the breeding population decreased to just 1,280 and took another 117,000 years to expand.
  • Up to two-thirds of genetic diversity was lost during this population bottleneck, which may have critically influenced the evolution of modern humans.
  • The study underscores the significance of climate change in this era but necessitates additional archaeological and fossil evidence to corroborate the findings.


  • The discussion primarily focuses on the theory of a population bottleneck in human history, suggesting a small group of about 1,280 individuals as the progenitors of all modern humans.
  • There is contention and criticism concerning the robustness and validity of these findings, with topics such as polygamy, male biases, and interbreeding being discussed.
  • The conversation also delves into the aquatic ape hypothesis, the effects of digital screens, the Fermi paradox - which questions the existence of extraterrestrial life considering the vastness of the universe - and the difficulties in estimating ancient populations and fossil study.