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Every single Onewheel is being recalled after four deaths

  • Future Motion, the creator of Onewheel electric skateboards, is recalling all 300,000 of its self-balancing vehicles in the US due to four reported deaths.
  • The company initially disputed warnings from the US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) but has now issued a recall, asking owners to cease using the skateboards until further measures are enacted.
  • For the latest models, they will soon release a software update along with a new warning system, while early users are advised to stop usage and dispose of their initial Onewheel model.


  • The conversation encompasses multiple topics around alternative transportation methods, including the safety of OneWheel self-balancing devices, highlighting the necessity of protective gear.
  • It revolves around concerns over these devices' design, potential dangers, and discusses the pros and cons of incorporating bikes and electric scooters into public transportation.
  • The dialog further explores the benefits and challenges linked to open-source software, and shares experiences and perspectives on various transportation choices ranging from electric scooters to foldable e-bikes.

Some Pixel owners still can't dial 911 during an emergency

  • Google Pixel users continue to face challenges dialing 911, even after a Microsoft Teams related bug was fixed earlier this year.
  • A cause for this call dropping and failure to connect to emergency services has yet to be identified, and it appears to impact various Pixel models and carriers.
  • Users are recommended to schedule a test call with their local 911 center to confirm their device can connect to emergency services. Google has been approached for a comment on this ongoing issue.


  • Google Pixel users have reported problems when attempting to call 911, sparking concerns about the reliability of emergency calls on mobile devices and potential legal ramifications.
  • The need for a unified national 911 system to replace the currently fragmented ones has been highlighted, along with the requirement for better testing equipment and procedures.
  • Various topics like accidental dialing, software engineers' responsibility, issues pertaining to 911 functionality and maintaining public trust in emergency services have been discussed. The Pixel phone's reliability and safety concerns have led some users to contemplate switching brands.

Drinking diet sodas daily during pregnancy linked to autism in male offspring

  • A recent study led by UT Health San Antonio has discovered a connection between the consumption of diet sodas and aspartame-sweetened drinks by pregnant women, and autism diagnosis in their male children.
  • Boys diagnosed with autism were found to be more than three times as likely to have mothers who consumed one or more servings of these drinks per day; no such correlation was found in female children.
  • The study's authors have called for further research in other populations and advised caution when consuming these products during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


  • A study suggests that consumption of diet sodas during pregnancy may heighten the risk of autism in male offspring, but the research has been criticized for its flaws and need for additional examination.
  • The debate also delves into the underdiagnosis of autism in females, challenges in diagnosing autism, and concerns regarding chemical regulations and safety, particularly the role of manufacturers and regulators.
  • Despite questioning the study's validity and the impact of environmental factors on autism, it has initiated a broad discussion on various potential factors tied to autism during pregnancy.

A revelation about trees is messing with climate calculations

  • Scientists have discovered that trees emit chemicals that aid in cloud formation, indicating that their role in this process might have been underestimated previously.
  • This discovery impacts climate models, underscoring the need to accurately account for natural aerosols to predict climate patterns and refine pre-industrialization atmospheric conditions estimates.
  • Researchers are examining how factors such as heat stress and deforestation may affect the role of natural aerosols in cloud formation, aiming to offer a more realistic understanding of global cloud formation and its connection to climate change.


  • The Hacker News online discussion delves into multiple aspects related to trees and their influence on climate, touching on how trees might induce rain by causing turbulence in the air, and their role in elevating humidity levels and forming microclimates.
  • Other discussions focus on the role of reforestation, biodiversity's effect on water quality, the link between trees and wildfires, and the intricate interplay between trees, air contamination, and rainfall.
  • These discussions unravel the complexity of the interactions between trees, rain, and climate, underscoring the necessity of considering factors such as scale, indigenous knowledge, and human environmental impact.

ChatGPT-4 significantly increased performance of business consultants

  • The Digital Data Design Institute at Harvard and the Boston Consulting Group conducted a study, investigating the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on knowledge worker productivity and quality.
  • Their research involving 758 consultants discovered AI significantly boosts performance in certain tasks, leading to the introduction of the "jagged technological frontier"—a concept that portrays AI as proficient in some tasks and deficient in others.
  • The study advocates moving beyond the binary decision of adopting AI or not and instead examining the worth of different setups and combinations of humans and AI in the knowledge workflow.


  • The summary delves into various perspectives and research focusing on language models, specifically ChatGPT-4, and their use in sectors such as business consulting, programming, writing, and natural language processing.
  • These language models, including GPT-4, have been viewed as beneficial for augmenting productivity and decision-making, though their impact differs among individuals.
  • Despite the advantages, there are concerns about these language models' limitations and biases, and the potential upheaval they could cause in certain professions.

PoW gets his life back after 55 years (2000)

  • Andras Toma, a World War II soldier who spent 55 years as a prisoner in Russia, has been reunited with his family in his hometown, Sulyanbokor, Hungary.
  • Despite initial uncertainty about his identity, caretakers including doctors and military officers are confident that Toma is the missing brother. DNA tests are being conducted to validate their claims.
  • The investigation into Toma's identity has drawn significant attention in Hungary, a country where approximately 600,000 people were detained by the Soviet Union during and after World War II.


  • The case of András Toma, a Hungarian man held in Russian psychiatric hospitals for 55 years, has sparked debates regarding inmate treatment and the impact of isolation.
  • Discussions include the potential misuse of psychiatric hospitals as political prisons in Russia and challenges related to discharging from such facilities.
  • The discourse also addresses language acquisition, emphasizing the significance of social interaction for mental health, and briefly highlights a potential euthanasia controversy in Canada.

How to see bright, vivid images in your mind’s eye (2016)

  • The article introduces Image Streaming, a method designed to enhance the visualization abilities of individuals with aphantasia.
  • The author recounts their personal experience and offers detailed instructions on how to implement Image Streaming.
  • The comments section provides a platform for individuals to discuss the effectiveness of this technique and to share their personal progress.


  • The discussions cover the diversity of individuals' abilities to create mental images, from vivid imagery to aphantasia – a condition where individuals are unable to visualize.
  • Various techniques, experiences, and opinions are shared relating to visualization, dreaming, memory, and the influence of external factors like eye rubbing.
  • The conversations offer a comprehensive view on the range of visualization abilities and strategies for enhancing them.

Fake recruiter lured aerospace employee with trojanized coding challenge

  • The North Korea-aligned Lazarus group has recently been suspected of infiltrating a Spanish aerospace company using a backdoor named "LightlessCan."
  • The attackers impersonated Meta recruiters, sending employees malicious coding challenges as part of a spoofed hiring process. The operation involved victims unknowingly running an infected SSL/VPN client and installing further malware onto their systems.
  • LightlessCan showcases upgraded stealth capabilities, including limiting execution traces of Windows command-line programs, challenging detection and analysis. Additionally, the Lazarus group incorporates defense evasion techniques such as access token manipulation and obfuscation.


  • The summary delves into an incident of a phony recruiter using a devious coding challenge to trick an aerospace employee, stressing potential job-hunting risks and privacy issues.
  • It reflects upon the debate around the usage of personal accounts and devices for work, highlighting the significance of maintaining a separation between work and personal realms.
  • In the context of cybersecurity, it advises cautiousness with unknown files, ensuring safety of personal information on work devices, and speculation about potential threats from nation-state actors.

Canadians have a ‘right to be forgotten’ on Google, Federal Court rules

  • The Federal Court of Appeal in Canada has decreed that Google's search engine falls under federal privacy law, possibly enabling Canadians the "right to be forgotten."
  • To be "forgotten", individuals can petition to become unsearchable if they perceive outdated or erroneous personal information is causing harm.
  • This ruling disputes Google's stance that it is a mediator between publishers and readers. The case may proceed to the Supreme Court of Canada. Similar laws already exist in Europe.


  • Canada's Federal Court has ruled that Canadians have a "right to be forgotten" on Google, where they can request certain information be removed from search results if it's seen as untrue or harmful.
  • There are concerns about possible misuse of this right and its potential implications on freedom of speech; the debate focuses on what information is deemed inaccurate or out-of-date and who should have the power to decide what can be forgotten.
  • The discussion also addresses the consequences for free speech, the issues of implementing the right to be forgotten in the AI era, and the impact this could have on journalism.

The TRON Project: How Japan almost ruled IT (2022)

  • The Tron Project was a Japanese venture in the 1980s that aimed to establish a smart house and computing standard, with a unified digital interface integrating microprocessors into everyday appliances.
  • The initiative faced harsh criticism and opposition - notably from the US, with concerns it posed an economic threat, eventually leading to the project's abandonment.
  • The rise of Microsoft's Windows as the global dominant operating system overshadows the Tron Project, leading to its perceived failure as a missed chance for Japan to affirm its place as an information technology leader.


  • This discussion centers on the downturn of Japan's tech industry, specifically the TRON Project, attributing the slump to factors such as a failure to prioritize software and conservative business models.
  • The article highlights the struggles of Japanese tech firms to stay abreast of advances in the industry and draws parallels between the current US-China tech conflict and Japan's experience.
  • The author emphasizes the necessity for continuous improvement and innovation, underlines missed opportunities, and advocates for the industry's adaptation towards newer technologies like virtual reality.

Reorient GitHub pull requests around changesets

  • The author highlights some issues with using GitHub pull requests, emphasizing the need for a new feature known as "changesets" to improve the review process.
  • Implementing "changesets" would enable versioning on pull requests, making them more expandable and simpler to navigate.
  • As the author suggests, "changesets" are a tested pattern in several other products, and would highly improve their experiences with GitHub.


  • The article proposes implementing changesets to improve GitHub's code review process, while users discuss its current challenges and user experience.
  • Alternative tools like Gerrit and Reviewable are discussed, along with the advantages of squash merging, indicating GitHub may not fulfill the needs of more advanced code reviews.
  • A debate emerged about the value of code reviews and when they should be prioritized, as well as the pros and cons of using changesets, highlighting the need for improved data management and version control beyond just source code.

They studied dishonesty – Was their work a lie?

  • Behavioral economists Dan Ariely and Francesca Gino are under accusation for data fabrication in their study of dishonesty and moral identity.
  • The article discusses the impact of behavioral economics on public policy and decision making, along with concerns about ethics and potential overreach.
  • Key topics include the replication crisis in behavioral sciences, scrutiny by research watchdog Data Colada, dubious research history of Dan Ariely and Francesca Gino, as well as the importance of research integrity in social science.


  • The article focuses on the unethical conduct in research studies, centering on the case of a known researcher, Dan Ariely, who was accused of fraud, indicating an issue with accountability and power dynamics within academia.
  • Discussions in the comment thread shed light on the difficulties in detecting and proving scientific fraud, the reproducibility and credibility of research, and concerns about the lack of replication endeavors, underscoring the need for heightened research standards.
  • The conversation extends into broader topics including skepticism towards psychological research, trust in scientific institutions, and the replication crisis, emphasizing the complexity and challenges in various scientific fields.

Most demographers now predict that human population will plateau

  • Economists have expressed concern over a potential population drop due to a forecasted decrease in global population.
  • Despite these warnings, most demographers suggest that the global population will stabilize instead of significantly reducing. This is due to the trend towards smaller family units and the increase in women's reproductive choices.
  • This expected stabilization of the population is considered beneficial for the future of humanity.


  • This discussion primarily revolves around declining birth rates, influenced by factors such as high-cost of housing, lack of parental leave benefits, and shifting priorities.
  • It explores differing viewpoints on procreation and childbirth, evaluating arguments about its necessity for human survival and the adverse effects associated with teen parenthood.
  • Topics also encompass the financial implications of raising children, the ethical dilemmas of childbirth, and the societal and economic consequences of dwindling birth rates. The influence of technology and women's role in career advancement and starting families are also addressed.

PruningRadixTrie – Faster Radix trie for prefix search and auto-complete

  • The PruningRadixTrie is a new data structure, derived from a radix trie, that is up to 1000 times faster, enabling efficient prefix search and auto-complete.
  • This technology is especially beneficial for serving a large number of users concurrently and can be applied to different applications beyond character-wise word completion.
  • The PruningRadixTrie has been implemented in various programming languages and is a contribution from SeekStorm.


  • The post introduces "PruningRadixTrie," a new data structure aimed at faster prefix search and auto-completion processes.
  • It offers comparisons between "PruningRadixTrie" and other techniques like exhaustive traversal and Levenshtein-bounded beam search, highlighting the potential for more efficient operations.
  • The commentary section of the post includes users' experiences and suggested optimizations, offering firsthand insight into practical application and further improvements.

54% of Portugal’s electricity is now generated by renewable energy

  • Portugal currently generates 54% of its electricity from renewable sources, including solar, wind, hydroelectric, and tidal power.
  • The country aims to meet 80% of its energy needs from renewables by 2030, but still relies on imported gas for part of its consumption.
  • While Portugal has enacted policies to promote sustainable energy practices, challenges relating to high costs and necessary infrastructure upgrades persist.


  • Portugal produces 54% of its electricity from renewable sources. However, concerns are expressed about the country's focus on renewables potentially overshadowing other issues.
  • Discussions in the debate include the practicality and cost-effectiveness of renewable technologies, the prospects of nuclear energy, and the challenges of intermittency and storage in renewable power.
  • Despite reaching a peak of 63.64% renewable energy generation in January 2022, Portugal faces questions about the scalability of renewables and managing fluctuating power supplies.