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Commercially available chairs in Star Trek

  • The article provides an exhaustive list of chairs featured in the Star Trek series and films.
  • It also details the design of these chairs, their manufacturers, and their appearances in various episodes and scenes.
  • This approach provides an unusual angle on the Star Trek franchise, focusing on a frequently overlooked aspect of the set design.


  • The conversation revolves around how everyday objects and furniture are repurposed as futuristic props in sci-fi films and shows like Star Wars and Star Trek, a technique often unnoticed by viewers.
  • The discussion examines the visual style, set design, and props of original Star Trek series, old James Bond movies, and the design departure in Deep Space Nine (DS9).
  • Participants in the conversation delve into how Starfleet, diplomatic relations, and comedy are portrayed in the Star Trek universe, expressing their love for the series while noting some bothersome aspects.

What is the Demoscene? An interview

  • The demoscene is a digital art sub-culture focusing on creating and sharing demos, which are audiovisual presentations. This community, initially linked to game piracy, now comprises artists, programmers, and engineers worldwide.
  • Demoscene has achieved status as an intangible cultural heritage, with 'demoparties' as a key venue for creators to showcase and compete with their demos.
  • For individuals interested in this culture, there are numerous resources available, including online platforms, competitions, events, and community platforms such as Discord servers. Guides, videos, and podcasts are also present to help newbies understand and participate in demoscene culture.


  • The discussion revolves around the demoscene, a community of tech enthusiasts who create audiovisual demonstrations, emphasizing personal experiences, the evolution of the demoscene, its impact on participants' lives, and the industry.
  • The discourse also touches on the technical and artistic aspects of demos, shares favorite ones, and recommends resources for aspiring members.
  • Contrary to claims of its downfall, the demoscene—viewed as an art form, testament to programming skills—continues to flourish and evolve.

Hacker leaks millions more 23andMe user records on cybercrime forum

  • A hacker, referred to as Golem, has disclosed millions of new user records from 23andMe, a genetic testing company, on a cybercrime forum.
  • The hacker alleges that the dataset includes information on users primarily from Great Britain and wealthier individuals from the US and Western Europe. The legitimacy of the leaked data is currently under review by 23andMe.
  • This leakage comes after 23andMe announced a data breach two weeks ago. It remains uncertain how much user data was stolen and its intended usage. In response, 23andMe has encouraged users to update their passwords and implement multi-factor authentication.


  • The conversation centers on 23andMe's privacy issues related to genetic testing, with users questioning the company's data protection abilities and potential misuse of genetic information.
  • Worry about potential discrimination from employers and misuse by law enforcement due to shared genetic information is expressed, highlighting the potential risks and consequences.
  • Users' perspectives vary, with some advocating for stronger regulation and data security measures for genetic testing companies, while others minimize risks and stress individual accountability for data security. This demonstrates an overall need for improved privacy protection for genetic data.

Reflect – Multiplayer web app framework with game-style synchronization

  • Reflect is a novel multiplayer web app development framework, evolved from a previous technology, Replicache. It combines game-style state synchronization and Transactional Conflict Resolution for efficient data synchronization between users.
  • Unlike current CRDT (Conflict-free Replicated Data Type) approaches, Reflect brings additional flexibility and simplicity to features like counters, list operations, and invariants enforcement.
  • Reflect's managed server acts as an authority that executes mutations according to its rule and provides schema validation and easy migrations. The server's role and capabilities highlight Reflect's target: to deliver a powerful, flexible, and intuitive platform for creating multiplayer applications.


  • Reflect is a web app framework that allows for real-time collaboration and synchronization among multiple users, featuring conflict resolution and puzzle completion.
  • The framework employs the Reflect/Replicache system, which uses Relative Addressable Object Locator (RAOL) to replicate local updates across devices and helps overcome challenges in real-time collaboration.
  • Reflect operates as a hosted service that simplifies the addition of multiplayer collaboration to web applications utilizing Test-Confirm-Reverse (TCR) systems instead of Conflict-free Replicated Data Type (CRDTs).

USB-C head-to-head comparison

  • The article compares various USB-C cables, including Apple's Thunderbolt 4 cable and cheaper alternatives like Amazon Basics, NiceTQ, and ATYFUER cables.
  • Thunderbolt 4 is touted as a high-quality connector, featuring stainless steel enclosure, strain relief, and multiple pins for diverse data transfer and charging options.
  • The article underscores the need to consider factors such as data and power transmission, construction, form factor, and longevity when choosing cables.


  • The discussion revolves around USB-C cables, their manufacturing processes, and the prevalent issues, including the non-connectivity of all 24 pins in the cable and a demand for clear labeling and certification.
  • It highlights the difficulties in discerning between cable capabilities, the problem of counterfeit cables, the complexity of USB-C cable branding, and the frustration with misleading cables sold on platforms like Amazon.
  • Other key points include the use of repeaters or retimers to combat signal loss, the over-designing of cables for high data transfer speeds, Apple's proprietary connectors, and the EU's push for standardization to decrease electronic waste.

I'm banned for life from advertising on Meta. Because I teach Python.

  • Reuven, a Python and Pandas instructor, has been permanently banned from advertising on the Meta platform, previously known as Facebook.
  • It's speculated that Meta's AI system could have mistakenly linked Reuven's Python and Pandas courses with live animals, leading to the ban.
  • Despite appealing the decision, the ban's revocation appears improbable due to Meta's data retention policy. Reuven now intends to advertise his courses on other platforms and critiques Meta's dependence on AI for decisions without human oversight.


  • The piece outlines issues with Facebook/Meta's banning systems, specifically citing lack of transparency, automation errors, and absence of human review.
  • The author emphasizes the need for better customer support, the potential for abuse in AI-driven systems, and the excessive power wielded by closed platforms like Facebook and Google.
  • The text underscores the need for increased transparency, accountability, and a more significant human role in decision-making processes across multiple tech platforms.

Localsend: Open-Source Airdrop Alternative

  • LocalSend, a free and open-source app, permits secure file and message sharing among nearby devices sans Internet connection. It leverages a REST API and HTTPS encryption.
  • The app does not depend on external servers and its source code, built with Flutter, can be freely downloaded. It's available on various platforms.
  • With over 16k stars on GitHub, the project accepts contributions such as translations, bug fixes, and enhancements. The project is sponsored by Tien Do Nam.


  • The discussion centers around open-source replacements for Apple's Airdrop, focusing on cross-platform file-sharing solutions such as Localsend, Trebleshot, LocalShare, PairDrop, KDEConnect, and Magic Wormhole.
  • Participants express dissatisfaction with the absence of interoperability among these platforms and propose the idea of merging them into a single application.
  • The conversation also explores the restrictions of Wi-Fi Direct and the commercial motives that are obstructing the advancement of cross-platform file-sharing.

A 1990 experiment to test whether we could discern life on Earth remotely

  • Carl Sagan's 1990 study led to a perspective shift in the hunt for signs of life on other planets, with the Galileo spacecraft identifying oxygen, methane, vegetation, and engineered radio transmissions on Earth.
  • His study forms the foundation for the current search for signs of life on other planets, a task that is becoming particularly crucial with the James Webb Space Telescope exploring exoplanet atmospheres.
  • The article underscores the complexities involved in finding and confirming signs of life, emphasizing the necessity for multiple layers of evidence and validation. The search may span years or decades, necessitating meticulous examination and debate within the scientific community.


  • The passage discusses the difficulties and limitations of current methods in detecting life on other planets and explores the possibility of non-carbon-based life forms.
  • It emphasizes the role of carbon in life's complexity and considers the potential discovery of complex molecules and alternative chemistry in extreme conditions.
  • The discussions extend to the possibility of different life forms beyond our current understanding and various perspectives on nature, including the possibilities of extraterrestrial intelligence. The topics also cover signs of life on other planets, technological limitations, and the potential for alien civilizations observing Earth.

GPT-4 vision prompt injection

  • The blog post outlines a cybersecurity vulnerability termed as "Prompt Injection," in which malevolent data is manipulated into text prompts compromising system security.
  • It highlights a new manifestation of this vulnerability, "Visual Prompt Injection," where directives are camouflaged in images for a language model, such as GPT-4, to follow.
  • Both OpenAI and Microsoft are actively researching defenses against prompt injection, revealing the significance of this issue and stressing the need to acknowledge it while creating language model-based services.


  • The article highlights a serious security flaw, termed 'prompt injection', in large language models like GPT-4. This vulnerability involves an untrusted prompt overriding a trusted one, potentially compromising the application's security.
  • It delves into the complexity of alignment in AI systems and the limitations of existing models, accentuating the need for circumspect use of large language models.
  • As a result of these threats, the article stresses the necessity for solutions and increased security measures to combat such exploitable susceptibilities.

New pill helps Covid smell and taste loss fade quickly

  • Ensitrelvir, a new antiviral drug, has demonstrated potential in alleviating COVID-19 induced loss of taste and smell, distinguishing it from other treatment methods.
  • Unlike other treatments, ensitrelvir is accessible to individuals with mild to moderate symptoms, not just high-risk individuals.
  • Japan has granted emergency approval for the drug and it is presently undergoing further clinical trials, following encouraging results from earlier trials where it reduced the proportion of participants experiencing smell and taste loss in comparison to a placebo.


  • The key topic of the discussion is the loss of taste and smell as symptoms of COVID-19, with individuals sharing their experiences with anosmia and possible treatments like capsaicin nasal sprays and lactoferrin-based products.
  • Conversations also focus on the impact of these symptoms on food enjoyment, methods for sense recovery, and the possibility of different COVID variants targeting specific body areas.
  • The use of supplements and antiviral medications, including Paxlovid known for its effectiveness in inhibiting viral replication, and the new drug ensitrelvir, are also discussed heavily, reflecting their potential impact on reducing symptom severity and frequency.

Sweden reports damage to Baltic Sea cable with Estonia

  • Sweden has reported damage to its undersea connectivity cable with Estonia, coinciding with damage incidents on a Finnish-Estonian gas pipeline and cable.
  • Sweden and Finland's recent endeavors to join NATO, following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, are interesting contexts to these incidents.
  • Though the cause of the damage remains unclear, investigations have commenced. This event highlights rising concerns over the susceptibility of critical infrastructure in the Baltic Sea region.


  • The discussion emphasizes the significance of local servers for financial institutions after a Baltic Sea cable connecting Sweden and Estonia was damaged.
  • Various alternative methods for obtaining time signals are considered, together with the potential for undersea cable sabotage and general vulnerabilities of undersea cables.
  • Satellite internet's limitations, competition between undersea cables and Starlink, and historical incidents involving Russia are also addressed, noting the speed of light in space, benefits of satellite internet, and Starlink's capabilities.
  • A recent study discovered a link between gut bacteria, inflammation, and changes in the brain associated with Alzheimer's disease, suggesting the symptoms can be transferred via gut bacteria.
  • Spearheaded by experts from University College Cork and King's College London, the study emphasizes the significance of gut microbiota as a potential focus for research and intervention in Alzheimer's disease.
  • The findings suggest that exploring the role of gut microbes in the initial stages of dementia might pave the way for new therapeutic developments for Alzheimer's, the most prevalent cause of dementia.


  • Scientists have identified a tentative link between Alzheimer's disease and the gut microbiota, suggesting it might play a contributing role in the disease.
  • Potential preventative measures include increased intake of Omega-3 fatty acids and certain vitamins, maintaining a gut-healthy diet, as well as possible benefits of GLP-1 agonists, while also exercising caution due to the complex nature of Alzheimer's disease.
  • Further research is called for to fully comprehend the extent and nature of the role gut microbiota plays in Alzheimer's. The study also discussed potential treatments like antibiotics and fecal transplants.

Why is text of sumissions in low-contrast grey on HN?

  • The text in focus is challenging to read and causes eye strain, inciting questions about its design.
  • This issue has given rise to speculations if this was a thought-through design choice or an unwanted glitch.


The fake browser update scam gets a makeover

  • The browser update scam, where users are tricked into downloading malware under the guise of a browser update, has resurfaced with hackers now hosting malicious files on a decentralized cryptocurrency blockchain.
  • The attackers utilize the Binance Smart Chain, a technology enabling storage of their malicious files as cryptocurrency transactions, making it harder for security experts to trace and eradicate the malware.
  • Guardio Labs, a cybersecurity firm, detected at least four threat actor groups capitalizing on these deceptive browser updates to disseminate malware.


  • A novel malware scam utilizes blockchain technology (Binance Smart Chain) to evade takedown efforts by services like Cloudflare. BSC has countered by blacklisting implicated addresses.
  • Unique concerns surrounding blockchain technology are discussed, including the misuse of BSC's hosting services, its implications on privacy and traceability, unwanted content, and the need for node operators to responsibly manage these issues.
  • The increase in fullscreen takeover scams is pointed out, as well as the impacts of JavaScript on web security and user experience, and significant vulnerabilities within popular platforms like WordPress and centralized control in blockchain systems.

Bandcamp's Entire Union Bargaining Team Was Laid Off

  • The music licensing company Songtradr laid off Bandcamp's entire union bargaining team when it acquired the platform from Epic Games.
  • Songtradr claimed the layoffs were unconnected with union activities as they did not have access to union membership information, but the union alleges they had a meeting with Songtradr's CEO.
  • The staffing changes led to the reduction of Bandcamp's editorial team by half and redundancy for 12 out of 13 union-eligible support staff.


  • Bandcamp's union bargaining team has been laid off, prompting doubts about possible discrimination and challenges regarding the legality and fairness of such action.
  • The post delves into the broader implications of layoffs - their impact on individuals, the economy, and the benefits of unions—as well as the decline of Bandcamp post-acquisition.
  • The conversation extends to contrast unions in the US and Europe, discussing concepts like individualism, producer and consumer surplus, price discrimination, and the value of work.