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California suspends Cruise's autonomous vehicle deployment

  • The California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) has mandated General Motors' autonomous vehicle division, Cruise, to withdraw its driverless cars from state roads, citing safety issues.
  • Cruise has been accused by the DMV of misrepresenting the safety of its technology and is given an opportunity to contest the suspension within five days.
  • This suspension represents a significant hindrance for GM's self-driving business sector, seen as a significant growth avenue. Critics who express concern towards the safety of autonomous vehicles expressed approval for this decision.


  • The conversation mainly revolves around autonomous vehicles including their safety, performance, their cost, and public perception.
  • Specific topics include the suspension of Cruise's autonomous vehicles due to safety issues, the pros and cons of Waymo's vehicles compared to traditional taxis, the restrictions of train transport, as well as the trust and perception around automation.
  • Also, the discussion touches on the reliability of Tesla's quoted mileage for self-driving cars, evaluation methods for autonomous vehicle safety, and the performance of Waymo's self-driving cars in diverse scenarios. The use and pricing of autonomous vehicles in San Francisco in comparison to Uber and Lyft are also mentioned.

Animated AI

  • The author is producing educational animations and videos regarding neural networks, including topics like convolution, padding, stride, groups, depthwise convolution, depthwise-separable convolution, and pixel shuffle.
  • Readers are invited to explore deeper on the author's Patreon and YouTube channel for more comprehensive content.
  • The provided content is licensed under the MIT License, a permissive free software license that allows for the software to be freely used, modified, and shared.


  • Animated AI is a website offering visually informative animations detailing the workings of convolutional neural networks (CNNs), a type of artificial intelligence (AI) used for image and video recognition.
  • The platform also provides resources and links to other AI visualization tools, making it a valuable educational hub for comprehending complex AI concepts.
  • Users of the website have appreciated its quality and educational worth, and have shown interest in similar animations for other AI subsystems like attention and transformers.



  • The discussion on Brilliant.org focuses on a game called Halfsies, where users divide shapes into two equal parts, and share their respective scores, precisions, and strategies for making flawless cuts.
  • Users speculate about the game's precision and its possibility of serving as a CAPTCHA, which is a type of challenge-response test used in computing to distinguish human from machine input.
  • Despite mentioning a few technical problems, the overall sentiment towards the game is positive with accolades directed towards its design, and three users even claim high accuracy percentages.

I face investigation for terrorism

  • Craig Murray, a historian, and human rights activist, is under investigation for terrorism, leading to the confiscation of his electronic devices and bank account details during detention.
  • Murray was denied legal representation during the interview conducted under the Terrorism Act and was obliged to disclose his passwords.
  • His legal team has filed a grievance with the UN Human Rights Committee and is contemplating a judicial review, while Murray is actively seeking donations for his defense.


Meta sued by states over harmful youth marketing

  • The user's computer network has identified suspicious activity, prompting the need to verify that the user is not a robot.
  • Users must check that their browser supports JavaScript and cookies and make sure they are not blocking these features.
  • Should any questions arise, users are advised to reach out to the support team, using the given reference ID.


  • The discourse expounds on the influence of social media, notably Meta's, on mental health, specifically among the youth.
  • It involves discussion about a lawsuit slapped against Meta over harmful marketing techniques, potential social media regulations, age limitations, accountability of parents and individuals, and comparisons to other harmful practices or products.
  • Participants generally express worry over the addictive nature of social media platforms, emphasizing the necessity for improved regulation and user safety measures.

The City of Seattle accidentally gave me 32M emails for $40 (2018)

  • The author shares their encounter of acquiring email metadata from the City of Seattle, which poorly managed the request by initially giving a nonsensical estimate and later mistakenly adding sensitive data.
  • Facing legal threats but ultimately gaining the metadata, the author aims to utilize it to study public records laws hoping its availability could enhance accessibility.
  • The blog includes a reference to the ongoing lawsuit against the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) concerning email metadata.


  • The online forum discussions primarily centered around the accidental sharing of millions of emails by the City of Seattle, bringing up issues of privacy rights and legal regulations around data retention.
  • Further discussion touched on the complications in obtaining public records, issues with government IT systems, and the balance between government transparency and individual privacy.
  • Recommendations for email services offering unique alias addresses were also part of the conversation, indicating a search for solutions to maintain privacy.

Europe's CSAM-scanning plan is tipping point for democratic rights, experts warn

  • A proposal in Europe to scan users' communications for child sexual abuse material (CSAM) is under scrutiny for its potential effect on privacy and democracy.
  • Experts warn the automatic scanning of private communications might lead to unintended consequences and generate more victims, along with concerns regarding the transparency and independent verification of the scanning tools.
  • They advocate for a focused strategy emphasizing prevention, education, and international cooperation. The proposal is currently open for discussion, allowing lawmakers a chance to reassess it.


  • Experts are voicing concerns that Europe's plan for CSAM (Child Sexual Abuse Material) scanning may violate democratic rights with potential harmful side-effects, and runs the risk of government misuse and overmonitoring.
  • Critics highlight previous instances where similar measures led to human rights abuses and express worries about false accusations, loss of accounts access, and distress triggered by investigations.
  • Discussion ensues on alternative methods to combat child abuse, erosion of privacy, the effectiveness of proposed measures, and potential manipulation of the issue to advocate for broader surveillance.

Covid's damage lingers in the heart

  • COVID-19 is potentially harmful to the cardiovascular system, leading to conditions like heart attacks, myocarditis, and elevated troponin levels; the risk of complications increases when pre-existing cardiac risk factors exist.
  • The virus can indirectly damage the heart by causing inflammation and blood clotting, which can lead to strokes and organ failure. Additionally, long-term symptoms might include microvascular damage and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS).
  • Current treatments focus on exercise and endurance training for long COVID and POTS-like syndromes. Researchers are looking at anticoagulants and anticytokines for cardiovascular issues, but with caution due to potential risks. Vaccines provide hope, yet ongoing vigilance is vital given the virus's unpredictability.


  • The discussion and article delve into the effects of COVID-19 on individuals' health, showcasing instances of heart-related symptoms post-recovery and highlighting challenges within the healthcare system.
  • The conversation explores the potential of wearable devices for health tracking, limitations, the need for personalized care, as well as data privacy concerns related to such devices.
  • Broader topics include the long-term impacts of COVID-19, need for accurate data, skepticism towards COVID-19 data, potential treatments, and implications of the pandemic on individual productivity and health.

Why we don’t generate elliptic curves every day

  • The article critically discusses the utilization of custom parameters, notably elliptic curves, in cryptography, suggesting that these user-generated parameters may not provide substantial benefits and could pose security risks.
  • The author recommends using reliable standard parameters instead of custom ones, arguing that generating and validating these adds unnecessary complexity and could introduce potential vulnerabilities.
  • It also explores the problems faced during parameter negotiation in protocols and the benefits of using fixed parameter sets, with the final conclusion supporting the usage of fixed parameter sets in modern cryptography.


  • The article delves into the difficulties and risks of creating reliable elliptic curves for digital security, especially when using standardized parameters.
  • It proposes alternative strategies like a public ceremony using a random number generation protocol for parameter selection, stressing the significance of avoiding nonce reuse and highlighting the possible threats of value manipulation or backdooring keys.
  • The text mentions known attacks on primality testing routines, indicating a concern over trusting encryption algorithms without proper validation.

EU plan to scan private messages for child abuse meets fresh scandal

  • European Commission is alleged of using disinformation campaigns to sway public opinion on a hotly debated proposal called Chat Control or CSA Regulation, intending to scan private messages for child abuse material.
  • The Commission's tactics included advertising skewed survey results on X platform (Twitter's successor), selectively aimed at those who opposed the legislation.
  • The proposal has drawn sharp criticism from digital rights activists and privacy regulators, who believe it might result in mass surveillance of EU citizens. A preliminary investigation into the ad campaign is underway by the European data protection supervisor.


  • The EU's plan to scan private messages for child exploitation triggers a significant controversy and concern due to its intrusive nature and governmental surveillance potential.
  • Critics doubt the effectiveness of the plan in holding accountable parties responsible, calling for democratic reforms within the EU for a more unbiased governance system.
  • The influence of US tech companies on the legislation is met with skepticism, highlighting the challenge of balancing privacy rights with crime prevention.

BioNTech presents positive phase 1/2 data for CAR-T cell therapy candidate

  • BioNTech has reported positive results from the phase 1/2 trials for its CAR-T cell therapy candidate, BNT211, at the ESMO Congress 2023. The therapy uses an autologous, or patient-derived, CAR-T cell (Chimeric Antigen Receptor T cell) that targets the specific tumor antigen, Claudin-6 (CLDN6).
  • BNT211 is combined with a CLDN6-encoding CAR-T cell amplifying RNA vaccine called CARVac to boost the persistence of CAR-T cells, essentially enhancing the therapy's effectiveness in combating CLDN6-positive advanced solid tumors.
  • The data demonstrated an overall response rate (ORR) of 59% and a disease control rate (DCR) of 95% in patients receiving the therapy, showing promising anti-tumor activity.


  • BioNTech has provided encouraging Phase 1/2 data for its Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-cell (CAR-T) therapy that targets and eradicates cancer cells displaying a particular antigen, demonstrating promise in treating difficult cancers.
  • BioNTech's semi-personalized cancer therapy has shown potential in stabilizing or reversing incurable cancer cases, although further research is necessary to confirm its effectiveness.
  • The potential of combining CAR-T cell therapy with a herpes vaccine is being explored in recent studies, providing hope for progressing treatments for solid tumors in light of the high cancer mortality rate and the limited choices available.

Server-side sandboxing: Containers and seccomp

  • The article is about the application of server-side sandboxing, specifically using containers and seccomp, to ensure security isolation at Figma.
  • It underlines the differences between containers and virtual machines (VMs), while discussing the challenges and considerations in implementing container-level security isolation.
  • It touches upon the trade-offs and complexities related to the security and performance of containers and seccomp compared to VMs, and shares the difficulties faced while sandboxing Figma's RenderServer codebase and the solutions implemented to improve security and performance.


  • The Hacker News discussion is centered around server-side sandboxing techniques like containers and seccomp, examining their benefits and challenges.
  • Users express the necessity for improved tools and policies for workload isolation and protection against potential attacks.
  • Alternatives like nsjail, landlock, and systemd-nspawn are proposed by users for superior container management and security measures.

Waymo says insurance data shows its driverless cars are safer than humans

  • Waymo, a subsidiary of Alphabet (Google's parent company), released a study in conjunction with Swiss Re, indicating that its autonomous cars have a superior safety record than human drivers with 76% fewer accidents causing property damage.
  • Critics have questioned the validity of the study citing the short time span and limited data considered, amidst scrutiny and restrictions faced by rival self-driving car manufacturer, GM's Cruise, following accidents.
  • Waymo aims to have its study further examined by submitting it to a scientific journal, implying continued efforts to validate and improve the safety record of their autonomous vehicles.


  • The discussion focuses on the safety and effectiveness of self-driving cars versus human-driven vehicles, with some proponents citing benefits like reduced traffic congestion.
  • Skepticism arises around these claims, highlighting hurdles such as infrastructure needs, the desire for personal vehicles, and implementation difficulties.
  • There are also concerns relating to increased insurance rates, legal accountability, and the potential need for improved public transportation systems.

Twillio immediately closes accounts with the word Palestine in them?

  • The author reports a problem with immediate account closure upon creation on sendgrid.com, when a specific email address is used, citing a violation of terms of service.
  • It is suggested that this kind of crude filter reflects negatively on Twilio, the owning company of Sendgrid.
  • The author has neither verified if this issue is present on Twilio's platform nor received a response to their query about this matter.


  • Reports suggest that Twilio, the parent company of sendgrid.com, is closing accounts containing the word "Palestine" in the email addresses.
  • Users have confirmed this by creating new accounts with email addresses such as "palestine@mydomain.com," leading to immediate account termination.
  • The reasoning behind this move is unclear, with speculations ranging from potential toll fraud prevention to compliance with sanctions against Hamas and Hezbollah. However, critics argue that this filtering is unrefined and unjust to innocent individuals.

Life After “Calvin and Hobbes”

  • Bill Watterson, the creator of "Calvin and Hobbes," has authored a new book titled "The Mysteries," focusing on themes of transformation and secrets, resulting in excitement among his fans.
  • The referenced article examines "Calvin and Hobbes" under the lens of enchantment and childhood, intersected with reality and imagination, further drawing parallels with stories like "Don Quixote" and "Peter Pan."
  • It also analyzes the comic strip's sense of time and seasons, Watterson's choice to cease publishing, and the interplay between comic strip creators' lives and their work.


  • The summary discusses the impact of non-commercialization on the integrity and artistic value of the comic strip "Calvin and Hobbes."
  • It explores the differences between books and movie adaptations, touching on copyright laws' role in protecting artistic works and the effects of commercialization on artistic integrity.
  • The discussion includes potential use of AI for fans to create their own "Calvin and Hobbes" books and the challenges in finding information about the creator, Bill Watterson.