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OpenAPI DevTools – Chrome extension that generates an API spec

  • A Chrome extension has been developed that can generate OpenAPI specifications for any app or website in real time.
  • This tool simplifies the process of understanding the behavior of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces).
  • OpenAPI specifications provide a format to describe, produce, consume, and visualize RESTful web services.


  • The OpenAPI DevTools Chrome extension allows users to automatically generate OpenAPI specifications for websites and applications in real time.
  • Users are seen to engage in discussions about associated tools and projects in API management and web interoperability, with suggestions for improvements and added feature requests.
  • The conversation also highlights the significance of API integration in cases where interface information is unavailable to the public and points out reverse engineering as a possible method.

iLeakage: Browser-Based Timerless Speculative Execution Attacks on Apple Devices

  • The iLeakage attack is a browser-specific side channel attack directed at Safari web browser on Apple devices, exploiting speculative execution to access sensitive data.
  • The attack is capable of retrieving Gmail inbox content and autofilled passwords, highlighting potential vulnerabilities in web-browsing security.
  • The research was backed by numerous organizations and grants, focusing not only on the effectiveness of the attack but also on potential defenses against it.


  • iLeakage, a new browser-based attack affecting Safari on Apple devices, has been detected. It could potentially access autofilled credentials from websites.
  • Despite being reported to Apple over a year ago, the vulnerability remains unresolved, impacting recent iPhones, iPads, and Apple desktops and laptops, though using a password manager does not increase vulnerability.
  • The situation sparked discussions on site isolation effectiveness in other browsers, the time Apple took to address the vulnerability, and the complexities of mitigating such vulnerabilities.

Loyal workers are selectively and ironically targeted for exploitation

  • A recent research study suggests employees commemorated for their loyalty are often chosen for exploitation by managers, potentially leading to adverse workplace outcomes.
  • The assumption behind this exploitation is the perceived willingness of loyal staff to make personal sacrifices, and agreeing to exploitation further reinforces their reputation for loyalty.
  • The study underscores the harm loyalty can cause in certain work contexts, stressing the need to tackle exploitative practices in the workplace.


  • The discussion covers a range of work-related topics, such as exploitation of loyal workers, tax rates, work-life balance, and perceptions of hard work versus success.
  • Other areas include compensation and power dynamics, job satisfaction, importance of upskilling, workplace challenges, cultural perspectives on work, and the concept of universal self-employment with labor rights.
  • Overall, the post emphasizes the complex and multifaceted nature of work, shedding light on its value, meaning, and potential benefits and drawbacks.

Jina AI launches open-source 8k text embedding

  • Jina AI, a Berlin-based AI company, has unveiled its second-generation text embedding model, jina-embeddings-v2, which is open-source and supports an 8K context length, a characteristic challenging OpenAI's proprietary model.
  • The new model has reportedly outmatched OpenAI in numerous benchmarks, offering extended context which is beneficial for applications like legal document examination, medical research, and conversational AI.
  • Jina AI's future plans include publishing an academic paper, developing an embeddings API platform, and launching multilingual models to expand its reach and versatility.


  • Jina AI introduced an open-source 8k text embedding model, sparking debates on the concept of "openness" regarding disclosing training specifics and the model's utility for tasks such as text retrieval and generation.
  • Competing against it, OpenAI launched a new text embedding model with a smaller vector size, which performs effectively and ensures speedy lookups, despite some controversy around the model's naming and its connection to previous models like GPT-3.
  • The discourse also delves into the advantages and limitations of the new model, the relationship between different OpenAI models, and the generally perceived efficiency of text embeddings.

First malaria vaccine reduces early childhood mortality

  • The first malaria vaccine, Mosquirix (RTS,S), has shown a 13% reduction in toddler mortality and a 22% decrease in severe malaria in children over nearly 4 years, as per a significant study carried out in Africa.
  • Despite safety and efficacy concerns during clinical trials, the World Health Organization (WHO) approved Mosquirix for broad use in 2021, with rollout starting in 2022 for 17 sub-Saharan African countries, affirming its potential in saving lives.
  • Cost and implementation issues in resource-limited nations are concerns, though a second, possibly more affordable and abundant malaria vaccine, R-21, has recently received WHO's green light.


  • The first malaria vaccine, RTS,S, reportedly reduces early childhood mortality by 13% according to a recent study, highlighting a significant advance in malaria prevention.
  • However, critics argue for additional research before widespread implementation, raising concerns about potential side effects and the reliability of the study due to possible uncontrolled factors and biases.
  • The post also sparks discussions on broader issues such as the integrity of drug trials, the replication crisis in scientific research, and the necessity of healthcare improvement.

Was Rust Worth It?

  • The author expresses their experience using Rust for web development over a three-year period, highlighting its strong type system, borrow checker, and integrated testing framework.
  • However, Rust's downsides are also mentioned, such as gaps in functionality, limitations in library enhancement, project structuring challenges, and issues with executing asynchronous code.
  • The author concludes that despite Rust's valuable features, it might not be ideal for projects requiring swift iteration due to certain hurdles and its suitability for projects where an upfront cost can be accommodated.


  • The discourse examines a variety of programming language subjects, including Rust's productivity and effectiveness, managing cyclic references, and the contrast between Python and Rust.
  • The conversation addresses the ecosystem, libraries of different languages, Rust's package manager's absence of namespaces, and security concerns pertaining to the Cargo package manager.
  • It incorporates the pros and cons of various package management systems, dependency use, package naming, namespacing issues in Go, debate on namespaces in Rust's package registry, and the benefits and drawbacks of Rust's small standard library, along with the capacity of C++ compilers to produce error diagnostics.

Web components will outlive JavaScript frameworks

  • The author promotes the use of web components in blog projects, citing benefits like portability, longevity, and compatibility with various website generators.
  • The author's preference for web components is based on their ability to be rendered in any HTML environment and their simplistic nature.
  • Importance is placed on using plain HTML within web components, employing shadow DOM for isolation of components, and adhering to web standards for future accessibility and upkeep.


  • The article explores the longevity, benefits, and shortcomings of using web components as opposed to JavaScript frameworks, touching on topics such as state management, performance, and complex object handling.
  • It elaborates on the risk, complexity, and limitations of various frameworks, debates around the role of front-end specialists, with a particular focus on the use of React, and the comparison with web components.
  • The discussion also addresses the concerns about the API and its support for web components, their adoption, usage across sites and frameworks, and challenges with debugging, styling, and themeability.

How to find a lost phone in a no-cell-coverage camping site?

  • The author recounts their story of locating a misplaced phone in a remote, cell-service-less area during camping via clever use of tech.
  • Using the tethering function of their own phone, they replicated the home wifi network of the lost phone, assigning it the same name and password.
  • They moved around the area until a connection to the hotspot was detected, which directly led them to the lost phone, indicating an ingenious and practical application of technical expertise.


  • The article reviews personal experiences of using Apple's 'Find My' feature to track stolen items, like AirPods and a MacBook, emphasizing both successful and unsuccessful endeavors.
  • It delves into the technological aspects of 'Find My', specifically the use of Bluetooth and WiFi, as well as the potential of developing open-source trackers for enhanced tracking capabilities.
  • Despite lauding the convenience offered by 'Find My', it points out the limitations of the current technology and expresses individuals' frustration with them.

Internet Artifact Museum

  • The text is a comprehensive collection of computer-related terms and slang used prevalently among computer scientists.
  • It offers a historical timeline highlighting key milestones on the internet, from the inception of the first website and webcam to the first spam email.
  • It presents an overview of numerous subjects such as programming, hacker culture, and early internet communication practices.


  • The Internet Artifact Museum presents interactive elements from the history of the internet, stimulating discussions among Hacker News users about their origins and historical context.
  • The conversation further expands to include references to prominent websites and games of the past, along with suggestions for more artifacts to showcase.
  • Also, the forum sees debates around the transformation of the web over time and the role that tech companies play in this evolution.

Adding crushed rock to farmland pulls carbon out of the air

  • Researchers from the University of California, Davis, and Cornell University have discovered that crushed volcanic rock added to farmland can absorb carbon dioxide, even in arid climates.
  • The method is called rock weathering, which traps carbon in soil. This process is hastened by crushing the rock into fine dust.
  • During an intense drought in California, a field study revealed that areas with crushed rock stored 0.15 tons of carbon dioxide per hectare, suggesting enhanced rock weathering as a productive instrument for carbon capture and mitigation.


  • The passage discusses the potential of using crushed rock, like olivine or basalt, for carbon dioxide removal from the atmosphere, which could help combat climate change.
  • There are, however, concerns about the carbon emissions generated during the mining and transport of these rocks, the long-term effectiveness of this method, and possible impacts on soil health.
  • The text debates the feasibility, scalability, and economic viability of this approach, along with its implications on renewable energy sources, industries, and societal structures.

Wait, what's a bookmarklet?

  • The article details the history and evolution of JavaScript URLs, also referred to as bookmarklets, and how they were implemented into web browsers.
  • It describes how JavaScript URLs were initially used to manipulate and alter web page content, and the expansive sharing tools made them popular amongst users.
  • The piece further explores the emergence of browser extensions as an alternative to bookmarklets, signifying their rising prominence.


  • The post primarily focuses on bookmarklets, which are small JavaScript code snippets that can be stored as bookmarks for different functionalities in web browsers.
  • Commenters highlight their favored bookmarklets and discuss their applicability in tasks like customization, productivity enhancement, and website alteration.
  • The discussion also encompasses potential risks and constraints of bookmarklet use, along with resources for discovering and crafting them. Hence, bookmarklets are seen as valuable tools to enrich web browsing experiences.

I think GCP is better than AWS (2020)

  • The article presents the author's personal experiences with Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and Amazon Web Services (AWS), commending GCP for its user-friendliness, advanced Kubernetes implementation, security, and scalability.
  • Despite acknowledging AWS's broader range of features, the author deems GCP as more reliable and innovative, while criticizing AWS for its complex interface and lack of automation.
  • The author briefly mentions their dislike for Microsoft Azure, discusses the transformation of DevOps into Platform Engineering, and introduces a new tool known as Azure Analytics Architecture Advisor.


  • The discussions compare various features of Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and Amazon Web Service (AWS), including service offerings, support, reliability, ease of use, cost, documentation, long-term commitment, and user experiences.
  • Participants have raised concerns about the potential discontinuation of certain GCP services and the reliability of Google's commitments.
  • Opinions are mixed: some users prefer GCP for its unique features and user-friendly interface, while others lean towards AWS for its reliable support and stability.

AI 'breakthrough': neural net has human-like ability to generalize language

  • Researchers have created a neural network that can generalize language akin to humans, surpassing the chatbot ChatGPT in incorporating newly acquired words into existing vocabularies and varying contexts.
  • This technological advancement could culminate in more organic interactions between humans and machines.
  • The study indicates that neural networks can accomplish systematic generalization, a crucial component of human cognition, which has previously been a contentious subject in the artificial intelligence field.


  • Scientists created a neural network with human-like understanding and production of language, boasting an 85% efficacy in creating color sequences based on instructions.
  • Critics argue that this success might be a result of prompt engineering, and there are ongoing discussions on testing hurdles, bias, fairness, and reproducibility in language models.
  • The post explains GPT-4, noting its smaller vocabulary and potential for scaling, and mentions a new language model that can create and comprehend new words, trained on over 8 million English words.

Nile: Serverless Postgres for modern SaaS

  • Nile, a serverless Postgres database, is designed for SaaS applications, seeking to simplify development and scaling by providing tenant isolation, per-tenant backups, and a serverless experience.
  • It features an emphasis on virtual tenant databases for data isolation across different customers and includes functionalities like routing queries to correct tenant databases and sharing data between tenants.
  • Nile is AI-native and provides first-class support for user management within the context of tenants, with in-built authentication and permissions management. It offers resources for users and encourages a thriving developer community.


  • Nile is a serverless Postgres database tailored for modern SaaS (Software as a Service) applications, offering multi-tenancy, routing capabilities, and tenant virtualization for enhanced scalability.
  • Nile emphasizes portability and easy migration, providing preventions against vendor lock-in. It allows for meticulous control over tenants and includes shared tables for data replication.
  • As of now, Nile is only available via documentation and examples, with the potential of a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) option from the company in the future.

SpaceX Starship Super Heavy Project at the Boca Chica Launch Site


  • The outline covers a wide range of issues regarding Elon Musk and SpaceX, touching upon debates around launch safety, environmental impact, ambitious claims, and SpaceX's Starship rocket.
  • The convergence of space telescopes and Starlink satellites is discussed, along with varying opinions on Musk's management style and controversial use of Twitter.
  • In-depth discussions and debates focus on the impact of SpaceX's activities on protected wetlands, the sustainability and necessity of space missions, and the potential use of Starship for military purposes.