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Relate — a modern sales CRM for founders with 0 sales experience ad

  • Relate (YC S22) is a modern sales CRM for early B2B startups.
  • The founding team wanted an easy-to-use CRM that works out of the box but couldn't find one on the market. So they built one for founders who are in similar shoes.
  • You don't need any sales experience or knowledge to get started with Relate. Best for B2B founders who are just getting started.

OpenAI Unveils GPT-4 Turbo, New Assistants API, Multimodal Capabilities, and Updates to Whisper and Consistency Decoder Models


  • OpenAI has revealed multiple updates such as reduced pricing, the introduction of GPT-4 Turbo promising improved cost-efficiency and performance, and a new Assistants API to simplify AI app building.
  • Additional offerings include multimodal abilities for vision, image creation, and text-to-speech. OpenAI also launched DALL·E 3 for image generation from apps, a text-to-speech API, and a Custom Models program.
  • A "Copyright Shield" has been developed to protect users from copyright claims. Modifications were also made to the Whisper and Consistency Decoder models.

OpenAI Introduces Customizable Chatbots 'GPTs' to Personalize AI Experiences

  • OpenAI has launched custom versions of its AI tool ChatGPT, dubbed GPTs, which let users tailor AI to their specific needs without the necessity for coding expertise.
  • The functionality includes web searching, data analysis, and image creation, available for personal or corporate applications, with plans to expand access for more users soon.
  • OpenAI plans to open a GPT Store showcasing creations by verified builders and fortified its commitment to user data privacy, promising not to share interactions with builders.


  • OpenAI announced the introduction of customizable versions of ChatGPT known as GPTs, which allow users to adapt the AI tool to specific needs without advanced programming skills.
  • GPTs are designed for individual or company applications and can be customized for various tasks, such as web searching, data analysis, and image creation.
  • OpenAI plans to launch a GPT Store, featuring creations from verified builders, and has implemented strong privacy measures, ensuring user data control and confidentiality of interactions with GPTs.

ApeFest Attendees Report Eye Pain and Vision Loss Due to Laser Performances

  • ApeFest, a conference in Hong Kong for owners of Bored Ape NFTs, resulted in attendees reporting severe eye pain, vision loss, and skin burns due to exposure from laser and blacklight-heavy performances.
  • Some conference-goers had to seek hospital treatment due to injuries sustained at the event.
  • The event was hosted by Yuga Labs, the parent company of the Bored Ape Yacht Club, an NFT crypto project that recently saw a significant drop to a two-year low.


  • Attendees at ApeFest, a conference for Bored Ape NFT (Non-fungible Token) owners in Hong Kong, reported adverse health effects such as severe eye pain, vision loss, and skin burns due to exposure from laser and blacklight-heavy performances.
  • The affected participants have sought hospital treatment for their injuries.
  • Yuga Labs, the parent company of Bored Ape Yacht Club, an NFT cryptocurrency project that recently experienced a significant decline, organized the event.

Understanding the Importance of DOM Manipulation with Vanilla JavaScript for Web Developers

  • The author highlights the necessity for web developers to master Document Object Model (DOM) manipulation with plain JavaScript, despite the availability of modern tools like Angular, VueJS, React, Solid, and Svelte that simplify direct DOM management.
  • Modern tools encapsulate and abstract direct DOM interactions, but web developers must still interact with the DOM at some level.
  • To aid developers in mastering DOM manipulation, the author provides resources such as simple examples, live demos, tips, and best practices.


  • The author emphasizes the necessity for web developers to acquire proficiency in Document Object Model (DOM) manipulation using vanilla JavaScript, even in the era of modern tools like Angular, VueJS, React, Solid, and Svelte.
  • Despite these tools wrapping and abstracting away much of the direct DOM management, it's pointed out that there is still a certain level of interaction with the DOM in web development.
  • The author offers resources such as simple examples, live demonstrations, tips, and best practices to aid developers in mastering the art of DOM manipulation.

Introducing Ladder: A Customizable, Open-Source Alternative in Golang to 12ft.io and 1ft.io Services

  • The speaker has developed an open-source alternative to specific services due to doubts about their efficacy and operations.
  • The new system is written in Golang, a statically typed, compiled programming language designed at Google.
  • Highlighting the versatility and adaptability of the new system, it is fully customizable for different usage scenarios.


  • The speaker has developed an open-source solution as an alternative to specific services due to mistrust in their operations.
  • The newly designed system, created using Golang, offers complete customization.

Prossimo Releases Stable Version of Sudo-rs, A Security-Enhanced Linux Utility Developed in Rust

  • Prossimo released the first stable version of sudo-rs, a security-improved renovation of the sudo utility in Linux, coded in Rust, a memory-safe language that helps to curtail potential security threats.
  • The project, already integrated into the Wolfi Linux OS, benefits from a reduced feature set and a comprehensive test suite, which are aimed at enhancing security. It is planned to undergo an external security audit in September 2023.
  • The project was accomplished through collaboration with Tweede Golf and Ferrous Systems, with advisory input from the original sudo utility creator Todd C. Miller. Financial backing was provided by the NLnet Foundation and Amazon Web Services among others.


  • Prossimo has announced the first stable release of sudo-rs, a more secure version of the widely used Linux utility sudo, developed with the memory-safe programming language Rust.
  • Incorporated already into the Wolfi Linux operating system, the project seeks to counter potential security threats through the use of memory-safe languages; developers Twoede Golf and Ferrous Systems have contributed significantly.
  • An external security audit is scheduled for September 2023, and the project received funding from various sources including NLnet Foundation and Amazon Web Services. Original sudo utility creator, Todd C. Miller, offered critical guidance during sudo-rs' development.

FFmpeg Enhances Video Transcoding Capabilities with Introduction of Multithreaded Pipelines

  • FFmpeg, a highly potent video transcoder globally, is set to enhance its capabilities with the introduction of multithreaded transcoding pipelines.
  • This advancement was revealed as part of a new patchset.
  • Multithreaded transcoding pipelines will enable concurrent task handling, improving the transcoder's efficiency and speed.


  • FFmpeg, described as the world's most potent video transcoder, is set to become even more effective with an update introducing multithreaded transcoding pipelines.
  • This improvement is outlined in a recently released patchset.
  • Multithreaded transcoding pipelines imply the capability to simultaneously process different parts of a task, potentially improving speed and efficiency of video transcoding.

Developer Creates Terminal Autocomplete Feature for Windows and Linux: Seeks User Feedback

  • The developer has established a terminal native runtime for Fig's autocomplete feature which is now compatible with both Windows and Linux platforms.
  • The creator is actively seeking feedback to evaluate and improve the system's performance and efficacy.


  • A developer has developed a terminal native runtime for the autocomplete feature of Fig, which is compatible with Windows and Linux platforms.
  • The developer is actively seeking feedback on the functionality and efficacy of this newly developed system.
  • This development marks Fig's expansion from its previously macOS-only support to now supporting multiple platforms.

Developers Protest Against Apple's Feedback Assistant: Call for Improved Bug Reporting System

  • Jeff Johnson has initiated a boycott against Apple's Feedback Assistant, urging developers to file new feedbacks about existing issues, but refuse to respond to current ones until improvements are made.
  • Significant issues highlighted include Apple's lack of response, random closing of feedbacks, ignoring developer bug reports, demanding detailed sysdiagnose reports, neglecting smaller methods for diagnosing bugs, lack of search function for bugs, and a mandate to file all feedbacks via macOS or iOS.
  • The boycott, compared to a labor strike, emphasizes the unrecognized and unpaid contribution of developers in testing and refining Apple's software and products. It does not criticize individual Apple engineers but challenges the company's leadership.


  • Jeff Johnson is rallying Apple developers to boycott Apple's Feedback Assistant until improvements are made to several significant issues including Apple's unresponsiveness, dismissal of bug reports, and inability to search for bugs.
  • The intended boycott encourages developers to submit new feedback about the system's issues, but abstain from replying to existing ones, emphasizing the crucial but unpaid contributions developers make in testing and refining Apple's products.
  • Johnson clarified that the boycott is not targeted towards Apple's engineers, but rather it aims to compel Apple's leadership to acknowledge and enhance their bug reporting system.

Understanding the Risks and Proper Usage of Git Rebase and Git Push Commands

  • The author elaborates on the potential issues to bear in mind while using 'git rebase' and 'git push --force' commands in collective branches, such as repeated conflict resolution, loss of commit metadata, and challenges in undoing a rebase.
  • They suggest cautious use of rebase in shared branches and emphasizes on maintaining neat commit discipline.
  • They propose a “squash and merge” workflow as an alternative, and discourage force pushing to a shared branch and rebasing a pushed one, acknowledging rebase's utility nonetheless.


  • The author discusses potential problems with git rebase and git push --force commands in shared branches, including conflict repetition, loss of commit metadata, and difficulties in undoing a rebase and rebasing a vast number of commits.
  • There is a recommendation for practicing restraint when using rebase in cooperative branches, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a clean commit discipline.
  • The article suggests considering the "squash and merge" workflow as an alternative. The author discourages force pushing to a shared branch and rebasing a pushed one, despite recognizing rebase's usefulness.

Elgato Innovates with USB-C Cables: Bandwidth and Type Clearly Imprinted for User Convenience

  • Elgato, a technology company, has introduced a USB-C cable that has its bandwidth and type marked on the connector for easy identification.
  • This feature aims to reduce confusion when locating specific USB-C cables, eliminating the need for testing to ascertain the cable's specifications.
  • Elgato intends to incorporate this design feature into all of its upcoming USB and HDMI cables.


  • Elgato, a tech firm, has introduced a USB-C cable with its bandwidth and USB type imprinted on the connector, aiding users in quickly identifying the cable's capabilities.
  • This feature is considered practical and beneficial in mitigating the general confusion when identifying a specific USB-C cable among many.
  • Elgato has further plans to incorporate this specification data on all its upcoming USB and HDMI cables.

Celebrating Two Decades of Inkscape: Users Praise the Open-Source Vector Graphics Editor

  • Inkscape, the open-source vector graphics editor, is celebrating its 20th anniversary, garnering appreciation and gratitude from its users and contributors.
  • Users of the platform commend its role in numerous creative fields such as professional design, embroidery, and icon creation, praising its flexibility, distinctive features, and consistent improvement.
  • The community expresses their thanks to Inkscape's developers and contributors, and hopes for the platform's further success and growth in the coming decades.


  • Inkscape, the free, open-source vector graphics editor, is celebrated on its 20th anniversary by its users and contributors.
  • Users acclaim Inkscape for its pivotal role in various creative fields like professional design work, embroidery designs, and icon creation, praising its versatility, unique features, and consistent enhancements.
  • The contributors and developers of Inkscape receive gratitude for their commitment and hard work, with well-wishers hoping for continued growth and success over the forthcoming two decades.

Bluesky Refactors PDS for Single-Tenant SQLite, Introducing Separate User Files, New Interaction Classes, and Streaming Replication

  • The Product Data Store (PDS) has been revamped to use a single-tenant SQLite database, where each user will have their respective SQLite file to keep repo and private account status.
  • The ActorStore is introduced to interact with user data, replacing earlier services, and includes specific classes for reading and writing. Any change in the store necessitates a distinct 'transaction'.
  • To manage service state, three separate SQLite databases have been added. PDS is planned to be packaged with Litestream to facilitate concurrent reads and replication in real-time. This upgrade involved several commits and fixes, which have passed all tests.


  • The PDS has undergone refactoring to implement a single-tenant SQLite datastore, where each user possesses a unique SQLite file for storing repository and private account data.
  • The ActorStore has been incorporated for user data interaction, replacing previous services, and utilizes various classes to perform read and write operations.
  • The architecture now includes three separate SQLite databases for managing service state, with mandatory 'transactions' for store changes. The PDS will be distributed with Litestream enabling concurrent reads and streaming replication.

Celebrating Diversity of Interests in the Hacker News Community: A Reflective Post

  • The author initiates a new post to commemorate the anniversary of a previously appreciated post, showcasing the varied interests of the Hacker News community.
  • The post serves as a gesture of gratitude towards a user named mckirk.
  • This illustrates the warm relationships and sense of community within the Hacker News site.


  • The author has initiated a new post to commemorate an anniversary of a previous post they found enjoyable.
  • This action is to emphasize the diverse interests found within the Hacker News (HN) community.
  • They have also conveyed their appreciation to a user going by the name 'mckirk'.