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Blender, a 16-year-old, wins UK Young Animator of the Year competition

  • The Young Animator of the Year UK competition provides support and resources for young animators in the UK.
  • Animators can join the competition and submit their work through the competition's website.
  • The competition is supported by Blue Zoo Animation Studio and has a privacy policy.


  • Euan, a 16-year-old, was honored with the UK young animator of the year award for their Blender-created animation.
  • The animation received positive feedback, with minor critiques regarding specific movements.
  • Viewers were impressed by the teenager's talent, skill, technical execution, and creativity showcased in the animation, drawing comparisons to the work of Ian Hubert.

The Power of Mutual Promotion: A Solution to the Discoverability Crisis for Small Websites

  • The difficulty of discovering small websites on the internet is discussed.
  • The solution of creating and sharing lists of bookmarks is proposed for promoting and discovering interesting websites.
  • The author emphasizes that promoting each other's websites can foster a flourishing community of small websites.


  • The article and discussion center around the problem of small website discoverability and the desire for a more open and diverse internet experience.
  • Participants express frustration with social media platforms and the challenges of promoting small websites.
  • Suggestions for solutions include curated link directories, bookmarking browser extensions, and the use of RSS feeds.

Unleashing the Potential of GPTs: From Dejargonizers to Code Interpreters

  • OpenAI DevDay showcased the introduction of GPTs, customizable chat bots that can be shared with others.
  • GPTs created by the author, such as the Dejargonizer and JavaScript Code Interpreter, are highlighted.
  • GPTs can be private or public and are exclusively available for ChatGPT Plus subscribers, with discussions on multiple projects built using GPT models, their challenges, and limitations.


  • The article explores the use of GPTs in chatbots and raises concerns about hidden behavior and prompts.
  • Participants share their experiences and thoughts on GPTs, including discussions on AI models, transparency, trust, and ethical considerations.
  • The conversation also covers topics such as the limitations of humans compared to AI, privacy concerns, integration of custom data, and improvements in GPT-3.5 and RLHF.

Optimizing Code: Pushing Ifs Up and Fors Down

  • To write more efficient and bug-free code, consider pushing conditional statements (ifs) up to the caller function instead of keeping them inside the called function.
  • Operating on batches of objects rather than individual entities can lead to improved performance by reducing startup costs and providing flexibility in processing order.
  • Combining these two rules can further optimize code and enhance overall efficiency.


  • The article explores the idea of optimizing code by prioritizing changeability and correctness over performance.
  • It emphasizes the significance of good code design, architecture, and the use of early returns and guard clauses.
  • The discussion includes the trade-offs of moving conditional checks and loops up to the caller and handling NULL values, as well as decision-making in code and the pros and cons of following coding guidelines.

Wasm: A Powerful Tool for Web Development and Beyond

  • The website offers a Lo-fi Hip Hop beats playlist on Spotify.
  • The website provides information and examples on using WebAssembly (Wasm), which is a low-level bytecode that runs on the web.
  • Examples on the website demonstrate various Wasm concepts, building common features in larger applications, ecosystem tools, language features, and using Wasm outside of the browser.


  • WebAssembly (WASM) is being discussed as a viable option for creating cross-language libraries, with potential benefits for sandboxing and security.
  • There is a comparison being made between WASM and other technologies like COM and Lua.
  • The potential of WASM as a replacement for JavaScript in the browser is being explored, while also considering the limitations of using WebGL/Canvas for UI.
  • The article discusses the implementation of B-Trees in the game Factorio, a factory building game.
  • B-Trees are described as thick binary trees with multiple keys and pointers, used for efficient searching and storage of large amounts of information.
  • The author demonstrates the implementation of both a binary search tree and a B-Tree in Factorio, highlighting the complexity of creating a B-Tree due to its larger information capacity.


  • The post examines the application of computer science principles, specifically B-trees, in optimizing belt designs in the game Factorio.
  • It explores the utilization of splitters and inserters for sorting and filtering items on belts.
  • The conversation delves into the concept of "meta" gameplay and discusses the limitations of certain tools within the game.

US Surgeons Successfully Perform Groundbreaking Whole Eye Transplant

  • Surgeons in New York have completed the world's first whole eye transplant on a man who suffered severe injuries from an electric shock.
  • The procedure involved transplanting the entire left eye, including the blood supply and optic nerve, from a donor to the recipient.
  • While it is uncertain if the man will regain vision in the transplanted eye, experts are optimistic and looking into advanced techniques like optic nerve regeneration and gene therapy to enhance sight restoration.


  • US surgeons have accomplished the first-ever whole eye transplant in a face transplant operation, aiming to restore vision for a patient with damaged eyes and a healthy brain.
  • Although the patient's brain received signals from the transplanted eye, he was unable to see, leading to inquiries about differences in sight and how the brain interprets visual data.
  • Whole-eye transplants are infrequent and not commonly practiced; discussions surrounding the procedure involve surgeon certification, challenges in eye transplants, the potential benefits of neuroplasticity, the usefulness of partially functioning eyes, organ donation rates, and skepticism about regenerating the optic nerve. The success of the procedure and the patient's chances of regaining vision remain uncertain, with differing opinions.

Microsoft Unveils Azure Maia 100 and Azure Cobalt 100: Custom Chips to Enhance Cloud AI and General Cloud Services

  • Microsoft has created its own AI chip, Azure Maia 100, and an Arm-based CPU, Azure Cobalt 100, for their cloud infrastructure.
  • These chips are designed to improve performance and power efficiency to meet the growing demand for AI abilities.
  • The Azure Maia 100 chip is specifically built for cloud AI workloads, while the Azure Cobalt CPU is for general cloud services. Both will be available in 2024, aiming to offer customers more infrastructure choices and reduce reliance on Nvidia.


  • Microsoft is joining Google and Amazon in developing custom silicon chips for its cloud services, signaling a shift toward in-house chip design.
  • The article discusses the challenges of entering the semiconductor fabrication industry and the dominance of TSMC in the chip-making market.
  • Microsoft's involvement in AI chip development and potential acquisition of OpenAI are mentioned, highlighting the company's focus on AI technology.
  • Microsoft's unsuccessful attempt to acquire Nintendo and its acquisition of a struggling studio in the gaming industry are discussed.
  • NVIDIA's monopoly on training and its competition with Intel's Gaudi chip are mentioned, along with the importance of software in selecting a cloud platform.
  • Microsoft's own AI chips, Maia and Cobalt, are detailed, showcasing the company's commitment to developing its own chips.
  • The trend of companies developing their own chips and the potential of ARM processors are discussed.
  • NVIDIA's advantage in the market is attributed to its software ecosystem.

AI Meteorology Model GraphCast Outperforms Conventional Methods in Weather Forecasting: Google Study

  • Google DeepMind's AI meteorology model, GraphCast, has surpassed conventional weather forecasting methods in predicting global weather conditions up to 10 days in advance, according to a study in Science.
  • GraphCast outperformed the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts' (ECMWF) system in 90% of metrics, demonstrating superior performance.
  • The AI model can predict hundreds of weather variables within a minute, offering both speed and accuracy, but it is considered a complement to existing techniques, not a replacement. ECMWF and the UK Met Office are also working on their AI models for weather forecasting.


  • Google's study shows that AI technology has outperformed traditional weather forecasting for the first time.
  • This suggests that future weather predictions could become much more accurate with the use of AI.
  • The study highlights the potential of AI in improving various aspects of weather forecasting.

Firefox to Enable Wayland by Default in Upcoming Release

  • Firefox browser will now have Wayland enabled by default after two years, following the closure of a Mozilla bug that deemed the Wayland backend ready for release.
  • This change will be implemented in Firefox 121, scheduled to be released on December 19th.
  • This, along with other advancements in Wayland, indicates that 2024 will be an important year for the Linux desktop.


  • Mozilla Firefox is considering enabling Wayland as the default protocol for Linux desktop environments, replacing X Window System.
  • Users have different opinions regarding Wayland, with some praising its performance and rendering quality, while others criticize its complexity and the need for additional solutions.
  • Discussions also focus on the stability of software, experiences with Wayland in different applications, and the impact of the switch on users currently using X11.

Australia's Overuse of Antibiotics Driving Rise in Drug-Resistant Infections

  • The overuse of antibiotics in Australia is causing common infections to become resistant to drugs.
  • More than one-third of the population received at least one antimicrobial prescription in 2022, indicating an increase from the previous year.
  • Australia has the seventh-highest antimicrobial prescribing rates globally, and the misuse and overuse of antibiotics contribute to the rise of drug-resistant infections. The report emphasizes the need to change the cultural expectation of antibiotics as a solution for every problem.


  • The overuse of antibiotics in Australia, especially in livestock production, is contributing to the rise of drug-resistant infections.
  • Concerns are raised about the impact of antibiotics on antibiotic resistance in humans, as well as the economic and environmental consequences of antibiotic use in livestock.
  • There is a debate surrounding the potential health risks of consuming meat and the prescribing practices of doctors in Australia and the US.
  • Personal experiences and opinions about antibiotic use are shared, with some individuals expressing concerns about gut health and overprescription.
  • Australia ranks 7th in terms of antibiotic overuse, highlighting the need for affordable alternatives due to increasing drug resistance.
  • The effectiveness of water and the placebo effect in improving health is also discussed.

FBI Director opposes warrant requirement for FISA Section 702

  • FBI Director Christopher Wray opposes a proposed warrant requirement for data collected through the controversial provision, FISA Section 702, arguing that it would effectively ban its use.
  • Section 702 allows the US government to spy on communications of foreigners outside the US and is set to expire at the end of December unless renewed by Congress.
  • A bipartisan bill has been introduced to renew Section 702 with new limitations and warrant requirements for surveilling US persons' communications, but the FBI and White House consider the warrant requirement a "red line."


  • The controversy revolves around the warrant requirement for FISA Section 702 and concerns regarding potential abuse and lack of accountability.
  • Critics argue that warrants should only be issued if legal standards are met, expressing skepticism about the integrity of FBI directors.
  • The discussion also covers the effectiveness and potential abuses of FISA courts, the need for transparency, and the balance between national security and privacy rights.