Nhảy tới nội dung


Rahul Pandey on Leaving Meta for Taro: Insights and Surprises ad

  • Rahul Pandey, the founder and CEO of Taro, shares insights from his experience of leaving a lucrative $800K position at Meta to start his own company.
  • He discusses utilizing YouTube and LinkedIn as significant channels for growing his business, highlighting their effectiveness in outreach and marketing.
  • Pandey reflects on the surprising challenges he faced transitioning from an engineer to a startup founder, offering a unique perspective on the entrepreneurial journey.

Reflecting on 18 Years at Google: A Call for Leadership Change and Restoration of Values

  • The author reflects on their 18 years at Google and praises the company's early culture and values.
  • Over time, Google's culture eroded, transparency decreased, and decision-making began prioritizing the company's interests over those of users.
  • The lack of visionary leadership from current CEO Sundar Pichai is seen as a contributing factor to these issues.
  • The author believes that Google needs a shake-up in leadership to steer the company back towards its original mission and values.
  • It is still possible for Google to heal and achieve great things, but time is running out to reverse the deterioration of the company's culture.


Sam Altman Fired and Reinstated: Clashes and Controversy at OpenAI

  • Sam Altman, the former CEO of OpenAI, was initially fired due to clashes, self-serving behavior, and concerns about power and board balance.
  • Altman later negotiated his return but faced opposition from co-founders and board members, leading to allegations of deception and manipulation.
  • Despite the controversy, Altman has both loyal supporters and critics, with accusations of manipulation and division, but his strategic skills and charisma align with the culture of Silicon Valley, and he remains dedicated to OpenAI's mission.


  • Sam Altman, the former CEO of OpenAI, has sparked numerous discussions and debates surrounding his departure from the company.
  • Topics covered include his previous firing from Y Combinator, speculation about his abilities and motivations, the credibility of individuals in the field of AI, and the impact of business leaders.
  • Other discussions touch on the firing and rehiring of employees, evolving statements from Y Combinator, tweets from Paul Graham about Altman, the influence of Ilya Sutskever, and the compatibility of being "nice" with having control over the future of AI.

OpenAI Researchers Warned Board of AI Breakthrough Ahead of CEO Ouster

  • OpenAI researchers have raised concerns about a powerful AI algorithm called Q* that has the potential to be a major breakthrough towards achieving artificial general intelligence (AGI).
  • The letter and discovery of Q* played a role in the removal of CEO Sam Altman, as the board had concerns about commercializing advancements without fully understanding the implications.
  • The capabilities of Q* have not been independently verified, and as a result of Altman's firing, over 700 employees have threatened to leave and join Microsoft.


  • The conversation delves into a variety of topics regarding AI advancements, primarily focusing on the capabilities and limitations of current language models in solving math problems.
  • The integration of intuitive math understanding into AI systems and the challenges of reasoning and problem-solving capabilities are discussed.
  • The importance of human expertise alongside computational power, the potential risks of AI breakthroughs, and the ongoing debate on AI's ability to reason and grasp complex problems are also explored.

VMware Joins Broadcom, Offering Enhanced Support Portal

  • Broadcom offers a support portal for users to access information and assistance.
  • Users have the option to register on the portal and retrieve forgotten usernames/passwords.


  • The discussion encompasses various topics related to virtualization software, including concerns about Broadcom acquiring VMware and comparisons between different hypervisors.
  • Users discuss pricing, features, and the effects of acquisitions on companies and customers, expressing their preferences for specific software options.
  • The conversation expands to include alternatives to VMware, like Proxmox, KVM, and Hyper-V, as well as other subjects such as cloud solutions and enterprise software.

Ubuntu Outperforms Windows 11 by 20% on New AMD Zen 4 Threadripper

  • Linux, specifically Ubuntu 23.10, outperforms Microsoft Windows 11 on the new AMD Zen 4 Threadripper processor with about a 20% performance advantage.
  • The benchmark tests on the HP Z6 G5 A workstation include rendering, image denoising, video encoding, chess, and other tasks.
  • The review unit came with Windows 11 preloaded, which offers a perspective on the performance endorsed by the hardware vendor.


Windmill: The Fastest Self-Hostable Open-Source Workflow Engine

  • Windmill Labs asserts that its self-hostable open-source workflow engine, Windmill, is the fastest compared to other well-known workflow engines such as Airflow, Prefect, and Temporal.
  • Windmill offers support for multiple programming languages and provides an integrated development environment for the rapid building and testing of workflows.
  • Unlike Temporal, Windmill stands out in executing arbitrary jobs on an internal cluster and relies on Postgresql and Rust in its system design, contributing to its impressive performance.


  • Windmill is a self-hostable open-source workflow engine designed for building internal software in enterprises, offering performance, an active community, and support for multiple programming languages.
  • Approval for using Windmill in enterprise environments and migrating from existing solutions are major concerns discussed in the article.
  • The company behind Windmill believes open-source is the best approach for infrastructure-level software and targets enterprises looking to automate workflows. Users highlight the ease of use, self-hostable nature, and support for various tasks as positive aspects of Windmill. The discussion also covers features like code and no-code options and the use of Windmill for data pipelines.

Discover AMD's GPUOpen Ecosystem for Aspiring Graphics Programmers

  • The platform is designed for beginners to discover and gain knowledge about AMD's tools, libraries, and effects within the GPUOpen ecosystem.
  • It provides an ideal environment for individuals who want to explore and learn about AMD's technologies and resources.
  • This platform offers a great opportunity for newcomers to dive into the GPUOpen ecosystem and understand how AMD's products and developments can be utilized.


  • The importance of focusing on the end goal of creating graphics rather than getting caught up in tools and low-level code.
  • The value of industry experience and abstraction tools like game engines in graphics programming.
  • The need for a broad knowledge base and adaptability in technology when it comes to graphics programming.

Understanding the test, [], and [[ Commands in Unix Systems (2020)

  • The test and [] commands are used in Unix systems to evaluate expressions in shell scripts.
  • These commands can be implemented as separate binaries or as built-ins within the shell, resulting in different behavior across different shells.
  • The [[ command is a Bash extension that guarantees it is a built-in and allows for changes in the language's rules within its expressions.
  • It is recommended to use [ for portable scripts and [[ for Bash-specific scripts.
  • The article also mentions the ability to combine test expressions and shell expressions in one invocation.


  • The articles and discussions cover different aspects of bash scripting and the use of shell scripts, including techniques, commands, and syntax options.
  • The importance of portability, adherence to standards, and the limitations and complexities of shell scripting are emphasized.
  • There is debate on the choice of shells, specific tools and languages, and the pros and cons of using shell scripts for different tasks. These discussions highlight the challenges and considerations in writing effective and maintainable shell scripts.

UltraFastBERT: Exponentially Faster Language Modelling with Minimal Neuron Engagement

  • "Exponentially Faster Language Modelling" presents a new BERT variant called UltraFastBERT that achieves high performance with only 0.3% of its neurons active during inference.
  • UltraFastBERT utilizes fast feedforward networks (FFFs) instead of traditional feedforward networks, resulting in a substantial speed improvement.
  • The authors offer code and benchmarks for their implementation, demonstrating its superior speed compared to existing methods.


  • The post discusses an article titled "Ultra Fast BertHacker NewspastloginUltra Fast Bert" shared on arxiv.org.
  • The comments related to the post have been relocated to news.ycombinator.com.

Firefox's New Update Takes on Chrome with Better Privacy and Enhanced Mobile Experience

  • Firefox, the mobile web browser, is receiving a major update that aims to challenge the dominance of Chrome in both PC and mobile browsing.
  • Firefox offers better privacy, security, and a cleaner browsing experience compared to Chrome, making it an attractive alternative.
  • One advantage of Firefox over Chrome is its ability to support add-ons, and Mozilla is launching 200 new add-ons for Firefox Mobile, bringing it closer to its desktop version. These add-ons offer features such as ad-blocking, password management, and enhanced security, making Firefox more versatile and user-friendly.


  • Users have positive experiences with features such as translations and energy consumption when using Firefox as their web browser.
  • However, there are technical issues and dissatisfaction with the user interface reported by some users.
  • Discussions also revolve around the customizability of Firefox, the need for improved tab management and file-saving capabilities, and the implementation of the File System API.
  • Privacy and DRM concerns are raised, along with considerations of alternative browsers.
  • Overall, it is suggested that switching to Firefox may be a good choice at this time.

GitHub Renames User Accounts Without Notice or Explanation

  • The author's Github account was renamed without any prior notification or explanation.
  • An unknown individual uploaded an SSH key to the account, allowing them to modify the author's repositories.
  • The author expresses frustration at the lack of documentation from Github regarding this account renaming policy.


  • GitHub allows users to request username changes for inactive accounts without repositories, but the approval process is inconsistent.
  • Some users have been successful in changing their usernames, while others have been declined.
  • GitHub's policy on username changes has evolved, with fewer requests being approved in recent years.
  • There are concerns about accounts being renamed without notification and potential security risks such as account hijacking.
  • Users have shared mixed experiences with claiming inactive usernames, highlighting both positive and negative outcomes.

Apple's M3 chips: Exploring Changes in CPU Core Configuration

  • Apple's M1 and M3 chips have differences in CPU cores, which can impact performance and power usage.
  • M3 chips have larger clusters of CPU cores, potentially affecting overall performance.
  • The M3 chips have E cores with higher maximum frequency but lower frequency for background tasks, while P cores offer improved vector processing performance and higher maximum frequency.


  • The discussion revolves around various aspects of Apple MacBooks, including model comparisons, RAM capabilities, battery life, environmental impact, performance, and upgrade options.
  • Users share their personal experiences, frustrations, and preferences regarding different MacBook models and their performance in tasks like video editing, music production, and app development.
  • Topics such as the cost of Apple laptops, the advantages of upgrading for different purposes, and the limitations of older hardware are also addressed in the discussion.

Teenage Engineering: Innovating with High-Quality Design Products and Wireless Audio Synthesizers

  • Teenage Engineering is a studio that focuses on creating innovative and functional design products through advanced engineering techniques.
  • They specialize in wireless audio synthesizers and offer a range of services such as an online store, shopping cart, and newsletter.
  • They provide support guides, downloads, and an EMS support portal to assist users. They also promote a unique style of enjoying music and use cookies, with more details in their privacy policy.


  • Teenage Engineering has released the EP-133, an affordable device priced at $299, surprising customers with its low price point.
  • Despite being made of plastic, customers are impressed with the product, and some speculate that the pricing strategy is part of Teenage Engineering's marketing plan.
  • Other discussions revolve around the SP404mkII music-making device, concerns about minor issues with a recently purchased synthesizer, discussions on clock frequency and sample rate, and admiration for the design of the Teenage Engineering KO II and PO-33 devices.
  • The affordable price and subjective value of these discussed items are significant factors influencing potential purchases.

Fortran 2023: The Latest International Standard for Programming Language Promotes Industry and Innovation

  • ISO/IEC 1539-1:2023 is an international standard for the programming language Fortran, published on November 17, 2023, consisting of 674 pages.
  • This standard replaces the previous version, ISO/IEC 1539-1:2018.
  • ISO is a global organization that develops and publishes international standards for different sectors, promoting sustainability and supporting industry, innovation, and infrastructure.


  • The discussion revolves around the use of the Fortran programming language and its comparisons to other popular languages like Julia, C++, and Python.
  • Users share their experiences and opinions on Fortran's evolution, features, and the challenges and benefits of transitioning to different languages.
  • The advantages of Fortran in specialized fields like physics and climate modeling are emphasized, along with discussions on performance optimization, libraries, and the importance of language diversity.
  • Some users prefer Fortran for its speed, while others mention potential advantages of other languages.
  • The availability of ISO standards documents and their impact on development costs are also touched upon.

ChatGPT's Ability to Generate Fake Scientific Data Raises Concerns of Research Integrity

  • The AI model ChatGPT has been found capable of generating fake scientific data sets, according to researchers.
  • In a recent study, the AI-generated data misrepresented the effectiveness of different surgical procedures for an eye condition.
  • Concerns have been raised about the potential threat to research integrity posed by AI's ability to produce convincing but fake data sets. Researchers and journal editors are considering the need for updated quality checks to identify AI-generated synthetic data.


  • Concerns have been raised about using ChatGPT and other language models to generate fake data for scientific research.
  • It should be noted that fabricating data is not exclusive to AI and can be done through simple methods like random numbers.
  • The focus should be on reproducibility and addressing flaws in academic culture to ensure the integrity of research.
  • Debates are ongoing regarding the potential consequences and applications of generating fake data and the skepticism surrounding language models.
  • Critical evaluation and vigilance in scientific research are crucial, as there is a potential for misuse of AI tools.
  • Discussions also include the limitations of language models, knowledge transmission through education, the replication crisis in academia, and challenges and flaws present in the scientific community.