Nhảy tới nội dung


Creating a Tiny Volumetric Display: DIY with LED Matrix and Pick & Place Machine

  • The author has successfully built a small volumetric display using a LED matrix board and a pick and place machine.
  • They explain their decisions on selecting the microcontroller and battery for the project.
  • The author goes into detail about the assembly, wiring, and software setup for the prototype, as well as challenges they faced with the battery charger and rendering animations.
  • They provide suggestions for future improvements and offer the source code on GitHub.


  • The article and discussion focus on volumetric displays, microLEDs, holographic technology, and persistence of vision (POV) displays.
  • Participants share their experiences, challenges, and suggestions for improvement in these projects.
  • Virtual reality/augmented reality headsets are seen as a preferable option for real 3D visualization compared to these technologies.

Rejected as Not a Real Engineer: Mythical Abilities Not Enough

  • The author recounts receiving an email rejecting their application for an engineering role.
  • They use a metaphorical description of themselves as a mythical creature with impressive qualities.
  • The reason given for not being selected is that they were not considered technically proficient enough.


  • The article addresses the hiring process for software engineers and the focus on technical skills at the expense of other important traits.
  • The author argues that skills like entrepreneurship and marketing are often undervalued but are crucial for success in engineering.
  • The article highlights the frustration of qualified job seekers who feel rejected due to the heavy emphasis on technical abilities.

Singing to Babies Aids Language Learning via Rhythm and Tone

  • Singing to babies is an important factor in helping them learn language, according to a study from the University of Cambridge.
  • The research indicates that infants initially understand language through rhythm and tone, rather than individual sounds.
  • The study challenges the belief that processing phonetic information is the primary aspect of language learning and suggests that dyslexia and developmental language disorder may be linked to rhythm perception.


  • Infants understand language through rhythm and tone, not individual sounds, challenging the need for "baby language" for language development.
  • Language deprivation can hinder language acquisition, but as long as babies are not deprived or abused, they will develop language skills normally.
  • Parenting strategies are not the only factor in a child's language development; individual experiences and genetic differences also play a role.

GQL: A Query Language for Git Files

  • GQL is a query language that resembles SQL and enables querying .git files directly, eliminating the need for a separate database.
  • It offers a range of query operations including selection, aggregation, filtering, and ordering.
  • GQL is case-insensitive and has a syntax similar to SQL. The software is released under the MIT License.


  • The post explores the use of GQL, a data analysis tool for git repositories, and suggests the need for more user-friendly analytical queries.
  • It discusses the potential benefits and drawbacks of a SQL-like query language for Git and presents mixed opinions on its usefulness.
  • The confusion between GQL and GraphQL is addressed, along with alternative interfaces and refined SQL approaches.

Comparing Memory Management, Safety, and Adoption: Ada vs Rust

  • The Reddit post in the Rust programming language subreddit outlines the rules and guidelines for posting, along with a discussion on the differences between Ada and Rust.
  • The post seeks insights from individuals with knowledge in both programming languages, focusing on topics like memory management, safety features, performance, and adoption rates of Ada in different industries.
  • The comments and discussion shed light on the strengths, limitations, and future prospects of both Ada and Rust as programming languages.


  • The Reddit discussion delves into the safety, features, and applications of programming languages such as Ada and Rust.
  • Ada is praised for its strong type system and contracts, while Rust is lauded for its focus on avoiding memory access errors.
  • Topics explored include dependent types, integrating Rust libraries with Ada, AI assistance in proof writing, language models, and the use of smart pointers in Rust.
  • The limitations and suitability of different languages for safety-critical and real-time applications are thoroughly examined.
  • The discussion provides contrasting opinions on the effectiveness and usefulness of various programming languages.

Fiber optic cables 'hear' loud cicadas, offer new insect monitoring method

  • Scientists have found that fiber optic cables can pick up the sound of cicadas, leading to a potential new method for monitoring insect populations.
  • Using distributed acoustic sensing (DAS), researchers can analyze the light bouncing back from a laser fired through the cables to detect disturbances caused by loud sounds or seismic activity.
  • This technique could allow entomologists to remotely monitor cicadas and collect data on their population sizes and locations, using the already abundant fiber optic cables. However, monitoring quieter insect species with DAS may be more challenging.


  • Fiber optic cables can be utilized as sensors to detect bends and gather information about them in applications like intrusion detection and vibration monitoring.
  • Optical time domain reflectometers (OTDRs) are commonly employed to measure reflections in fiber optic cables, but uncertain cable speed can affect the accuracy of these measurements.
  • Various factors, such as twist rates in the cables, can contribute to the uncertainty in cable speed and affect the accuracy of the sensing technology.

Bug Report: Sign-in Issue with FIDO2 Key on office.com via Firefox

  • Users are experiencing difficulty signing in on office.com using Firefox browser with a FIDO2 key, according to a bug report.
  • The severity level of the bug is stated as low, and Microsoft has been notified about the issue.
  • The bug remains unresolved, and efforts are underway to prompt Microsoft to address it, with multiple users verifying that the problem persists. The bug report also references Microsoft's authentication systems as complex and inconsistent.


  • Users are frustrated with Microsoft's login system on Firefox and suspect anti-competitive behavior and intentional blocking by Microsoft.
  • Complaints include Microsoft's lack of quality assurance and technical support, as well as navigation and compatibility issues with certain browsers.
  • There is a debate on whether Microsoft should continue to support minority browsers like Firefox, with some emphasizing inclusivity, while others discuss the adoption of Chrome's user-agent string to avoid compatibility issues.

Clang's default behavior causes issue with running binaries on original Pi B+

  • The author shares their experience using clang to compile C++ programs on a Raspberry Pi B+.
  • Binaries built with clang cannot run on the B+ due to a default behavior change.
  • The author identifies a workaround by specifying the target architecture, but questions why this default behavior change went unnoticed and suggests that older Raspberry Pi models are not widely used anymore.


  • There was a discussion about compatibility issues between the Clang compiler and the original Raspberry Pi B+ due to its older ARM1176 core.
  • A bug in the LLVM compiler was resolved by specifying the target as armv6.
  • The conversation also touched upon the challenges of supporting old hardware in Linux distributions, the concept of free software, and emulating ARM64 on x86_64 using QEMU and Docker. Properly configuring the default image for the toolbox container was highlighted as crucial.

Excalidraw: The Open-Source Drawing Tool for Hand-Drawn Style Diagrams

  • Excalidraw is an open-source virtual whiteboard for creating hand-drawn style diagrams and wireframes.
  • Features include an infinite canvas, customizable tools, image support, and end-to-end encrypted collaboration.
  • The Excalidraw.com app offers PWA support, real-time collaboration, and local-first functionality, while the Excalidraw npm package provides additional features. The project is sponsored and integrates with various platforms and services.


  • Excalidraw is a popular open-source drawing tool known for its collaborative features, user-friendly interface, and hand-drawn style.
  • It is widely used for systems design interviews and remote collaboration, particularly by startups who appreciate its simplicity and focus on design.
  • Google Cloud has even developed an architecture diagram tool based on Excalidraw, and users have recommended similar tools like DrawIO and Mermaid.

Unveiling Dark Patterns: Recognizing and Preventing UX Manipulation

  • Dark patterns are manipulative tactics used by companies in UX design to deceive and exploit users for their benefit.
  • Common types of dark patterns are identified, and their exploitation of human psychology for profit is explored.
  • The article emphasizes the importance of transparency, user control, and ethical design practices in avoiding dark patterns and maintaining user trust and engagement.


  • Dark patterns in UX design have a negative impact on user experience, as discussed in this article and comment thread.
  • Examples of dark patterns used by companies like LinkedIn and Adobe are highlighted, along with strategies to avoid or undermine them.
  • The conversation emphasizes the importance of ethics in the technology industry and the frustration caused by certain design decisions.