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Omg.lol: A Quirky Oasis for Web Enthusiasts

  • The author shares their experience with Twitter and the shutdown of third-party apps by Elon Musk, highlighting the impact on the community.
  • They accidentally joined Mastodon, a unique service called omg.lol, offering various features like email forwarding, web page creation, blogging platform, pastebin, and image hosting.
  • The author appreciates the sense of community and active involvement of the founder, Adam Newbold, while promoting the idea of creating personal websites. The summary ends with a mention of the Twitterrific app's contribution to Twitter's mascot, the blue bird.


  • Omg.lol is gaining popularity as an online community, but there are concerns about its privacy policy and compliance with European privacy laws.
  • The conversation touches on various topics including the decline of creative online communities, the changing perception of freedom of speech, and the importance of archiving online content.
  • Discussions also revolve around the challenges of decentralized platforms like Mastodon, the future of social media platforms like Twitter, and the impact of PHP creator Taylor Otwell. Additionally, conversations explore storing media in shared storage systems and the affordability of VPS plans for web hosting.

Emacs Users Take Matters into Their Own Hands

  • The author is frustrated with a recent change in the Emacs master branch that has had a negative impact on user experience.
  • They criticize the Emacs maintainers for accepting the change despite objections from users and developers.
  • The author has created their own fork of Emacs called the "main" branch, where they have reverted the problematic change and made their own improvements. They are encouraging others to join and contribute to their branch.


  • The Emacs community is currently experiencing a debate over a recent software change that some users find disruptive to their workflows and incompatible with previous versions.
  • Users are discussing whether the default behavior should be reverted or if the new behavior should be optional for users to choose.
  • The discussions delve into the development process, the value of user feedback, and the behavior of certain individuals, with suggestions including forking the software or finding a compromise to address the concerns.

Learn to Build Your Own Retro Compiler for CP/M on the Z80 Processor

  • The book "Write Your Own Retro Compiler" provides source code for a self-hosting compiler for CP/M on the Z80 processor.
  • The language used, T3X/0, is based on Pascal and BCPL and is easy to learn.
  • The book covers topics such as lexical analysis, syntax analysis, code generation, optimizations, BDOS interface, and the run time library.


  • The author has released a new book on code generation for CP/M on the Z80 processor, focusing on visibility issues.
  • There is a suggestion to create a book on Forth and explore the use of Mastodon for increased visibility.
  • Discussions revolve around retro computing, programming languages, and compiler construction, requiring prior knowledge in compiler construction and familiarity with procedural and assembly languages.
  • The book highlights the simplicity and transferability of knowledge in older computer systems while acknowledging the complexity of modern compilers.

Greg Technology's GPT-4 Remake of Google Gemini Demo: Bringing Reality to the Fiction

  • A remake of the Google Gemini fake demo has been created using GPT-4, a powerful language model.
  • The summary claims that this remake is an actual demo, with the source code available in a specific repository.
  • The project is credited to Greg Technology.


  • The summary covers various topics including limitations and improvements needed for speech recognition systems, challenges of streaming input data, and skepticism towards AI technologies and deceptive marketing practices.
  • It discusses the role of deceptive practices, Potemkin Villages, and the principal-agent problem.
  • Users in the comment section express skepticism about Google Gemini and discuss the disconnect between marketing claims and actual product value. A company called Greg is mentioned, along with a discussion about the authenticity of a live demo.

Mistral AI Raises €450M, Valuation Soars to $2B

  • Mistral AI, a startup based in Paris, has secured a €450 million investment, increasing its valuation to $2 billion.
  • Investment leaders include Andreessen Horowitz, Nvidia Corp, and Salesforce, indicating the potential of Mistral AI.
  • Mistral AI's flagship product, Mistral 7B, is an advanced language model known for its efficiency and customization capabilities.


  • French startup Mistral AI has reached a valuation of $2 billion and is gaining attention for its AI models.
  • The availability of open source AI models at the level of GPT-4 is anticipated to emerge soon, but concerns exist regarding the lack of diverse datasets for training these models.
  • Discussions cover a range of topics including potential job automation, cost reduction possibilities, different AI models and coding assistance tools, Mistral AI's decision to open-source their model, and debates around their valuation and potential government support.

Looking for Practical UI Design Courses? Here's a List of Down-to-Earth Tutorials, Examples, and Exercises

  • The writer is looking for UI design courses that are practical and provide clear principles to apply in their specific context.
  • They are aware of avant-garde works like Bret Victor's "Magic Ink" but are seeking more "down to earth" tutorials, examples, exercises, or courses.
  • The writer wants recommendations for UI design resources that are more grounded and applicable.


  • The article is a collection of discussions and recommendations on UI design resources, covering books, courses, and websites.
  • Topics discussed include the value of whitespace in design, the effectiveness of reading books for design skills, and the role and expertise of designers in tech companies.
  • The article emphasizes the importance of practical application and practice in gaining design skills and mentions both paid and free resources for learning UI design.

AST-grep: CLI Tool for Code Structural Search, Linting, and Rewriting

  • AST-grep is a command-line tool that enables code structural search, linting, and rewriting by leveraging abstract syntax trees (AST).
  • It functions similar to grep, but instead of matching text, it matches AST nodes.
  • Users can write code-like patterns to match code with the same syntactical structure.
  • AST-grep provides advanced code manipulation, intuitive pattern matching, and a jQuery-like API for AST traversal.
  • It can be installed through package managers or built from source.
  • The tool aims to simplify AST programming and is particularly useful for open source library authors, tech leads, and security researchers.


  • Ast-grep, grep-ast, and syntax-searcher are highlighted as effective tools for code structural search, linting, and rewriting, offering functionality in finding and displaying code matches.
  • Concerns are raised about the documentation and complexity of these tools, indicating areas that could be improved.
  • Other tools such as semgrep, Conscat, and OpenRewrite are mentioned as options for code refactoring and identifying semantic similarity, expanding the range of available tools for developers.
  • The limitations of language modeling and the challenges of determining semantic equivalence are acknowledged, highlighting the complexity of these tasks.
  • Potential enhancements and improvements for these tools are discussed, showcasing a commitment to ongoing development and innovation in the field of code analysis and refinement.

Krasue: Stealthy Linux Rootkit Invades Thai Telecoms Undetected for 2 Years

  • A Linux malware named Krasue has secretly infected Thai telecommunications companies for two years undetected.
  • Krasue is a remote access trojan that allows attackers to control targeted networks remotely.
  • Krasue uses various rootkits to hide its activities, disguises "alive pings" as RTSP messages, and contains a rootkit that intercepts the kill() syscall to survive shutdown attempts. Possible installation vectors include vulnerability exploitation, credential theft, or trojanized software updates.


  • The conversation discusses various topics related to Linux security, including the discovery of the Krasue rootkit and concerns about the vulnerability of Linux systems.
  • It explores the effectiveness of antivirus software and the need for enhanced security measures on Linux desktops.
  • The conversation also examines the potential implementation of a runtime permission system on Linux and compares the security features of Linux to other operating systems.

Improve Web Accessibility: Encourage RSS Integration for Websites

  • The author encountered difficulty finding RSS feed links on different websites.
  • Many sites were found to be missing this feature, hindering web accessibility.
  • The author advocates for website owners to include RSS links to support RSS and enhance web accessibility. They suggest using standard link and RSS auto-discovery methods to make it easier for browsers and software to locate a site's RSS feed. The author also recommends including multiple link tags for multiple feeds and emphasizes the significance of displaying a recognizable RSS button.


  • Issues with discovering and accessing RSS feeds on websites, due to lack of visibility and support from browsers.
  • The disappearance of Google Reader has impacted the availability and popularity of RSS feeds.
  • Lack of native support for advertising in RSS feeds, making them a preferred choice for those who prefer an ad-free experience.
  • Inconsistency of content in RSS feeds, which can vary in format and quality.
  • Advantages of using an RSS reader for convenience and personalized content aggregation.
  • Debates on scraping content programmatically, selling data from RSS feeds, and exposing subscriber counts.
  • Suggestions to extend RSS to include forum posts and integrate static sites with fediverse feeds.
  • Discussions on website design, setting up and maintaining RSS feeds, and comparisons between RSS readers and social aggregators.
  • The presence of ads in RSS feeds is a topic of debate.

The Impact of After-Hours Work on Productivity and Well-being

  • Employees who log off at the end of the workday are 20% more productive than those who continue working after hours, according to a survey conducted by Slack's Workforce Index.
  • Taking breaks during the workday is crucial for productivity and well-being, yet half of desk workers rarely or never take breaks.
  • The study suggests that around four hours of focused work time is ideal, and spending more than two hours in meetings is considered excessive. Additionally, the late afternoon (3-6pm) is the least productive time for work.


  • The article examines the connection between after-hours work and productivity, emphasizing the importance of timely and reliable results over the number of hours worked.
  • It highlights the negative effects of working late on health and well-being, using Amazon's culture and its unrealistic after-hours work expectations as an example.
  • The debate also explores the impact of fatigue on productivity and discusses various programs for creating resumes and CVs. Overall, it delves into the complexities of productivity and the importance of work-life balance.

John Carmack and John Romero Reflect on Doom's 30th Anniversary

  • Co-founders John Carmack and John Romero commemorated Doom's 30th anniversary with a discussion about the legendary FPS game.
  • They reflected on the game's development, acknowledging their own criticisms and desires for flashier graphical effects.
  • The developers also discussed the multiplayer experience and expressed gratitude to the Doom community for their support in keeping the game alive.


  • The summary discusses discussions and forum threads about the iconic game DOOM and its impact on the gaming industry.
  • It covers topics such as the development process, prioritizing fun and player experience, the release of the source code, and DOOM's influence on other games.
  • The discussions also touch on AI in games, monster infighting, AI-controlled allies, the legacy of DOOM, its impact on the indie game industry and modding community, and technological advancements in game design.

Ratatui: A Lightweight Rust Library for Terminal User Interfaces

  • Ratatui is a lightweight library in Rust for creating terminal user interfaces (TUIs) and is a fork of the tui-rs crate for ongoing development.
  • It uses immediate rendering with intermediate buffers and requires terminal initialization and restoration.
  • Ratatui supports multiple backends, such as Crossterm, Termion, and Termwiz, and offers features for UI drawing, event handling, layout creation, text styling, and various built-in widgets. It has an active community with a Discord server and a GitHub workflow for contributions.


  • The discussion revolves around TUI (Text User Interface) libraries like Textual for Python and BubbleTea for Go, comparing them to the Turbo Vision library from the 1990s.
  • The advantages and limitations of TUIs are examined, with a focus on user experience and accessibility issues.
  • Ratatui, a terminal UI library, is praised, but it currently lacks certain features and event support.

U.S. government demands push notification data, raising surveillance concerns

  • The U.S. government is requesting information from tech companies related to push notifications to identify specific devices, as revealed in a court record and a letter from Senator Ron Wyden.
  • Apple and Google receive various types of information, including metadata and sometimes unencrypted content, when push notifications are sent to users' phones.
  • Senator Wyden is advocating for transparency from tech companies in regards to government surveillance requests, and Apple and Google have responded by updating their transparency reporting and committing to keeping users informed.


  • The conversation discusses government surveillance and privacy concerns in several areas, such as push notification monitoring, encryption, parallel construction, ISP network sniffers, and artificial intelligence analysis.
  • Participants express worries about privacy, potential abuse of power, and the importance of public awareness and due process.
  • Countermeasures suggested include disabling notifications, using encrypted services or VPNs, and reducing reliance on consumer electronics.

Improving Internet Performance: Introducing L4S Architecture for Low Latency, Low Loss, and Scalable Throughput

  • RFC 9330 introduces the L4S architecture, which aims to enhance internet applications by reducing queuing delay and enabling low latency and scalable throughput.
  • The L4S architecture proposes new congestion control mechanisms that work alongside existing controls and use a modified version of Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN).
  • The goal is to provide a high-quality internet service with improved performance for interactive applications, such as gaming, streaming, and video conferencing.
  • The architecture can be incrementally deployed and is compatible with different network types.
  • The text includes discussions on deployment considerations, traffic policing, and security considerations.
  • It emphasizes the importance of accurate ECN feedback and scalability in congestion control algorithms.
  • The document provides references to additional resources on congestion control, network protocols, and differentiated services.


  • The Low Latency, Low Loss, and Scalable Throughput (L4S) Internet Service aims to reduce latency and improve performance for applications like video calls.
  • L4S eliminates buffer bloat and improves congestion signaling to alleviate delays and interruptions in data transmission.
  • L4S can be implemented by various transport protocols, including TCP and QUIC, and has the potential to improve network performance when adopted by ISPs.

Inert Ingredients in Pesticides Could Pose Greater Threat to Bees

  • Inert ingredients in pesticides, previously considered non-toxic, may be more harmful to bees than thought, according to new research.
  • A study exposed honeybees to a fungicide containing both active and inert ingredients and found that the whole formulation impaired the bees' memory, while active ingredients alone did not.
  • Inert ingredients have different functions and are regulated differently than active ingredients, making it hard to determine their toxicity. Comprehensive testing of pesticide formulations is needed to understand their impact on bee health. Changes to pesticide regulation could help protect bees by identifying inert ingredients on labels and requiring more testing on long-term effects.


  • "Inert" ingredients in pesticides, which are typically considered non-toxic, may be more harmful to bees than previously believed.
  • A study reveals that the complete formulation of a fungicide impairs bees' memory, while the active ingredients alone do not.
  • The use of pesticides has direct negative effects on bees and indirectly affects their food sources, making them more vulnerable to parasites and disease. The regulation and transparency surrounding inert ingredients in pesticides raise concerns about potential harm.