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Introducing Heynote: The Perfect Scratchpad for Developers

  • Heynote is a note-taking app created by its developer to meet their own needs and preferences.
  • The app features a simple interface with a main writing space and uses the concept of "blocks" to differentiate and organize different ideas without tabs.
  • Heynote was released with the expectation that it could also benefit others looking for a similar note-taking solution.


  • Heynote is a note-taking app specifically created for developers, who give feedback and propose new features, including additional blocks and UI enhancements.
  • There is ongoing debate regarding whether Heynote is an open-source application or not.
  • Users discuss the app's limitations, performance, and explore alternative platforms for their development needs. However, Heynote generally receives praise for its simplicity and usefulness, especially its separate blocks feature.

Nand to Tetris: Build a Computer System from Scratch with Free Open-Source Materials

  • The official website of Nand to Tetris courses and the associated book provides lectures, project materials, and tools for constructing a computer system and software hierarchy from the ground up.
  • The materials are freely available and open-source for non-profit educational use.
  • The courses are offered online and are tailored to students of various levels, with additional course materials accessible by contacting the instructors.


  • The passage covers multiple topics in computer hardware, programming, and education.
  • It includes experiences with the "From Nand to Tetris" project and recommendations for learning resources on transistors and integrated circuits.
  • The passage also discusses computer science courses, programs, and debates on theoretical computer science.

How Big is YouTube? Challenging the Limits with Innovative Research Methods

  • The author explores the difficulty in determining the size of YouTube and the limitations of current research methods.
  • They introduce a unique approach called "drunk dialing" to estimate the number of YouTube videos.
  • Ongoing research using random videos and the need for publishing data on user-generated media platforms are highlighted.
  • The author acknowledges funding sources and mentions their experience with COVID.


  • The summary covers discussions and topics related to YouTube, including its size, estimating the number of videos, limitations of studies, and concerns about misinformation and fake video IDs.
  • Google has locked down the YouTube API, raising concerns about data access and platform changes.
  • Debates about the value of YouTube videos and conversations about conspiracy theories and beliefs are also part of the discussions.

WhatsApp Vulnerability Allows Phishing Attacks through Clickjacking

  • The author of the article uncovers a clickjacking vulnerability in WhatsApp that can be exploited for phishing attacks.
  • They explain the process of discovering the vulnerability and demonstrate how a message preview can deceive users into clicking on a different site than expected.
  • The author also discusses a technique to disguise links using unicode characters and expresses their disappointment in Meta's response to the issue. They provide a mitigation strategy to protect against 2K2E phishing attacks on WhatsApp.


  • A clickjacking vulnerability in WhatsApp has been discovered, raising concerns about potential phishing attacks.
  • The discussion centers around the security risks associated with preview URLs in WhatsApp and proposes various solutions, such as enforcing matching URLs or removing the preview feature.
  • Passkeys are suggested as a possible solution to prevent phishing attacks, but usability and implementation challenges are discussed. There is also mention of security vulnerabilities in right-to-left text rendering and misleading URLs in Meta and Google Search.

Biden Pardons Individuals for Marijuana Offenses to Remove Barriers

  • President Joe Biden has granted pardons for individuals who committed or were convicted of simple possession, attempted possession, or use of marijuana.
  • The pardons aim to remove barriers in employment, housing, and education imposed by these convictions.
  • The pardon applies to both federal and District of Columbia laws, as well as specific provisions in the Code of Federal Regulations. The Attorney General will review applications and issue certificates of pardon to eligible individuals. However, non-citizens who were not lawfully present in the United States at the time of their offense are not eligible for this pardon.


  • The discussion covers various aspects of marijuana, including pardons for marijuana offenses, legality, government regulation, racial disparities, and the effectiveness of prohibition.
  • Debates revolve around presidential pardons, emergency powers, legislative action, socio-economic impact, harm reduction, and public understanding of marijuana.
  • The conversation also tackles the unequal enforcement of drug laws, the role of the military-industrial complex, and the opioid crisis, providing arguments for and against regulation and legalization. Overall, it emphasizes the complexity of drug policy and its wide-ranging implications.

Google Struggles to Contain Ongoing Spam Attack

  • Google is currently under a massive spam attack that has been ongoing for several days.
  • Spammers are taking advantage of weaknesses in Google's algorithms, specifically in local search and longtail keywords.
  • The spammers are using link networks to help Google find and index their pages, and multiple domains are ranking for hundreds of thousands of keywords.
  • The spam pages automatically redirect to other domains unless visited with a Google IP address.
  • Google has acknowledged the issue and is actively working to resolve it.


  • The discussion revolves around several topics including Google's efforts to combat a spam attack aimed at Googlebot, debates surrounding targeted advertising, concerns about the quality of search results on Google, and discussions about alternative search engines.
  • Participants express frustration with websites filled with advertisements and speculate on Google's ad selection algorithm.
  • The conversation sheds light on issues related to spam, search engine algorithms, search result quality, and online advertising.

Bluesky App Update: Access Posts, Profiles, and User Search without Login

  • The post explains the changes made to the react-native-web reset, along with CSS styles for elements like html, body, and #root.
  • It provides information about color theming, ProseMirror styling, and tooltips.
  • The post also mentions the Bluesky app's recent update, which allows users to access posts, profiles, and user search without logging in, as well as a moderation option for controlling post visibility to logged-out users. The post concludes with a timestamp.


  • The article examines Bluesky, a potential alternative to Twitter, outlining its features and development process.
  • Bluesky is designed with a focus on user experience, diverse content, and an open API.
  • Comment threads reveal mixed opinions on Bluesky, with discussions surrounding content quality, invite systems, and the need for improved signal-to-noise ratio on social media platforms. Interest and anticipation for Bluesky are tempered by concerns and doubts about its potential success.

In the Long Run: Reflections on Parenthood, Genetic Enhancements, and Self-Navigation

  • The author reflects on the significance of sperm wastage and the potential abilities of offspring.
  • The challenges of expecting twins and the importance of names are discussed from the author's personal experience at a fertility clinic.
  • The article abruptly shifts to a discussion on surprisal-minimization engines, predictive accuracy, knowledge pursuit, and genetic enhancements, including the potential benefits of genetically engineered tooth bacteria.


  • The online discussion covers various topics such as the role of parents in teaching essential skills, the impact of family blogging on children's behavior, the incorporation of Bible quotes in articles, and the writing style of Scott Alexander.
  • Other subjects addressed include the challenges of writing while caring for children, childbirth-related topics, population growth rates, divorce laws, reasons for having children, declining birth rates, mental health, and religiosity.
  • Additionally, the discussion involves the analysis of Scott Alexander's blog.

WebGPU testing now open in Safari Technology Preview

  • WebGPU, a new API that enables high-performance 3D graphics and computations on the web, is now available for testing in Safari Technology Preview.
  • WebGPU allows GPU functionality to be used in web content and is written in JavaScript.
  • To enable WebGPU, certain feature flags need to be turned on in Safari Preferences.
  • The WebGPU API is accessed through JavaScript, similar to WebGL.
  • Different components like GPU devices, canvas context, render pipelines, and draw calls are used to create and configure graphics outputs.
  • WebGPU also introduces a new shading language called WGSL.
  • Users are encouraged to try out WebGPU and report any bugs or issues they encounter.


  • The discussion covers a range of web technology topics such as WebGPU implementation in Safari, using binary formats in WebGPU, and integrating WGSL support in Xcode.
  • It also includes discussions on running language models on phones and browsers, user experiences with Safari and Chrome, and the performance and market share of Safari.
  • There is speculation about Apple's strategic moves, potential lawsuits and antitrust actions, and their investment in web APIs. The Epiphany and Midori web browsers are also mentioned, along with their respective issues.

NewPipe 0.26.0 Update: Fixes for YouTube streams, improved content access, and enhanced features

  • The TeamNewPipe/NewPipe Public Notifications Fork has released version 0.26.0 with several notable updates and bug fixes.
  • The new version addresses errors on YouTube streams and enhances access to content from channels.
  • Improvements include the ability to select image quality, enhanced empty state messages and player interfaces, and better audio stream selection. The update also includes localization and documentation updates, as well as fixes for player audio focus, downloads, and null pointer exceptions. Other development efforts focused on simplifying the MainActivity, updating libraries, improving download helpers, fixing memory leaks, and enhancing code quality.


  • NewPipe is an alternative YouTube client for Android that offers features like background playback, which users highly appreciate.
  • Some users face issues with autoplay while using NewPipe, which might be a drawback for some.
  • Unfortunately, NewPipe is not available for iOS users, as it is independent from the official YouTube app.

Creating an LED Industrial Piercing: A DIY Success Story

  • The author of the text created an LED industrial piercing by inserting LEDs into a bar across their friend's ear.
  • They faced challenges such as a dead LED and difficulties in replacing the battery, but they were generally pleased with the outcome.
  • The author stated that the LED industrial piercing is not commercially available, but interested individuals can contact them for more information.


  • Hacker spaces with industrial and metal working equipment are declining in various places like the SF Bay Area and Portland due to financial, cultural, and real estate issues.
  • The lack of profitability and high costs of precision metalworking equipment are also contributing factors.
  • However, alternatives like Maker Nexus are emerging to fill the void left by TechShop, providing opportunities for people to learn these skills through classes or simple projects with accessible tools like Arduino or Raspberry Pi.

Boosting LLMs: Strategies to Enhance Speed and Efficiency

  • The article examines various techniques and strategies for optimizing the speed and efficiency of autoregressive language model (LLM) inference.
  • Topics covered include hardware utilization, compilers, batching, model weight reduction, quantization, KV caching, multi-query attention, speculative decoding, and improving structured data generation.
  • The goal of these optimizations is to improve the overall performance and reliability of LLM inference, with potential for non-Transformer models to rival Transformers in the future.


  • Transformers are considered more powerful but less memory efficient and struggle with long inputs compared to other architectures used in language models (LLMs).
  • Despite their limitations, transformers remain dominant in LLMs, and tech companies are investing in innovative chip architectures to improve their performance.
  • The discussion also covers job opportunities, the importance of optimizing transformer architectures, potential cost-effective models in the future, high training costs, improvements in text generation models, and the need for advancements in consumer hardware to effectively run these models. There is a trend towards cloud-based services and subscriptions, with concerns about censorship and AI's potential to break censorship efforts also raised. A suggestion is made to design consumer-grade chips around the impact of AI.

SymbOS: The 8bit Multitasking OS for Z80 Hardware and Beyond

  • SymbOS is an 8-bit multitasking operating system available for several retro computer systems.
  • It offers a wide range of applications, utilities, multimedia, games, and desktop widgets.
  • Recent updates include the release of SymbOS NC, which adds compressed data support and improvements to various applications.


  • The discussion focuses on the technical aspects and features of Z80-based computers, such as the multitasking capabilities of the Z80 processor and the efficiency of the eZ80.
  • Participants compare the limitations of the 65C816 banking system and share nostalgia for older computers with unique features.
  • Some users point out the limitations of modern devices, including battery life and wasted compute power.