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Clicks: The Ultimate iPhone Keyboard for Enhanced Typing and Improved Productivity

  • Clicks is a creator keyboard designed for the iPhone, offering users more screen space, an enhanced typing experience, and access to shortcuts.
  • It allows users to maximize their iPhone's screen space for content creation and offers seamless integration with iOS.
  • Clicks is currently available for iPhone 14 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro, and Pro Max models as a limited edition, with prices starting at $139 USD.


  • Users are discussing their desire for physical keyboards on smartphones and the challenges they face in finding devices that meet this preference.
  • Nostalgia for older devices with physical keyboards is expressed, along with a desire for more variety and excitement in smartphone designs.
  • Users explore different keyboard attachment options and discuss the potential for innovative designs that combine touchscreens and physical keyboards.

Share the Sit Down Website for Relaxation and Comfort

  • The author sends New Year greetings and encourages readers to share a website that provides relaxation or enjoyment with friends.
  • The purpose of the website is explained through two links provided.


  • The text contains a series of unrelated comments on various topics including using a meditation app called Sit and the potential risks of meditation.
  • There are also discussions about entering fullscreen mode in browsers, website design techniques, and a breathwork exercise app.
  • Additionally, the lack of personal touch in online interactions and tracking meditation time are mentioned.

Go: Concurrency and Simplicity Succeed, Addressing Mistakes

  • Go programming language has been successful in promoting concurrency, simplicity in server software, and the use of interfaces.
  • Mistakes were made in not providing clear guidance on concurrency and not addressing dependency graph issues in package management.
  • Despite the issues, Go has a supportive community and continues to succeed due to its strong standard library and focus on code consistency and compatibility.


  • The summary provides an overview of the article and comment thread, focusing on the development and success of the Go programming language in server-side and network software compared to Python and Java.
  • It discusses the limitations and criticisms of Go, including its handling of low-level C/C++ code, lack of certain features, and challenges in systems programming.
  • The summary highlights different perspectives on Go's suitability for various programming purposes, its simplicity, package management, error handling, and the decision to delay the addition of generics. Opinions on Go's strengths and weaknesses vary among participants.

Iggy.rs: Revolutionizing Message Streaming with Rust

  • Iggy.rs is a message streaming platform developed in Rust with the goal of being lightweight, fast, and user-friendly, while achieving high throughput and low latency.
  • The platform has already implemented a persistent streaming server and has a dedicated team of contributors working on different areas of the project.
  • Features of Iggy.rs include multiple stream support, transport protocols, and authentication, with plans to add clustering functionality and prioritize user feedback to make continual improvements.


  • Iggy.rs is a message streaming project developed in Rust, designed to create a collaborative messaging platform.
  • The article discusses various message streaming solutions, technical aspects, the use of Rust runtimes, and the performance of TCP vs QUIC.
  • The author expresses interest in future focus on Linux development and explores the benefits of Rust for developers and different types of programming.

AMD Updates 22 Year Old GPUs with Vertex Shader Code Review

  • This code review focuses on moving backend lowering into NIR for vertex shaders, which is a prerequisite for additional backend cleanups.
  • The process of lowering is more complex due to pass order and the need for custom algebraic passes.
  • The series of changes in the review allows for future cleanups and has shown improvements in the shader-db for R500, with mostly even results for R300.


  • The discussions cover the debate around open-sourcing hardware drivers, including benefits, concerns, and the role of open-source communities in improving drivers.
  • There is a focus on AMD's GPU drivers and their support for older GPUs, highlighting the importance of compatibility and support for legacy hardware.
  • The discussions also touch on the limitations of software libraries and drivers for older hardware in machine learning applications, as well as the performance, affordability, and lifespan of different GPUs and operating systems.

Nestflix: Explore 700+ Nested Films and Shows with Fictional Worlds Within Worlds

  • Nestflix is a unique platform that provides a collection of over 700 nested films and shows, featuring fictional movies within movies and fake shows within shows.
  • The platform offers a diverse range of genres, including dramas, comedies, action movies, sci-fi films, war and historical dramas, thrillers, crime shows, romantic dramas, horror movies, reality TV, game shows, variety shows, web shows, sitcoms, musicals, and talk shows.
  • Nestflix showcases various narratives, ranging from urban crime stories to the backstory of a superhero's sidekick.


  • Nestflix is a crowd-sourced database of fictional shows from TV shows and movies, with users appreciating the collection and suggesting future developments using AI to create full-length episodes.
  • The website sparks discussions on the impact of AI automation in different industries, oversaturation in the film industry, and the importance of good writing.
  • Well-written films are believed to become more valuable as special effects become common, although marketing still plays a significant role.

Global Fishing Watch Uncovers Hidden Industrial Fishing Vessels and Offshore Infrastructure with AI and Satellite Imagery

  • Global Fishing Watch has conducted research using AI and satellite imagery to create the first global map of large vessel traffic and offshore infrastructure, revealing previously unknown industrial activity in the ocean.
  • The study discovered that 75% of the world's industrial fishing vessels are not visible to the public.
  • "Dark fleets" were identified operating in marine protected areas, and there is a high concentration of vessels in Asian waters compared to Europe.
  • The research indicates a decline in fishing activity during the COVID-19 pandemic, while offshore energy development, particularly wind turbines, increased.
  • This technology has the potential to contribute to addressing climate change and improve marine management and transparency efforts.


  • Discussions are taking place on tracking and monitoring human activity at sea, particularly illegal fishing and the difficulties in enforcing regulations.
  • AI, satellite imagery, AIS, and ADS-B are being used to detect and analyze human activity at sea.
  • Privacy concerns, varying enforcement of regulations, environmental impact of shipping emissions, declining fish population, and Chinese fishing activities in foreign waters are key topics being discussed in relation to marine activities and the need for regulation, monitoring, and enforcement to protect marine resources.

Secure and Simplified Wi-Fi for Home Networking: Exploring WPA3 Enterprise and EAP-TLS

  • Using NSA-grade Wi-Fi at home is not recommended due to complexity and compatibility issues with devices.
  • Alternative security modes such as WPA2-PSK or WPA3-Personal are suggested for home Wi-Fi networks.
  • For secure network authentication in Enterprise Wi-Fi, EAP-TLS is recommended. Instructions are provided for setting up a Wi-Fi network with WPA3 Enterprise authentication, securing networks for HIPAA compliance, and manually managing Apple devices for MDM. The article also explains the process of creating certificates for houseguests.


  • The security of Wi-Fi networks and the effectiveness of authentication methods are being discussed.
  • Topics include using VPNs for sensitive access, the limitations of relying solely on Wi-Fi authentication, and the need for multiple layers of protection.
  • Other topics include securing IoT devices, the benefits of gateways and firewalls, using multiple pre-shared keys, and the limitations of WPS.
  • Using EAP-TLS for secure authentication, device identification, and implementing RADIUS servers are also discussed.
  • It's acknowledged that relying solely on Wi-Fi for security is not enough, and additional measures should be taken.

Rosebud AI: Turn Game Descriptions into Browser Games with AI-Generated Code

  • Rosebud AI is a platform that enables non-technical creators to develop games by generating the code for them based on their game descriptions.
  • It supports browser-based, JavaScript frameworks and emphasizes AI non-player characters (NPCs) that use LLMs (large language models) for dialogue and actions.
  • The platform's unique approach to game creation and its use of generative AI sets it apart from other game engines, and it operates on a business model similar to Roblox, allowing developers to charge users and taking a cut of the revenue. It has garnered positive feedback from beta testers.


  • Rosebud AI is a platform that allows non-technical creators to turn game descriptions into browser games, specifically RPGs and obstacle courses.
  • The platform utilizes large language models (LLMs) for dialogue and actions, which has received positive feedback for usability and AI assistance.
  • Users have raised concerns about incomplete or incorrect generated code and limitations of the chat-based approach, prompting the team to work on improving the platform and back-end processes.
  • The team is also exploring possibilities for AI self-generating games, sparking discussions about the potential saturation of the market with more creators, the role of AI in game development, and the importance of dialogue and alternatives in gameplay.
  • Some users have successfully created tower defense games using the platform, with positive feedback.
  • There are concerns about the platform's value proposition and potential success, with suggestions to focus on generative AI art assets and adapt to future advancements in code generation.

Critical Reviews of Overhyped Tech Topics

  • This summary consists of critical reviews or "cold showers" of overhyped topics, including formal verification, static vs dynamic typing, scalability of big data systems, web framework benchmarks, agile methods, identifier naming conventions, microservices, VM warmup, scaling of SQLite, and Go's concurrency system.
  • Each review offers a critical evaluation of the respective topic, pointing out limitations, caveats, and contradicting evidence.
  • The purpose of these reviews is to remind individuals to remain grounded and critically assess the excessive hype surrounding these topics.


  • There is skepticism towards research in software development, highlighting the need for proper research rather than relying solely on personal experience.
  • The benefits of saunas are discussed, highlighting their potential for relaxation, stress reduction, and improved cardiovascular health.
  • The use of formal verification in software development is examined, emphasizing how it can improve software reliability and security.
  • The advantages of static typing in programming are explored, highlighting how it can help catch errors at compile-time and improve code quality.
  • The classification of robots is discussed, focusing on differentiating between autonomous robots and automated systems.
  • The controversy surrounding the use of Ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19 is addressed, with arguments for and against its efficacy and safety.
  • The programming language Go is highlighted for its innovation in concurrency, enabling efficient and scalable concurrent programming.
  • The benefits of cold showers are discussed, including increased alertness, improved mood, and potential health benefits such as improved immune function.

Performance Boost: Splitting Structs Above 16 Bytes on AMD64

  • Passing structs larger than 16 bytes on AMD64 can significantly slow down code execution.
  • Changing arrays to be passed as three separate pointer parameters instead of one struct parameter improved the performance of the Neat language by a factor of two.
  • This improvement is due to the fact that structs larger than 16 bytes are passed by pointer in the SystemV AMD64 ABI specification, resulting in extra stack rearrangement for function calls. By passing arrays as separate pointer parameters, the values are already in SSE registers and do not need to be loaded from the stack, resulting in faster execution.


  • The discussion explores several programming topics, such as passing structs on the AMD64 platform and passing objects by value or reference.
  • Google's approach to data passing is also discussed, along with the performance differences between stack writing and heap allocation.
  • The conversation highlights the trade-offs between performance, clarity, and efficiency in coding practices, emphasizing the importance of code optimization and profiling.

Visualizing Disparity: UK and US Minimum Wage vs CEO Salaries

  • The author presents a visual comparison of the UK National Minimum Wage, US Federal Minimum Wage, and CEO salaries, emphasizing the wage disparity.
  • The wage figures provided are accurate at the time of publishing and highlight the significant differences between minimum wage and CEO salaries.
  • It is noted that the UK National Minimum Wage will be changing in April 2024. The CEO salary estimates are based on annual salaries and assume 260 weekdays and 8 hours worked per day.


  • The discussion covers a range of topics including wealth inequality, CEO salaries, poverty, consumer responsibility, taxation, minimum wage laws, and government intervention.
  • Commenters debate the influence of wealth on government systems, the ethics of billionaire practices, and the impact of wealthy individuals on communities.
  • The conversation also explores the advantages and disadvantages of large corporations compared to local businesses, focusing on accountability and community engagement.

Beware of "ghost jobs": Applying to job listings that may not actually exist

  • Some companies post job openings they have no intention of filling, known as "ghost jobs," to give the illusion of growth or to gather a large pool of candidates.
  • This practice is prevalent in the tech industry and may stem from economic uncertainty.
  • Job seekers should apply to postings regardless of how long they've been open and inquire about the company's hiring timeline during interviews to navigate longer job search processes.


  • The article and discussion delve into the topic of job scams, fake job listings, and the challenges people face during the job search process.
  • Participants share their personal experiences with fraudulent activities and discuss the potential motives behind these scams.
  • The conversation also highlights the importance of being cautious when sharing personal information or engaging in financial transactions for work purposes, and raises concerns about discrimination in job applications and frustrations with the hiring process.