Nhảy tới nội dung


Post Office's Deception and Threats Exposed in Whistleblower Case

  • The Post Office tried to hide and discredit a BBC documentary revealing problems within the organization.
  • They used false information, threats of legal action, and a campaign of misinformation.
  • Despite their efforts, the scandal gained significant attention and resulted in overturned convictions.


  • The UK Post Office is facing accusations of dishonesty and intimidation in relation to a whistleblower and faulty software that resulted in false fraud accusations against postmasters.
  • Despite a court ruling, accountability has been lacking, with the Post Office reducing compensation and continuing to fight appeals, while still using the software, Horizon, for which they have paid £95 million for an additional two years.
  • Concerns have been raised about the difficulties faced by individuals in court, the lack of evidence and hidden evidence, the Post Office's dual role as victim and prosecutor, and the use of private prosecutors. This scandal has sparked demands for accountability, the stripping of honors for the CEO involved, and concerns about corruption in government and the justice system.

DevDocs: Comprehensive API Documentation with JavaScript

  • DevDocs API Documentation is a platform that provides comprehensive documentation for various APIs.
  • JavaScript is required to access and utilize the features of the platform.
  • The platform offers preferences, offline data, a changelog, guides, information on reporting bugs, and the ability to customize settings.


  • Users commend DevDocs for its positive impact on their careers.
  • Users express frustration with limitations including difficulty in updating and the app's inability to retain selected documentation.
  • Alternative solutions like devdocs-desktop are suggested.

Marimo: Open-source Reactive Notebook for Python with Git-friendly Storage

  • Marimo is an open-source reactive notebook for Python that addresses limitations in traditional notebooks.
  • It provides reproducibility, Git-friendly storage, and the ability to execute notebooks as Python scripts and deploy them as web apps.
  • Marimo notebooks ensure consistency between code, outputs, and program state, and offer UI elements like sliders, dataframe transformers, and interactive plots that sync with Python. It aims to improve the programming environment for research, communication, experimentation, and teaching computational science.


  • Marimo is an open-source Python library that enhances traditional notebooks by providing reproducibility, git-friendliness, and the ability to be executed as scripts or deployed as web apps.
  • Marimo notebooks offer consistent code, outputs, and program state, and include interactive UI elements.
  • Users are excited about Marimo's potential in research, communication, experimentation, and learning computational science, praising its ease of use and the ability to quickly create public URLs. However, discussions on limitations and challenges, such as reproducibility, package management, and integrations with other tools, are ongoing. Overall, Marimo is seen as a valuable alternative to Jupyter for scientific tooling.

OpenAI Removes Ban on Military and Warfare Use of ChatGPT

  • OpenAI has removed the ban on using its technology, including ChatGPT, for "military and warfare" purposes from its usage policy.
  • The new policy still prohibits using the technology to harm oneself or others, but the specific ban on military applications has been eliminated.
  • OpenAI's decision comes as it faces increased interest from the Pentagon and US intelligence community, raising concerns about the potential risks and harms associated with AI technology in military use. The consequences of this policy change are still unclear.


  • OpenAI has lifted the ban on using its ChatGPT model for "military and warfare" purposes.
  • Some users criticize OpenAI for straying from its original principles, while others speculate about competitive pressures.
  • Discussions encompass the ethical implications, possible risks, and performance of AI in warfare as well as the influence of Microsoft's investment and Apple's interest in licensing training data.

We need tech that is less immersive, not more

  • The article explores the negative impact of immersive technology, particularly video games, on society.
  • The author contends that talented engineers are being diverted towards entertainment technology instead of addressing more pressing engineering issues.
  • Extended periods of video game playing are argued to result in physical discomfort and diminished intelligence, as the gaming industry purportedly dominates human play.
  • The author encourages engineers to prioritize solving real-world problems and highlights alternative options, including creating non-immersive apps and games and exploring opportunities in e-Ink, transparent screens, and IoT.
  • Ultimately, the article stresses that engineers have the autonomy to decide how they utilize their skills.


  • The discussion covers a wide range of topics related to technology, including the prioritization of less immersive technology and the potential negative consequences of virtual reality and social media.
  • It also explores the importance of entertainment, aesthetics, and user interface design in video games, as well as the role of technology in society and the influence of devices and external stimuli.
  • The discussion also touches on the significance of advertising and consumer behavior, the challenges faced by highly talented individuals in choosing jobs, the importance of execution and ideas in art, and the potential risks and benefits of virtual reality.

Valve's Decade-Long Bug Plagues Counter-Strike Community

  • The article highlights a long-standing bug in Counter-Strike that Valve has failed to address despite community feedback and bug reports.
  • The author expresses frustration with Valve's lack of response and the negative impact the bug has on the gaming experience.
  • They investigate a user logon error issue in CS2 and identify it as a validation problem related to player skins, caused by a failed validation process with Steam3 and a bug in the game itself.
  • The author provides instructions for users to avoid triggering the bug and reports a decrease in related user logon tickets after implementing a fix.


  • A bug related to session tickets and authentication in Counter-Strike can cause interruptions and players joining game servers without a ticket.
  • The article provides an in-depth explanation of the bug and its potential consequences, along with suggestions for a workaround.
  • The comments section contains feedback on the article and additional questions about the bug.

IAC Sells 17 Apps to Bending Spoons for $100M, Resulting in Mass Layoffs

  • Internet company IAC has sold 17 apps to Bending Spoons in a $100 million deal, leading to the termination of all 330 employees.
  • The apps Robokiller and PDF Hero are considered the most notable acquisitions in this transaction.
  • There are concerns regarding Bending Spoons' aggressive tactics detailed in their playbook, including selling user data, intensifying advertisements, and a perceived lack of new features.


  • IAC has sold 17 apps to Bending Spoons for $100 million, leading to the termination of all 330 employees.
  • Bending Spoons is known for acquiring apps with dedicated users and implementing intrusive adware to gather user data for financial gain.
  • The controversy surrounding this deal raises questions about investor responsibility, the decline of Meetup, alternative platforms, government-created content, user dissatisfaction with Evernote, ownership and control in app acquisitions, and the prioritization of profit over user experience.

Airbus Breaks Record with 2,319 Jet Orders in 2023

  • Airbus, the world's largest plane maker, achieved a new record with 2,319 gross orders in 2023, surpassing its previous record from 2014.
  • The significant increase in orders is driven by the strong demand for new aircraft.
  • This accomplishment highlights Airbus's continued success and dominance in the aviation industry.


  • The discussion highlights the challenges faced by Boeing and the dominance of Airbus in the aviation industry.
  • Topics covered include aircraft engine problems, reliance on American technology, criticism of Boeing's culture and performance in defense programs, safety concerns, and the future of the company.
  • The discussion also touches on comparisons between Boeing and Airbus planes, pilot control systems, government subsidies, the competitive market, labor laws, and job security at Airbus.

Changes to Google Assistant for Improved User Experience

  • Google Assistant is undergoing changes to enhance the user experience by removing less-used features.
  • Certain features will be discontinued, and users will be notified when they are no longer supported.
  • The microphone icon in the Google app will now initiate search results instead of performing actions, prompting users to upgrade the app for optimal Google Assistant functionality.


  • Users have frustrations and limitations with voice-driven user interfaces like Google Assistant and Alexa, including disruptive changes, lack of discoverability, unnecessary notifications, and interruptions.
  • There are concerns about privacy and data usage, as well as comparisons between different voice assistants.
  • Some users express dissatisfaction with Google's products and criticize their anticompetitive behavior. Overall, opinions about the effectiveness and usefulness of voice assistants are mixed.

Citigroup to Cut 20k Jobs in Restructuring Plan

  • Citigroup will be cutting 20,000 jobs by the end of 2026 as part of its restructuring plan.
  • The bank currently has approximately 200,000 employees, not including its Mexico operations which will be separated.
  • Citigroup experienced a loss in the last quarter, primarily due to one-time charges.


  • Citigroup plans to lay off 20,000 employees by the end of 2026, which raises concerns about the potential impact on underemployment and local communities.
  • Critics argue that companies should prioritize keeping people employed, regardless of strategic considerations, and consider the broader impact on the economy.
  • Discussions include the effectiveness of the Federal Reserve, comparisons between Citigroup and its competitors, housing affordability, unemployment rates, and personal experiences with job loss and banking services.

The Challenge of Critical Thinking and Overcoming False Information

  • The blog post discusses the importance of rationality and the skill of convincing others through arguments.
  • The author shares their personal experience of being convinced by false information and emphasizes the importance of critical thinking.
  • Various topics such as Catholicism, eugenics, and the impact of superintelligence are touched upon, highlighting the vulnerability of uneducated individuals to deceptive arguments.
  • The comment section explores the challenges of distinguishing between true and false arguments and the difficulties of understanding historical events.
  • The post concludes by emphasizing the need for evidence-based analysis and the challenges of achieving certainty in complex systems.


  • The post discusses the concept of epistemic learned helplessness and the benefits of embracing one's lack of knowledge.
  • It emphasizes the importance of not jumping to conclusions and the value of pondering and attempting to solve problems before seeking external sources.
  • The conversation extends to various topics such as learning approaches, questioning experts, collaborative work, education quality, and the role of democracies in state-sponsored violence.

Improving User Experience in CLI: A Case Study of Topiary's Code Formatting Engine

  • The case study focuses on the challenges faced by the command line interface (CLI) of the Topiary code formatting engine.
  • The study highlights the importance of improving the user experience and discusses the changes made to the Topiary CLI to address these issues.
  • The revamping of the CLI includes eliminating assumptions, incorporating functional programming principles, using the clap library for defining CLI arguments, introducing subcommands, and adding a completion feature.


  • The collection of case studies and discussions explores challenges and considerations related to command line interfaces (CLIs) and their usability.
  • Topics covered include the intimidating nature of CLIs, the need for precise syntax knowledge, the lack of discoverability in terminal environments, and the difficulty novice users face in navigating and understanding CLIs.
  • The articles discuss the benefits and limitations of CLIs compared to graphical user interfaces (GUIs), suggest ways to improve CLI usability, and debate different approaches to command structure and options. They emphasize the importance of user-friendly design, clear documentation, and understanding user needs and abilities.