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Discovering a Mysterious Touchscreen: Unveiling an Energy Monitoring System and Its Hidden Functionality

  • The author stumbled upon a touchscreen device in their apartment that turned out to be an energy monitoring system.
  • They discovered an old Android tablet with pre-installed apps, one of which allowed them to monitor their power usage.
  • Through network scanning, they found a Node.js server, a DNS server, and a hidden SSH server on the device, gaining access to explore its files.


  • The conversation covers various topics related to energy consumption, monitoring devices, IoT security, and electrical systems.
  • Users share their experiences with monitoring utility consumption, concerns about privacy and data control, and frustrations with IoT devices.
  • Specific technologies mentioned include the Jazelle DBX and Raspberry Pico microcontrollers.

Fujitsu Admits Prior Knowledge of Bugs that Caused Wrongful Convictions in UK Post Office Scandal

  • Fujitsu has acknowledged that software bugs in its Horizon system, used by the UK Post Office, were present from the start, resulting in the wrongful prosecution of over 900 postal workers.
  • The bugs were deliberately concealed from the wrongly accused individuals' lawyers, and witness statements were altered by the Post Office to give the appearance that the system was functioning correctly.
  • Approximately 93 convictions have been overturned, and there are still pending compensation settlements. The scandal may prompt changes in the system that permits private corporations to prosecute individuals. Fujitsu has apologized and committed to assisting in compensating the victims, while the UK government plans to introduce a new law to swiftly exonerate and provide compensation for those falsely convicted.


  • The UK Post Office scandal involving Fujitsu has sparked discussions on various topics including tampering with witness statements, company culture, and software issues.
  • The scandal has raised concerns about wrongful convictions, the impact on individuals, and the need for a fair legal system.
  • The discussions have also highlighted flaws in software development processes, government procurement, and the role of private prosecutions.

Thailand Unearths 15M Tonnes of Lithium, Bolstering EV Ambitions

  • Thailand has discovered approximately 15 million tonnes of lithium deposits, positioning itself as the third largest lithium resource globally after Bolivia and Argentina.
  • This discovery is a significant development for Thailand's goal of becoming a regional hub for electric vehicle manufacturing.
  • However, the commercial utilization of these lithium deposits remains uncertain, and the government is currently assessing their viability. Thailand sees this as an opportunity to achieve self-sufficiency in electric vehicle battery production.


  • The discovery of lithium deposits in Thailand has sparked a discussion about global supply and its potential implications.
  • There is skepticism about the reported quantity of lithium and its economic viability, raising doubts about its significance in meeting the demand.
  • The conversation also delves into related topics such as the environmental impact of lithium extraction, the recycling of lithium batteries, and the importance of energy independence. Geopolitical considerations and resource conflicts are also mentioned.

Step back in time: Experience web nostalgia with a 1999-inspired website

  • The author has developed a website that mimics the design and aesthetics of websites from the 1999 era.
  • They encourage others to visit their website and become part of their web ring by displaying a web button on their own sites.
  • The website aims to evoke nostalgia and celebrate the design trends of the 1990s internet.


  • The discussion is centered around nostalgia for the early days of the internet, specifically the late 1990s web design and functionality.
  • Participants reminisce about the simplicity of HTML-based layouts and technologies like interlaced GIFs and progressive JPEGs.
  • Some express fatigue with the trend of retro-style websites, while others argue that the modern internet offers more advanced technologies and features.

Groundbreaking Discovery: Graphene-based Chip Outperforms Silicon in Electron Mobility

  • Researchers at Georgia Tech have created the world's first operating chip made from graphene, a material with superior electron mobility compared to silicon.
  • Graphene-based chips have the potential to outperform silicon alternatives in terms of speed and power consumption.
  • This breakthrough could lead to more efficient and advanced electronic devices in the future.


  • A new graphene-based chip called SEC has been developed, addressing the bandgap issue faced by graphene transistors and making it viable for digital electronics.
  • Terahertz frequency-operating transistors using SEC offer speeds ten times faster than current silicon-based transistors.
  • There is a debate on the potential of graphene-based chips, with some emphasizing the need for more research and development to determine their effectiveness. The manufacturing process of graphene, its potential applications, and limitations are also discussed.

Building a Record-Breaking Single-Cluster Ceph: Achieving 1 TiB/s Performance

  • The author shares their experience building and testing a 10 petabyte NVMe deployment for a company transitioning from an HDD backed Ceph cluster.
  • The new configuration includes smaller nodes with faster memory throughput, more CPU resources, and greater network throughput.
  • Performance testing revealed issues with inconsistent results and performance drops, potentially due to kernel-side issues and incorrect compile flags, but impressive results were achieved after resolving an outage and conducting additional testing.


  • Users are discussing their experiences and opinions on using Ceph, a software-defined storage solution, on different hardware setups.
  • The conversation includes discussions on the performance, complexity, and suitability of Ceph in various environments, including home and professional settings.
  • Other storage solutions like EOS, glusterfs, and ZFS, as well as networking equipment and capabilities, are also mentioned in the discussion.

Turning an Old SNES Controller into a USB Gamepad with Arduino

  • The author recounts their experience of purchasing a vintage SNES controller in Tokyo and transforming it into a USB controller for their PC.
  • They delve into the hardware components of the SNES controller and how it transmits button presses.
  • The author describes their process of using an Arduino board to program the controller and remap the SNES buttons to HID gamepad buttons, including providing code snippets and setup instructions.


  • Discussion focuses on creating DIY USB SNES controllers and converting retro gaming controllers to USB, with users sharing their experiences and techniques for building controllers and adapters.
  • Pros and cons of various gaming controllers are discussed, along with the limitations and advancements in technology.
  • The advantages and disadvantages of using USB HID gamepads on PCs are explored, including the availability of adapters and controllers for retro gaming setups.
  • Timothy Barker is seeking to clear his name after being falsely charged with orchestrating a complex e-commerce scam known as "triangulation fraud."
  • Triangulation fraud involves a consumer purchasing an item online, the seller using stolen payment card data to purchase the same item from an online retailer, and the only party left to dispute the transaction is the owner of the stolen card.
  • Barker claims to have purchased items for his community using his own payment card from a seller on Amazon, but later received accusations from an Ontario woman of hacking her Walmart account.
  • Barker was arrested by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, lost his job, and now has a criminal record that is affecting his employment prospects.
  • Barker believes both he and the Ontario woman are victims of triangulation fraud, with someone hacking her account and adding Barker's name and address as a recipient.
  • Despite providing evidence, Barker's charges were stayed, leaving him unable to clear his name.


  • The summary explores various topics in Canada, such as fraud, law enforcement, racism, and legal rights.
  • It highlights specific cases involving mistreatment and wrongful accusations by the RCMP.
  • The summary also addresses the need for reform and the challenges related to background checks, criminal records, immigration policies, e-commerce fraud, credit card security, and the responsibility of companies like Amazon in preventing scams.

SourceHut's 170-hour outage: Lessons learned and future plans

  • SourceHut, a datacenter, suffered a prolonged 170-hour outage as a result of a DDoS attack and emergency migration.
  • Although some services have been restored, there have been difficulties and delays in fully recovering.
  • SourceHut is taking steps to prevent future incidents, such as strengthening infrastructure and enhancing redundancy, and is actively exploring solutions to minimize downtime and enhance resilience to similar events.


  • The discussion revolves around various topics related to Sourcehut, a software development platform, including network outages, experiences with service providers, and issues with maintaining the Mercurial service.
  • There is speculation on the motivations behind a DDoS attack on Sourcehut, as well as discussions about content restrictions and collaboration models.
  • The article also touches on topics such as SMTP authentication, advantages of using the git-send-email flow, challenges in maintaining open-source projects, and the impact of cloud tooling on recovery time and infrastructure setup.

Firefox Faces Technical Challenges on Major Platforms

  • The summary highlights technical issues that Firefox faces on major software platforms, such as security limitations, stability and performance issues, and functionality disadvantages compared to first-party browsers.
  • Proposed changes are mentioned to address these issues, with a reference to a platform-tilt issue tracker for further discussion and details.
  • The summary categorizes specific issues based on the vendors Apple, Google, and Microsoft.


  • The discussion revolves around the issue of apps launching their own web browsers instead of the user's preferred browser, sparking concerns about spying on web activity and maintaining browsing history.
  • Suggestions are made to categorize apps as "web browsers" or "not web browsers" to address these concerns and provide user control over their browsing experience.
  • Developers face challenges in determining which domains can be communicated with, leading to the use of a small whitelist, while restrictions on third-party browser engines on iOS devices, particularly Safari's monopoly, raise concerns. The discussion also touches on browser monopolies, performance comparisons, privacy issues, and security vulnerabilities in web browsers.

Microsoft Responds to Nation-State Attack by Midnight Blizzard

  • Microsoft detected a nation-state attack by a group called Midnight Blizzard on January 12, 2024.
  • The attack involved compromising a test account to access a limited number of corporate email accounts, including senior leadership.
  • Microsoft's immediate response process mitigated the attack and prevented the threat actor from accessing customer environments, production systems, source code, or AI systems. Microsoft is taking further security measures and will provide updates as the investigation continues.


  • Microsoft confirms security breach by nation-state actor Midnight Blizzard compromising a small number of corporate email accounts.
  • Customer data and production systems were not accessed, but concerns about severity and data security implications remain.
  • Criticism towards Microsoft for allowing the breach and response, discussion on security measures, potential consequences for users, and suggestions for improving cybersecurity. Attribution of the attack to the Russian government is debated, speculation on vague language used to describe the breach. Conversation includes alternative hosting options, vulnerability of different systems, and the use of video game-like names for threat actors.

Japan's SLIM spacecraft successfully lands on moon, highlights precision landing technology [video]

  • China's lunar mission is utilizing the spacecraft SLIM, which employs gravitational forces and is equipped with solar panels and rovers.
  • The mission aims to study rock formations and analyze the mineral Olivine on the moon's surface.
  • Despite some solar cell issues, the spacecraft has successfully landed and established communication, showcasing the significance of precise landing technology and global cooperation in lunar exploration.


  • Japan has achieved its first soft lunar landing with the SLIM spacecraft, but is experiencing issues with the solar cell and battery power.
  • The team is collecting data before the battery fails, raising concerns about the mission's success without proper solar panel functionality.
  • There is discussion surrounding the spherical rover LEV2, the involvement of Tomy in creating toys and robots, and debates over crater names and the impact of moon landings on culture. Speculation suggests that JAXA may have subcontracted some aspects of the space program to private companies.

French Cheese Industry Faces Threat from Lack of Microbial Diversity

  • The French blue cheese industry is at risk due to the uniformity of production methods, leading to a lack of genetic diversity in the fungus used for fermentation.
  • Termignon blue cheese, produced in the French Alps, has a unique population of Penicillium roqueforti that could help diversify the genetic pool and save the industry.
  • The Camembert cheese industry is already facing extinction because it relies solely on a single strain of Penicillium camemberti that has lost its ability to reproduce, highlighting the urgent need for genetic diversity through sexual reproduction with different strains.


  • Topics covered in this collection include French cheese, apple diversity, the ugly produce movement, and allergies to blue cheese.
  • Discussions highlight concerns such as the lack of microbial diversity in French cheese, regulations around unpasteurized milk and cheese in the US, genetic changes in bacteria used in cheese production, availability and pricing of certain food items, the problem of food waste and the perception of "ugly" produce, and the potential decline of blue cheeses due to a lack of genetic diversity.
  • This collection provides valuable insights into various aspects of the food industry, including quality, regulations, sustainability, and consumer preferences.

Books and Projects Inspiring a Philosophy of Engineering

  • The author is a software engineer with a passion for computers and a desire to learn new concepts.
  • They are interested in finding books and projects that have inspired others and have developed a personal engineering philosophy.
  • They are specifically looking for recommendations in the broader field of engineering, not just software engineering.


  • This is a compilation of discussions and recommendations for books on a variety of topics, including philosophy of engineering, software design, computer science, coding, and motorcycle maintenance.
  • Users suggest books that explore the societal implications of engineering, critique tech culture, and discuss the philosophy of technology.
  • The recommendations also cover topics like systems thinking, information ethics, quality in engineering, and creativity in engineering and science.