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Exploring Data with Apache Superset

  • Apache Superset is a fast, lightweight, and intuitive open-source platform for exploring and visualizing data, integrating with modern databases and featuring self-serve analytics capabilities.
  • It offers a range of visualization options, including pre-installed visualizations, data caching, Jinja templating, and compatibility with different databases.
  • Users can create dashboards, build charts, and run SQL queries, making data analysis and visualization more accessible and efficient.


  • The Hacker News discussion delves into user experiences with Apache Superset, emphasizing its strengths in dashboarding and data visualization over Bi tools like Metabase and Tableau.
  • Users express varying opinions on Apache Superset, with some praising its features and cost-effectiveness, while others find it difficult to use or opt for different tools for complex data analysis.
  • Concerns about data security, installation challenges, and comparisons to tools like Grafana are also raised in the conversation, along with debates on the Apache Software Foundation's project success and maintenance.

Introducing Mistral Large: Advanced Multilingual Language Model

  • Mistral AI team is launching Mistral Large, their latest advanced language model, accessible via La Plateforme and Azure, showcasing impressive performance on benchmarks and multilingual capabilities.
  • They are also introducing Mistral Small for tasks requiring low latency, offering JSON format and function calling to streamline interaction.
  • For more information on deployment and pricing, reach out to Mistral directly.


  • The discussion delves into various AI models like Mistral, GPT-4, Gemini, and ChatGPT, evaluating benchmarks, availability, pricing, and performance.
  • Concerns arise regarding the trend towards closed models, naming conventions, ethics, alignment, and trust in AI-generated content.
  • The conversation extends to challenges in hosting large AI models, privacy, the choice between open-source and closed-source models, impact on developers, and the shift from open-source tools to paid services, emphasizing the intricate nature of AI tech, ethical dilemmas, and effects on businesses and users.

Discovering AWS Account ID of S3 Buckets Using VPC Endpoint Policies

  • Sam Cox details a method to uncover the AWS Account ID of an S3 bucket using VPC Endpoint policies and CloudTrail logs efficiently.
  • By testing policies iteratively and sending requests to the bucket, the Account ID can be revealed in under 10 minutes, involving session names, resource condition keys identification, and security considerations.
  • The technique credits Ben Bridts for inspiration and Chris Farris for assistance, contributing to the creation of a new security product by Tracebit.


  • The debate on tracebit.com centers on whether AWS account IDs should be kept confidential or shared openly for security reasons.
  • Participants discuss the risks of relying solely on obscurity, stressing the importance of robust security measures and different views on data confidentiality.
  • Best practices for handling AWS accounts are highlighted, such as using internal IDs, managing user access, and preventing data leaks, emphasizing the overall significance of thorough security measures.

Microsoft partners with Mistral to expand beyond OpenAI

  • The Financial Times website provides a broad coverage of world events, US news, tech, markets, climate, opinion, work, careers, life, arts, and more.
  • Subscription options are available on the website for accessing their content and features.


  • Microsoft has partnered with Mistral to enhance AI capabilities, sparking discussions on exclusivity, competition, and strategic maneuvers in the AI sector beyond OpenAI.
  • Speculations involve Mistral, Gemini, GPT-4, Google's AI, and Microsoft's acquisition of OpenAI, with discourse on AI's influence on industries, brand reputation, and concerns about potential monopolies.
  • Debates center on the efficacy, constraints, profitability, sustainability, and practical uses of AI tools like ChatGPT in coding and other applications.

Connecting Collaborators: Search Personal Sites for Ideas

  • The site aims to simplify the process of finding like-minded individuals to collaborate with by indexing personal websites' about, ideas, and now pages.
  • Inspired by the Now page movement and IndieWeb directories, it currently indexes more than 7,000 personal websites, allowing users to search for potential collaborators across these sites.
  • Users can explore about, now, and ideas pages on personal websites through the open-source platform, which also welcomes contributions from the community.


  • AboutIdeasNow indexes personal websites' /about, /ideas, and /now pages for users seeking collaborators and ideas.
  • Users can give feedback on functionality, design, propose new features, and enhance the user experience, such as rewriting the site's description or improving certain features.
  • Suggestions involve using LLM technology for a search engine, sharing personal projects, proposing collaborations, and exploring AI integration for page reviews and search result enhancements.

Albert Einstein College of Medicine Offers Free Tuition After $1B Donation

  • Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City will provide free tuition for medical students following a $1bn donation from a Wall Street investor's widow.
  • The substantial donation, among the largest in the US education system, enables students to undertake projects without incurring significant debts, particularly benefitting those dedicated to the school's mission in the Bronx, New York's most unhealthy county.
  • Dr. Ruth Gottesman, the donor, aspires that her deceased spouse would endorse the donation's influence on forthcoming medical practitioners.


  • A New York medical school no longer charges tuition due to a $1 billion donation, leading to debates on wealth distribution, meritocracy, taxation, and societal effects.
  • Discussions explore topics like wealth limits, EU vs. US perspectives, philanthropy efficacy, funding education via individuals or governments, medical malpractice, and differences between Nurse Practitioners and Medical Doctors, among others.
  • The impact of tuition-free education on student dedication, consequences of free medical school, and the financial ramifications of philanthropic contributions in healthcare and education, along with dialogues on taxes, economic disparity, and tax advantages for charitable gifts, are part of the conversation.

Pilot Rescued from 350ft Radio Mast Crash

  • In 1917, a British seaplane collided with a 350ft tall radio mast, rendering the pilot unconscious 300 feet above the ground.
  • Three courageous men climbed up to rescue the pilot, with one of them successfully securing a rope to lower him to safety.
  • The pilot survived the crash, and the men involved were honored with the Albert Medal for their heroic actions at Horsea Island in Portsmouth Island.


  • Airminded.org discusses incidents where small aircraft get entangled in power lines without getting destroyed, citing occurrences from 1986, 2019, and 2021.
  • Conversations revolve around topics such as power line elasticity, wind forces, aircraft design, and the bravery of rescuers, delving into power line construction, induction, DC transformers, and magnetic fields.
  • The site also recounts a 1917 commemorative event featuring a heroic rescue by a Naval Reserve seaman climbing a mast, while touching on managing job stress, financial independence, and self-actualization at work.

The Challenges of DIY Billing Systems

  • The article highlights the difficulties of creating a custom billing system for a business, mentioning 14 common issues like idempotency and revenue recognition.
  • It recommends outsourcing these challenges to third-party services like Chargebee or Stripe for a more efficient solution.
  • Emphasizing the need to concentrate on the product's unique features, the author stresses the benefits of leaving billing systems to experts.


  • The article emphasizes decoupling billing from credit, using solutions like Stripe and Chargebee, and warns about the risks of custom billing systems.
  • It discusses integrating entitlements, plans, billing types, PCI Compliance for credit card processing, accurate rounding, and the benefits of open-source billing engines.
  • The importance of leveraging existing solutions and industry standards for efficient billing management and reducing risks in various industries is highlighted throughout the discussions.

Recreating Wolfenstein 3D: A 1992 Compilation Guide

  • Fabien Sanglard's website offers a comprehensive tutorial on compiling and running the classic Wolfenstein 3D game from 1992 using Borland C++ 3.1 and DOSBox.
  • The guide includes steps on environment setup, compiler installation, source code decompression, game compilation, and fixing asset and screen aspect ratio problems.
  • It also delves into the original storage and access methods of the game's assets, providing insights to guarantee proper gameplay within DOSBox.


  • Fabiensanglard.net discusses compiling old games like Wolfenstein 3D, Doom, and Minecraft mods on retro systems, emphasizing programming tools and simplicity for teaching kids.
  • Participants share nostalgic experiences with old programming environments and stress the importance of introducing children to technology early on.
  • The conversation touches on Borland products' superiority, Windows programming experiences, modernizing Doom, and building it with modern tooling, including an easily buildable Doom shareware version on Github and a WASM port.

Firsty.app: Free 300kbit/s eSIM for Global Travelers

  • Firsty is a mobile app catering to travelers, offering free basic data for messaging and email, along with a paid option for faster speeds.
  • The app utilizes eSIM tech to connect users to local providers globally, avoiding the hassle of manual SIM card changes.
  • Available in select regions like Europe, the USA, Turkey, and Switzerland, Firsty aims for worldwide expansion by 2024 while not providing phone numbers, enabling users to continue using their primary SIMs for calls and texts.


  • The post covers eSIM services like Firsty.app, esim.me, and Airalo for global connectivity, including user experiences, pricing, convenience, coverage, and customer support.
  • It explores the benefits and drawbacks of eSIMs compared to traditional SIM cards, the necessity of cell service costs while traveling, and the potential of ad-supported cellular service models.
  • Users share varied views on eSIMs for travel and data access, considering factors like affordability, reliability, user experience, and personal preferences.

FCC Broadband Map Inaccuracies Frustrate Taxpayers

  • MightyMetricBatman is upset about the FCC broadband map inaccurately showing AT&T fiber as unavailable at his address, questioning if AT&T stopped new subscriptions or if the map is just erroneous.
  • He proposes that ISPs should be compelled by the FCC to offer more precise maps, but points out the challenge given what he perceives as a lack of backbone within the FCC.
  • The issue highlights the importance of accurate broadband mapping and the need for regulatory bodies to ensure data correctness for consumers.


  • Challenges exist in acquiring precise broadband mapping data in the US due to limitations on address details and the absence of a centralized public database.
  • Discussions include debates on government roles, data privacy, and the influence of satellite broadband technologies, emphasizing data ownership, funding, and mapping reliability.
  • The focus is on the hurdles related to accurate and comprehensive broadband mapping data, highlighting the necessity for addressing issues surrounding data restrictions and reliability concerns.

Why jalapeños are becoming less spicy in 2023

  • The spiciness of jalapeño peppers has declined due to selective breeding and industrial processing, with the introduction of milder TAM II jalapeño gaining popularity in processing.
  • Most jalapeños are now used in salsas and sauces due to their lack of spiciness, although some chefs and experts still prefer spicier varieties like Mitla and Early jalapeños.
  • The shift towards milder peppers is driven by the industry's need for consistency, but consumers can advocate for spicier types by requesting specific breeds from suppliers and grocers.


  • The discussion delves into the reduced spiciness of jalapeño peppers from breeding for a milder taste, alongside factors like individual taste preferences and genetics affecting bitterness perception in vegetables.
  • Opinions vary on the relationship between heat and flavor in spicy foods, highlighting cooking methods and personal preferences for distinct pepper types.
  • Cultivation practices, genetic alterations, and economic factors impact the flavor and spiciness of peppers and vegetables, with an emphasis on the significance of correctly evaluating and labeling product spiciness for consumers.
  • The article evaluates Google's response to bias accusations regarding the Gemini project, suggesting a more refined approach or temporary shutdown.
  • It delves into how cultural assumptions influence decision-making in companies, citing Microsoft's past as an illustration.
  • Emphasizes the significance of unbiased search results, promoting a focus on business models and societal impact over partisan politics to enhance product quality and assist users in critical decision-making.


  • Biases in AI language models like Google's LLM are influenced by training data, affecting the output.
  • The discussion raises concerns about ideological diversity in testing, ethical implications of biased AI responses, and limitations in making accurate judgments.
  • Emphasis is placed on comprehending AI limitations, tackling biases in language models, and ensuring accuracy and ethical use to address the impact of extremism and censorship concerns in tech companies.