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Google's Algorithm Update Disrupts Anti-Capitalist Tech Blog

  • The Luddite, an anti-capitalist tech blog, promotes support and subscriptions via their Hall of Shame and provides contact details for Friends of The Luddite.
  • They recommend utilizing their RSS feed in case Javascript is disabled.


  • The discussion centers on the struggles in online advertising, mainly concerning Google Ads, and how Google's dominance affects search rankings and user experience.
  • Users debate SEO manipulation, reduced search result quality, alternative monetization approaches, targeted ad efficiency, online advertising monopolies, and ethical concerns with system manipulation.
  • The conversation also explores how user behavior influences search rankings, website monetization, and the difficulties in selecting suitable ads for websites.

SVGViewer: Edit, Export, and Optimize SVG Files

  • The SVGViewer enables users to view, edit, export, and optimize SVG files, including functions like rotation, flipping, dimension adjustments, and prettifying.
  • Users can also clear content, upload files, download, share, and preview the SVG files using this tool.
  • The tool offers customization options, with available privacy policies, terms & conditions, and feedback mechanisms.


  • The discussion explores various web-based SVG tools like SVG Viewer, SVGOMG, SVG Path Editor, and SVG Shape Generator for viewing, editing, and optimizing SVG files with high levels of control and customization.
  • Users talk about a tool that calculates the minimal bounding box of elements in an SVG, receives positive feedback, and suggestions for improvements.
  • Additionally, there is mention of a website encoding SVGs as data URIs, receiving positive feedback, and recommendations like BoxySVG for editing and ChatGPT for generating SVGs based on descriptions, sparking mixed opinions on AI-generated images versus traditional editing tools for SVGs.

Keep Out! - WebGL Game with Google Analytics


  • The forum thread covers discussions on web and browser-based games, focusing on Keep Out from 2015, with users sharing feedback on gameplay, controls, and suggestions for improvements.
  • Users highlight the need for additions like levels, variety, customization options, and resolving technical issues, while also talking about similar games, indie dungeon crawlers, and game development tools.
  • While the overall feedback is positive, some users mention encountering bugs and recommend enhancements to gameplay and controls.

Limitations of Large Language Models in Reasoning

  • Large Language Models (LLMs) excel in complex tasks but struggle with simple question understanding, word games, and long-term reasoning, pointing to areas for improvement in AI model reliability.
  • Incorporating human intelligence, structured memory in neural networks, and addressing issues like "goal drift" are suggested to enhance LLMs' performance in unconventional tasks.
  • Emphasis on the need to understand AI failure modes, improve reliability, and tackle challenges like generalization and state dependency in datasets for advancements in Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and effective training techniques.


  • Large Language Models (LLMs) are critiqued for their shortcomings in tasks such as Wordle, logical reasoning, and programming, casting doubts on their potential to attain Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).
  • Although LLMs show proficiency in specific domains, they face challenges in handling intricate tasks and demonstrating independent reasoning abilities.
  • Emphasis is placed on improving LLM performance via better prompts, problem-solving training, and recognizing their constraints, while also addressing concerns about biases, values, and human oversight essential in ethical AI development.

Atari 2600 MovieCart: Full Color Movies & Audio

  • MovieCart software and hardware enable users to produce full-length color movie and audio cartridges for the Atari 2600 with 80 x 262 resolution and 4-bit mono audio.
  • Introduced in 1977, MovieCart offers pre-order kits on Tindie, allowing control of brightness, volume, and shuttle position at 60 frames per second.
  • Each field on MovieCart requires 2.5K of data, necessitating over half a million cartridges for a two-hour film, with a fair use copyright disclaimer provided for various purposes.


  • Github users are discussing using full-length color movie and audio cartridges for stock Atari 2600 consoles, considering adding more computing power to retro machines.
  • Projects include integrating ARM chips in cartridges and running modern programs on vintage systems, showcasing innovative ideas in retrocomputing.
  • The community is excited about a potential compression technique to store an entire movie library on a single cartridge, fostering creativity and innovation in this space.

The Evolution of Apple: Challenges in a Changing Tech Landscape

  • Apple is shifting from a pioneering force in smartphones to a brand facing challenges in a saturated market as smartphones become ubiquitous.
  • The company heavily depends on iPhone sales and strives to control its ecosystem with exclusive features and services amidst legal battles over app store policies.
  • Apple is under growing regulatory scrutiny and facing competition that challenges its longstanding dominance in the tech sector, indicating a possible market transformation.


  • The article examines Apple's agreement with AT&T's influence on the iPhone's success in the North American cellular market and compares customization features of Android and iPhone.
  • It emphasizes the pivotal role of developers, regulators, and industry greed in shaping the mobile market, discussing Android as a response to J2ME limitations and the impact of the iPhone on the industry.
  • Additionally, it delves into power shifts in distribution, web browsing and multitouch innovations by the iPhone, Apple's business practices, OEM modifications of Android and Windows, and the significance of user trust, choice, and competition in fostering innovation in communication tech.

IRS to Decide on Renewing Direct File Tax Site

  • The Biden administration announced the success of the Direct File free tax filing website, which was under budget and well-received by over 140,000 households for filing their 2023 tax returns.
  • The IRS invested $10.5 million in site development and $2.4 million in operational costs, resulting in low expenses per tax return processed, with plans to decide on renewing the program this spring.
  • Critics, including tax preparation companies and Republicans, have raised concerns, while the GSA reported that the majority of Direct File users gave positive ratings to the website.


  • The discussion delves into the intricacies of the US tax system, addressing privacy concerns, government participation in tax filings, and their impact on low-income families.
  • Various perspectives are exchanged regarding simplifying the tax code, government access to financial data, and the necessity for a more streamlined and open tax filing procedure.
  • Debates explore conflicts of interest, money's influence on tax policies, the IRS's underfunding, benefits of a no-cost tax filing website, private tax preparation companies' roles, and the effectiveness of government-managed tax filing systems.

Textile Waste Crisis: Innovations to Combat Environmental Impact

  • The article delves into the environmental impact of textile waste in the Atacama Desert in Chile, highlighting a significant clothing dump and fire incident.
  • Despite legal actions and activism, clothing waste remains a pressing issue, leading to the development of recycling and sustainable fashion initiatives in the region.
  • New York City and other regions are introducing legislation to make the fashion industry responsible for supporting recycling programs, showcasing a broader effort to combat textile waste globally.


  • Grist.org is facilitating a discussion on the environmental repercussions and ethical dilemmas linked to incinerating surplus clothing, the effects of fast fashion, and the sustainability of consumption habits.
  • Participants are debating the rationale behind mass-producing and discarding clothing, addressing issues such as gender stereotypes, recommending strategies for reusing and marketing unused items.
  • The dialogue broadens to encompass themes like the destruction of excessive inventory, improper medical waste disposal, human contributions to environmental degradation, and diverse waste handling methods, alongside exchanging advice on prolonging clothing lifespan and proposing ecological waste management solutions.

Exploring ESPHome: Innovative Electronics Projects Enhancing Daily Life

  • ESPHome was highlighted on a major website, showcasing users sharing their electronic creations.
  • The focus is on exploring various electronics projects that have enhanced daily life or added enjoyment.


  • DIY enthusiasts are harnessing the power of ESP8266 and ESP32 microcontrollers for a range of projects, from smart home automation to gardening and entertainment.
  • Community members share tips, experiences, and seek advice on utilizing sensors, actuators, and custom hardware components in their innovative creations.
  • These projects highlight the flexibility and capabilities of these microcontrollers in crafting both useful and entertaining solutions for various applications.

Understanding Plane Intersections in 3D Space

  • The article delves into techniques for defining and computing intersections of planes in three-dimensional (3D) space, such as leveraging normal vectors, dot products, and cross products.
  • It discusses identifying intersection points, addressing parallel planes scenarios, and enhancing computation efficiency.
  • The content incorporates code snippets, suggests further readings, and strives to enhance comprehension of 3D geometry for efficiency gains in software applications like Arkio.


  • The discussion explores using 4x4 matrices to derive plane equations in 3D space from vertices of a tetrahedron, emphasizing projective affine coordinates and the application of linear algebra for plane comprehension.
  • It delves into the role of bivectors in representing planes and highlights the significance of intuition and visualization in problem-solving, drawing connections to Einstein's theory of general relativity and Karl Marx's viewpoints on innovation.
  • The conversation showcases the importance of understanding mathematical concepts for scientific breakthroughs, as exemplified by historical references to eminent figures like Einstein and Marx.

Let's Fill in the Blanks: Transformer's Hidden Computation.

  • Transformers can leverage meaningless filler tokens to enhance their performance in challenging algorithmic tasks, as revealed in the study.
  • The research addresses the difficulties in learning to employ filler tokens and raises concerns about large language models potentially performing covert computations.
  • By offering a theoretical framework, the paper identifies scenarios where filler tokens bring advantages and proposes that extra tokens could provide computational benefits regardless of their specific content.


  • The paper delves into hidden computation within Transformer language models, emphasizing the role of filler tokens in influencing model performance.
  • Increasing verbosity and integrating filler tokens can potentially boost the model's reasoning and computational capacities, though current models struggle to leverage filler tokens effectively.
  • The study also raises concerns about backdoor attacks associated with filler token usage, underscoring the significance of ongoing research to enhance Transformer models in AI and address potential future advancements.

Embracing the Power of Makefiles

  • Makefiles are praised for simplifying program building, handling dependencies, and allowing parallel builds in software projects.
  • The author showcases the versatility of Makefiles by automating tasks in various projects like Postfix configuration, Python, Terraform, Hugo, and Pelican.
  • Encouragement is given to readers to explore the benefits of Makefiles due to their simplicity and utility for automation, with links to additional resources for reference.


  • Makefiles are lauded for efficiently managing dependencies and parallel tasks, although some users find their syntax challenging.
  • Users suggest the 'just' CLI tool as a more user-friendly alternative to Makefiles, providing tips on enhancing makefile readability and functionality using awk, sed, and column commands.
  • The discussion delves into alternative build tools like CMake, Ninja, and Rakefiles, showcasing diverse preferences among developers and the hurdles they encounter, including the struggles of using makefiles on Windows and reinventing the wheel instead of using Make.

Ubuntu Desktop 24.04 LTS: Empowering Open Source Developers

  • Ubuntu Desktop 24.04 LTS, aka Noble Numbat, targets open source developers and innovation for the next 12 years, boasting improvements in security, compatibility, and performance.
  • The release showcases features like streamlined installations, enhanced encryption choices, integrated autoinstall, a new App Center, GNOME 46, Netplan 1.0 for network stability, and robust GPO support with Active Directory.
  • It underlines creating a robust foundation for forthcoming open-source endeavors and highlights secure software management enhancements.


  • A user has been utilizing Xubuntu on a potent laptop for 16 years due to Xfce's aesthetics and robust terminal capabilities, using Vim for all work, including a lengthy Chinese PhD thesis.
  • The conversation encompasses topics like investing in high-performance laptops, long-term support (LTS) releases, various Linux distributions, office software choices, and the constraints of optical media.
  • Discussions also entail issues of hardware compatibility with Linux on laptops, the challenges of employing Ubuntu on modern hardware, and the necessity for enhanced hardware support to broaden user appeal, emphasizing the balance between Linux software and hardware compatibility for a favorable user experience.

Empowering DIY: Self-hosting Forms with n8n and NocoDB

  • The author discusses self-hosting forms for hobby websites using n8n for data processing, NocoDB for collection, and email alerts for notifications.
  • Emphasis is placed on the flexibility and control offered by these open-source tools, balanced with concerns about server reliability.
  • Prioritizing DIY solutions, the author advocates for managing websites effectively with self-hosted forms.


  • The article explores the use of "mailto:" forms for self-hosting without backend processing, raising concerns about email exposure to web scrapers and user inconvenience.
  • Topics cover encoding data in email forms, legal obligations for commercial websites, frustrations around email communication, and suggest alternative form-building tools like NocoDB and Airtable.
  • Recommendations for SaaS form-building tools include getinput.co, quillforms.com, heyform.net, snoopforms.com, and Fillout.

FTC Accuses Amazon Executives of Evidence Destruction

  • The FTC has accused Amazon executives, like Jeff Bezos and Andy Jassy, of using the Signal messaging app to delete possible evidence linked to an antitrust inquiry.
  • Amazon allegedly did not retain messages, leading to suspicions of purposeful destruction of pertinent data, prompting the FTC to investigate further.
  • Sanctions could be imposed on Amazon if the company is proven to have been negligent or intentional in its handling of document preservation, as the agency seeks more information on the matter.


  • Amazon executives are under investigation for potentially erasing evidence using apps like Signal, raising concerns about message retention regulations in workplaces.
  • The debate highlights the significance of privacy rights, transparency, and accountability in communication, particularly in government and corporate environments.
  • Ephemeral messaging apps' usage, the privacy-surveillance balance, email/document retention for legal reasons, and proving intentional data concealment are also discussed. The conversation briefly touches on lethal force and firearm versatility.