Nhảy tới nội dung


WordPress Co-Founder Reflects on 21 Years of Innovation and Community Engagement

  • WordPress co-founder Matt reflects on the platform's 21-year journey, emphasizing principles like simplicity, dynamic content, community engagement, and robust infrastructure for plugins and themes.
  • He stresses the importance of maintaining these elements while innovating in functionality and design.
  • Matt shares a personal anecdote about the early days and highlights the crucial role of user feedback in shaping WordPress.


  • Critics argue that WordPress's backward compatibility and outdated methods hinder technical progress, frustrating developers with maintenance and migration challenges.
  • Despite its flaws, WordPress remains dominant due to its extensive plugin and theme ecosystem, backward compatibility, and community support, though security and performance issues persist.
  • Alternatives like Directus, Astro, and Laravel-based CMSs are recommended, with users suggesting better feature explanations and essential tools during installation to improve usability.

Nonprofit Industrial Complex: Corruption and Mismanagement in American Cities

  • Jonathan Ireland's article argues that the term "nonprofit" can be misleading, often hiding misconduct and corruption within these organizations.
  • He provides examples such as San Francisco's TODCO and Seattle's nonprofits, highlighting issues like increased executive pay, lobbying efforts, and hiring practices that lead to reoffending.
  • Ireland criticizes the inefficiency and high costs of outsourcing government services to nonprofits, suggesting that urban issues like homelessness and public health risks are exacerbated by a lack of effective government intervention and oversight.


  • The article critiques certain nonprofits, using Seattle's "Freedom Project" as a case study, and explores the debate on whether discrediting individuals for past crimes constitutes libel.
  • It discusses the origins and impact of libel and slander laws, the role of nonprofits in public policy, and the need for transparency and accountability in nonprofit operations.
  • The text contrasts Finland's successful "Housing First" model with its less effective implementation in San Francisco, and evaluates housing affordability through various models, including socialized housing and zoning reforms.

Why Software Estimation Fails: The Log-Normal Reality of Development Tasks

  • The essay highlights the challenges of software estimation, noting that traditional project management often incorrectly assumes tasks follow a normal distribution.
  • In reality, software development tasks often follow a log-normal distribution, where significant deviations are common due to the unpredictable nature of just-in-time learning.
  • The essay emphasizes the importance of relevant experience and specific tooling knowledge in hiring, as learning new tools can vary widely in time and cost, making accurate timeline estimation difficult.


  • The discussion highlights the probabilistic challenges in software project estimation, particularly the differences between normal and log-normal distributions in task execution and learning.
  • It critiques traditional project management methods, emphasizing the misuse of agile methodologies and the importance of accurate estimation despite uncertainties.
  • The conversation explores the differences between Discovery and Engineering modes in project management, the necessity of iterative development, and the enduring relevance of Fred Brooks' "The Mythical Man-Month."

gh-dash: Customizable GitHub CLI Dashboard for PRs and Issues

  • gh-dash is a GitHub CLI extension offering a customizable dashboard for managing pull requests (PRs) and issues.
  • Key features include configurable sections, search and customization options, themes and layouts, detailed views, multiple configurations, and auto-refresh intervals.
  • Installation steps: Install GitHub CLI (v2.0.0+), install the extension with gh extension install dlvhdr/gh-dash, and install a Nerd font for icon rendering.


  • The discussion highlights "Gh-dash," a CLI dashboard for GitHub by dlvhdr, emphasizing the growing trend towards well-designed text user interfaces (TUIs) and the efficiency of command-line interface (CLI) tools over web interfaces.
  • Users express interest in features such as organization-level views and self-hosted solutions for managing repositories across platforms like GitHub, GitLab, and Azure DevOps.
  • The conversation also covers the irony of creating a CLI for a web-based tool, the importance of flexibility and decentralization in technology, and debates on the usability of TUIs without additional font installations, including the use of Nerd Fonts and tools like Wezterm.

Transformers Show Implicit Reasoning Abilities Through Grokking, Study Reveals

  • The paper "Grokked Transformers are Implicit Reasoners" explores whether transformers can implicitly reason over parametric knowledge, focusing on composition and comparison reasoning types.
  • Findings indicate that transformers can learn implicit reasoning through extensive training beyond overfitting, known as grokking, but their generalization ability varies: they struggle with composition but succeed with comparison in out-of-distribution examples.
  • The study suggests improvements in data and training setups, potential architectural enhancements like cross-layer knowledge sharing, and shows that fully grokked transformers outperform models like GPT-4-Turbo and Gemini-1.5-Pro in complex reasoning tasks.


  • The discussion emphasizes the importance of AI models that generalize rather than memorize, critiquing the current trend of favoring memorization due to economic incentives.
  • The paper suggests techniques like stronger weight decay to penalize memorization and highlights the need for detailed prompts in testing complex reasoning in language models.
  • It also introduces causal tracing as a method to analyze model computations, illustrating how it helps transition models from memorization to generalization.

Notepad Tab: Secure Note-Taking Tool Saves Notes in Browser's Address Bar

  • Notepad Tab is a note-taking tool that saves notes directly in the browser's address bar and history, making it simple and private.
  • Users can back up or share notes by copying and pasting the URL, leveraging JavaScript for efficient note persistence, compression, and decompression.
  • This tool emphasizes security and privacy, ensuring that notes are stored and retrieved efficiently without external storage.


  • A Hacker News discussion examines hosting static web apps locally as an alternative to Electron apps, focusing on security, practicality, and technologies like Redbean, SQLite, and service workers.
  • Users debate browser-based solutions versus native apps for note-taking and lightweight applications, discussing the evolving role of browsers and modern security limitations.
  • Concerns include data theft, URL length limits, browser history pollution, and privacy implications, with participants sharing experiences with local storage, bookmarklets, and browser-based notepads.

Leaked Google Search API Docs Reveal Hidden Ranking Factors and Data Practices

  • Leaked Google Search API documents, verified by ex-Google employees, reveal the use of click-centric user signals, separate subdomain considerations, and a sandbox for new websites, contradicting Google's public statements.
  • The documents detail a system called "NavBoost," which uses clickstream data from Google Toolbar and Chrome to improve search results, and discuss penalties for exact-match domains, geo-fencing click data, and whitelists during significant events.
  • The leak, likely from accidental public exposure on GitHub, includes over 2,500 pages of internal documentation, highlighting extensive data collection practices and suggesting Google favors big brands over smaller sites in its rankings.


  • Leaked Google Search API documents on GitHub confirm extensive user tracking through Chrome, raising significant privacy concerns.
  • Discussions on Reddit highlight skepticism towards Google's motivations, suggesting profit-driven actions rather than user benefits, and debate the effectiveness of regulatory frameworks like DMA and GDPR.
  • Users express mistrust towards tech companies, criticize Chrome's dominance, and show interest in privacy-focused alternatives like Firefox, while also raising concerns about Rand Fishkin's handling of an anonymous source's identity in a leak.

Mobifree: Open-Source Mobile Ecosystem Challenging Big Tech Dominance

  • Mobifree is an open-source mobile ecosystem designed to offer an alternative to major tech companies like Apple and Google, focusing on privacy, democracy, and ethical practices.
  • The ecosystem includes operating systems, app stores, and cloud services, with F-Droid contributing to a decentralized app distribution system that promotes competition and user choice.
  • Supported by the EU's Digital Markets Act and Horizon Europe grant, Mobifree aims to create a fair, sustainable, and inclusive mobile experience, encouraging community participation to challenge the dominance of Big Tech.


  • F-Droid, an open-source app repository, faces challenges in becoming a mainstream alternative to Google Play Store due to poor search functionality and the exclusion of proprietary apps, limiting its appeal for essential applications like banking.
  • The discussion covers ethical and funding challenges between proprietary and open-source software, complexities in game development, and difficulties in app distribution outside major platforms.
  • Despite these issues, F-Droid is valuable for apps restricted by Google's policies, and the conversation explores decentralized app distribution systems, EU regulations on big tech, and environmental concerns of smartphone lifespans.

Reproducing GPT-2 Model in 90 Minutes for $20 Using llm.c

  • Andrej Karpathy tweeted about successfully reproducing the smallest GPT-2 model (124M parameters) using llm.c in just 90 minutes for a cost of $20.
  • The GPT-2 model, originally released by OpenAI in 2019, is now accessible to individuals with limited GPU resources, making advanced AI more democratized.
  • This achievement highlights the potential for cost-effective and efficient AI model reproduction, broadening access to powerful AI tools.


  • Andrej Karpathy is developing "llm.c," a minimal C/CUDA implementation of GPT-2, focusing on aesthetic and educational value.
  • The current C/CUDA code is approximately 6% faster than PyTorch, with room for further optimization, aiming to simplify the training process akin to PyTorch's nanoGPT.
  • Karpathy plans to release a video series on this project, discussing potential architectural improvements and challenges in accessing large datasets, generating significant community interest.

Grooved: Free App for Turntable Calibration Using Your Phone's Microphone

  • Ivan has created a free app named Grooved, which enables users to calibrate their turntables using their phone's microphone, eliminating the need for printed materials or placing the phone on the platter.
  • Grooved is currently available on the App Store, with an Android version anticipated in June.
  • Ivan is seeking user feedback and has shared a demo link on Twitter.


  • A developer released a free app called Grooved, which uses a phone's microphone to calibrate turntable speed without additional materials or placing the phone on the platter.
  • The app, available on the App Store with an Android version expected, has been praised for its simplicity and effectiveness in detecting and correcting turntable speed issues.
  • Users appreciate the app's privacy-focused design, though the developer is hesitant to make it open source due to potential misuse.

Library of Visual Text Effects Offers Diverse Animation Styles for Canvas Displays

  • The document details a library of built-in visual effects for text display on a canvas, each with a unique animation style.
  • Examples of these effects include beams of light, binary paths, blackholes, bouncy balls, bubbles, burning text, and more.
  • Each effect comes with a reference configuration and command line arguments for customization, allowing for tailored visual presentations.


  • TTE: Terminal Text Effects is a project providing various text effects for terminal outputs, receiving positive user feedback.
  • Users appreciate its creativity and nostalgia, seeing potential uses for loading screens or highlighting errors in logs, though some caution against using it in production.
  • The project is praised for enhancing CLI (Command Line Interface) outputs and its functionality as a Python library, with comparisons to similar tools in Emacs and other programming languages.

Leaked Docs Show OpenAI CEO Sam Altman Pressured Ex-Employees with Restrictive Agreements

  • Leaked documents indicate OpenAI CEO Sam Altman pressured departing employees to sign restrictive agreements by threatening to reclaim their vested equity, a rare practice in Silicon Valley.
  • Despite Altman's public apology and claims of ignorance, evidence shows he signed documents authorizing these provisions, leading to significant executive departures and legal issues.
  • The controversy, including a dispute with actress Scarlett Johansson over unauthorized use of her voice, undermines OpenAI's credibility and contradicts its mission of transparency and benefiting humanity.


  • Leaked documents from OpenAI show CEO Sam Altman's awareness of efforts to silence former employees through stringent agreements, raising ethical concerns.
  • The term "draconian" is debated regarding the pressure to sign contracts under threat of losing benefits, with Altman's signature confirming these practices.
  • The controversy, including accusations of sensationalism against a Vox article, highlights deviations from Silicon Valley norms, potentially harming trust and future talent recruitment.

Gleam 1.2.0 Enhances Fault Tolerance and Developer Experience

  • Gleam, a type-safe and scalable language for the Erlang VM and JavaScript runtimes, has released version 1.2.0, focusing on enhancing the language server and developer experience.
  • Key updates include fault-tolerant compilation, better import statement autocompletion, single-line pipelines in the code formatter, refined error messages, and an auto-fix for redundant pattern matching.
  • A new error message helps JavaScript programmers correct the use of === to ==, and the release acknowledges contributions from various developers, encouraging sponsorship for ongoing development.


  • The Gleam 1.2.0 release improves fault tolerance and developer experience, featuring modern syntax and a robust Hindley-Milner type system.
  • Gleam compiles to both Erlang's Beam VM and JavaScript, offering good performance and is compared to Elixir, which is moving towards gradual typing.
  • The active community supports projects like the Lustre frontend framework and the Nestful web app, though some users find the documentation lacking in type safety and concurrency areas.

Openkoda: Open-Source Platform for Rapid Business App Development

  • Openkoda is a development platform aimed at speeding up the creation of business applications and internal tools by providing pre-built functionalities and out-of-the-box features.
  • It supports dynamic entities, multiple multi-tenancy models, and uses familiar technologies such as Java, Spring Boot, JavaScript, HTML, Hibernate, and PostgreSQL, allowing for extensive customization and integration.
  • Openkoda is open-source under the MIT license, includes features like user management, CMS, job scheduling, and offers managed cloud services for easy deployment and scaling.


  • Openkoda is an open-source platform for building core business applications, offering full source code ownership and avoiding commercial limitations, unlike Salesforce.
  • It is compared to other FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) ERPs like Odoo, but with fewer concerns about monetization, and is seen as a cost-effective alternative to Salesforce.
  • Openkoda uses Java for its performance and mature ecosystem, despite debates about its verbosity, and provides Docker images to ease integration for non-Java organizations.